
Healthy Living Thread


Mar 3, 2012
Hi all!

Marcy, thanks for sharing what works for you. I feel the same way about really strict dieting, it seems like focusing on changes that are sustainable in the long run is the best choice. I know for me, I get discouraged when I try to tackle too much at once. Sorry to hear about the passing of one of your husband's friends, and at such a young age. Every day is precious. I hope you are able to get in the walking that you'd like to do soon.

Innerkitten and deegee, great job on the walking! Deegee your lunch salad is a great idea, and thanks for the coconut ice cream recommendation, Innerkitten. I was just at Whole Foods last weekend, I'll put the ice cream on my list for next time. We have an ice cream machine at home, maybe I'll look for a homemade recipe to try too.

Sharon, 1 1/2 hours of restorative yoga sounds heavenly.

As for me, so far so good. I've been able to exercise 6 days out of the past 8. I haven't done that in a year or two - usually I'll make it 2 or 3 days per week at the most. I'm not sure how long I'm going to sustain this pace, I'm just trying to build up my muscle mass to change my body composition to be a bit more healthy. Over the weekend, I didn't watch my calories quite as closely, but I still kept my snacks to fruits/veggies.

I bought this crazy body composition scale that measures
body fat %
body water %
muscle mass
bone mass
and also gives you a
visceral fat rating
a daily calorie intake estimate for maintenance and
a overall physique rating.

I actually like the scale quite a bit. I know people have different opinions on using a scale, I find for me it helps me stay motivated. Also, some people question the accuracy of body composition scales, but from the three people in our household that have been using the scale - myself, my husband, and my 17 year old daughter (who is into fitness and will probably study sports medicine in college), it seems to be accurate.

Have a great week everyone!


Feb 27, 2007
Friday's Child, I so agree it is very important to find what works for you. I'd rather try to be strict during the week then have a few treats on the weekend. Congratulations for getting in so much exercise this back week. :appl: :appl: :appl: Your new scale sounds very cool.

I spent most of my day chasing an error with a director at corporate. It was still unresolved when I left but he kind of hinted he knew what happened. That will teach me to check on work from home. I found it about 10 pm last night and knew it wasn't something my department could have done.

Marty played golf with his dad this afternoon in spite of a thunderstorm that rolled through here. My MIL has been sick for a few days so she stayed home. Today is her birthday too. We were going to take them to dinner for her birthday but we'll wait until she feels better.

We did still meet some friends for supper tonight. She is a framer so I took her my Snoopy print to get framed. I am kind of nervous about her just picking the matt colors and frame for me but she does a very nice job so I'll just see what she does for me. We are going to hang it over our TV. Marty painted that wall a dark green so having a bright photo there will lighten that area up.

Is it Friday yet?

Take care.


Feb 27, 2007
The week is now on the downhill slide. Yippee!!! This nicer weather is really giving me spring fever. I don't want to be at work.

I worked on departmental proficiencies and expectations today. That kind of thing is a real sleep inducer for me. Aak.

Marty played golf this afternoon so I met him at the club afterwards then we stopped and had Mexican food for supper. I was starving so I ate way too many chips. My mini lunch just doesn't hold me for 6 hours. I should have eaten some raw veggies when I got home but I got distracted. The mail had 2 things in it that got my attention. My light bill had a credit on it so I got to looking and I paid them twice this month and forgot to pay a credit card. D'oh! Luckily the payment isn't due till May 4th so I got that bill sent tonight. Then another bill was for Marty's skin cancer surgery months ago. The doctor keeps billing us $650 for use of their facility for outpatient surgery. The insurance keeps saying it's not allowed and we shouldn't pay it. Sigh. Hopefully Marty has time to call them all tomorrow. About 6 weeks ago he was on the phone with both parties and it sounded like it was all worked out. I guess not.

Take care.


Apr 19, 2004

Howdy folks :wavey: !

Got to the pool and gym today--worked 1.5 hours with my ususal gig. Felt tired today. Had a nice walk outside yesterday--weather has been fine. But not today--drizzly so the rest of the day will be spend clearing out my husbands junk (he never throws anything out!) since he is in China and cannot object. :bigsmile: I found papers dated 2004 :rolleyes:

Keep well ya'll!



