
Help me spend money

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Jan 18, 2008
Hi all,
with all the talk of Tiffany on here lately, I have been re inspired to get myself a little bauble from them (guilty pleasure, I know).. Long story short, I live in West Australia where there isn't a Tiffs
I purchased something over the net from them about a year ago, but when it arrived it just wasn't what i wanted so I returned it.

But I have still always wanted a piece - so I would love suggestions from anyone on what I should get.
My only parameters are wanting to keep it under about $350, and I'd like a necklace. Preferably something pretty simple that I can wear daily (not a special occasion piece). Beyond that, whatever you think!
Also, if anybody thinks I can spend my money wiser elsewhere, I'm open to suggestions - I admit part of the appeal is the Tiff brand, but I really just want a nice chain/necklace that I can wear casually.

Thankyou in advance for your help!

ETA: Oh, and if it can involve a diamond, even better!


Jan 26, 2008


Jan 26, 2008
Oooh, Dee - I LOVE that coloured gemstone charm pendant you posted.


x x x


Jan 18, 2008
Wow! thankyou for the suggestions! Cleo I really like that first picasso heart that you linked - and the second EP one, bummer about the price
Why do you think its more expensive than the one on a silver chain?
Dee, love your suggestions - and great prices too! (well, for tiffs)..the "return" choker is one I''ve always been fond of - do you think the length would be comfortable?
I guess one of the "return to tiffany''s" chain link necklaces are a great option, but does anyone have an idea of how thin/thick they are IRL ? What happened with my last purchase, the item was Alot daintier IRL than I thought when it arrived and I was disappointed for the price..
If anybody knows where''s there is pics on PS of Tiff pieces being worn..?
I also love the lariat that you linked - normally I wouldn''t consider something like that but its really pretty. I also saw the RG one, it would match my RHR very nicely..

Keep em coming!thankyou


Jan 26, 2008
Hello :)

I think the heart on the cord is the largest size of three that they do - hence the cord and not a chain, because of the extra weight. It''s reaaaaally lovely though!

I adore the Return chokers and am determined to buy the oval one on impulse one day.

I''ve seen the oval one on a model at an exhibition I attended - and it was so pretty on her. It''s delicate, without being tiny, but chunky without being overwhelming.. for me it''s the perfect balance of chunkiness and elegance. Oh, and I LOVE chokers - I''m only 5ft and tend to wear all my pendants on a gold neckwire I bought in Greece, as it''s just the right, short length for me. (I quite a generous bust naturally, and I think pendants look better a bit higher on me... my chest gets enough attention on its own! LOL!).

I think the RTT chokers are excellent value for the price, and quite weighty.

x x x


Oct 4, 2007
I really love the colour one to cleo I was like ohhhh pretty :D

Jane I am not sure how comfortable the chocker would be 15.5inches does not sound that long but would also depend on your neck size have you got a butterfly silver near you? Maybe it might be best to try that length chain on to make sure it does not strangle you :D

I have no idea of the thickness sorry
, I will be going into the city for an orthodontic appointment I can swing by Tiffs and see if they have it :):)

ETA ortho appointment is in April :)


Jan 18, 2008
LOl cleo you''re funny !
I was just looking at the round tag necklace, I think I will get either that one or the heart one. Thankyou for the info on the heft of it - I do like my jewellery to have a bit of "substance" if you know what I mean?
I would love to get the gold tag necklace, but not in the cards at the moment...
With the return heart necklace, my only concern is because they are so popular, do people think that they look "classic" or perhaps "boring" ?
I would love any other suggestions that people may have still


Oct 4, 2007
I don''t think they look boring and around here not that common I have seen one girl once wear the RTT pendant :) I say if you love it go for it :D


Jan 18, 2008
Date: 3/29/2008 6:52:36 AM
Author: Deelight
I really love the colour one to cleo I was like ohhhh pretty :D

Jane I am not sure how comfortable the chocker would be 15.5inches does not sound that long but would also depend on your neck size have you got a butterfly silver near you? Maybe it might be best to try that length chain on to make sure it does not strangle you :D

I have no idea of the thickness sorry
, I will be going into the city for an orthodontic appointment I can swing by Tiffs and see if they have it :):)
Dee you''re so kind thankyou for the offer! I wouldn''t want to put you out of your way though..I think Cleo has given some good info on the thickness, and I''m scouring for pics now..
I think if I will get a "return" one I will go with the necklace rather than choker. I am also petite, but can be abit fussy about anything constricting..What do you think, heart or round?
I love the coloured one that you posted but am not sure it would go with my daily wardrobe - very pretty find though!

What do you need to have done at the Ortho''s? I hope you don''t have anything really horrible instore!


