
Healthy Lifestyle Thread April 5 - 11

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Feb 27, 2007

Happy New Week!Can you believe we are in April already?At least with spring coming (maybe in about 6 weeks here) we can get outside more for activities.

What did you find the most difficult to change to adapt to your new lifestyle?What foods and activities were the hardest to give up?

Activity wise I was very sedentary before and I was actually in such poor shape I could barely walk around the grocery store.When I started it was very hard to push myself to walk a little bit more worrying about injuring myself.I don’t venture out of my comfort zone too readily.


Bad food habits were very difficult to change.I eat when I am bored, stressed or depressed.I love to bake and naturally I have to test all those homemade goodies myself; often to excess.I really like Coke and candy as well.I found it was easy to give up baking because it was just something I didn’t trust myself to do.I didn’t have candy or soda in the house so that made it easy.I keep 100 calorie snacks at work so hopefully I will reach for them instead of more fattening food when stress hits on the job.I had to learned moderation and quit taking seconds.
Have a great day!


Nov 17, 2009
Thanks for the opener Marcy! Great new pendant as well!

It''s been so hard for me to give up rich, delicious savory pastas and also cheese. If we can mix the two it''s even better! I really love pasta and used to not eat meat much so pasta was my staple food. The last thing I''m still struggling with is Bagels...I love love love bagels and fight it every day!

I''m getting pretty frustrated over the last two weeks, the scale hasn''t budged one bit. Last week I wasn''t eating as well as I should have been because I was so busy I never had time to make my lunches so I was eating in our cafe here at work. I know I''ve probably hit a plateau and need to keep going, but it''s so frustrating! Last night I made my week''s worth of lunches so I can be back on track.

Friday I took the day off work and went up to my parents for Easter weekend. I brought my bike with me and went on my first ride of the season. I managed to do 12.6 miles and then all weekend my butt bones were sore from that first ride. I hope to get out tonight again. At the gym this morning I did my abs class and 30 minutes on the elliptical, I felt really good and could have gone much longer but the clock was ticking.

I hope everyone had a nice easter and has a great week!



Feb 27, 2007
Thanks, Pinki. Have you tried the mini bagels? They are 120 calories. They have whole wheat, blueberry, plain and cinnamon brown sugar. I put a little bit of whipped cream cheese on them and have them for my mid morning snack. I often found when the scale wasn''t budging I was losing inches; do you take your measurements periodically? Glad you had such a nice bike ride this weekend.


Jul 23, 2006
i think its hard just to get seems so easy to just make excuses---the old "i''ll start on monday".
i just got up motivated one morning and started working out. once i did i felt like i didn''t "need" that cake or cookie...i still eat sweets occasionally, but its once in a while instead of everyday. it helps that i very rarely drink soda anyways, but i do love sweets. working out makes me think twice---do i really want it or am i just munching mindlessly?

i try to substitute healthier snacks like green apples or carrots with peanut butter. what are some healthy snacks that you enjoy?

keep at it are on the right track and eventually the scale will move....have you measured yourself? you could be losing inches and gaining muscle which is why the scale won''t budge. i hear you on those dh tried hard to get me to eat a bagel on saturday, but i refused. i kept thinking about how many calories are in 1 of those delish bagels and that made me think they aren''t worth the extra sweat i''d need to burn it off
your bike ride sounds like a great activity.

i ate a lot yesterday. there was food everywhere i looked. easter is a huge food holiday at my parents. i tried not to overindulge and i did ok. i filled up my plate with mostly veggies and grilled chicken. i stayed away from the pastas....and there were many
. i did eat a lot of chocolate covered strawberries
they were to delish to pass up---it is fruit after all

i woke up early and worked out for 40 minutes. later i''m going out to play soccer with my son and then we''ll all go for a neighborhood walk after dinner.
hope everyone has a great day!!!


Jul 30, 2008

Happy Monday ladies and gent!


My weekend was so-so. The Mountaineers lost, which was a huge bummer.

Duke played a great game, probably the best game they played in awhile. I think the most memorable part of the game was when Deshawn Butler got injured. Seeing the compassion, hurt, and anger on his face was gut-wrenching, and seeing Huggins console him brought tears to many WV fans, I’m sure. WVU has been a team that has come back from deficits, but after that scene, I think all of WV knew that they were not going to the national championship.