Feb 27, 2007
Sharon, good idea to clean out things will your husband is in China. What part of China is he in? Marty sure would like to go back to Hong Kong someday.

We had another lovely day here. Marty had a friend come over after work so after he left we went to an Italian restaurant for supper. I had spaghetti and meatballs and brought most of it home. Our waitress was awful. She offered to send a free dessert with us because she kept forgetting to bring us things. We passed on that.

To or row is finally Friday. Yippee.

Take care.


Feb 27, 2007
It is Friday at last. Yippee. What are you plans for the weekend?

We are going shopping tomorrow. Marty wants to look at fountain pens and I am doing early birthday present shopping. Sweet.

Have a great weekend.


Feb 27, 2007
Aak! I am rounding up my jewelry to be cleaned and checked and I can't find a ring. It's the WG sapphire / diamond band I bought last fall. I took it with my when we went Christmas shopping in case I found something to trade it in on that day. I guess I never got it home. Hopefully they have a "found" in the jewelry cleaner stash and have it in there. Since I was there last in December that's not likely. It was my downpayment on my B-Day present. :angryfire: I never wear it so I didn't notice it was missing.


Apr 19, 2004
marcy|1335495934|3181970 said:
Sharon, good idea to clean out things will your husband is in China. What part of China is he in? Marty sure would like to go back to Hong Kong someday.

We had another lovely day here. Marty had a friend come over after work so after he left we went to an Italian restaurant for supper. I had spaghetti and meatballs and brought most of it home. Our waitress was awful. She offered to send a free dessert with us because she kept forgetting to bring us things. We passed on that.

To or row is finally Friday. Yippee.

Take care.

Beijing. Having the time of his life!



Feb 27, 2007
Sharon, I am glad to hear your husband is enjoying himself in Beijing! Marty still raves about food he had in Hong Kong.

We had a long and fun day yesterday. We got up about 6 and were on the road before 8. We had breakfast on the way and ate at Mimi's. I had your basic bacon / eggs breakfast with their low fat blueberry muffin. We went to the airport first so Marty could sign up for some travel deal he wants. Then we went to the mall. Marty got a fountain pen and picked up some spices and sauces at William Sonoma. We wandered the mall for a few hours and had a sandwich for lunch. Then we went to the jewelry store. I traded my 3/4 ctw studs in for 1 ctw studs and upgraded my Kentucky Blue sapphire RHR. The band I picked is WG with small gypsy set princess cut diamonds and the new stone is 1.17 ct 6.33 round. They should arrive here early this week. I had them put the studs in friction backs because I am not a fan of screw backs.

For supper we had reservations at a place Marty went to last year with a vendor. I really cracked up they have valet service there but the parking lot for it is just right in front of the restaurant. I could have walked to our car faster than the time it took them to go get it. I was amused by that because it's like "what's the point?" Anyway the wine and dinner was marvelous. Marty tried a filet trio that had filet medallions with different sauces and I had a ribeye. We split a salad, asparagus and baked potato. We both splurged and ordered our own desserts because their specialty is a 7 layer lemon cake and Marty does not like lemon. I got that and he ordered creme brûlée. The cake was more like a wedge than a piece so I brought most of it home.

We stopped at a few golf stores and Marty got 2 new clubs. We got home about 9:30 last night. I had to do some things for work when we got home so I took care of that and went to bed a little early.

Today is laundry and lazy day. Sweet.

Have a great day.


Apr 27, 2007
Hello! It's been a crazy busy week. We spent yesterday in KY for my niece's 13th birthday. We ended up going staying to watch her and her sister play each of their softball games, which took about 5 hours. The rain cleared and it started to be a nice afternoon, but then the wind picked up and the temperature dropped to 55. With the wind it felt much colder. We had a good time anyway, hanging out with my family at the ball field. I did really well with food last week and even walked a few times. I can't do 2 days in a row yet. I was completely exhausted today and spent most of the day recovering from the week. This never ending flare up is zapping all of my energy. We went to eat at Chili's this evening and then to the grocery store for fresh fruits and veggies. That was pretty much it for my day.

