
Healthy Living Thread


Feb 27, 2007
Deegee, I could become a homebody pretty easy myself. I am glad your beautiful blue ring was so popular at work today. Of course, how could it not be popular?


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Tuesday kids!

Deegee, going on the Houzz site is like falling down the rabbit hole for me! If you don't check in for a while we'll know you're looking at house stuff, LOL. I took a pic of the scarves taped up on the wall but it's a really really terrible rendition. It was night out and I had the chandalier turned way too bright so it looks like the big round mother ship is landing on top of the dining room table in the photo. Once I get them up for real I'll post. Actually, I was thinking of doing a whole The Renovation is Complete thread when I get everything cleaned up. What do you think?

Curby, did I tell you I ordered a Typo2 keyboard for my iphone? I am such a luddite! Now I refer to my "contraption" as my iberry -- ha! The did make a couple of changes from the real Blackberry keyboard, and the balance is unusual since I've now go the keyboard at the very bottom of a top-heavy rectangular device rather than the square-ish Blackberry, but I think I like it! I was just down playing with the IT guy's 6+ and if they ever come out with a Typo for that I swear I'm going to seriously consider upgrading!

So I decided to order a runner for the hallway... talk about falling down the rabbit hole! I have a penchant for hand made rugs (although I do have some machine mades ones) and I wanted to find something different from the other stuff I've already got. Combine that with the length of the hallway and... well... it took me two solid days of looking at stuff on line to make a decision. THEN, once I finall did decide, the site crashed. So I placed the order on my phone but I don't have any sort of confirmation or anything. When I go on the site (again on my phone because it won't work on my computer) I get a message that the item is no longer available. I will try again tonight when I get home, and worst case I can call and ask, but it just makes me nervous to enter my credit card number and then BAM -- the internet goes bye-bye! Of course I am protected in that if the charge does go through and the rug never shows up I could call Visa, but what a PITA. Anyway, if the site ever comes back up I'll post a link.


Mar 26, 2006
I forgot to tell you guys about my car adventure yesterday morning. So I've never parked outside before but now that I have this condo my parking spots are not in a garage or anything. On Sunday night the CB cleaned the snow off of my car before we went to bed and then he cleared the windshield again in the morning when he was leaving. I took a shower, put my clothes on, dried my hair and went out to start the car so it could warm up while I put on my makeup and finished getting ready. All good so far... Except the door was frozen shut. And in the course of fumbling with the handle with the key in my hand and I must have hit a button, making the alarm go off. The only way to turn off the alarm is to put the key in the ignition... But did I mention that part about the door being frozen shut??? So I had to go back inside, run the water until it got hot, fill up the tea kettle, and pour hot water all over the door so it would open. THEN, and only then, could I turn off the alarm. OK, now we're making progress right? But my car was NOT HAPPY. It started, no problem, but it make this noise that I SWEAR was a *S*C*R*E*A*M*. The CB said it was just the belts being super cold, but in my mind it was like a haiku...

So so very cold
The sound of Lexus screaming
Chi-Town winter bad


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Tuesday!

Dee Jay, are you guys getting lots of snow? I vote for an entire thread on your finished renovation. I’d love browsing through the photos of your beautiful place. Iberry. That is awesome! The 6+ is a great phone but definitely too large for my hands. Crap that the internet site crashed right when you placed your order for a runner. Hopefully an email confirmation shows up soon or you can see a pending charge on your card. How awful about your car. My door and window freezes like that. It is a PAIN. Of course the hot water only freezes instantly and gives you more ice. I love your haiku.

I don’t want to be a one upper but I’ll have to tell you my frozen car story. Our old house had the garage door opener break on a cold, snowy day and naturally Marty was on his way to the airport. So he tries everything to get the door opener to work one of which was spraying degreaser on the track. Well it gets all over my car. He takes off for the airport so I call a repairman for the garage door and he shows up and finds a burnt out board in it; does a make shift repair until he can get me a new garage door opener and tells me to get the degrease washed off my car sooner rather than later because it will ruin my paint. It was my 2005 Audi. So I decide to take it to one of those coin operated car washes. It is in the 20’s, wind chill below zero. I put on my giant Sorels and head off to the car wash. So I am soaping up my car out in the freezing cold and you guessed it – pretty soon I am standing on nothing but solid ice. I can barely walk or keep myself upright. I shut the water off on the handle, held on tightly to the wand you spray with to get myself back to my car door, just left the wand on the ground there and drove off. I get home and my car doors are all frozen shut. I am thinking the only reason this isn’t going to show up on Darwin awards is I lived through it. I finally forced my door open to get out of the car and stripped a bunch of the rubber seal off. I am still laughing about it now. Not one of my brighter moves.

