
Holiday Menu suggestions...


May 19, 2014


Apr 19, 2004
House Cat|1447889211|3951506 said:
canuk-gal|1447878090|3951412 said:
House Cat|1447856741|3951253 said:
canuk-gal|1447690288|3950300 said:
House Cat|1447600511|3949929 said:
My husband love corn souffle/corn pudding. The problem is that his mother's recipe is disgusting and rare cooks up evenly. Which means it is usually raw in the middle (gag.) Do any of you make this? Any good recipes to share?

I make a traditional corn meal soufflé (Nachynka). I can share the recipe if you like.cheers--Sharon
Hi Sharon, Yes please! I would really appreciate it!

House Cat: here you are. It is rich but delicious. Keep well in the fridge.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees (F). I use a soufflé dish (casserole dish) that is 3.75 inches deep and 6.5 inches wide.

1/2 cup butter
1 cup (dry) cornmeal
3 1/2 cups whole milk. Heated but not scalding.
1 white onion, diced
1 c whipping cream
3 eggs. Beaten.
salt and pepper to taste.

-Beat eggs and whipping cream together in a separate bowl and set aside.
-In a medium saucepan (pot), melt butter and sauté onions. Add the cornmeal and using a whisk, stir app. 5 minutes. It appears crumbly.
-Then add pre-heated milk to this cornmeal onion mixture in the saucepan and whisk until smooth. It should feel a bit thick to stir. Medium heat.
-Retrieve the egg/whipping crème mixture you've set aside. You have to add the egg/whipping crème mixture slowly to the heated cornmeal product, otherwise the egg will curdle. To prevent this, I get another bowl and using a measuring cup I scoop out app. one cup of the egg mixture and put it into the bowl. Then I scoop out app. 1 cup of the heated cornmeal mixture from the saucepan, and whisk them together in the separate bowl. Once combined, then dump it all back into the saucepan. Repeat with a fresh cup of egg mixture.....until you are finished. One everything is amalgamated increase the heat just a little and stir continuously until the Kolasha is very thick. Take off heat immediately and place in a greased soufflé or casserole dish. Bake one hour.

I've never had a soupy soufflé--hope you don't either!! :lickout: :bigsmile:

Thank you Sharon!! This sounds delicious! I think DH will love it!!! :appl: :lickout:

You are welcome HC! I hope your DH will also!



Jul 24, 2003
Please post your brussel sprouts with Panceta and onion recipe.


Aug 8, 2005
missy|1447844713|3951199 said:
Gypsy|1447743180|3950666 said:
missy|1447594767|3949907 said:
Just in case could I ask you for the recipe link to the low carb cheesecake? If he has time to experiment before the actual holiday he will be more open to trying the recipe. He just doesn't want to serve our guests anything before he tries it first. Thanks!

I'm not a fan the low carbohydrate cheesecake recipes I've tried. So I decided to adapt my favorite standard cheesecake recipe. And it worked out great.

This is the basic recipe:

The changes I make are as follows:

I substitute this for the crust: One batch of it works great. I use orange zest personally instead of lemon though. You bake it before adding cheesecake mixture in.

And then to the cheesecake filling recipe I make only one modification: I substitute the Erythritol in a 1:1 ratio for the sugar. So I use 1 3/4 cups Erythritol instead of the same amount of sugar.

You have to careful with the Erythritol. Read the reviews on it. For some people (like me) it leaves a cooling sensation in your mouth that can be unpleasant. I found that when I use it in a 1:1 ratio it doesn't happen as much. But most recipes will use more Erythritol as it is not as sweet (in their opinion) as sugar.

It's a complicated recipe, but worth it.

Thank you Gypsy! Sharing this recipe with Greg and if he makes it I will share the results here. Thanks so much!

Just made this tonight. Need to add a couple notes. We had noticed last time that IDEALLY the crust either needs salt added or you make it with a lightly salted butter. We just added some salt this time. I think it will be better.

Also if you like a tart cheesecake, this one will need some lemon juice added to it. I made a tart berry sauce for on the side of it last time. This time I am considering trying a sour cream topping.


Aug 8, 2005
autumngems|1448375800|3953539 said:
Please post your brussel sprouts with Panceta and onion recipe.

My "recipe" only works if you have a Trader Joes. It's all Trader Joes based. =)

One bag chopped onions (10 oz bag) from TJ's
One container small cubed Citerro pancetta from TJ's (4oz)
One large netted bag of Brussel Sprouts from TJ's, cleaned and halved. (I have no idea the weight of them)
1/3 cup chicken broth.
Salt pepper to taste.

Put all the pancetta and onion into a pan together on medium low heat. Stirring only occasionally (I just leave it on the stove and watch TV only checking on it every ten minutes or so) until onions are browned and pancetta fat is rendered. Once that's done raise heat to medium high and push the onion and pancetta mixture to sides leaving middle of pan empty. Once pan is hot, add the Brussel Sprouts in and sautee until they get some color but are still pretty much raw. Lower heat to medium, add in broth and lid for 5-7 minutes until sprouts are just fork tender but still firm. Add salt and pepper to taste and stir well.



Jun 8, 2008
Gypsy|1448431186|3953912 said:
missy|1447844713|3951199 said:
Gypsy|1447743180|3950666 said:
missy|1447594767|3949907 said:
Just in case could I ask you for the recipe link to the low carb cheesecake? If he has time to experiment before the actual holiday he will be more open to trying the recipe. He just doesn't want to serve our guests anything before he tries it first. Thanks!

I'm not a fan the low carbohydrate cheesecake recipes I've tried. So I decided to adapt my favorite standard cheesecake recipe. And it worked out great.

This is the basic recipe:

The changes I make are as follows:

I substitute this for the crust: One batch of it works great. I use orange zest personally instead of lemon though. You bake it before adding cheesecake mixture in.

And then to the cheesecake filling recipe I make only one modification: I substitute the Erythritol in a 1:1 ratio for the sugar. So I use 1 3/4 cups Erythritol instead of the same amount of sugar.

You have to careful with the Erythritol. Read the reviews on it. For some people (like me) it leaves a cooling sensation in your mouth that can be unpleasant. I found that when I use it in a 1:1 ratio it doesn't happen as much. But most recipes will use more Erythritol as it is not as sweet (in their opinion) as sugar.

It's a complicated recipe, but worth it.

Thank you Gypsy! Sharing this recipe with Greg and if he makes it I will share the results here. Thanks so much!

Just made this tonight. Need to add a couple notes. We had noticed last time that IDEALLY the crust either needs salt added or you make it with a lightly salted butter. We just added some salt this time. I think it will be better.

Also if you like a tart cheesecake, this one will need some lemon juice added to it. I made a tart berry sauce for on the side of it last time. This time I am considering trying a sour cream topping.

Thank you Gypsy! I am passing the added notes to my dh. Happy Thanksgiving!
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