Jan 18, 2008
Date: 3/29/2008 6:57:47 AM
Author: Deelight
I don''t think they look boring and around here not that common I have seen one girl once wear the RTT pendant :) I say if you love it go for it :D
Very nice enabling...


Oct 4, 2007
Nothing drastic I am just getting my braces tightened, lucky me once a month I go to see him :). While I am there I browse the sparklie shops :) tiff''s is 20mtrs away so definitely not out of the way so I usually pop in for a browse :) and then I have bubble tea of course TDF it is like my monthly ritual :D

I won''t get there until April though there is a slight possibility I am heading into the city tomorrow if I do I will stop in purely for research purposes

I personally am partial to hearts as a whole but I like the oval one as well it is really a hard choice.


Oct 4, 2007
Date: 3/29/2008 7:04:15 AM
Author: arjunajane
Date: 3/29/2008 6:57:47 AM

Author: Deelight

I don''t think they look boring and around here not that common I have seen one girl once wear the RTT pendant :) I say if you love it go for it :D

Very nice enabling...

Why thank you ;-) I am a fast learner :)


Aug 12, 2005
Date: 3/29/2008 7:08:18 AM
Author: Deelight
Nothing drastic I am just getting my braces tightened, lucky me once a month I go to see him :). While I am there I browse the sparklie shops :) tiff''s is 20mtrs away so definitely not out of the way so I usually pop in for a browse :) and then I have bubble tea of course TDF it is like my monthly ritual :D

I won''t get there until April though there is a slight possibility I am heading into the city tomorrow if I do I will stop in purely for research purposes

I personally am partial to hearts as a whole but I like the oval one as well it is really a hard choice.
I am a braces gal as well, deeligt..ever go to anyway...I''m not a huge fan of tiff''s but I have always liked the chunky s/s bracelets and necklaces I see everyone wearing... DH gave me the heart toggle bracelet engraved with my married initials a couple years ago, and I have since yearned for the oval necklace to go with it. (I know, I''m a sad Room 1 sucker). I would get a bracelet (you can always add charms, not necessarily tiff''s) or the oval necklace which you could have engraved.


Jan 26, 2008
Date: 3/29/2008 7:01:35 AM
Author: arjunajane

Dee you''re so kind thankyou for the offer! I wouldn''t want to put you out of your way though..I think Cleo has given some good info on the thickness, and I''m scouring for pics now..
I think if I will get a ''return'' one I will go with the necklace rather than choker. I am also petite, but can be abit fussy about anything constricting..What do you think, heart or round?
How about a DOUBLE heart necklace, and get your initials engraved on one heart and you OH''s engraved on the other?

I think this is rather romantic, and also imagine this would make a nice sound too, when worn.. and I love jewellery that draws attention to itself by making a noise! :)

I suppose it might be a bit dainty for you if you prefer a bit of weight... although you can get the gold version for just a touch outside your budget..

I can''t seem to find pics of the oval & hearts on the chunky necklace to choose between them - do you have images you can post?

''Enabling'' heheh... that''s such an American term - I love it. Sums me up perfectly!

My best friend & I have a wonderful ''mutually enabling'' relationship :)

x x x


Jan 18, 2008
Date: 3/29/2008 8:12:11 AM
Author: Cleo

Date: 3/29/2008 7:01:35 AM
Author: arjunajane

Dee you''re so kind thankyou for the offer! I wouldn''t want to put you out of your way though..I think Cleo has given some good info on the thickness, and I''m scouring for pics now..
I think if I will get a ''return'' one I will go with the necklace rather than choker. I am also petite, but can be abit fussy about anything constricting..What do you think, heart or round?
How about a DOUBLE heart necklace, and get your initials engraved on one heart and you OH''s engraved on the other?

I think this is rather romantic, and also imagine this would make a nice sound too, when worn.. and I love jewellery that draws attention to itself by making a noise! :)

I suppose it might be a bit dainty for you if you prefer a bit of weight... although you can get the gold version for just a touch outside your budget..

I can''t seem to find pics of the oval & hearts on the chunky necklace to choose between them - do you have images you can post?

''Enabling'' heheh... that''s such an American term - I love it. Sums me up perfectly!

My best friend & I have a wonderful ''mutually enabling'' relationship :)

x x x
Cleo, we have simliar taste, the double heart pendant was my other choice - however yes, I am abit concerned about it being too dainty. Dainty is nice, but I feel like I want something substantial for these kinda

Here''s the links for those necklaces

Dee, thankyou again for the offer, you''re so kind! If you do go in for yourself, I would love for you to let me know what you think between the double heart pendant on the skinny chain and the other return necklace we were discussing..
I don''t suppose tiffs lets you take photos with the jewellery..

I think thats great that you have "adult braces" I''ve been wanting to get mine for a couple years but haven''t worked up the nerve/savings! Do you mind me asking, do you have the invisible ones or the normal ones? And do they interfere with your life much? ie. eating etc?

