
How do you determine ring size?

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Aug 7, 2005
Obviously the right answer is go to a jeweler, but I was a little suspicious of how the jeweler we went to on Saturday sized me. Is it supposed to be really hard to get off the sample size they give you on that ring of sizes? For me, size 5 slid on fairly easily, but it definitely took some significant pulling to get off. The jeweler insisted that it was the right size on me though.

Right now I wear a size 5.5 in a different ring, and it seems to come on and off pretty easily, but still feels very secure; it does spin a bit sometimes though. Does the spinning mean that it''s too loose? If so, would I be a size 5.25 or 5? My biggest problem is that I can''t figure out how much smaller a 5 would be than my current 5.5. Is it just a very slight difference?

Also, I know that either your wedding or engagment ring is supposed to be slightly smaller in size when one wears them together. But would this still be true if each was very thin (about 2mm)? Thanks for your help!


Jul 11, 2005
I think alot of it has to do with personal opinion. I hate it when my rings spin (it drives me crazy) so I do not mind taking some effort in getting my ring off. I think the biggest consideration is that the ring will not come off so easily that it could fall off and be lost. I would just walk into another local jeweler and asked to be sized. Try the 5 and 5.5 (and 5.25 if they have it). Just see what feels most comfortable to you. If your current ring is a 5.5 and it is on the same finger that you are sizing, and you like the way that it fits, then a 5.5 is the size for you. Keep in mind that you could always stick with a 5.5 and use some sizing beads to prevent that spinning.


Aug 7, 2005
Thanks so much for your reply, jazmine. Do think that if I can remove a 5.5 band fairly easily but it seems secure when I wear it, would a size 5 be too small? I''m just trying to guage how much difference there is between sizes.


Nov 18, 2004
I always disagree with jewelers. I know my fingers better than they do. I would think a size 5 would be too small. You don''t want to have a really hard time getting your ring off. Maybe a 5 1/4 would be good?? How wide will your ring be?? Wider rings you need a bigger size and so on...


Jul 11, 2005
It sounds to me as though a 5 is too small for you. As Kaleigh said, don't let a jeweler tell you what size you are. It has to feel comfortable to you. It does sound as though a 5.25 would be the right size from what you have written, if the 5.5 spins around failrly easily. Consider too, the condition of your fingers when they are sized. I live in hot, humid FL, so when I walk into a jeweler to be sized, my fingers are usually swollen from the heat.


Aug 7, 2005
Thanks, it sounds like 5.25 would be best for me!


Aug 1, 2005
peonygirl, so much of what you say in your posts reminds me of me in my ring shopping when I was engaged! (including your ring size)

I don''t know if someone already mentioned it, but a wider ring needs to be bigger than a thin ring. My wedding band is 4mm wide, and it is a size 5.5. My engagement ring is 2.75 or 2.5 mm at the widest point, and it tapers, so it is size 5.25. My original E-ring setting was a size 5 (it was supposed to be 5.25 but the jeweler goofed). It did fit, but it really hurt my knuckle, which was red during most of my engagement! (And I might add that it still did spin, even though it was as small as it could get and still fit.) The lady at the jewelry store thought since I could get size 5 on, that was the right size. But I didn''t want to struggle so much to take it off. I think the roundness or square-ness of a shank can also make a difference. The shank on my first ring was more square, and platinum, which might have contributed to how much it hurt my knuckle. I don''t have any trouble with the size 5.25 coming off by itself / i.e. no security risk to my diamond.

Anyway, my 4mm wedding band probably wouldn''t fit at 5.25, and I know a 5mm wedding band would have a hard time fitting my finger even at size 5.5.

If I left my rings on all the time, instead of taking my e-ring off every night, I might go smaller on size.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
I should have listened to our jeweler. He sized my finger at 4 1/3 and I convinced him that I am 4 1/2, well my ring is slightly too big and difficult to resize so now I have to get sizing balls put in **blush** I guess I rather have it too large than too tight.
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