
Help me choose a camera

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May 16, 2006
I am looking to buy DH a compact digital camera for christmas. We don''t need anything fancy or super expensive (200-300$ range) , just a decent quality point and shoot pocket model that is user friendly, and performs well in various lighting conditions.
We currently have a high-end Sony that is just awful. I paid a fortune but didn''t do my research & listened to the salesman, whom I know so trusted, but I am ready to toss it.

So I thought I should ask the wise PS community.
Do you own a model that you love?

Based on reviews, the options are overwhelming, and I am not really interested in figuring it all out. I''d rather someone just tell me what to buy



Aug 1, 2008


Apr 23, 2008
I second the Canon Powershot series. Any of them are great!


May 16, 2006
oh great--thanks MP and April--that confirms what i have been reading. Seems like that whole series of cameras get great reviews and are affordable.


May 20, 2008
Have you checked Consumer Reports? A few years ago I got their highest rated camera, a reasonably priced Sony, and have been very happy with it. I''m not sure what cameras they''re currently rating the best, but I would check it out. is also a good resource.


Dec 29, 2004
Jas, I have been doing a fair bit of camera research lately for my preggo friends. Here is my recommendation:

Because from what I suspect, you are going to take pictures of CHILDREN (since you have one on the way
), no point and shoot is probably going to be fast enough to shoot action photos. What I''ve found is a dislike flash photography, but in many cases, that''s what we take in order to get something that isn''t a blur in low light, hence I invested in a entry level DSLR.

Now, since I know that is not what you are interested in, I recommend looking into the Canon S90.

It''s a step up from some Canon SD models (I have one and like it, but the photos are crap in low light without flash). The S90 apparently performs quite well in low light without flash, which is great for getting those newborn photos when you don''t want flash bulbs going off into their eyes.

It IS a bit more expensive ($400). Amazon''s price right now is $399, which is the cheapest I''ve seen was 406 2 days ago and about $430 a week before that.

Here is Ken Rockwell''s review. Some people hate him, but IMHO, he is great reading for the amateur, which includes people like us.

I read a lot about this camera last night on a few site (amazon has a ton of ratings, I checked out cnets review and dpreview''s) and all say that this is a pretty darn good point and shoot camera. If I were in the market for a new P&S, this is what I would choose.

From my own experience Jas, I''ve found out that "decent" means not so good at low lighting conditions.


Dec 29, 2004


May 16, 2006

i was hoping you would chime in Tgal--since i know you and Tacori did your homework on a DSLR. And we do really want a DSLR some day (there is no disputing how amazing the pictures look-esp when dealing with kids) but i find we are using our camera at impromptu moments, much of the time out of the house and on the run. A bulky camera just wouldn''t get used as much, i don''t think.

I am going to look into the S90 now. I didn''t want to spend that much, but i also don''t want to waste money like i did on my sony that was close to $500 and performs pitifully in low light and with fast movement. We hated it from the get-go and i should have returned it instead of thinking it was the user at fault & should not have read reviews *after* the purchase.

Lesson learned.

So if i need to spend 400 then so be it. Pictures are kinda important

Amazon does not ship to canada. Sucky b/c our dollar is close to par so it would be great to take advantage of their prices.....

Elrohwen--my MIL subscribes to consumer reports so she has put the latest aside for me....going to go over them this week. Thanks for reminding me


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 11/30/2009 1:21:34 PM
Author: Jas12

i was hoping you would chime in Tgal--since i know you and Tacori did your homework on a DSLR. And we do really want a DSLR some day (there is no disputing how amazing the pictures look-esp when dealing with kids) but i find we are using our camera at impromptu moments, much of the time out of the house and on the run. A bulky camera just wouldn''t get used as much, i don''t think.

I am going to look into the S90 now. I didn''t want to spend that much, but i also don''t want to waste money like i did on my sony that was close to $500 and performs pitifully in low light and with fast movement. We hated it from the get-go and i should have returned it instead of thinking it was the user at fault & should not have read reviews *after* the purchase.

Lesson learned.

So if i need to spend 400 then so be it. Pictures are kinda important

Amazon does not ship to canada. Sucky b/c our dollar is close to par so it would be great to take advantage of their prices.....