Marcy-I hope you're able to locate your lost ring. Did you get your emerald cut rhr fixed? Were your upgrades for your bday or just for fun? I much prefer friction backs to screw backs. I need help with my bracelet every day. I could see Matt having to screw on the earring backs for me too if I had those! And OMG..a 7 layer lemon cake? Yummmmm. I made it to Best Buy today, and ended up buying mom an ipad 2 instead of me upgrading and giving her mine. I think she'll love it. Is your mouth still doing okay? I was got a partial, not an implant.

Sharon-the dr mentioned again on Friday that I need to try yoga. He thought it may help Matt as well. He has scoliosis and is starting to have quite a bit of pain and stiffness. We plan to try to find a beginner's yoga dvd. Wish us luck and hope we don't injure ourselves further!

Friday's child-I had to put my scale away. I got too obsessed with a number and would weigh myself multiple times a day. I drove my hubby nuts. Now I just cut back when my pants get tight. I got rid of all of my clothes from before I lost weight and had to buy all new and I refuse to buy a bigger size, so the pants thing is working out for me so far! When I was in strict weight loss mode, I needed the scale and the weekly weigh in at the weight watchers meetings. I don't think I would have been as successful without it.

Have a great day tomorrow.


Feb 27, 2007
Deegee, it sounds like you have a fun weekend. I am glad you were able to walk a few times last week. I sure hope you get better and stronger each day. Good luck to both you and Matt with yoga. I agree with you the scale is important when you are losing weight but you can reach a point when you get too obsessed with the number. Gauging how your clothes fit is a good method. I did turn in my emerald cut ring to get repaired. I actually found my missing ring before we left yesterday. I couldn't fall asleep for awhile Friday night and of course was trying to figure out where it might be. Saturday morning I went through all my jewelry and ring boxes. Then I decided to go look in my jewelry cleaners. I have 3 mixed up - one is a bowl with the windex mixture which I use all the time, one is a bowl with the pink jewelry cleaner and one is with blitz that I use to clean my softer gemstones. Anyway in the pink bowl sure enough the ring was in one of my little baskets. I rarely use that one because it is a bigger bowl and I rarely need to clean that much jewelry at once. It honestly may have been in there since December when we went down and got my pink sapphire ring. I laughed when I found it and told Marty well at least I know it's really clean. I keep taking it with me when we go shopping because I plan on trading it in on another piece of jewelry but so far it continues to come home with me. There are several colored stone bands I like so maybe this summer I can get one of those. I thought the upgrades would be my birthday present but Marty said he was going to get me something else. I am all thumbs with screw back earrings. Is your bracelet a clasp or a lobster claw? I am sure your mom will love her iPad2.

I was kind of unhappy with the sales girl who waited on me yesterday. We were there over 2 hours and I wanted to look at several things but she would just go get one thing at a time. Cleaning and checking my jewelry took her about 20 to 30 minutes and instead of having someone else work on that she gave me 2 pairs of earrings for me too look at then disappeared for 20 minutes. I wanted to see other pairs and I got 2 more to see about 20 minutes later. I told her when she waited on me I was definitely upgrading my earrings but also wanted to compare other options between a new ruby ring, a new Kentucky blue sapphire ring and maybe even a larger emerald cut diamond. I envisioned seeing them all, calculating my total after trade ins and see what I wanted to afford. I think I would have bought one more thing but Marty was bored out of his mind by then so I quit with what I had picked out already. Marty even commented at supper we need to find another place for me to buy jewelry. Their philosophy is "no sales pressure" but having the customer wait for 10 to 15 minutes before the sales clerk returns with only one or two items to look at is kind of a waste of my time and their time. During the 2 hours I was there I only looked at 4 pairs of studs, 4 Kentucky blue sapphires and 3 rings. The rest of the time I was wandering around looking in cases and waiting for her to return. I don't know what goes on in their inventory room - for all I know they have to have someone get out what they want to show the customer and check it out in the back and maybe that is the hold up. I just know it makes for an unpleasant shopping experience. Okay I'll get off my jewelry store rant now but I feel better.