Marty made it to Bucharest. I picked up a few groceries on the way home today. I eat pretty cheaply when it’s just me.

We got our shade installed in our bedroom today. It is so dark in there now. We had drapes with blackout liners but now there is also a shade with blackout liners. I’ll probably kill myself tonight if I had to get up and visit the little PS room. I am going to sleep really well; no lights! Woo hoo!!!

Take care.


Apr 27, 2007
Dee*Jay-I'm sorry, but your car story absolutely cracked me up! Woooo!! Is your building soundproof, or were your neighbors all cursing you for the alarm blaring in the morning? Poor little screaming Lexus. I didn't know your parking spaces weren't in a garage now. Are they covered? My Acura had never slept outside in the cold until last week when we were in Cincinnati. It was 5 degrees one morning, and the poor thing nearly didn't start. I can't wait to see an "all done!" thread for your condo. I bet it looks amazing! I vote for the blue/grey rug in your other thread. I started looking through living/family room pictures on Houzz, but I got overwhelmed a d started reading a book instead. I need so much and have no idea where to start. Argh!

Hi Marcy! I hope you're staying warm. I've been parked in front of the fireplace wrapped up in a blanket all evening. Holy cow! Your story sounds like a nightmare. I know it wasn't amusing to you when it was happening,but do you laugh about it now? I can't compete with that one. I'm glad to hear Marty made it safely to Bucharest. I bet your room is nice and dark with both blackout shades and curtains. Will that make you sleep in later, or do you just naturally wake up early? At home with the blackout drapes, lily will sleep in as long as we do. When we're at a beach house or cabin in the mountains, that darn dog wakes up as soon as there is sunlight.

I got to work about an hour late this morning, but stayed two hours extra so I think I'm good. It sure is hard getting back to a morning routine after all that time off. I was late yesterday too, so I'm hoping by Friday I'll have myself together enough to make it on time. That's my goal. Food today-blue smoothie (much tastier than the green smoothie) for breakfast, a cup of chicken noodle soup and a banana for lunch, and 1/2 slice of lean ham (the 3 furry beggars that live with me shared the other half), couscous and veggies for dinner. I've been snacking on raw carrots and hummus this evening. I actually felt hungry today, so hopefully that means I'm turning a corner with this stomach thing. Exercise today-I had to park 3 parking lots away from my building. I'm counting that freezing cold walk as exercise! Have a great day tomorrow!!


Apr 27, 2007
Marcy-Matt's last Christmas gift finally came in today. It was a book titled "astronomy for dummies." Since he won't commit to a telescope, I bought him a pair of high powered Nikkon binoculars and the book. That should get him started.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, that is a seriously funny story about your car! I read it to the CB and when we got to the part about driving home from the car wash he was like, "Oh no -- her doors are going to be frozen shut!" And sure enough! I did think of that the other morning after I poured the water around the door so I left it cracked open a little bit to make sure it wouldn't freeze again.

Deegee, my spots are outside and totally uncovered... it's going to be a looooong winter... I have a few more things to do before I can put together a renovation thread. I got one more element figured out last night though; I have a 5' wide wall outside the kitchen that has an ugly HVAC grate on it and I decided I'm going to put wine storage there using the same bookcases that I used in the living room. It will tie the kitchen in with the rest of the space and hide the grate at the same time!

Last night I spent a hour or so cleaning up the house... and you would never even know I did anything, the place is still such a mess. This weekend is going to be clean-a-polooza -- I SWEAR! I also have some things to take back to Ikea (and I'll get the new shelving at the same time), Restoration Hardware (the 12' lit up tree I ordered has branches that don't light up... ?), and I need to see if the tile store will take back some of the extra tile I've accumulated during this project. The invoices are pre-printed to say they only take returns up to 20 days later, but these are full unopened boxes and all things they carry in stock, so I'm going to try it. I've got several hundred dollars worth of tile that will never be used, so it's worth a shot. Plus, the more I clear out of that closet, the better.

Today is crazy cold. Crazy. Forget about the sound of Lexus screaming, this is the sound of Dee Jay screaming... Brrrrr!


Mar 26, 2006
So... you know how I said I was going to use the Ikea bookcases for wine storage outside the kitchen? Well... I may be considering different ideas (translation: I was looking for something else and came across this!). What do you think of this? It wouldn't 100% cover the grate because it's off to one side, but I think it would be enough that you wouldn't really notice it any more. Hmmm...