Elrohwen--my MIL subscribes to consumer reports so she has put the latest aside for me....going to go over them this week. Thanks for reminding me
Adorama (reputable camera site) has it for 399 as well.

Jas, I think most P&S will perform badly with low light and fast moment. I don''t the canon s90 will be the solution to that. I think it may be BETTER than other cameras but since I haven''t tested it, I can''t say by how much. If you choose auto on most cameras with no flash, that is the worst because it will keep the shutter open for a long time and even handshake will cause the pic to be blurry. Mine also just isn''t great at ISO800 and above

I agree with children, if you had to choose one, go for a P&S. That''s the one I carry with me all the time. Yes, the pics aren''t as nice as my Nikon DSLR, but there are at least pics to look at! That''s the reason I am NOT buying the S90...most low light situations for me are in my house and I have the DSLR for that. When I go out to the park, etc, my point and shoot works fine because there is decent light.

Just keep in mind I have not seen or tested the S90 myself, so please read reviews, etc, yourself. I am an avid researcher on this kind of stuff and so far, I''ve been happy with my purchases, including the Canon SD850IS. It''s just not great in low light, is all.


Aug 14, 2009
Ditto on the Powershots!

I''ve had a Nikon, Olympus, Sony, and finally caved and bought the Canon - the most expensive, with the fewest features.

The picture quality is worth every penny


Mar 6, 2006
I bought a canon powershot SD780 in July and LOVE it. Its so tiny and takes amazing photos.

I would buy it again.

Allison D.

Feb 1, 2008
No point and shoot will really perform well in low-light conditions, so I think you need to take low-light/fast shutter conditions off the table and use something else in those situations. I bought the Nikon D40x for such instances.

For on-the-go type photos in decent lighting conditions, I''d say any Canon SD series camera with image stabilization. As mentioned, bulkier cameras are no good if you don''t feel like dragging them along, and most of what I shoot on the run can be done with one of the SD series cameras.


May 5, 2005
I have the canon sd1200 and I love it. It takes better pictures than I thought it would, although it doesn''t compare to my nikon d40, it is respectable. The main convenience is it''s so small, I can get photos that I normally wouldn''t get because I don''t carry around the d40.
I find it works better on the program mode than on the auto. The p mode you can pick the situation (kids and pets, portrait, night, etc...)
The macro is absolutely fantastic. I did my research and am happy with it.
No small camera will be guaranteed to perform perfectly under all lighting conditions.


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 11/30/2009 6:06:29 PM
Author: Allison D.
No point and shoot will really perform well in low-light conditions, so I think you need to take low-light/fast shutter conditions off the table and use something else in those situations. I bought the Nikon D40x for such instances.

For on-the-go type photos in decent lighting conditions, I''d say any Canon SD series camera with image stabilization. As mentioned, bulkier cameras are no good if you don''t feel like dragging them along, and most of what I shoot on the run can be done with one of the SD series cameras.
Yup, but for taking pics indoors with kids, my SD doesn''t cut it at ALL. I wonder if the S90 would be better since it lets more light in and has faster shutter speeds (I think?)


Jul 27, 2007
I love the Canon Powershot S90IS. I bought one a couple of years ago for a photography class after weeks of research. It took truly amazing pictures in all lighting conditions. I was always most impressed with how it performed in low-light conditions. A few weeks after buying it I stupidly left it at Yankees Stadium and didn''t hesitate to buy a second. It''s not a slim as a typical P&S, but it really does take much better pictures and is easier to tote around than an SLR. I dropped my second S90IS in the water at the beach last summer and decided to get something a little cheaper since I have bad camera karma. I replaced it with a Canon Powershot A590 and regret that decision. The A590 doesn''t take pictures that are nearly as good, so when this one breaks I''m going back to the S90IS. I''m not a good enough photographer to justify getting an DSLR (yet), but in my opinion the S90 is a great compromise between a cheaper P&S and an expensive DSLR.