I'd best get ready for bed. Tomorrow morning is Monday. Aak.


Well, I'd best start getting ready for bed. Tomorrow is Monday. AAK!!


Apr 27, 2007
marcy-my bracelet has a clasp. I can mostly get it on, but I can't get that final click of the main clasp to be able to get the safety side hooks to do properly. I can't stand sleeping in jewelry, but I may have to get used to sleeping in the bracelet. I really did drive Matt crazy with the scale. It was his idea that I put it away. One of my sisters is an adult anorexic, and her scale obsession and wonky eating habits are beginning to rub off on her two perfect daughters (ages 9 & 13). The 9 yr old is a skinny little thing, and she's been weighing herself 2-3 times a day. When they stayed with me last, we had to wait so long at the restaurant that we were eating dinner after 8pm. She made sure that I knew the food was going straight to our hips! Crazy kid...I lost more weight than she weighs. Too bad you had a bad experience at the jewelry store. By looking at the stash you brought in, they should have known you were a serious shopper! I can't wait to see pics of what you bought.

I was so worn out last week that I decided to take today off. Matt worked from home today so I stayed home to offer support (of course). I had fully intended to work on my closet but that didn't happen. I ended up reading and playing games on my ipad all day. I checked work email a few times but decided not to reply since I had the day off. We're getting ready to head to Home Depot for a few things and then to eat. It's a beautiful day, so hopefully I'll be up for a walk when we get back. I have a big list of home improvement front door, new shutters, carpet for upstairs, tile to finish the kitchen backsplash we never started, etc. We need to start checking prices. Our new neighbors have inspired us. They've only been in the house for 2 months and they've already done lots of things to their house. I feel like a big lazy slacker. Have a great day tomorrow!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone! :wavey: We had a lovely day here in the Rocky Mountains. Marty is out playing golf right now.

Work was hectic this morning but settled down this afternoon. I had one lady call in sick and another lady has the day off but we were able to get everything done without any problems. We are starting to slow down for awhile. Yippee!!!

I told a nice walk this morning to turn in a timecard for one of my employees. They are due by 9 am in another building so I took the long route back to get in a nice little walk.

My new jewelry should be here tomorrow. I am excited. I got a tracking number but left it at work. I'll be checking on it tomorrow. I am going to tell Marty he can't leave the house until it shows up.

Food was okay today. I had an english muffin for breakfast and had my cheerios for my mid morning snack. For lunch I have some raviolis and supper was veggies and a little hamburger helper. I have to make meals that keep okay for Marty during golf season.

Deegee, I hope the clasp on your bracelet loosens up a little for you so you can close it okay. It seems like the clasps work really hard at first. I had a hard time learning to use a lobster claw clasp. I would be scared to sleep in a bracelet - I'd be snagging it on blankets, in my hair, etc. That is too bad your nieces are worried that much about food at their age. There is such a fine line between being aware and cautious and having unhealthy beliefs. I hope you had fun at the Home Depot. Too funny your neighbors have inspired you guys to work on some house projects. I am glad you and Matt stayed home and relaxed today.

Take care.


Apr 27, 2007
marcy-I have added a few things to our project list after our visit to the Home Depot this evening. Sigh...if only we would actually get something done. We're not good do-it-yourselfers. We're extremely good put-offers though. I don't blame you for making Marty stay home until your jewelry gets there. I did the same thing with Matt & my bracelet, until I checked the tracking and realized they delivered it to the fed ex location near work. I called Matt after I picked it up to tell him he could leave. Hee-hee!

I had chicken and noodles for dinner, and then a treat from TCBY on the way home. We walked 2 miles this evening. About 1/2 mile from home on mile 2, the sky decided to open up and drench us. It's still pouring. Great sleeping weather!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. My jewelry arrived safe and sound. My repaired EC ring looks fine. My new ring and earrings are pretty nice. I didn't get a chance to me pictures tonight but I will. So far I am pleased. The studs are just the right size for me. The RHR is very pretty and sparkly. The color of this stone is not as intense as the one I traded I. But it think that is more size than anything. Marty took some great photos with my jewelry and the killer rabbit when they showed up. I will have to post those as well.