Mar 26, 2006
It just occurred to me that this might clash with the wood floor that it would sit on. Damn... I thought I had this figured out!


Mar 26, 2006
Here's another picture IRL. Too bad it's sitting on a concrete floor and not on wood.

Maybe I'm over-thinking this...



Apr 27, 2007
Dee*Jay-I like the table a lot. It's different! I always wonder about woods not going together too. Is it something you could return if it ended up clashing? I hope you can return some of the unused stuff. We found a bunch of unused stuff in the garage at our old house as we were packing up to move, and we took it back to Lowes without a receipt and they refunded everything that came from there. We took the rest to Home Depot and they refunded what had come from there. I love stores with that kind of return policy! I think I'm going to snap a bunch of pictures of the inside of my house, and let you tell me what to get.

Hi Marcy! Are you still feeling better, or having problems with the cough? I haven't emailed Vera yet. I can't decide whether or not to send the ring to be thinned. I think it would look better with my ering, but I like it so much as it is! Oh, decisions, decisions.

I stayed home from work today. I had a bad coughing fit last night and woke up this morning with a headache and nausea. I know I'm coming off of a two week vacation, but I really felt like crap and decided to stay in. II'm glad I did because it's cold, windy and snowy outside and 'm feeling much better this evening. I didn't have breakfast, I had a breakfast bar for lunch, and a salad with grilled chicken on top for dinner. If I would get my lazy self off of the couch and exercise, I think I'd be losing weight right now! Matt is tutoring this evening and I'm on the couch in front of the fire. Have a great day tomorrow!!


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Wednesday!

Deegee, I am pretty chilly right now but I am not turning on my fireplace. I didn’t like my last gas and light bill. Is it cold there? I definitely can laugh about my frozen car now, I was laughing about it that day after I got home. It was so incredibly stupid of me; I was just worried about getting my car clean. Our bedroom was very dark last night. I am sure that will help me sleep in in the summer; once the sun comes up I am usually awake. Our drapes were very dark but since they are on a curtain rod they do come off the wall a little bit. Now I have double darkening so I think I’ll really like it. I’m like Lily; when it’s light I’m awake. I like the idea of you going to work late; it’s like giving yourself a raise. The trick is to leave early on those days. Glad to hear you are helping Matt getting started in astronomy. If you want any more book recommendations let me know. I was trying to find the comet near Orion tonight but since my deck is snowy I was just looking through the window. That is such a deal Lowes and Home Depot gave you a refund for things from them. You can’t complain about that kind of service. I understand that would be a rough decision to send your ring back for modification or just keep it the way it is now. I’ve been wearing my Tiffany band for over 2 weeks now and was thinking today I miss my sparkly band. Sorry to hear you feel bad today but it’s a good call to stay home when you feel that bad. I hope you are feeling better.

Dee Jay, that is a great table. Can you put a rug under it or in front of it to blend it in with your floor? Of course you had me at “wine”. That is funny you read CB my story and he already knew what was going to happen. Good idea to leave your door cracked open a little bit. I saw online you were really getting a cold snap there. You are going to miss a covered garage for a few months. You’ve got more cold and snow coming that way again. I like the idea of a clean-a-polooza. That is rotten your tree didn’t light up all the way. I hope they take back your boxes of unused tile. We threw out a few hundred dollars worth of tile when we moved and I thought that was such a waste. I think both you and the Lexus deserve to be screaming in the cold. We only have about 4 more months of this crap. Did you get a lot of snow with this storm?

My really dark bedroom was great last night except I didn’t sleep worth a darn. I was watching the clock most of the night. I hate nights like that. I am still coughing some but not enough to keep me awake all night. Must be my guilty conscious. I should have just got up and done some online shopping.

Marcy / Curby


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids! Happy Thursday!

We had a nice day today but have the stupid freezing drizzle again tonight. Is it June yet?

Dee Jay, any decisions on rug(s), runners and wine racks?

Deegee, I hope you are feeling better.

After I cooked supper I followed Marty's suggestion to go unplug the Airport and I had some success. I can print to the air printer off my iPhone and iPad. I can print to the laser printer with my laptop. I can't print to the air printer with my laptop but the scanner on that printer works from my laptop. Go figure. At least I still have internet access. :appl: I think I'll quit while I'm ahead.

I had lunch with my friend who suffers from FOMO and she was going on about some stuff she was doing and asking me to do all sorts of things with her so I told her about FOMO. She didn't deny it at all.

I'm setting in our recliner in the den right now. I may never move tonight. This is so comfy.

