
Help please! Anyone used this interior paint color?


Mar 26, 2006
Ellen|1378736541|3517226 said:
:lol: :lol:

I seriously think this is one of the funniest things I've ever read on here, for me personally. I visualized that whole post (as I visualize everything I read and hear pretty much), so I literally saw (and heard) the whole thing, and the look on your hubby's face was priceless. :bigsmile: I LOVE it! And I love your sense of humor. ;))

Yes, I agree there should be no settling here, I was mulling it all over last night. And I did even think maybe I should change the whole color scheme, as nothing is written in stone except for the furniture. I am considering asking them to try mixing a paint to match a certain color in the chair. I must admit, I got really frustrated at the whole thing. It's like, there's only a gajillion colors in the world, and I can't find a match? Really? *sigh*

I'm hoping the vaca affords me some contemplation/inspiration/revelation/etc. It's an eight hour drive, lots of "think time".

Thanks for your thoughts, I really do appreciate them. And the story? well, that one won't fade from memory any time soon.

Ellen, be careful with custom mixing colors. I've been down this road and I know they SAY that if they have the formula (which is printed on a sticker and put right on the can lid) they will be able to mix the EXACT same color again into infinity... um... not always. Before going that route I would really try to find a standard color in the palette.


Jun 23, 2005
Ha - it's that spontaneous stuff that's always the funniest! I really didn't consider it a big deal as it was all going to be painted over anyway and it was something I'd always wanted to do. Hubby thought I'd just lost my mind - that was the funniest part!

Here's hoping for wisdom, another path, maybe looking at paint colors by another manufacturer - something that really zings you. I think we all feel like that about all the colors - how can there be so many and yet none I like???? My best bet in that situation is truly to step back and let some time pass. Once my mind isn't turned as tight as a corkscrew, I can then sometimes get some new and creative ideas.

However, just remember - this all comes from an apparently crazy person :o ! Take the advice at your own risk! :lol: :lol:


Jan 13, 2006
Thanks Dee, "the voice of reason". I can always count on you to tell the truth, even if I don't want to hear it. lol But I like that. ;))

Ok, the painter just left. His opinion? He loved my initial picks, he said they went great with the fabrics. He asked me if I picked them out myself, and told me I did a better job than the gal at SW. He does not like her picks, says they don't match/go. So, I am going with what I had picked out initially. And to be honest, I feel great, because I look at them and feel they work. They make me happy. I had begun to doubt them as being right, because of the few opinions here (and the lack of as well), plus the opinion of the SW gal (maybe I should get a job there...). But I think part of it is, as I said before, they're prettier in person, and I think something is getting lost in the computer. And, you all haven't seen my fabrics. (!)

So, I am totally happy, relieved, etc. I do appreciate all of your opinions, so thank you again!



Jan 13, 2006
MissGotRocks|1378763732|3517471 said:
Ha - it's that spontaneous stuff that's always the funniest! I really didn't consider it a big deal as it was all going to be painted over anyway and it was something I'd always wanted to do. Hubby thought I'd just lost my mind - that was the funniest part!
Here's hoping for wisdom, another path, maybe looking at paint colors by another manufacturer - something that really zings you. I think we all feel like that about all the colors - how can there be so many and yet none I like???? My best bet in that situation is truly to step back and let some time pass. Once my mind isn't turned as tight as a corkscrew, I can then sometimes get some new and creative ideas.

However, just remember - this all comes from an apparently crazy person :o ! Take the advice at your own risk! :lol: :lol:
Yes. :bigsmile:

Thanks again for your thoughts. ;))


Jun 23, 2005
Hey if you're happy, we're happy!

Congrats on a decision!


Jan 13, 2006
MissGotRocks|1378775370|3517607 said:
Hey if you're happy, we're happy!

Congrats on a decision!