Work was busy. We were going to supper today with a lady that used to work for Marty but she had a crisis that delayed us until 6:30. The 3 of us finished 2 bottles of wine. D'oh! It was fun catching up with her though.

Deegee, I remember you had Matt stay home for your bracket then you picked it up near work. Too funny. I am glad you had a nice walk today rats that you got rained on though. You must like to sleep in cool weather. I like to sleep when I am warm. So you found new projects to do at home depot. We are really procrastinators on house projects. What else did you find to do?

Well I better start getting ready for bed.

We are taking the inlaws to supper tomorrow for my MIL's birthday. Hopefully I will get home earlier tomorrow.

Take care.


Apr 27, 2007
marcy-yay! I'm glad you got your new jewelry and are happy with it. That makes for a good day. I can't wait to see your pics, especially the ones with the killer bunny. Happy Birthday to your MIL. I hope your dinner was tasty. I like to sleep in a cool room or with the windows open on a cool evening, but I bundle up with sweats and lots of blankets. That's perfect for me. Unfortunately it was 90 today. We tried turning the air on this morning, but I do believe the unit needs freon. Our house is really stuffy. One of us has to remember to place a service call tomorrow. I made a list of house projects we need to do after our Home Depot trip. We keep thinking we'd like to move to a nice 1-story house a few exits closer to work, but our house is nowhere near ready to put on the market. Not even close! And the perfect 1-story house in the perfect neighborhood is for sale and we haven't gone to look at the inside because our house needs some TLC, and we've been too lazy to do it. Argh!

Yesterday and today were really busy at work. I spent a day and a half trying to reconcile 4.5 years of $$ for an account that has 76 sub accounts. By lunchtime today, I had it balanced to the penny. I have strained a muscle in my shoulder due to patting myself on the back! (kidding) We stopped for dinner on the way home and I had grilled chicken, carrots and green beans. Breakfast was yogurt and blueberries, and lunch was pretty much the same thing as dinner. We walked 2 miles this evening. I am up to 2 miles every other day, and I have to immediately take my medicine and ice my back the moment I get home or I'm in trouble. I'll try this for another week and then start adding extra days. I'll get back to 4 miles a day soon, I hope. Have a great day tomorrow!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone! :wavey:

Deegee, our dinner with the in-laws was nice. We visited with them for awhile then got home about 7:30. I had to get the May club newsletter made and posted so I worked on that for a few hours. We haven’t needed our AC serviced and topped off with coolant yet which is really strange since we’ve had it about 7 years now. I figure as long as it puts out cool air I’ll leave it alone. The 1 story house sounds perfect for you, maybe they’ll have an open house soon. Our house would also need quite a bit of work to get it ready for the market. I think Marty is very interested in looking for a new place to live. He wants something different to use for his office. He did finally give up the idea of building an office in the basement. He honestly hates basements so I am glad he finally admitted that wasn’t a good idea. I hope to get pictures of my upgrades taken and posted tomorrow. I have a few on my camera but I haven’t looked at them yet. That is great news you can walk 2 miles every other day now. Progress! :wavey: We are having nice weather here too.

Work was busy today. I took a walk at lunch and read a chapter in my Vince Flynn book. Breakfast was cheerios, lunch was leftovers and fruit and supper was half of a steak, small baked potato and some cherry chocolate cheesecake. The 4 of us split a bottle of red wine with dinner.

Take care.


Apr 19, 2004

Good luck with the yoga Deegee! I also recommend buying a drop in pass at a local yoga place--perhaps one of your friends can make a suggestion hwere to go. I do follow one fella--between two places, as I love his practice! Anyway, start slow even if it just the restorative practice as they do not focus on "holding" poses.....

Went to the pool/gym today and worked it long and hard. Don't know if I will get in another day before we go to Europe. Off to get my DH from the airport--he has been in Beijing these past 10 days...

Keep well folks!



Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone! My family had a bad day. My dad fell and broke his hip. He broke the femur in 2 places. He missed a step and said it happened so quick he just went down. They have a rail to go up the steps but he didn't use it. He crawled in to the house and I have no idea how he got the back door open. My mom is in pretty bad shape so she couldn't really help him but called an ambulance. His surgery is tomorrow. He is very healthy for his age (83) and has never had many health issues so I am sure he'll come out of it all okay. The doctor said he'd be laid up for about 2 1/2 months. Since he is in good shape they thought he'd be able to go home and not have to go to a nursing home. My mom is really a concern for him and us though she has really bad balance and very weak leg and knee muscles. She falls a lot and he helps her out. She still drives but only short distances. He usually takes her places. The hip he broke is his right one so he won't drive for awhile. I mass texted all of my nieces and nephews which made it quick to notify everyone. My one sister came to town and I called my mom's brother who is an orthopedic surgeon because I knew he'd want to talk to my dad's doctor. I took tomorrow off from work.

Sharon, that flight from China is a long one! What countries are you visiting on your European vacation? Have fun!

Deegee, here is my on my upgrades. [URL=''][/URL]

Take care.


Apr 27, 2007
marcy- I hate to hear that your dad fell and broke his hip. He broke his hip and femur? Bless his heart. I'll be thinking of your family tomorrow, and I hope his surgery goes well. 2.5 months is a long time. I'm sure that will be hard for him. That will be great if he can stay out of a nursing home. At age 98 my grandmother had an "episode" and refused to rehab in a nursing home. She said it would make her old! (she was a very young 98) Will they do in home physical therapy? Your upgrades are beautiful. I'm quite partial to Kentucky blue...many Kentuckians bleed KY blue! The setting is awesome. I love the princess cut sones in the band. I hope you love your new studs too.

Sharon- I would love to go to yoga class, but I leave for work at 7am and get home at 7pm. I have zero energy at that point! I found a beginner's yoga for inflexible people. I may try that.

I'm so incredibly mad at myself today and ended up crying on and off all day at work. It's a good thing my office has a door. I fell going down the steps this morning at home (2nd floor to 1st). My foot turned sideways on the 2nd step from the top, and I ended up over halfway down the steps. I'm not hurt as bad as Marcy's poor dad, but I'm really feeling all of my previously broken bones (foot, ribs, wrist and elbow -all left side). My shoulder, back and neck are not happy. I took medicine and iced my back as soon as I got to work, but I don't think it helped. I'm going to take my strongest medicine and go to bed. Food today was good until dinner. Greek yogurt & blueberries for breakfast, a Healthy Choice frozen meal for lunch, and we ordered pizza for dinner. Have a good day tomorrow. Marcy-I'll be thinking about your dad.


Feb 27, 2007
Deegee, I am so sorry to hear about your fall down the steps. I hope you are okay. Feel better!!! I guess my dad broke his upper femur? They first told us he broke his hip right where the ball attaches to the femur but then when the doctor came to see us he said the femur was broken in 2 places. He said it was a common break and heals well. Thank you for thinking of us tomorrow. One of my sisters will pick up my mom in the morning and take her to the hospital. My sister is going to ask one of her sons to come up every weekend and take care of my parent's lawn and run errands for them. He can use extra money so I'll help her pay him and pay for his gas. After talking to my dad and finding out he is very active they think he'll be fine to go home instead of going to rehab. We'll know more in a few days. I am with you on Kentucky Blue. I love that color of sapphire. The KB sapphire I traded in was 5mm and had very rich, intense color. This one is slightly lighter but I think it's more because of the size difference than saturation. I am sure this ring is going to be one of my favorite rings. It was funny Marty and I were wandering around looking for settings and we both picked this one out. I really like my earrings too; each stud is only .10 ct more than what I traded in but these are better cut diamonds.



Apr 27, 2007
marcy-how's your dad today? I've been thinking about him all day. I know how crappy I feel, and I didn't break anything! I'm glad to hear his is a common break and should heal well. I hope one of your nephews can help out with the lawn and errands. Your dad is probably aggravated that nice weather is here and he'll be out of commission! I had a pair of poorly cut 1 cttw D or E color studs. I replaced them with 1.12 cttw ACA studs from WF and couldn't believe the difference. Wowza! They seemed a lot bigger, and certainly much more flashy. I am really drawn to your pics of your new sapphire ring. I just love it. Plus you take great pics.