Have a great Friday. Weekend here we come!



Apr 27, 2007
Marcy-I have no problems with FOMO. I think I'm too lazy to care! My gas bill last month was kind of high, and I have t opened my electric bill yet. I don't want to think about it! Our ceilings are so high that it gets drafty, and the fireplace is a must (for me) on these freezing cold evenings. Speaking of freezing cold, when I started my car this evening after work, I got a "replace battery" message. I thought since my car started that I'd be okay to drive it home, but I'm a girl and I had your and dee*jay's car horror stories in my head so I called Matt to make sure my car shouldn't die on me while driving. I could see me getting stuck in the freezing cold on the winding, dark curvy road to my house. Or it crapping out on me during my 34 seconds on the interstate with a tractor trailer on my tail. I made it home, it's in the garage, and who knows if it will start tomorrow morning. If I haven't said it lately...I hate winter! I hope you get your printer issues fixed! After today at work, I declared "technology is not my friend."

I was nearly on time for work today. I swear, tomorrow's the day. My boss had her Christmas luncheon with us today. She's the deputy director, and we're department managers (a few of us are on the project and no longer managers, but she includes us anyway). It was nice visiting with the coworkers I never see anymore. Food today-red smoothie for breakfast, Chinese vegetable soup and rice for lunch, and for dinner I had lean roast beef of wheat bread with a salad. I'm feeling a lot better, although I'm seriously missing coffee, beer, and soda. And chocolate. It's chocolate time and I need chocolate, but it is also in my list of foods to avoid right now. Wahhh! Have a great day tomorrow!


Feb 27, 2007
Deegee, oh no that your car wouldn’t start. I’d be very worried about it making it home too. Glad Matt is home this week. Sorry you had a rough day at work. That’s great you had lunch with some of your co-workers today. It’s nice to catch up with people you don’t see everyday anymore. I’m tempted to crank on my fireplace right now. When I’m cold I just don’t care what my gas and light bill is going to be; it’s like gas, milk, bread and wine. You are going to pay for it no matter what it costs. Can Matt take you to work tomorrow?


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Friday kids!

Deegee, yes, definitely take some pics and I'll offer an opinion! (Of course, you know what they say about *opinions* -- they're like belly buttons; everbody's got one!) If you don't want to post too much of your home on line, and if you and Curby have been able to connect by email through WF, you can get my email from her and send stuff directly. And yes, definitely get a new battery! A couple of winters ago mine went dead two days in a row and that was my signal to trot on over to the nearest auto parts place and get it done.

Curby, did you move out of the recliner last night or did you end up sleeping there? You know my penchant for sleeping on the couch so I fully support your right to sleep in your comfy chair! We got quite a bit of snow yesterday, starting about 1 pm and going until 9 or so. The bigger problem though was all the blowing. It was a white-out for much of my trip home last night.

So... I think I'm going to have to pass on the table... I really do like it visually, but the competing woods thing might make me a bit crazy. I did consider the idea of having it on a small rug, but it would be in easy sight of (literally) four other rugs, and I am just not sure how to pull that off without doing a plane one, and I'm just not a fan of plain rugs. Oh well, this design thing is a *process*, right? :cheeky:

I refinanced my mortgage this morning -- thirty year money at 3.875%. Amazing. Truly. BUT, the mortgage company called me last night and said there was an issue in that when they ran the latest title search the City has placed a lien against the building because the sewer violation has never been formally cleared. They let me know, pending getting a letter of indemnification from the management company within three business days stating that the problem is indeed fixed. The property manager pretty much hates me, so I'll be curious to see how all this turns out... I'm not sure what the up-shot is if the letter is not produced. I'll cross that bridge when I get to it, I suppose, but I will be completely stressed about it until it's resolved!


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Friday!

Dee Jay, it’s probably a good idea to pass on that table for your wine rack. You would probably always notice the difference in the color of the wood. I did spend hours in my comfy chair last night but I did get up and go to bed – only because I have a heated mattress pad. Driving home in whiteout conditions is fun, isn’t it? Glad you made it home okay though. How frustrating the mortgage company found a lien on the building because of the sewer problem – the problem that keeps on giving. I hope they get that worked out and your refinance sails through! How can the property manager not like you? That’s messed up. Just sayin . . .

Deegee, did your car start today? Instead of buying a new battery this weekend – you should buy a new car.

We had freezing drizzle again this morning. Icy roads and sidewalks make me want to go back to bed but I ventured out anyway. Tomorrow it is going to be 50 here then more snow comes in Sunday night. Mother Nature is ticked off at somebody around here.