I was just coming in here to say, it's really interesting that almost no one on here seems to like the gold (or blue for that matter), as I have been searching pics and reviews for the last hour and a half and it's terribly popular..... :confused:

But yeah, I am happy, and, I figure the worst that can happen is I get it up on the walls and don't like it. The painter even said, you can't truly know til you get it up. It's not like it will cost a fortune, though obviously it would not be a really cheap fix. But it would not be the end of the world. I am going with my gut, and the painter. ::)


Jun 23, 2005
Well, the color looks very different to me in that room scene than it did in the swatch you posted first. Could be the monitor, could be the lighting - who knows? Secondly, we haven't seen the furniture so of course it's hard to visualize the whole room painted and finished.

However, the most important thing is that you like it and you obviously feel very comfortable with it. I think it's important to feel like that about your choice rather than 'oh, no, I am scared to death to see the painted room' feeling. And you're right - not a do or die decision. It can always be redone - not your druthers but if it staved off insanity it would be worth the cost of a redo! Let's hope it's all you're hoping for and we'd love some pictures of the finished room!


Jan 13, 2006
MissGotRocks|1378777855|3517634 said:
Well, the color looks very different to me in that room scene than it did in the swatch you posted first. Could be the monitor, could be the lighting - who knows? Secondly, we haven't seen the furniture so of course it's hard to visualize the whole room painted and finished.

However, the most important thing is that you like it and you obviously feel very comfortable with it. I think it's important to feel like that about your choice rather than 'oh, no, I am scared to death to see the painted room' feeling. And you're right - not a do or die decision. It can always be redone - not your druthers but if it staved off insanity it would be worth the cost of a redo! Let's hope it's all you're hoping for and we'd love some pictures of the finished room!
Yes, it does appear lighter, but the links I posted in the beginning of the thread with rooms of that color were not all far off the swatch. I posted this link more for the article than the pic. I am beginning to think though, after looking at tons of pics of this paint, that its appearance/color will be affected by what it's paired with. I'm not worried though, I think I picked the right colors to begin with and the painter just confirmed it. We'll see! ::)

And Annette, I have read more than one post about people who put this in their North facing livingroom, who felt it did not make it dark at all, and actually felt it gave the room a nice warm glow. Warm glow would be good! So there's hope for your LR and color! And chocolate brown carpet if you so desire. :love:


Jan 13, 2006
Well, just a bit of advice before I leave, for what it's worth. I just ran by SW to get a different blue paint swatch. I have learned that my eye is rather discerning with colors, and I thought I could get a bit greyer-blue, which I did. In doing so, I talked with someone other than who waited on me before. Long story short, she loved the combo I had originally picked out, though felt the blue I wanted today was a better choice (the difference is super slight). In discussing why the first gal led me down a different path, she said, "it's just her opinion, you could ask 5 different people in here about this and get 5 different answers". So, my advice is, short of getting the basics, like what's a nuetral, etc., get what you want, because there is no "right" choice/answer, in the end. Get what you love, forget everybody else. There is no science to this at a certain point, it just becomes "beauty is in the eye of the beholder". My 2 pennies.

And, my other brown carpet sample came yesterday. It was, shockingly huge, at approx. 13x18 in.. :o I was so thrilled, I called the company to thank them. Don't think I've ever done that. She was thrilled to hear it, and wanted the mill order # so somebody got a pat on the back. Just something else for future reference. ::)

I'm off to relax and forget about this all for a bit. Adios! :wavey:


Jan 13, 2006
MissGotRocks|1378690241|3517010 said:
When we were getting ready to paint the master bedroom, I just couldn't resist painting a number 5 on the wall with the chosen paint. For years while my kids watched Sesame Street, there was a man carrying a paint bucket and brush that would just walk up to any surface (like a door or a wall) and paint the number (very large) that they were studying that day. That always looked like something so neat to do so I took my only chance at it - hubby was flabbergasted but I loved it until it all got painted over. Every night as we went to bed I would point at the number and say 'five' very loudly like they did on the show! He thought I had lost my mind - lol!
I thought you might enjoy this. The lodge we stayed at in Green Bay had side entrances one could enter from the parking lot which led up to the hallway closest to your room. To mark which door was yours (as they all looked identical), they each had a number painted in gold on the door. Guess which number our door was..... :bigsmile: I saw that and just got the biggest grin on my face as I "heard" you say FIVE. :lol:

You can't make this stuff up!


