
How are you living your life with Covid around?


May 17, 2014
As you might know in New South Wales we've just been released from jail aka the 4 month lockdown. Since that time I've had my sister sleep over, arranged a crazy dawn to dusk play date for my son, booked 5 restaurants including a buffet. We have another gathering with friends next week and plan to host Christmas like normal (all guests fully vaccinated but it'll be indoors).

In short we're doing everything that we're legally allowed to do, lest they lock us up again!!!

Who knows what the future holds with Australia and its love of lockdowns so I'm getting out there and living my life. I'm kind of bracing myself to catch it and hopefully I'll survive it with the vaccine as I personally don't have the will to lock myself up indefinitely. I'm not an Armageddon survivor type of girl.

Curious as to what everyone else is up to? Are you living your life with the new "Covid normal"? What is your Covid normal?


Feb 1, 2014
I've been careful since Covid started. I am a hospital nurse. I am fully vaccinated and will receive my booster as well as my influenza vaccine this evening.

I wear a mask when I am in enclosed public places (like gas station or grocery store). I have not been to any large gatherings since Covid started. The largest gathering I've been to was an outdoor car caravan event I coordinated with about 15 total people all in separate cars. I have been to eat at restaurants a few times but have been seated outside - or in a distant corner and I wear a mask when I'm not actively eating or drinking. I haven't been to any large outdoor events, as they tend to include physical crowding with which I'm not comfortable. I also haven't been shopping for anything other than groceries or necessities. Frivolity is basically absent from my life and honestly, I'm doing just fine.

I haven't been on a plane and I don't plan to do so anytime soon.


Aug 26, 2021
I’ve flown in planes, attended a wedding and been out to dinner with friends. Sometimes it feels normal again but there are definitely things that still give me pause. You definitely won’t find me in a buffet line using the same serving spoon as a bunch of other people. I keep my hands to myself and wash/sanitize often.


Feb 1, 2014
It is interesting to hear people's different approaches. Unfortunately, I think a lot of the early fears and uncertanties (and resultant safety advice) have caused people to hold on to habits that aren't protecting them from Covid (worrying about sharing surfaces, wiping things down, sanitizing everything that comes into the house) while re-adopting old routines that put them at higher risk for transmission (close-proximity, maskless activities with those outside of household).


Jul 7, 2013
I tried to go out and about as much as I could from 19 July, the so-called Freedom day.

I still wear a mask on public transport and indoor places where it is crowded, with the exception of going to a pub where I know nearly all the regulars.

Mask-wearing is part of the new normal for me, and I am still wary of being in unfamiliar crowded indoor places.

I have yet to go to an indoor crowded nightclub, otherwise I have been to everywhere else, like restaurants, cinemas and theatres, and my local watering holes.

Otherwise life is nearly back to pre-Covid normal.

DK :))


Jul 17, 2008
I have had my booster shot but I’m still immuno compromised so I don’t go to any big gatherings and I wear a mask indoors except with family because they are all vaccinated.


Sep 10, 2003
We're still under a mask mandate indoor and outdoor due to high infection rate. Today the news is saying our infections are dropping slowly.

I have a pod of 6 people who gather at each others' houses for game days or we hike if the weather is nice and eat out at restaurants that have outdoor dining. Last night I went to the theatre for the first time in ages. They asked for vaccination proof, required masks, and over hauled their HVAC last year. The air was replaced every 3 minutes and they have some fancy kind of air filters that supposedly remove the virus from the air. I wore a NIOSH N95 mask and it was the first time I've worn one indoors for 3 hrs. It was unpleasant but I was still able to enjoy the show.


Jun 8, 2008
We always wear masks indoors if shopping/doctor’s visits/public restrooms etc. There is no legal requirement here. So we limit our time shopping indoors. We are pretty efficient. In and out.

We don’t attend social functions inside or out.
We hike/cycle/enjoy outdoor activities weather permitting.

We visit with one or two or three friends max only outside.

Not attending indoor events just yet. There’s the JAWS this weekend and I’m so tempted but decided it’s not worth it.

Our lives are good. Cycling by the sea. Hiking in the woods. With my sweetheart. The pandemic situation has brought a lot of good. More time with my DH. More appreciation for what we do have and for my family and friends. I don’t want to go back to pre Covid working conditions.

But I would like for the pandemic to be over and for all who are affected in a negative way to get their lives back. It’s been a long haul.