I heard from Marty this afternoon. The have pushed out the bid submission to Feb. 9th. I sure hope he doesn’t stay that long. He is the overall solution architect for the project so all the vendors have to go through him. They aren’t happy about that at all so they’ll probably be a challenge for him to get bids and prices. Plus it’s all on him if the end product doesn’t work. No wonder he was having a drink when he sent me a text.

I am going to our company holiday party tomorrow night. They always do it in January because it’s cheaper. Marty’s golf buddy asked me if I’d be his DD. His wife has to work and he’d already RSVP’d for the 2 of them so I said sure. They give away prizes like iPhones and iPads so maybe I’ll win something. I get a free dinner so what the heck; why not go?

Even though it’s 14 out right now I opened my patio door and used my binoculars to find the comet tonight. It wasn’t bad. If it was warmer I would have dug out my little telescope but no way am I walking out on our deck; it is very icy on that wood. I was talking to a friend of ours at work about trying to find it through the window and he told me “that’s pretty lame”. He said I couldn’t call myself an astronomer anymore.

Have a great weekend.
Marcy / Curby


Feb 27, 2007
Screw the gas bill! I've got the fireplace on tonight.


Apr 27, 2007
Dee*Jay-Too bad about the table because it's really cool, but I understand about the floor. I'd love to have your help, but you'll laugh at my country bumpkin-ness (I live in WV after all) and my inability to make any kind of a decision. I like things that are comfy, not trendy, not frilly...straight lines, warm colors. and not a lot of pattern. Boring, I know! I have on my list for Monday to contact Vera, so you may be hearing from me soon! And that's pretty crazy about the lien. That issue will keep coming back to haunt you. Are you at the point you can sleep all night without hearing water?

Marcy-I like the way you think. Great idea! My car started just fine today, so I think it was just being a big baby about being in the cold all day yesterday. It's garage spoiled. After 4 years, I still really like my Acura until I have to drive through town and have to park 3 parking lots away because my car is too big to fit in the lot by my building. Other than that little issue, I really like it. I sure hope Marty doesn't have to be away that long. Have fun at your holiday party tomorrow! I don't mind things being put off until January. December is so darn hectic. Ha to not being able to call yourself an astronomer anymore! Matt went out once with his binoculars and came right back in because it was sooo cold. Even Lily is doing her doggie biz really fast and getting back in! Glad decided to turn the fireplace on. It's too darn cold!

I am so far behind at work from taking time off. Oy. I brought some work home, but I'm not sure I'm going to be super motivated to do anything. Food today-purple smoothie for breakfast, leftover couscous and broccoli for lunch, and a grilled chicken salad for dinner. I'm getting kind of tired of grilled chicken salads, but they don't seem to bother me so I'm sticking with it. I had orange sherbet for dessert. My jeans buttoned and zipped this morning with no problem. Yay! I'm looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow. Have a great weekend!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Saturday kids!

Curby, of course you can still call yourself an astronomer! You're just a *warm* astronomer! That's to bad about Marty's submission being pushed back... do you really think they'll make him stay until then?

Deegee, yes, please ask to get us connected through Vera! And your style sounds totally fine to me -- I am more than willing to work within your comfort zone!

I worked a crazy amount of hours at the accounting firm on Thursday and Friday and I'm about to launch into about four our five hours of stuff for them right now (but at my own dining room table, not at their office 40 miles from my house!). Tonight for out big night out the CB and I are going to the Home Decorators Collection store a little north of here and then having dinner up there since we never eat outside of our own neighborhood. How's that for wild and romantic!

This morning we put plastic over the window on my side of the bed, which use to be a door, so it's about 3 feet wide and 9 feet tall. What a HUGE difference a little bit of plastic makes!!! The CB said he had no idea how cold it was on my side until yesterday afternoon when he went over there to get the laptop that I put on the floor beside the bed the night before. He was like -- are you kidding me? And promptly went to Home Depot and came home with a window covering kit. $20 later and it's warm over there. Woo hoo!

OK, off to do some work now... really... !


Mar 26, 2006
Oops -- I forgot to tell you guys what happened with the refi.

So I did all the paperwork yesterday morning. I saw some emails going back and forth between the mortgage lady and the property manager and it seemed like the manger was going to write the letter (although I refused to believe it until I saw it with my own eyes!). Well, he must have done it because at 2:43 yesterday afternoon I got a letter from the mortgage guy saying "They just cleared title with that letter." So I'm locked in at 3.875% for 30 years! Double woohoo!

Now I can never afford to sell this place... ha!