Jun 23, 2005
Ellen|1379558328|3523343 said:
MissGotRocks|1378690241|3517010 said:
When we were getting ready to paint the master bedroom, I just couldn't resist painting a number 5 on the wall with the chosen paint. For years while my kids watched Sesame Street, there was a man carrying a paint bucket and brush that would just walk up to any surface (like a door or a wall) and paint the number (very large) that they were studying that day. That always looked like something so neat to do so I took my only chance at it - hubby was flabbergasted but I loved it until it all got painted over. Every night as we went to bed I would point at the number and say 'five' very loudly like they did on the show! He thought I had lost my mind - lol!
I thought you might enjoy this. The lodge we stayed at in Green Bay had side entrances one could enter from the parking lot which led up to the hallway closest to your room. To mark which door was yours (as they all looked identical), they each had a number painted in gold on the door. Guess which number our door was..... :bigsmile: I saw that and just got the biggest grin on my face as I "heard" you say FIVE. :lol:

You can't make this stuff up!

No, you can't make it up and we'll take our laughs where we get them! Hope you had a great trip and enjoyed your stay in room number FIVE!


Jan 13, 2006
MissGotRocks|1379622744|3523728 said:
Ellen|1379558328|3523343 said:
MissGotRocks|1378690241|3517010 said:
When we were getting ready to paint the master bedroom, I just couldn't resist painting a number 5 on the wall with the chosen paint. For years while my kids watched Sesame Street, there was a man carrying a paint bucket and brush that would just walk up to any surface (like a door or a wall) and paint the number (very large) that they were studying that day. That always looked like something so neat to do so I took my only chance at it - hubby was flabbergasted but I loved it until it all got painted over. Every night as we went to bed I would point at the number and say 'five' very loudly like they did on the show! He thought I had lost my mind - lol!
I thought you might enjoy this. The lodge we stayed at in Green Bay had side entrances one could enter from the parking lot which led up to the hallway closest to your room. To mark which door was yours (as they all looked identical), they each had a number painted in gold on the door. Guess which number our door was..... :bigsmile: I saw that and just got the biggest grin on my face as I "heard" you say FIVE. :lol:

You can't make this stuff up!

No, you can't make it up and we'll take our laughs where we get them! Hope you had a great trip and enjoyed your stay in room number FIVE!
Indeed. ;)) I have to clarify though, it was not our room that was #5 (that would have been too much), it was the outside entrance door to our hallway that was. Still, pretty coincidental. :bigsmile:

The wedding was lovely, and Door County was great. Nice to get away, nice to come home. Thanks!


Jan 13, 2006
For anyone interested, I bought a test quart of the Restrained Gold and painted it on a couple big pieces of poster board and have lived with it a few days now while moving it around. I'm happy to report, no green tones. And, it is the nicest color of light camel. It's soft, warm, creamy, and it goes wonderfully with the furniture fabrics (and all my existing furniture). I am dying to get this room done now!

And, I cannot express how glad I am I did not listen to the "paint/color consultant" at SW. I would have never been happy.

Annette, if you like chocolate brown, you might like the paint color I picked for our bedroom, after hubby nixed the "girly" color I had pondered. Here it is, and will be paired with bright while trim and accents. :lickout:


Jun 23, 2005
So glad you're loving the paint! It's always so much more fun to have something done when you're confident of what you've chosen!

You know we're gonna need pictures. . . . right? :naughty:


Jan 13, 2006
MissGotRocks|1379779453|3524776 said:
So glad you're loving the paint! It's always so much more fun to have something done when you're confident of what you've chosen!