Jan 22, 2014
I’m most enjoying walking the dogs and not having to wear a mask.
Because Mum and Dad are fragile, even with vaccination, we are not “going to town” as such. It’s been nice to have family and friends over and likewise visit their houses but I’m hesitant to mingle indoors with all and sundry. Covid is still out there, for elderly people with many underlying conditions it’s still a likely death sentence so better safe than sorry.
though my watch to bracelet conversion is due this week so I will venture into town to collect it, yay, yay, yay but I’ll drive in and not visit any other shops……. C40866AB-FE09-436C-98EA-C19D4B0D682E.jpeg


Dec 5, 2019
Struggling. I have not left the house since March 2020 (other than for medical appointments and walks) or seen any friends/family since then. We get everything delivered at a 150% premium because if I'm going to take any risks, it definitely would not be going shopping or running errands. I am super jealous of well, pretty much everyone, so much so that I've limited communication with people as it usually makes me feel worse to hear about their lives. Gratitude, positive thinking, mindfulness, and therapy do not work as I've tried it all. The only way out is leaving the house. I'll feel better once I can get my vaccine booster shot and hopefully cases will decline in the spring (after the holidays and once kids can get the vaccine). Then I can maybe live everyone else's 2020 with a lot of precautions (masks, only socializing outside, etc.)

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
im scared
living with covid was a foreign concept only a few days ago
today we are in Wellington, first time we have been back since we moved 4 years ago
Gary has an eye appointment at the hospital, we are staying right opposite in a nice place but i bet its going to be noisy with all the ambulances going past, its noisy enough just with the new buses

anyway first time we have been anywhere since well...... for ages
we want to go and eat all the things we miss ....but then we had maccas for lunch :lol-2: (well in our defence we have had that once this year) but he's promised me a samosa from this place out the Hutt and i want a Courtney place kebarb and we both crave orange beef which is on possible to find in Wanganui
Anyway McDonald's was not usual, no cafe option except nice coffee on takeaway cups, the play ground is closed and the dinning in area was reduced capacity but i still found that quite stressful even thought it was mostly empty of dinners
ive been to the super market - had to buy some coffee and biscuits and got some nice drinks for Melanie (Gary's daughter) who is just around the corner in the hospice :(2
she is there right now hopefully just for immediate pain releaf as the hospital never seem to be able to do that for her
anyway we are off there to see her shortly

being back in a big city is kinda strange, its so urban, kinda excitting, kinda familiar but also kinda terrifying, im seeing it all with fresh more provincial eyes (people drive so fast here)

the nurse who gave me my 2nd jab just told us to try to enjoy it (we didn't know Mel would be quite so bad then)
Gary was looking forward to it
its his home town

thinking this might be the safest its going to be for a while with Auckland and parts of the Waikato still in lockdown and isolating away from the rest of us

read today the govt has approved a booster jab for immune compromised peeps so hopefully Gary can get one

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Struggling. I have not left the house since March 2020 (other than for medical appointments and walks) or seen any friends/family since then. We get everything delivered at a 150% premium because if I'm going to take any risks, it definitely would not be going shopping or running errands. I am super jealous of well, pretty much everyone, so much so that I've limited communication with people as it usually makes me feel worse to hear about their lives. Gratitude, positive thinking, mindfulness, and therapy do not work as I've tried it all. The only way out is leaving the house. I'll feel better once I can get my vaccine booster shot and hopefully cases will decline in the spring (after the holidays and once kids can get the vaccine). Then I can maybe live everyone else's 2020 with a lot of precautions (masks, only socializing outside, etc.)

you sound like us till this morning

just remember its safe at home
and it is nice at home =)2
at home you can control your environment and your risks

im sorry delivery is making things so much more exspensive for you

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
we want to go see the new 007 movie - its not here till next month
we have a nice little multiplex inside an old picture theater
but im scared
maybe near the end of its run, when the theatre is nearly empty


Apr 5, 2009
I’ve flown in planes, attended a wedding and been out to dinner with friends. Sometimes it feels normal again but there are definitely things that still give me pause. You definitely won’t find me in a buffet line using the same serving spoon as a bunch of other people. I keep my hands to myself and wash/sanitize often.

SARS-COV-2 is airborne. No need to be overly concerned about sharing serving spoons and hand sanitizer. Better to wear a mask when indoors around strangers in unventilated spaces.


Jan 22, 2014
Struggling. I have not left the house since March 2020 (other than for medical appointments and walks) or seen any friends/family since then. We get everything delivered at a 150% premium because if I'm going to take any risks, it definitely would not be going shopping or running errands. I am super jealous of well, pretty much everyone, so much so that I've limited communication with people as it usually makes me feel worse to hear about their lives. Gratitude, positive thinking, mindfulness, and therapy do not work as I've tried it all. The only way out is leaving the house. I'll feel better once I can get my vaccine booster shot and hopefully cases will decline in the spring (after the holidays and once kids can get the vaccine). Then I can maybe live everyone else's 2020 with a lot of precautions (masks, only socializing outside, etc.)

Sorry to hear you are struggling.
It isnt easy and being deprived of a “normal” life for well over a year totally sucks and you can rightly feel @$@$ about it.
Gratitude, positive thinking etc etc etc is all well and good but as you have quite rightly identified you just want to go out, be out and do normal stuff like you used to without fear or risk of contracting Covid.
so don’t feel bad about feeling bad, it’s totally to be expected. Just take it day by day. Every day done is one more closer to things being normal again.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
we should have gone out to dinner in town (Wellington) tonight but we chickened out and dialed a pizza


Jul 7, 2013
@dk168 it's a legal requirement here to wear a mask indoors and on public transport so it makes me feel better about doing things out and about.