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Saturday!

Deegee, I can’t say I blame your car; I’m a big baby about being out in the cold too. Why oh why do I still live in Wyoming? Remember I sold my 2010 A6 because it got side swiped, so you see I’ve traded cars for something less than it won’t start. I can’t say I blame Matt for coming back inside quickly after testing his binoculars. I don’t blame Lily for rushing back inside; no one likes a “COLD” bathroom. Yay for jeans buttoning and zipping this morning. Life is good. I don’t recall Vera answering me when I sent her an email saying it was okay to give you my email address. She does know me by Marcy so hopefully she’ll know who you are talking about. If not I can send her another email as well.

Dee Jay, I am definitely more of a fair weather astronomer than I used to be. I have no idea if Marty will be forced to stay over there. Since he was put in charge of coordinating things they might. I will see what happens. He and one of the guys from the UK are out seeing the sights this weekend. He took a picture of the Bank of Transylvania. Glad to see you and CB are venturing out of the neighborhood for dinner tonight. I’ll be anxious to hear where you went and what you had to eat. Those plastic window coverings do an amazing job. We lived in a mobile home the first few years we were married and we covered up every window in the place with that stuff every year. I was so cold in that trailer I slept with a hat, mittens and socks every night. When we moved to our house I was so excited to be warmer when I got in bed. I still sleep with slipper socks. That is awesome your mortgage went through and you are set with a great rate. Congratulations.

I slept in until about 8:30. Holy dark room! I took a shower, made myself one pancake with strawberries and cool whip then went to the grocery store. Lunch was a toasted BLT and I picked up some stuff for this week that will give me leftovers for lunch. Now I am rooting on the Ravens.

I hope the holiday party is fun tonight. They hire 2 comedians every year for entertainment and they are usually pretty good. The guy who I am driving home works in one of Marty’s old departments so I’ll probably know most of the people we’ll set with tonight. I don’t think many of my team members are going.

Take care.
Marcy / Curby


Apr 27, 2007
Dee*Jay-glad you got your window figured out...or rather CB figured it out! Good news about your refinance. I think our rate is 3.5% fixed for 30 years. We did lock in 3.25%, but they offered us cash if we took the higher rate. Matt did the math and said it was a good deal, so we did it. We were so close to having our old house paid off! Not having to commute for hours everyday makes it all worth it.

Marcy-I hope your party went well! I had forgotten you traded your Audi after it got side swiped. Ha! A beautiful Lexus GS car in that pearly white color pulled up beside me yesterday and reminded me it was on my list at one time. The problem is that I don't think a car will fit any better in a parking spot near my building than my SUV. I'm so proud of you for sleeping in. Yay! Too bad the Ravens lost. I thought they had it. I don't like Tom Brady. Sometimes I wonder if Lily is jealous of the cats because they have an indoor bathroom.

Matt turned on the gas logs this morning, and apart from the 3 hours when we went to Target and to eat, they've been on all day. Oh, the gas bill.... I read all day today, but I didn't read the design documents I brought home from work. Noooooo... Couldn't bring myself to do that. I read a book called "What Alice Forgot". Food today-banana and a glass of milk for breakfast, lunch was a piece of lean ham on wheat bread and apple juice, and dinner was 1/2 grilled chicken, broccoli and a side salad at Longhorn. I had sherbet when I got home, but I'm thinking I ate too much today because I have that icky feeling in my throat. At the restaurant, a woman came over to get an up close look at my "amazing" ring. That was kind of cool, although I was self conscious after that. I'm having terrible feelings of guilt over it, even though Matt tells me to wear and enjoy it, and not to feel the least bit guilty. It's only money! But still... I can't help it. Oh well, Have a great Sunday!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Sunday kids!

Curby, my vision of you sleeping in all that gear makes me laugh! (But I'm sure YOU weren't laughing at the time!) The Bank of Transylvania -- Love It!

Deegee, DO NOT feel guilty about your ring! No one is going hungry because you have gorgeous bling! And I keep waiting with baited breath for each of your posts because one of these times I'm SURE you're going to start with, "So today I bought a new... "!!!

I did a little on-line shopping this morning (frost cover for my windshield -- which the CB thinks is going to be more trouble than just scraping the windshield; I disagree! -- and some storage bins for under the bed so I can migrate the extra sheets and towels that never get used out of my closet). I'm also going to Bed, Bath and Beyond to get some draft blockers for under the doors. By spring I should be fully winterized -- ha!

Other than that, I HAVE HAVE HAVE to do some work today since all I did yesterday was procrastinate by looking at house stuff on-line that I will never buy...