Monarch, thankyou for sharing - I really like the toggle one but can''t seem to finf it on their site, only the normal parrot clasp - do they still offer it? I too love the bracelets, however I already have a silver charm bracelet but no necklaces..I think the oval necklace seems like the go..


Jan 18, 2008


Feb 23, 2008
Hi there,
I haven''t had a chance to read through the entire thread and see all the beautiful suggestions (or to see if someone else already suggested this), but if I had $350 or so to spend, I would go with the 18K Diamond By the Yard necklace. Not sure how you feel about yellow gold vs silver, but if you wear both colors, I just love this necklace for everyday. Also, I feel like the gold is just a little more special than the silver and they mark up the silver so much that I thought this was a better value.
Just IMHO ...

Good luck and have fun!!


Oct 10, 2006

I think we would all love to own some Tiffany''s jewelry. I know I would - just because....

But if you wanted to consider a less expensive alternative, have you heard of Hot Diamonds? It is a jewelry line of sterling silver jewelry w/ diamonds. The sterling is then rhodium plated to keep it resistant to tarnishing. I have seen, and tried it on, in many B&M stores lately.

The main site is:

Beautiful double heart pendant:

With your budget, you could get a couple of pieces.

I got my husband some of their cufflinks as well as a band to wear when he is out shooting (photographer) and does not want to bang up his wedding band.

If nothing else, enjoy a few minutes of some fun shopping....



Jan 26, 2008
Oooh, this is such fun!

How can it be so exciting to help someone else shop?! (Answers on a postcard...).

OK, I am going to come down on the side of the heart necklace. :) I love the round too, but then the thought ''dog collar'' popped in my head, and after that I swung in favour of the heart!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the Atlas necklace!!!

The Tiffany & Co version is lovely too - but the other one screams ''Tiffany''s'' much more to me, and would from quite a distance... it''s absolutely lovely: never seen it before!

Yummy :)

x x x

PS. I love this too, but in a different way:


Jan 18, 2008
Hello happyday, thankyou for ur suggestion - the DBTY was actually my original choice as I agree with you, they''re special yet very wearable. However then I noticed that the stone is only 0.05 in my budget = very small! I''m sure it stills looks lovely, and I love yellow gold, but I think when I have a better budget i will get a WF bezel pendant..or a larger Tiff''s one! Thankyou though for your post!

Jmtomaui, i have never heard of this brand, it sounds very interesting-thankyou for suggesting it - i am heading over there now to check it out!

Oh no, cleo you''re right - doggy necklace! I didn''t see it before, but now that you mention it
It looks like we''re finding the same things at the same time, I just came across that Gehry bracelet and thought "if only I could get two pieces..."

I''m lovin the toggle Tiff and the toggle Atlas - so looks like we''ve got a tie at the moment..It is fun isn''t it, I''m glad you''re enjoying it too

Off to shop around some more..


Jan 26, 2008


Oct 4, 2007
Date: 3/29/2008 7:47:51 AM
Author: monarch64
Date: 3/29/2008 7:08:18 AM

Author: Deelight

Nothing drastic I am just getting my braces tightened, lucky me once a month I go to see him :). While I am there I browse the sparklie shops :) tiff''s is 20mtrs away so definitely not out of the way so I usually pop in for a browse :) and then I have bubble tea of course TDF it is like my monthly ritual :D

I won''t get there until April though there is a slight possibility I am heading into the city tomorrow if I do I will stop in purely for research purposes

I personally am partial to hearts as a whole but I like the oval one as well it is really a hard choice.
I am a braces gal as well, deeligt..ever go to anyway...I''m not a huge fan of tiff''s but I have always liked the chunky s/s bracelets and necklaces I see everyone wearing... DH gave me the heart toggle bracelet engraved with my married initials a couple years ago, and I have since yearned for the oval necklace to go with it. (I know, I''m a sad Room 1 sucker). I would get a bracelet (you can always add charms, not necessarily tiff''s) or the oval necklace which you could have engraved.

YAY for braces monarch :) I really love watching my teeth move I obsessively check them every day :). I did check out archwired when I was googling my orthodontist and looking at different kinds but have not participated :). Have you got long to go? I still have over a year and a half

Jane To answer your questions:) Braces are the best thing I have ever done for myself I never realised just how much potential my teeth have to be beautiful. For the full course over 2 years it will cost me 6k but with my prework all together the final bill will be around 10k but to me it is worth every last cent, it was actually cheaper then I thought it would be. I don''t have invisalign I was not a suitable candidate and at first I was a little devastated but I got over it quickly. I have ceramic braces on top and coloured metal ones on the bottom :) (the ortho thinks it is funny I am obsessed with colours I change them monthly). My braces are barely noticeable and most people don''t even realise they are there.

