
Help me find an Malaya Garnet!!


Jul 30, 2014
It was recommended that I ask here about a stone I would like to find. I am still new here so I hope this is all right asking. I am looking for an 10x8ish emerald cut Malaya Garnet in the melony pink/peach/copper color range to replace a stone this charming vintage family ring. Given to my mother by her parents when she was a teen, then to me, also as a teen. Now I would like to clean it up so I can wear it again and can give it to my daughter, when she is old enough. The stone that was in it was dark pink stone and have no idea what it is. Its measurements are 9.73 x 7.90 x 4.95 and looks to be radiant cut. At first I was thinking about replacing with Morganite but then I saw another lady's Malayan Garnet that went from the melony pink to a lovely copper color and immediately though THAT is what I want in this ring.

Here are some pictures of the ring:


The ring is on its way to David Klass for a makeover and we may end up having to change the prong/petals holding the stone in so there my be some wiggle room on exact size of the stone.

So tell me what I need to know to hunt this stone down. So far I have not been having any luck so ANY help is greatly appreciated.
I would contact Multicolorgems - maybe the have such a stone in stock or can cut one.

Or a custom cutter here - maybe some rough at home?
Nice idea, pretty setting. You will have better luck finding a morganite for it than an "imperial malaya garnet", as the vendors often call them. The garnet rough isn't very common, as far as I know, especially in larger sizes, so to add a particular shape and specific dimensions might be like looking for a needle in a haystack. Perhaps a light pink spinel might be another option? Though also somewhat difficult to find in that size, probably more likely than the malaya garnet, I'm sorry to say. I would ask Jeff White if he has anything, he often has bigger pieces of rough.
Hi Brit! SF here. ;)

I suggested Brit come here for help finding her garnet. I had posted one on another forum that I recently bought and had set. Here is a link to the LT listing of my stone since I cannot upload pics: if it helps PS-CSers see what she was kinda looking for color wise. I tried searching around for something for her but didn't see anything in her size range. I also didn't find hardly any that were Emerald/rectangular shape. Maybe these stones just don't favor that cut? Not sure. But I figured if anyone could help and point her in the right direction, it was the wonderful PS-CSers.
With malaya garnets, it's imperative that you are able to view the stone in sunlight, fluorescent and incandescent light. The reason being is that the color shift, often in fluorescents, can be very dark and brown. I'm not sure if that's what you're looking for since copper is more of a reddish color, and not as "muddy" (my new fav word around here) so to speak.

If you like coppery colored stones, Oregon sunstone is also a nice alternative, but it is a little softer.
I agree TL about the importance of seeing it in different lighting, and suggested the same on the other forum. It definitely has different personalities, which I found really nice in mine. Thankfully, it has good color display in each setting. I really love it.

What about a tourmaline? I don't have any, but seeing the color on this one is kind of close, maybe it would open up the pool of options? Someone else would need to comment about the durability of them in a ring though.
It would be worth emailing Weblorn with your requirements because she (?) seems to always have some of these and may be able to source one of the size you require.

Have you thought of having the current stone repolished?
Thank so much everyone!

LT- I am totally open to a stone that will even get chocolate brown. In fact I was looking at chocolate brown stone for it too.

woofmama - I think I am really shying away from the lighter pink these days as well as the champaign colors and the blue is super pretty it is just not the way I want to take this ring.

And a big thanks to you JoCo Jen! I am looking closely at that first ebay stone you linked to. Not the cut, I wanted but it might work.

I have been working my way down the list of CS sellers from the "Read First" thread.

Keep the suggestions coming!
Starin - Actually one of the corners is basically gone as well as it being so worn. I think I just want to trash it and get something that I picked out with my daughter in mind. Makes the ring just that much more special.
fair enough - how often will you wear it and how hard are you on your jewellery?
Well who's a lucky girl then? Multicolour have FIVE malayas to choose from that I think would work for size.

The general rule of thumb is that you can move up or down 0.5mm from your ideal size but it would be best if you sent your jeweller a picture of the favoured stone and it's measurements to make sure they think it will work in the setting.

All of these have good colour, all can be expected to be slightly darker in hand, all have quite good cuts with minimal windows which should close up in the setting.

So in no particular order-

ETA: download the identification reports for each one for a bit more information
Thank you so much Starzin! I was at their website but could not find anything! I guess I don't know how their search engine works. I kept trying different combinations and wasn't getting anything, but it looked like they had inventory. Got frustrated and moved on. It is between the first and third you posted. Leaning more toward the third because it is a bit smaller and doesn't show any signs of any blue. The first one looks like it could be a blue/purple/fuchsia stone. Now I need to email Customer service and see if they can tell me what these stone do under some different lights.

So as it stands here are my options so far:

First Choice

Second Choice

Third Choice

What do you all think of their pricing? Good, low, high?

Thanks again Starzin!!
Yeah, I was thinking about that too BUT the first one is really the best choice so far. Grr!! But I guess the return deal overseas is only so bad in tat it will take longer and shipping will be more. No a huge deal though.
It helps not to put too many criteria in the search engine - I only entered Malaya garnet & cushion first up just to see how many pages there were. Since there were only three, I didn't define it further. If there had been say 11, I would have then put in a price range.

Did you download the ID reports?
The first one has a GIA Code: slp/R*6/2 Hue: slightly purplish red Tone: Medium dark
which means it's slightly purplish Red with a 6 (out of 7) tone meaning it's fairly dark. The 2 relates to the grey/brown and 2 is slight. Expect this to look darker in hand.

The third one is GIA Code: stp/R*5/3 Hue: strongly purplish red Tone: Medium

They are probably good choices but I would be concerned that the Weblorn one may be a little skinny (need to check with jeweller) but it is a beautiful cut.