Mar 26, 2006
Oh! And my rug has shipped! Right now it's still in Pakistan, but it's on the way. I can hardly wait to see this thing for real!


Mar 26, 2006
Double oh! I also bought a little side table to replace the one that I have by the black leather chaise lounge right now. I was hoping to use the little tables as nightstands but they are 2" shorter than what I have now even, and those are honestly maybe too low, but I am no enamored of the table that I decided to get it anyway and use it by the chaise.

See what happens when I don't want to get out of bed-- I shop on-line!


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Sunday!

Deegee, is the parking lot at work built for tiny cars and nothing larger? I hate parking lots like that. Especially on nasty days I wish you were able to park right there at work. How is your stomach/acid/throat/hernia doing? I know overeating really did a number on Marty when he was having a lot of trouble. I am glad you enjoyed reading and the fireplace yesterday. Sounds like a perfect day to me. Work will wait until you’re at work. I quit working off hours voluntarily; I only do it when I have to. I see work emails rolls by all the time and I just ignore them. You should not feel bad or guilty about buying and wearing beautiful jewelry. It’s not like you are hurting anyone by having it and you enjoy having pretty things. Besides all those purchases help the economy; it’s a good thing to do. I am not a fan of Tom Brady either. He’s a very poor sport.

Dee Jay, don’t you have it when you get something home and it’s not the same size or height you are used to having? That’s great your rug has shipped. How long will it take to get here? Hopefully it’s not on the same slow boat as my shutters were. I hope the frost cover works for you. I tell you I wouldn’t give up an attached garage in Wyoming for lots of money. Now I just need a car with a remote start so I don’t have to go out to a cold, snow covered car after work. Good plan to get storage bins for under the bed. Draft blockers work pretty good. You and Deegee have been shopping and I’m slacking. I best get on that today!

The party was fun last night. I didn’t win a new mini iPad even though I planned on it. Ha Ha. They had 2 comedians for entertainment; one of them was pretty funny but the second one not so much. The dinner was buffet and pretty good. I was glad I went out for the evening.

Our homebuilders gave someone a tour of our house this morning. They don’t have one of our models available to show so they asked if they could show our house. Marty’s friend who I was his DD last night really freaked out about it thinking it’s someone who wants to case our house and rob it. He gives me crap all the time but he worries about me when Marty’s gone. I had to reassure him this is the people who built our house, I know them and they aren’t showing it to just any looky-loo. I was a good kid and turned on some of the extra stuff like the under cabinet lighting, fireplace, light over the art nook. The builder brought us a bottle of Malbec for letting them show the house. They were giving me a hard time Marty doesn’t know we brought that so you can drink it yourself.

I am going to make pizza and watch football today. The excitement never ends here at M&MLand!

Have a great day.
Marcy /Curby


Apr 27, 2007
Dee*Jay-You are the queen of shopping! I bow down to you in surrender. I knew you'd have your place completely remodeled and decorated before I got a picture on the wall. And you even had to do your floors twice!! I had intended to go to a few places this weekend to get ideas, but nope. The couch and fireplace won out! I hope your frost cover works. I've never seen one of those. Last night when we went to dinner, my car upped its battery message on my display to an audio message that basically said "hey idiot, I said replace the battery now!" Matt was supposed to take it today to an auto parts store to have it tested, but he ended up watching football all day. I have a feeling I'm going to get stranded somewhere.

Marcy-Yes, our parking lot has narrow spots. They recently re-striped it and we were hoping they'd widen the spots a little, but they didn't. My friend drives a Honda CRV. She pulled in a spot after lunch one day...she was right in between her lines, and the cars on either side were right in between their lines, but none of us could get our doors open wide enough to squeeze out. Her car is tiny compared to mine! That's nice the builder bought you a bottle of wine for letting them show your floorplan. Did you bake cookies for them? The last time we were at the beach, the people in the house across from us were hinting to come and look at the inside of our house. We played dumb and told them the pictures online were very accurate if they were thinking about renting it next time. Ha! Too bad you didn't win that ipad to send me. Darn. I have been super careful about what I'm eating to try to help the acid reflux thing. I am supposed to go for 21 days without having to take anything for it before I'm considered in the clear. As careful as I have been, I had to take something on Thursday so my count started over. I'm on day 3. Grrr.