I stayed home from work today because I was so stiff and sore this morning. I took a hot shower, which felt wonderful on my achy back. I have been icing my low back on and off today, and have spent the day either on the couch or in bed. I'm really discouraged because I was finally making progress. I hope this isn't a big setback. Grrr me. Lily, Max and Milo are good company but I am so incredibly bored! I keep picturing all of the stuff I need to do piled up on my desk at work. Ugh. I had cottage cheese & blueberries for breakfast and a big salad with spinach, carrots, red cabbage, cucumber, fresh mushrooms, and sugar snap peas for lunch. I'm hoping I'll feel like going out for dinner because we don't have anything to make. We need to start buying more than 4 days worth of food when we to grocery shopping! This cooking thing is still new to us. Have a nice weekend.


Feb 27, 2007
Deegee, my dad's surgery went well. They should get him out of bed tomorrow. I am sorry to hear you are still hurting so bad. Take it easy this weekend and don't work about work - it will wait for you. I need to get some groceries too but this weekend looks bleak for that. It is amazing the difference you can see in well cut earrings. The pair I turned in were probably very good cut but my new earrings are certainly nicer diamonds. Thank you for the nice compliment about my pictures and my sapphire ring. I don't see me wearing another RHR for awhile. I took some more photos this morning since I wasn't going to work and I had a sunlight coming in the patio window.

I tried to sleep in this morning but Marty had a call at 6 am for work. Once I wake up can't go back to sleep. I did a few things around the house then went to the hospital about 10. We stayed up there until about 5 pm. My mom, sister and Marty and I went to supper. It was a long day and I mostly just sat around the hospital.

Have a great weekend.


Feb 27, 2007
Ooh I got out my jewel jet and zapped my rings and earrings. It is amazing how much that thing cleans up already clean jewelry.


Feb 27, 2007
We got up about 6 today. Stupid early golf tee times. :bigsmile: I got to Kings Soopers by 7:30. I need to find another store. They are remodeling so the store is a mess. They stock shelfs that early so the isles are like obstacle courses and since they have everyone stocking shelfs there was one cashier and no baggers. I didn't buy much food anyway though with my dad in the hospital it is going to be a lot of fast food or dining out this week.

My sister was going to take my mom to Walmart to get her groceries this morning. We are all meeting at the hospital then my sister will go home. I told her I'd take my mom home about noon so she can take her nap. Poor thing is worn out. I'll go back and pick her up about 3 and take her back to the hospital for another visit. I think my dad will have a steady stream of visitors today and tomorrow anyway.

My dad wants his cell phone. That is a GREAT sign he fells a little better He doesn't like to talk on the phone but he wants to call his friends. I am sure they know something is up since he meets them for coffee break every day about 8:30 in the morning. My dad is one of those guys that knows everyone in town and they all think he's great.

I sent the images the doctor gave us of the screwed in his hip to my uncle. He is a orthopedic surgeon and he said they looked great and he thought it would mend okay. That was good to hear.

Well I just finished my cheerios so I'd best get on my way.

Deegee, I hope you are feeling better today.



Apr 27, 2007
marcy-I'm glad your dad's surgery went well and your uncles approves. Hanging around the hospital all day really wears you out, so I hope you got some rest last night. 6am is way too early for a Saturday! Lily woke me up at 8 to go outside. It was raining really hard and my back was screaming, so I went right back to bed when she came back in. She does her business and comes right back in on rainy mornings.
I love it that your dad is Mr. Social about town. My dad is like that too, and I think it's awesome! It's good to have peeps. Mom has her book club, and dad makes his daily rounds about town. I found my jewel jet, but I guess I haven't used it so long that it needs cleaned. Any idea how you go about cleaning one? I poured water in as usual, but the steam came out milky white and left residue on everything. I had to clean my ring with windex to get the gunk off.