Sep 4, 2007
Ditto any of the Canon powershots - I have an older SD430 (I think) and it is awesome. Great sized screen and takes GREAT pics. Especially diamond pics using the macro setting. It is honestly better/easier than our digital SLR camera.


May 16, 2006
You have all been a great help!

i am sure i am going to go with canon, but here is my next question. Knowing i am not going to get stellar performance with low light (and being okay with that) do i still go and spend the extra 150 or so on the S90? Do you guys think i would really notice the difference if i went down one model level?

NEL, based on what you say, yes i would notice the difference. Is it really, super obvious ? Any other qualities i''d miss out on?

Tgal, i read the reviews, they sound good. For some reason my researcher self i can''t get into electronics, but iam putting in the effort..... I''ve been spending too much researching french macarons lately & my christmas baking projects. lol.

so i needed you gals . I knew i''d get a few good opinions!


May 16, 2006
Did a bit more reading,

I am leaning toward the SD940.

I think we will look for a DSLR in the next year or two so i don''t think i can spend the 500 + the S90 will cost in canada (after taxes, exchange, shipping etc.). But the SD940 seems to be a good combo or quality and price


Dec 29, 2004
Jas, how bad exactly is that sony? Does it shoot OK in normal light situations outside? What ISO are you generally shooting at?

If so, what about getting the DSLR this year? You can use that at home and still get use out of the Sony when you are out and about and lighting is not as much of an issue?

I don''t know much about the current SD lineup, so it''s hard for me to say....


Jan 1, 2007
Such a timely thread, Jas-thanks for posting it and helping me out!

I just bought a Nikon Coolpix S203 at Target for $88. It was one of their doorbusters and is originally $139. It SUCKS so I''ll be returning it as soon as I get the chance. My dad, sister and husband all swear by Canon but I was swayed by the cheapness.

My dad has a Canon (I forget the model number) and it''s in between a point and shoot and a could be the S90 TGal and NEL recommended. The pictures it takes are AMAZING. He uses it when he''s not in the mood for carting around his big DSLR. I can find out for sure but I think it is the S90.


Jul 27, 2007
If you do plan to get a DSLR within the next couple of years, I probably wouldn''t get the S90. I''d get something slimmer so you''d have a P&S you can easily tuck in your pocket and then your bigger DSLR when you want to take great shots. I planned to start with the S90 so I could get used to all of the manual controls, then "graduate" to a DSLR. After I ruined my second S90 I decided to go back to a slim P&S so that when I did get a DSLR, I''d have one of each. The problem is that I was so happy with the S90 that I''m having a hard time justifying spending the money on the DSLR. Anyway, I''m rambling. I''m just saying that I would stagger what you get--either get the slimmer P&S now and the DSLR in a couple of years or do as TGal suggested and keep what you''ve got, then spring for the DSLR now. I wish I had a good P&S recommendation for you in the price range, I just haven''t found any I''ve really loved.


May 16, 2006
hmmm, okay so now i am more confused.
I didn''t realize the 940 was bulkier (didn''t even look at the dimensions). They all seem slim in the pics.

Tgal--i think charlie would freak if i went and bought a DSLR this year. He doesn''t want to do presents at all seeing as we have the house to build, my mat leave coming up and baby. I think it is important to at least have something to take pictures with so i am looking at it as a necessity rather than an indulgence

But i see your point, if we can get away with the sony for a while then we could use the other for the harder shots. Unfortunately, it''s not just the low light quality that is a problem, it has various issues

So i''ll have to think about it a bit more then. Couple options to consider.
What would i be looking to spend on a decent DSLR?

Thing2--yes, i would like to know what your dad has too


Jan 1, 2007
Jas, I just asked and it''s a Canon G10. The photos it takes are amazing! I tried to get him to sell me his for cheap so he could get the newer version but he won''t go for it! Apparently the newer version (G11) isn''t as good as the G10. (According to reviews.) If you have any specific questions about the G10 I''ll be happy to ask him!


May 18, 2008
Thanks for posting this Jas. We are also searching for a camera. I really want a DSLR but we can''t get one this year. I can wait but I don''t want to. DD is growing up way too fast and I want to start taking great pics ASAP. I''ll be checking out all of these options.