You know we're gonna need pictures. . . . right? :naughty:
Thanks mam. Yes, now that I can see it all really coming together, I am excited to get this done. I am not sure when the painter will start, it could be a week to two.... However, that really is a blessing, as I have to empty the EC and the china cabinet. Some stuff is getting sold, some is being stored away only to be used prolly never, and some will go back in. Plus everything off the walls (in the whole house) and holes patched. I did manage to pick out the last of the carpets today. Then there's the kitchen, oh, I'll think about that later! :loopy: <---------- Me. :bigsmile:

Pictures. Well, I am certain I'm going to take some lol, but I honestly don't know if the new version of PS is picture posting friendly. It has been years since I posted any, but we'll see. 8)


Jun 23, 2005
Sounds like lots of work and lots of fun! You'll have it all done just in time to enjoy for the holidays! I really haven't posted any new pictures in a long time either but I'm guessing it can't be too difficult. Course I guess you could practice with any old diamond ring or aquamarine ring you have laying around collecting dust. . . . not! LOL!


Jan 13, 2006

It's been so long since I took a pic of any of my rings, they probably all have complexes. And I've gotten a new camera since then and have not even used the macro setting on it.... :o Maybe I should practice.

And yes, I am really hoping this is all done by the holidays. I think I may have to put off one (or both) of the bathrooms. That may be pushing things. But it will all get done eventually, and will well be worth it.


Jun 23, 2005
Ellen|1379881768|3525348 said:

It's been so long since I took a pic of any of my rings, they probably all have complexes. And I've gotten a new camera since then and have not even used the macro setting on it.... :o Maybe I should practice.

And yes, I am really hoping this is all done by the holidays. I think I may have to put off one (or both) of the bathrooms. That may be pushing things. But it will all get done eventually, and will well be worth it.

Nah, they know they are still beautiful but they could be stroked a bit more with a good photo shoot! That's why all the beautiful girlies like to have their pictures taken! :love:


Jan 13, 2006

I have to say, my Aquamarine was quite impressed you actually remembered her. And she thanks you. ;))


Mar 26, 2006
Everything off the walls -- in the whole house??? Are you having more room painted than the living room? Are you holding out on us?!?


Jan 13, 2006
Dee*Jay|1379989345|3526059 said:
Everything off the walls -- in the whole house??? Are you having more room painted than the living room? Are you holding out on us?!?
Well, I guess. (I thought I mentioned a lot of this earlier in the thread, but too lazy to reread). lol Nothing has been done in this house for 15 years. Yes, you read that correctly. Hubby wouldn't paint til I quit smoking (which he of course assumed would be never), and he wouldn't replace furniture until the kids all moved out, which was just an out he was milking for as long as possible.

However, I quit smoking 3 years ago, yes, he's just a wee bit late on that promise. ::) And the last of my kids moved out a few months ago. So I naturally want everything new and unstinky. So we are painting every room, (so new window treatments), or repapering, new carpet throughout, new kitchen countertop, cabinets painted and new backsplash. Would have LOVED a overhauled kitchen, but could not justify the expense at this time with everything else. And a new mattress set. So yeah, lots to do in a short amount of time. I think he's learning that doing a little here and there would have been a better approach.... But then again, this is the man who said if he had 2 million in the bank, he could live with this house the way it is. He's funny like that. :rolleyes: God love him. ::)


Mar 26, 2006
Oh Ellen, I'm sorry if I missed the scope of the larger project. And you are not alone in leaving things untouched for many years. I've been in properties that have existed in the same condition for a long long (long!) time...


Jun 23, 2005
Ellen|1379988568|3526050 said:

I have to say, my Aquamarine was quite impressed you actually remembered her. And she thanks you. ;))

Remembered? That is a STUNNING ring and stone - who could forget it????? There are lots of new folks around now - they'd probably love to gaze upon that ocean of blue!!! (The diamond is nothing to sneeze at either and we wouldn't want to hurt HER feelings!)