Our eats were good this weekend. I had a veggie burger Friday, and a big salad w/ romaine, egg, green pepper, mushrooms, and shrimp. It was wonderful, but I think a set-up for not good things on Sunday. Sunday I did my LR, which was 12 miles, but man, I. was. Tired. I usually eat whole grain pasta and some red sauce. I guess I’ll be going back to the pasta. But, I did finish my miles! Sunday night we had turkey sandwiches with real turkey deli meat, romaine, pickle, on a whole wheat bun.

Marcy- Great opener again! I like sweets and candy. Nom nom!

I was also a Diet Pepsi addict, but that wasn’t hard for me to give up. After awhile, I just didn’t miss it. I’ll eat candy on occasion and I’m Ok with that. If I want something, I’ll eat it. I guess my biggest problem was learning to control my portion sizes. I was also a dairy freak, but once I stop eating it, and felt SO much better, it wasn’t hard to stay away from things that made you feel sick.

Pinki- Awesome bike ride!

Hubs and I had to sell our bikes, and I desperately miss mine. I saw “my bike” outside a coffee shop on my Sunday run, and got a little sad. I need to start making a big salad at the beginning of the week and eating that for my lunch. Don’t get discouraged w/ your weight!

Charbie- I am a lurker on the preggo threads and saw your news! Congrats!

I bet you’re a bundle of emotion, right? I believe that what we’re given in life, we CAN handle, and you’ll be a wonderful Mom!

Rod- A WVU alum!? No way. I too, graduated from WVU. Small world.

Hope everyone else is doing well.



Jun 25, 2007
Happy Monday!!

I hope you all had a great weekend! I ended up getting a full workout in on Friday and Saturday between lifting tables, moving them, moving chairs, lifting chairs, dancing, walking, etc. PHEW. Last night I taught myself two new line dances so that was my workout. It was a pretty good workout too! I managed to eat healthyish yesterday too. Got a nice breakfast in, then I had a chicken tender, broccoli salad, pea salad, and a couple of deviled eggs. I did eat dessert, I''ll admit it. I had banana nut bread (like three bites) and a half slice of chocolate cake. Dinner was venison and pea salad... so so good. The pea salad is delicious I''ll post the recipe tonight.

I think the hardest thing for me to give up has been creamier pasta sauces and desserts. I am a big fan of cookies, tiramisu, and ice cream. Those have been harder for me to part with. I also really love alfredo.
The other hard thing to give up for me was drinking sweet tea on a daily basis. I still get something similar through green tea with honey though.

keep up the good work guys!


Nov 29, 2004
Well nothing good report. I haven''t worked out since Wednesday. I was crazy busy with work on Thursday and my allergies were going crazy. Today is the best I''ve felt since then but was worried I might have a sneeze/cough attack during the workout class so I decided to skip today. I''m also not going to go walking outside for the week until whatever is driving me crazy has stopped...I think it might be the ligustrum. But I did have the heart healthy entree from the cafeteria...blackened chicken w/ mango salsa.

Charbie, Congratulations!


Oct 17, 2008
Hello everyone.

I trust you are all keeping well?

I come with an update. As of tonight''s weigh in, I have lost a grand total of 40.5lbs. In my neck of the woods it is 2 stone 12.5lbs!

Incredible. I don''t look much different though. I guess it wll take a long time to show as I have so much to lose.


Jul 22, 2007
Hello, HLTers! Hope you''ve each started a great week!

Marcy~ Thanks for starting us off again! It''s interesting to see what others answers have been.

I haven''t "given up" anything that I can recall. I just really watch the portions. Instead of having a huge bowl of fettucine alfredo (one of my favorites) I limit it to 1 cup and add a ton of veggies. Adding veggies has been the thing I''ve had to work most at. I used to only eat salads, green beans, carrots and beets. It took several tries at lots of different veggies prepared many ways, but I can honestly say I am loving broccoli, cauliflour, zucchini, cucumbers, squash, asparagus, etc.

No workouts still. I go to dr tomorrow and hopefully get a little leeway.