Also makes it easier as you can call security/police to have maskless people removed.

It is no longer necessary to wear a mask indoors and on public transport, however, it is encouraged to do so over here.

Before the restriction was lifted, those who did not wear one, when challenged, they would come up with all sorts of excuses, or just be unpleasant enough to get away with it.

It did annoy me big time, however, like a lot of other Covid-related issues, I could only mind my own business, to protect myself and to protect others as much as I could, and leave others to their own accord.

I believe karma and all that.

DK :))

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
last night we were in Wellington
we thought about going out to dinner but i was too chicken and we ordered a pizza and stayed in
today we called into Porirua where we used to live on the way home
my phone is really sick and its particularly bad timming because Gary's daughter is in the hospice and its really bad
anyway so not a good time to have my phone cr*p out so we called into the mall
the mall was fimilar and it felt safe and welcoming, i do miss Porirua
anyway the good news was i only saw one unlessed sohop
and as it was the middle of the day on a weekday the week after school holidays, it was quiet
i went to a juice bar while i was waiting for the man at the phone kiosik to attempt to charge my phone
the food court was very orderly, masks everywhere, less tables than usual

i couldn't help myself from looking in the windows of the mall jewler- but only the one i didn't used to shop at

at the hospice they took our temperature at the door
first time that's happened to us

We were actually in town for an apoinment for Gary at Wgtn hospital eye dept - no one knowing Melanie was going to take a turn for the worst so suddenly

at the hospital i was allowed in no problem, they had booths on the way in where we were asked if we had been in Auckland or the Waikato (no) and then issued a day pass
this is all unknown territory
it was an early apoinment so we were starving by the time we came out so went to the hosoital cafe to buy overpriced extra healthy all be it quite tasty food and sat down to eat it obviously with masks off
tables spread very far apart but it felt safer than when we had had McDonald's for lunch the day before although it was probably fine, it just being our first experience of the new normal
brought Chinese for tea the night before - my phone was flat so i couldn't do the tracer app and they didn't have the manual book thing places are ment to have
also went to a supermarket to buy a few bits and pieces and some things for Melanie
that was having very noisy renovations as it contimued to trade with a limited range but it had lovelly wide isles and that felt safe


Aug 16, 2007
Until children are eligible I'm still fairly cautious. I don't dine indoors, I wear K95 if I'm shopping indoors, if I'm outside and not masked I avoid being very close to people.


Dec 17, 2008
I'm still wearing a mask everywhere (indoors or outdoors near other people). I see a lot of senior citizens in stores without masks on.
I hope they have their booster shots. We've eaten out a few time indoors. I felt uncomfortable eating indoors. We
were pretty far from other people but the waitress didn't have a mask on. I don't mind eating outdoors where the server wears a
mask or stays way back from the table. Sometimes I feel like I'm pushing my luck. :oops:

The worse part for me is not being able to see my parents and not being able to see a time when I might be able to. My Dad
is immunocompromised and on chemo for multiple myeloma. He has been in great shape all his life and now this. I sure hope
I get to see him before he leaves this Earth. :(sad


Feb 24, 2017
Before leaving the UK, we still more masks to go and do our food shopping, and when we were in other shops. We only socialised with 2 other couples who we know were as careful as we were. We had been to restaurants a couple of times, but the tables were spaced further apart. We did fly to the US in September, but in order to do that, we and every other passenger on the plane had to be double jabbed and have a negative PCR test, so we didn’t feel unduly worried or concerned.

Since moving to the US, I’ve been out to HEB with my DIL and we both wore masks, a lot of other people weren’t, we have only socialised outside with a couple of their neighbours and made sure we sat far apart. I had to go to the DPS to get my learner’s permit and it was a requirement for everyone to be masked. I’ve got my driving test on Tuesday and a mask is required for the test, all these things are absolutely fine by me, I don’t see giving up wearing a mask any time soon.

My DIL went to visit her sister and children yesterday, and she’s wearing a mask in the house for 3 days, DS is at a conference in Mexico, and he’s been for a Covid test this afternoon in order to get back (negative), but will continue to wear a mask and retest when he gets back on Monday.

DIL said that she’d never get over giving us Covid after all we’ve been through to get here!


Nov 2, 2012
I still wear a mask and carry hand sanitizer. But before getting vaccinated, I stayed home and away from others as much as possible whereas now I'm back to going wherever I want, whenever I want. :)


Dec 12, 2006
we arent required to wear mask in our county but I do and have sanitizer in my purse and every vehicle...but I have done that for years anyways, I have dined indoors but only in our local small town restaurants..


May 17, 2014
I'm really tempting fate

Buffet today. Self service.

I figure I'll go out now because you need to be vaccinated to dine out! It's probably safer now before they let all the antivaccers out with the rest of us!

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