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 12/1/2009 9:50:24 AM
Author: thing2of2
Jas, I just asked and it''s a Canon G10. The photos it takes are amazing! I tried to get him to sell me his for cheap so he could get the newer version but he won''t go for it! Apparently the newer version (G11) isn''t as good as the G10. (According to reviews.) If you have any specific questions about the G10 I''ll be happy to ask him!
T2, the G series apparently was great. The S90 is in the same class of apparently does everything the G11 does, but it''s even more compact.


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 12/1/2009 9:13:58 AM
Author: Jas12
hmmm, okay so now i am more confused.
I didn''t realize the 940 was bulkier (didn''t even look at the dimensions). They all seem slim in the pics.

Tgal--i think charlie would freak if i went and bought a DSLR this year. He doesn''t want to do presents at all seeing as we have the house to build, my mat leave coming up and baby. I think it is important to at least have something to take pictures with so i am looking at it as a necessity rather than an indulgence

But i see your point, if we can get away with the sony for a while then we could use the other for the harder shots. Unfortunately, it''s not just the low light quality that is a problem, it has various issues

So i''ll have to think about it a bit more then. Couple options to consider.
What would i be looking to spend on a decent DSLR?

Thing2--yes, i would like to know what your dad has too
Jas, it''s hard to say. I bought my D40 off ebay as a refurb from Cameta Camera. The the D3000 replaces the D40, but the D40 still has quite a following so they aren''t selling for any cheaper than when I bought it. In fact, last I checked on Amazon, the D40 with the crappier kit lens was only $30 less than D3000. I would have a hard time buying the D40 for that price and would buy the newer technology. Currently the D3000 is $469 on Amazon, and a bit more elsewhere.

A refurb D40 is going for about $280-$300 right now, but that is body only. I just bought the prime 35mm lens (so no zoom) for my D40 and I like it so far. That will set you back another $200. I also bought a filter to protect the lens (another $26).

So you can see, it would set you back a bit, even if you went through the hassle of finding a refurb. Either the D3000+kit lens or D40 refurb+35mm lens would set you back about $500.

I''m trying to get samples of DSLR vs point and shoot, but PS''s under 100kb limit is making it really tough to share samples that really show anything. I post a few anyway because you see the examples are dramatic, even scaled down.

Below is my Christmas tree. Left taken with DSLR and right taken with Canon P&S. Very low light...only coming from tree, one lamp in the house and the kitchen light on.



Dec 29, 2004
Flowers taken in very low direct light in this area. Only light coming from kitchen, tree and and distant lamp. It''s a bit noisy, but still not bad. (FYI, not trying for composition or anything here...just playing with the lens)

Nikon D40:



Dec 29, 2004
Canon P&S, same lighting conditions.



Dec 29, 2004
Anyway, these are with still objects. Imagine when you get a moving kid in the picture. I was really frustrated with my P&S''s lagtime when it came to taking photos of Amelia which is why I decided even if I never learned to used the DSLR, it would still take better photos in auto (or preferrably program mode) than what I was getting with my P&S. My only regret is that I didn''t do it sooner...I did not get the camera until last November or so...and she was already 7 months then.

So my advice to every preggo out there is to get the DSLR (whichever you choose) BEFORE the kid arrives. Not only can you never capture those moments can never capture that little baby SIZE again!!


Jan 1, 2007
Date: 12/1/2009 11:05:56 AM
Author: TravelingGal
Date: 12/1/2009 9:50:24 AM

Author: thing2of2

Jas, I just asked and it's a Canon G10. The photos it takes are amazing! I tried to get him to sell me his for cheap so he could get the newer version but he won't go for it! Apparently the newer version (G11) isn't as good as the G10. (According to reviews.) If you have any specific questions about the G10 I'll be happy to ask him!
T2, the G series apparently was great. The S90 is in the same class of apparently does everything the G11 does, but it's even more compact.

Good to know-thanks TGal. I might go cheaper than the S90 and get the SD940 because my husband has a Canon Rebel DSLR. I can't decide...I'm getting into my "Well I'm spending $250, I might as well spend $400 to get the best one!" thinking.
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