The AC repairman came again today. 2 repair guys in 3 days. Our house is 15 years old, and we have been having that dumb unit repaired for various things at least twice a year. The 2nd guy recommended a new unit. Argh! That's not a fun purchase! We know that the unit we have is not sized properly for our house, so we're asking them to resize which may mean additional ductwork. Boo. If we end up moving in the near future, maybe a brand spanking new AC unit along with the other cosmetic improvements we intend to make will help the house sell. We're telling ourselves that anyway. I had watermelon for breakfast and a salad for lunch. We're getting ready to go eat which is great because I'm starving! I am so hungry that I ate a handful of cheeseballs...and I can usually pass those things up. Have a great evening!


Feb 27, 2007
Deegee, sorry to hear your back is still screaming at you. That is no fun at all. My dad is like you dad that he makes the rounds to his usual spots and has buddies everywhere. He has his morning and afternoon coffee break. The guys that he meets in the morning have already made plans to finish a rock project he started in their backyard.

My poor mom is really blue today. I think reality is setting in with her. If my dad doesn't recover I am sure they will have to give up their house. She keeps going over lists of things they will need done now.

We took my mom up there this afternoon. She didn't say much at all while we were there. My dad was pretty talkative and the color in his face looked better than this morning. He ate a decent meal for lunch.

After we took my mom home we went to super at Olive Garden. I wanted spaghetti and now we have supper for tomorrow night. Sweet.

Well, I am going to call my mom and get ready for bed. I hope to get a decent night's sleep. :snore:



Feb 27, 2007
Deegee, I hope you are feeling better today.

We got up way too early again today. I made Marty a big breakfast and then took my shower and started on laundry. My mom called me after her nap and then I went down and watered her flowers outside then we went down to see my dad. He was setting up in a chair again and while we were there the physical therapist came and had him walk out in to the hall and back. His knee is still hurting pretty bad and his hip hurts too. They have him on quite a few pain mess so far.

I took my mom to Target and then bought us fast food to have for supper. Marty and I split an angus burger and I took about 1/4 of the fries.

Tomorrow I am going back to work. I am going to see if I can skip,unch this week and leave early. I have so much to do with my parents.

Take care.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. How are you today? I went back to work but I left early and I went to get some stuff for my dad at the mobility store then I went to visit him.

While I was at the hospital he got up and walked a little bit and I thought he is doing lot better. His knee feels better too. My mom was not there when I went to the hospital so I stopped and visited her on way home. They are moving my dad to rehab tomorrow in a different hospital, they expect him to be there a week or two.

Marty take today off and went to Denver - he was meeting a friend for lunch and then he was going to a concert tonight. I met a girlfriend for a quick supper. We had snow flurries today with chilly weather sadly I forgot to switch back to heat so my house was pretty cold when I got home today. Okay it was only 69 in here but that is chilly to me. :bigsmile:

Well I am off to watch some tv then going to bed early. Good one, eh? :wavey:



Apr 27, 2007
Good evening!

marcy-glad to hear your dad seems to be doing well. I hope rehab goes smoothly and quickly for him. Is your mom doing okay? 69 sounds great to me right now! It's been nearing 90's, and we don't have air conditioning. The technician was supposed to come today to size everything and give us a quote on a new unit, but he and Matt kept missing each other's phone calls all day so he never came. I hope Marty had a nice day off. Get some sleep!!

I had a really bad day yesterday and ended up having to take my strongest meds. My back hurt so bad that I felt like I had a giant elastic band around my ribs, and I felt like I couldn't breathe. I stayed home from work and went to the dr and for physical therapy today. My ribs that were broken in my wreck years ago are bruised and they hurt like heck. My low back is really swollen and therapy also hurt like heck. I really hope it helped. He said that I am having an inflammatory period, and then I fell to complicate things. Like I didn't already figure that one out! I'm just thrilled I didn't break anything!! Luckily tomorrow is primary election day and I don't have to go to work. I didn't eat anything today until dinner. We went to a local Mexican restaurant and then to Dairy Queen for a peanut butter sundae. The sundae was a feeling sorry for myself thing...I promise not to make it a habit. Have a nice day tomorrow.
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