JT''s sick today, norm for a holiday weekend, so I gotta go.

Have a great day, all!


Jan 17, 2010
OK - seriously fell off the wagon this past week - such a struggle.. but I''m back again this morning..
will try to do better with following this thread and letting it keep me on track :)


Jan 17, 2010
Date: 4/5/2010 5:16:25 PM
Author: merrymunky
Hello everyone.

I trust you are all keeping well?

I come with an update. As of tonight''s weigh in, I have lost a grand total of 40.5lbs. In my neck of the woods it is 2 stone 12.5lbs!

Incredible. I don''t look much different though. I guess it wll take a long time to show as I have so much to lose.



Jul 23, 2006
congrats merrymunky!!! thats quite an accomplishment
keep it up!!! i bet people CAN see a just see yourself everyday


Nov 16, 2008
thank you all for the congratulations!
marcy- it''s funny- all of sudden, now that i''m pregnant, it doesn''t seem like a chore to monitor everything going into my body. i''ve got such a sweet tooth- so it''s always been hard for me to give up my ice cream and candy. i also LOVE fast food- a big hamburger...yum! i don''t deprive myself- i just "trade" things in and out. if i eat a big lunch, well, it has t be a nice salad and maybe a yogurt for dinner.

pinki- well- i was hoping to keep on track with you! but not so sure that''s going to work out so well now!! plateau''s happen. good news is that usually after you hit one, weight drops off significantly for a while! and big ditto on measuring success in inches as well!!!!

nysparkle- i agree- fruit is fruit...who cares about a little chocolate on it ;-) you did the right thing by waking up early today and still got the exercise you needed. we all need a little bit of a cheater day...holidays are a perfect excuse for it!

BR- your salad sounds so delish. actually, all of the food you ate this weekend sounds wonderful. and way to go on the runs! i was a little bummed about WVU- but excited at the same time bc duke winning meant i won $40 in a pool...and i thought my bracket was shot at the beginning! i used to always lurk in the preggo forums...didn''t anticipate participating so soon! i am a major bundle of emotion- i cry, i laugh, i don''t know what in the world is going on. i also firmly believe that we don''t get more than we can handle- i''ll be testing that out pretty soon! i''m just so excited!

DF- oh sweet tea...doe your mcdonalds have it for $1 there? it''s so tasty! i haven''t had that in such a long time! yum!
apple- sorry about those allergies! DH''s are acting up pretty badly, too. hope you get a workout in soon!

yay! you''re doing amazing, doll!

SS- i saw your post in the other thread- thanks! i''m really trying to make sure i don''t go crazy and get large and in charge during my pregnancy. i want to be cute and preggo...even if i feel like a whale! so i''m really trying to limit myself right now, and at this point i think sticking with my normal good eats and exercise should be fine. and i''ve been eating asparagus like crazy this spring! it''s been so good!

maevie- we all have a week like that. but you''re in the right place, coming here for some support. this week will be much better if you make it better!!

well, as for me, i''m just hanging in there. i''m a few days behind on P90X. so tonight i''m going to do KenpoX (kickboxing type thing) and just do what i can. Andy''s going to do the chest/back downstairs while i kick everywhere upstairs. eats were great today, and i''ll keep up with that as long as possible. i got a little queasy when a coworker asked me if i wanted some yogurt today- it didn''t even sound remotely appealing. i''ve never had an aversion like that. hopefully i don''t get "morning" sickness too badly- my mom said she never had it at all.


Dec 28, 2005
Hey Ladies......I just had to pop in and say........CONGRATULATIONS CHARBIE!! That''s great news.......


