
Help-New ring (something wrong?)

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Nov 18, 2007
I need some help from the experts on this site. Unfortunately, I found this site a little too late and the ring is already purchased. I got engaged this weekend and noticed the stone has a circular darkness in the middle, depending on light situations. It is very sparkly and looks nice in some lighting but in darker lighting I notice the darkness. I will say the setting has a circle made out of white gold directly under the stone and I''m wondering if it is just a reflection from that but the proportions below don''t seem to be so great after looking at the chart on the AGS website and now I''m afraid it''s a fisheye or something. I''m going to try to attach a photo (hopefully it works)...if it works, can someone tell me if this is a nailhead or fisheye? Please help if you can, I am debating on whether to call the jeweler where my boyfriend (fiancee) purchased the ring from.

Can anyone tell me if there is a problem with this stone? It has an EGL cert with the following proportions (I know now, EGL isn''t the greatest):

Weight: 1.00 cts

5.85 - 5.68 x 3.78

total depth: 66.5%
table width: 79%
crown height: 7%
pavilion depth: 57%
Girdle thickness: Thin, Polished

Polish: Very good
Symmetry: Good to v. good
Cutlet: None

Clarity grade: VS2
Graining: Nil

Color grade: E

Flourescence: None

Thanks in advance



Nov 18, 2007
Here is a picture in lighter settings. Is this stone ok or no?



Aug 16, 2007
if you love it, that's what matters! my asscher is by no means the perfect asscher, it's about a million miles away from a royal asscher but i love it anyway!


Nov 18, 2007
The problem is, I don''t really love it because now it bothers me that there is a dark spot in the middle (especially in low light settings). I don''t want to feel like this jeweler took my fiancee over when he sold him this ring. I tried to give him advice on how to select the diamond, telling him I wanted something with a higher than H color and an SI1 or higher in clarity - After looking at some threads on this site, it appears that if this stone has a fisheye or nailhead, then it''s like buying an I3 ring. I don''t like knowing that this jeweler ripped my fiancee (and also me) off. Can anyone tell me what the dark spot in the middle is? If anything? I wish I knew how to work the DiamCal thing but I don''t. Any insight would be much appreciated.



Apr 30, 2005
Welcome to Pricescope and congrats on your engagement!

Firstly, tread with caution is my initial advice. I can understand that you are concerned, but do you know if the jeweller even has a return policy, or would consider finding you another diamond? Also is your fiance aware of your unhappiness? I say this as you said you asked him to find something higher than an H colour and SI clarity, he may feel he did superbly well to get you an E and VS. Radiants are tricky to analyze by the numbers and I will reserve judgement for one of the experts as to the dark area, as I don't have the experience as a consumer to say without a doubt that it is light leakage or anything else, as I don't want to make you feel worse unecessarily and this could easily happen. Also it has an EGL report, which sometimes has a lower pricetag than GIA, maybe your fiance was able to get a larger diamond for his budget in going this way. An ASET image would be useful if there was one available for this diamond, and an Idealscope image too, if you get to choose another diamond anytime, then these are very useful tools to have.

You know your fiance best, but be careful as he may be extremely upset that you are unhappy with the diamond he chose, and whether you letting him know you are unhappy with the ring could leave lasting bad memories of your engagement. If you think he may be amenable that you could broach the subject, then perhaps you could, if you know the jeweller has a return policy or could work with you to find another diamond, but if not then just try to enjoy that very pretty ring you have. Also do you know how much your fiance paid for the ring? It is easy to second guess and be wise after the event, especially after reading up all the info here, but bear in mind that in the real world, more diamonds are bought just on the merits that they look beautiful to the buyer, than on numbers and cut technologies which aren't ever given a second thought. Also in time, perhaps you could upgrade and after you are married, get another diamond. In that way you could reset your original diamond to make a fabulous pendant perhaps, if your fiance might be agreeable to that. So sorry about this, I know this is a difficult situation for you.

I hope this helps some!


Nov 18, 2007
My fiancee is aware of all this. I actually looked at the setting and stone with him as we sat down with the jeweler together. I went with him to look a few times at several different jewelers. I was trying to help him by showing him exactly what I like. I did not notice this dark spot in the stone when it was loose, nor did he. He went back later and bought it because it was one of the stones that really seemed to impress us...appeared really sparkly. Once in the setting though, the circle seems apparent. More so in darker lighting. I read some things on here about the nailhead, fisheye and dead zone and am not sure what the problem is. The stone is deeper and the setting does sit kind of low with a circle just under where the stone sits. Not sure if its a reflection from that on the stone and maybe the stone just needs a higher setting or what. I''d like an expert on here to tell me though because my fiancee is ok with going back and trying to get a different stone. He wants me to be happy and even doesn''t mind paying more. The store policy appears to be only that I could trade up for a different stone which sucks because now I''m not so sure I trust this store. I believe they have a no refunds policy based on the receipt. The guy did tell my fiancee some hogwash while he was in there (from what I can gather) about it being the best price and if we can find a similiar stone with same color/clarity for less of a price to bring it back. With EGL though, I''m sure that will never happen as the GIA stones are priced higher because their numbers actually tell the truth. On their paperwork, it says you can always bring the stone back for full credit of the purchasing price if you want a bigger or better stone. I''m not sure how to proceed with this. The dark circle does bother me. If someone here says maybe it is the geat would that be that I may just need a different type of setting and won''t have to return the stone. It did look good in the it appears like there is a some type of dark circle though.

Thank you for the input so far. As I said to my fiancee, I''m a 100% happy with him and his proposal so I don''t think he''s taking it could he anyway, I liked the stone in the store so he''s not to blame :) We are trying not to let it ruin the engagement. It is aggrivating me though and the sooner I get it resolved, the better.


Apr 30, 2005
Ok, well that is great that your fiance is fine with this!! Lets see when one of the experts here can check in and give you some professional input as to what may be going on with this diamond. It is very useful to be able to compare diamonds out of jewellery store lighting to see how they look in real life, to also be able to tilt and rotate the stone to check for bow ties and other darkened areas etc if applicable. I would also read your paperwork carefully to see if there is any type of cooling off period where perhaps you can get a refund if you act fast etc, or check the consumer laws in your state for any possible window where you can return this diamond if you want to. But at least you can work with them to change this diamond if that is what you ultimately decide to do. I hope it works out for you!


Oct 22, 2007
I''ll tell you what everyone told me when I started getting all over-analyzing about the cut of my diamond (which I didn''t realize even mattered until I found PS) - if you love the diamond, and it''s beautiful to YOU, and it has undying meaning, then that''s all that matters.


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 11/19/2007 10:09:27 AM
Author: tberube
I''ll tell you what everyone told me when I started getting all over-analyzing about the cut of my diamond (which I didn''t realize even mattered until I found PS) - if you love the diamond, and it''s beautiful to YOU, and it has undying meaning, then that''s all that matters.
Absolutely right, but unfortunately poor SR doesn''t love this diamond...
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