I worked on a design document for about 3 hours today, and need to get going on it again. If I start close to the time I need to go to bed, it will put me right to sleep! I broke down a bunch of Christmas cardboard for recycling, and then got all of the recycling together and took it to the drop off place. We went grocery shopping and out to eat. That's my exciting day! Food - banana and milk for breakfast, raw carrots, hummus, and apple juice for lunch, a bowl of soup and salad for dinner. Matt made rice crispy treats, and I am going to eat one very slowly and hope it works. I'm going to try to be in bed tonight by 11:30 so that I will get my lazy self out of bed and to work on time tomorrow. We rented a cabin in the Smoky Mountains this weekend so I will be off work on Friday. I have so much work to do, I'm going to be putting in some long days again this week. Have a great Monday!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, your post made me think of calling around to see if I can get a remote starter put on my car. The place where I always get my service done doesn't do that and the dealer wants $650 for a basic one (apparently there is some fancier verion for even MORE money!). Um... No. I'm not spending $650 for a purely ancillary convenience item on an 11 year old car. There's a very good chance this thing will be traded in sooner rather than later (although I love the idea of running it straight into the ground!) and I'm not dumping useless money into it! LOL on Marty not knowing about the wine -- definitely drink it yourself!

Deegee, I totally understand the idea of being at home, warm and cozy, winning out over some winter shopping! If I weren't so intent on procrastinating some work that I had to do I would have stayed home too! If it makes you feel any better, most of the things I bought this weekend are going back... If found a small table at World Market that I LOVED, and they only had one because it had been discontinued, so I had to call around an find another one (in the 'burs) and drive clear out there to get it. Clearance price for $74.99 so totally worth the drive, and much less than the other options I had been looking at for $300 a pop! But... the lamps I bought are too big for the the tables, and all four rugs I got as options for the master bathroom are going back too. One of them looks GREAT but it's not soft enough. Oh well. onward ho!

If you guys say my place right now you would just call FEMA and have it declared a disaster area... I don't know what goes on there, but I do know what does NOT go on there, and that would be cleaning up! I should have done it this weekend, but other things won out. I am likely having people over for a late x-ams on Wednesday or Thursday, so something has to happen!

OK, off to get some work done!


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Monday!

Deegee, there’s no rush to decorate your house. We are all locked in to long mortgages so there’s no need to hurry. Ha Ha. I hope Matt got your battery checked today. You know it will quit at the worst possible time. That is downright ridiculous they painted the lines in your parking lot that close together. Sounds like all of you need to complain. I honestly didn’t mind having someone look at our house. Funny thing they didn’t comment on the man cave and poker chip bar downstairs. Of course they were looking at the floor plan not decorating ideas. I would totally have sent you my old mini if I won a new one. I need a gold one, don’t you think? 21 days is a long time to try and not to take anything for acid reflux. I haven’t had attacks very often but they are miserable. Did the rice krispy treat go down okay? Your mountain cabin sounds awesome. Do you have Monday off too so you’ll have a nice long weekend?

Dee Jay, I would spend $650 on a remote car starter. I don’t think they can put one on my car because it won’t work with the anti theft system on my car. I think I’ll look in to it though. It sounds really nice. Stupid freezing drizzle!!! I already told Marty about the Malbec but I did have a glass of chardonnay tonight. Rats that you are returning most of the things you brought home. It never ceases to amaze me how different things actually look compared to how you think they will work in your home. I keep forgetting to tell you. Our 30-year mortgage is fixed at 3.25%. I need to start making double payments on that sucker. Cleaning, it's highly overrated.

Don’t ever use the canned Pillsbury pizza dough. It is awful. It must be crescent roll dough or something; it’s sweet. I am not a fan.

Speaking of being a fan the Broncos failed to show up for their playoff game yesterday so now I won’t have to worry about another bad showing at the Super Bowl.

I talked to Marty on FaceTime yesterday and naturally that completely made my day. I said something about him being gone for weeks already and he reminded me he’d only been gone 6 days so far. I said well it seems longer! He still doesn’t know if he is staying through early February.

A friend of mine picked us up take-up for supper and came over here. After we ate I helped her make some washcloth animals and wrapped up some plastic utensils and napkins with bows. She is giving a baby shower Saturday so I offered to help her make the decorations.

I can’t shop anymore this week. I just paid Verizon an extra $500 since I am getting some of those international data usage email notices. Marty hasn’t turned in his expenses for his last trip to Atlanta so I paid his company card those expenses. What will I use to buy jewelry and teddy bears with now? My gas and light bill was $340 and I never ran my fireplace except briefly this week. That baby is coming back on. If the cold is going to run up my bill anyway what difference does it make if I add to it running the fireplace? A girl’s got to keep the house warm, right?

Curby / Marcy
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