Jan 13, 2006
Dee*Jay|1380041739|3526376 said:
Oh Ellen, I'm sorry if I missed the scope of the larger project. And you are not alone in leaving things untouched for many years. I've been in properties that have existed in the same condition for a long long (long!) time...
No biggie Dee!

And I'm sure I'm in good company, as you have verified. I think it's a man thing. Many would rather see money grow than their surroundings change/get updated, etc.!

MGR, thank you, and LOL! When I get some time, maybe I'll try and snap a couple and see how the system works now....


Feb 11, 2006
Hi Ellen,

I feel so good now that you told me its been 15 yrs since the last painting. I might delay. I have 7 yrs to go. My kitchen is the worst. I stopped smoking about 8 yrs ago and it helped the rest of the house but not the kitchen.

Next yr is when I will begin to sort myself out in the house. I don't want a new kitchen--just granite counters(although I read they are going out of style, and a newer looking double sink. I admit to being a bit like your husband. Some things I am just satisfied with.
My sons cats have ruined the carpeting. This was all new 8yrs ago. Awful looking now.

I think everyone remembers your ring. Simply beautiful. I hope you have enjoyed it. And please do send us pictures when the paint job is done.



Nov 24, 2006
Hi Ellen!!!! :bigsmile: :wavey: best wishes painting. Your hubby sounds like mine. Once the boys are a little older we need to paint too. Kids = need to paint. lol


Jan 13, 2006
smitcompton|1380124275|3527056 said:
Hi Ellen,

I feel so good now that you told me its been 15 yrs since the last painting. I might delay. I have 7 yrs to go. My kitchen is the worst. I stopped smoking about 8 yrs ago and it helped the rest of the house but not the kitchen.

Next yr is when I will begin to sort myself out in the house. I don't want a new kitchen--just granite counters(although I read they are going out of style, and a newer looking double sink. I admit to being a bit like your husband. Some things I am just satisfied with.
My sons cats have ruined the carpeting. This was all new 8yrs ago. Awful looking now.

I think everyone remembers your ring. Simply beautiful. I hope you have enjoyed it. And please do send us pictures when the paint job is done.

lol Wait a minute now, there's no 15 year rule here! :bigsmile: You will get your house worked out in due time. ;))

And I agree, there's nothing wrong with being content with some things. But I can assure you, you are not like my hubs. We will just leave it at that! ::)

There's been a new developement, without even really asking, a new floor in the kitchen has been approved. So I really have a lot to work with here. Heading out to look at those and backsplashes and countertops this morning. Lowes and Home Depot have a Corian counter line on sale that comes with a free stainless steel sink. :appl: Just hoping I can get one as deep as mine.....

Thank you for your generous comments on my ring miss, I really appreciate it. And yes, I have and still do enjoy it immensely.


Jan 13, 2006
Skippy|1380134196|3527151 said:
Hi Ellen!!!! :bigsmile: :wavey: best wishes painting. Your hubby sounds like mine. Once the boys are a little older we need to paint too. Kids = need to paint. lol
* waves wildly at Miss Skippy* :wavey:

Thank you mam, and yes, kids = LOTS of painting, and washing, and repairing, and replacing, and, and...... :bigsmile: Enjoy every minute of it. ;))


Jan 13, 2006
Ok, object lesson for the day. Do not ask for what you want, be happy with what you get. (or think you are getting)

We went to Lowe's today and they had sent both dept. people to some workshop. Lost business, as that is the second time I've gone to that dept. only to find no one working there.

Went to Home Depot and had the nicest lady wait on us. As we are talking about different counter tops, hubby interrupts to ask how bad a new counter would look on the old, newly painted cabinet top. :o <----- Me

Then he asked her roughly how much money we would be talking for new cabinets. :o :o <------ Me again.

Long story short, we are having a consultant come out for a free assessment/suggestions on what to do with our somewhat problematic layout and how much it would all cost. It's not set in stone that I'm getting new cabinets, but I'm liken the picture that's unfolding.... :naughty:

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