They don''t tend to interfere to much with your life to much I can''t obviously eat hard or really sticky sweets, popcorn and it is easier for me to eat my vegies cooked and I try to avoid to much sweets. I don''t find the getting them tightened painful (though some people do this apparently has to do with me having a phobia of dentists and a high pain threshold) but a couple of panadol''s would fix that actually my first tightening was relief my teeth moved so much in the first month they felt wiggly. In the first few days of getting them on I had a little lisp but it went away quickly. As long as your really good with your dental hygiene and have a really good orthodontist you should be sweet :). A good place to start to find one is here ASO

I hope that helps answer any questions you have :):):)

Back to the tiffany''s topic I have been thinking of ways to get photo''s for you when I go as well :).


Jan 18, 2008
Wow, great find Kcour, thankyou for looking! It is probably a bit too much out of budget as I''ve gotta stick to something pretty closely this time, but thankyou anyway

Cleo thankyou so much for the detailed response, you''re a champ!
I can''t tell you how much I regret about not getting braces put on when I was a kid - in my memory my dad said we couldn''t afford it, but I think my mum''s probably right in that I threw a huge wobbly and wouldn''t do it!
Now I have to find a way to pay for them myself..
Its not that my teeth are really bad or anything, most people don''t even think I need them, but its something I notice and that bothers me. I couldn''t believe those pics on Archwired about how quickly people''s teeth change!
And many people say they lose weight as they have to change their diet - bonus!
*Sigh* sounds like its time to stop buying jewellery and start saving for braces! Thankyou for the link - I already know the guy who is supposed to be "the best" here in Perth, but I''d like to shop around.

Cheers again for all the info


Oct 4, 2007
:) I just got back from Tiffany''s :) I have 2 bits of info :D:D:D:D

A new tiffany''s store will be opening in Perth in King Street (I am sure she said King Street) down the road from Louis Vuitton in approximately 3 mths

The prices at Tiffany''s went up today
the SA told me

I tried on the heart chocker personally I don''t think my next is huge but I thought it was a little tight it is quite a substantial looking necklace and quite pretty :), after seeing that one and the oval one I thought the oval was actually nicer :) Price was $415AUD

I could not see the double heart pendant you were after but there was another one and it was quite nice but VERY delicate a completely different look and quite small not something I would like.

Hope that helps :)


Jan 18, 2008
OMG Dee thankyou for the info and for checking stuff out for me!!! You're a total champion I
I can't believe a Tiffs is finally opening here in Perth, thats like 5mins from my work - so this is both good and bad news (bad news for my bank account!)

Admittedly those prices in AUD are a lil more than i expected - I'll probably just wait until the shop opens here now....Although, now i've gotta ask, I know this is akin to sacrilege here, but what do people think about buying a Tiff piece off Ebay? I'd like to go on record as saying I'm not normally an ebay person, however I came across this thread
Does this mean that stuff should be real thats sold on Ebay now?

I've had a quick browse, and if this stuff is fake, then i'm not very good at spotting it!

If someone has the time to have a quick look, just for fun, can you tell me if these are likely fakes or no? Do you think I'd be silly to purchase one, or is it ok as long as there's a return policy?

Thanks again Dee for everything


Jan 26, 2008
Honestly, in my experience of looking at Tiffany stuff on I would say at least 99.9% of it is fake.

You can''t really tell by looking, but I understand it''s usually very flimsy & hollow: rather than the heavy, substantually weighted pieces sold by Tiffany.

The worst part is that a lot of these people are also now faking receipts too, whick makes it almost impossible to tell.

Yes, you will get the occasional, honest person selling a second hand piece from their own collection. (Let''s face it, how would brand new, boxed, bagged, Tiffany jewellery be being sold on Ebay for less than its retail value?)

The only way to be absolutely sure is to buy direct from Tiffany. I adoooooooore Ebay - but for stuff like Louis Vuitton or Tiffany (unless you don''t mind buying used items) I would buy direct and give Ebay a really wide berth.

x x x


Oct 4, 2007
No worries :) Anytime lucky me looks like I get to head over that way again tomorrow ( I hope I can get an emergency appointment) I just popped a bracket
it is my fault I am sure (I was eating musk lifesavers wasn''t thinking).

I would be hesitant to buy off ebay like Cleo said most of it I would suspect is fake.


Jan 18, 2008
Hey Gals,
thanks for replying, I guess you're both right about Ebay, I've only ever bought a couple of cheapy items off ebay, and would be hesitant for anything over $100 - I'm just wishful thinking I guess!
Dee, sorry about ur bracket
But at least you have a nice excuse to go back in and go window shopping!

BTW, this thread has gotten such a good reponse, I'm seriously considering naming all my threads from now on as "Help me Spend $$$$", even when its totally unrelated!
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