Apr 27, 2007
Great opener Marcy! The main thing I had to cut way back on was my nightly beer or 3 with dinner, and my 3 times per week stop on the way to work at a local restaurant called Tudor''s for a sausage biscuit (no lie, they''re almost as big as a hamburger) and a 32oz sweet tea. I haven''t had that for breakfast for over a year, so I''m hoping my arteries are starting to unclog! We also ate out every single night for dinner for the first 14 years of marriage, and the past year we''ve been cooking in at least 4 nights a week, which has been a huge help. Also, before I adopted Lily I found every excuse not to walk in the evening. If we don''t walk her at least 3 miles in the evening, she bounces off the walls all night. She''s been a great little motivator and exercise buddy.

marcy - I love your new pendant. It looks like it''s the perfect size. I don''t buy the 100 calorie packs anymore because I kept going back for seconds. I''m such a snacker!

pinki - yummmm...I love pasta. I think I could eat it at every meal! Plateaus along the way are incredibly frustrating, but keep going and you''ll get past it. When I was losing, I hit one that lasted for 3 weigh-ins. It drove me crazy because I knew I was eating right and exercising. Grrr!!! Have you seen the bagel thins?

nycsparkle - I''m like you with the excuses. Once I got it in my head that I was going to lose weight, exercise and be healthier...nothing could deter me. I can''t imagine getting up early to work out though!

beachrunner - The Mountaineers didn''t play well at all. Bummer - but the week leading up to the game was pretty exciting! I really hope Butler can come back from this injury. Hubby had a similar injury playing basketball and had surgery right after we started dating, and he still has a lot of problems with that knee even after all these years.

dragonfly - sounds like you''ve been busy!

appletini - hubby''s allergies are acting up really bad right now. We slept with the windows open last night, and he has sneezed all day.

merrymunky - yay! Congratulations on reaching 40 lbs. That''s awesome!!!!

shiny - good luck at the dr. Hope JT feels better soon.

maevie - I think we all fall off at some point or other. Every day is a new day!

congratulations charbie! I think I''m going to drag hubby to the Jeffersonville Outlets this weekend because I''m desperate for warm weather clothes. Have you been to the newer outlets near Cinti?

Hi rod!

I have interviews scheduled for most of the day tomorrow, so wish me luck in finding someone. I don''t have any boss-lady looking clothes right now, so everyone I interview will be dressed way better than me! Today I started to incorporate exercises with light weights as directed by my back dr into my routine. I did step aerobics, and I hope I can still walk tomorrow. Have a great day everyone!


Jan 17, 2010
so far I`ve had a good eating day after my binging feasts over the weekend:)

breakfast: a whole wheat english muffin with cream cheese and crystal light
lunch: 2 oranges, carrots, yogurt, and a handful of pecans
snack: a yogurt
supper: small portion of artichoke and sundried tomato pasta and a glass of milk
snack: airpopped popcorn with some melted margarine and white cheddar seasoning

I think writing this down everyday will really help me stick to my plan and avoid the emotional overeating (of which I am a big victim!) :)

not as much exercise as usual (worked through most of lunch, and I have my husband`s car this week so I`m not walking and taking transit to work) - but I`m off to do some time on the elliptical... and then it`s relaxing before bed time :)


Feb 27, 2007

Hi everyone.I hope you had a great day.Luckily no one brought in a lot of Easter candy to work today.We had some pasta for supper and bread sticks.I should be on a carbs rush for awhile.LOL.I filled up on raw veggies first though.

NYCSparkle, I notice too that when I walk on the treadmill or go for a walk the last thing I want to do is eat something afterwards.Just give me a nice glass of ice water and I am happy.I think getting started is the hardest thing to do.My healthy snacks are fruits, raw veggies, roasted almonds, peanut butter and baked lays.Chocolate covered strawberries sound great.I hope you enjoyed your walk tonight.

Beach Runner, sorry the game didn’t turn out the way you hoped.That is too bad someone got injured.Your turkey sandwich sounds marvelous.I understand staying away from food that doesn’t agree with you; turkey makes me very ill and I love it.So see I am glad you enjoyed some for me.I think learning portion control is a major key to eating things you want but in moderation.

Dragonfly, sounds like you did get quite a workout this weekend and how fun to do some line dancing.I’ve tried the light alredo sauce but I don’t care for it that well.I am a cookie fan too.Do you like the flavored teas?I make ours in the frig like sun tea and it is not as bitter as boiled tea and still a little sweeter than sun tea.

Appletini, sorry to hear your allergies are kicking up.I hope they get better soon. The week or two when everything starts to bloom here really flare up my allergies too.

Merry, congratulations on losing 40 pounds.

How exciting for you.You’ll be seeing major changes soon and I am sure others can already see a difference.

Somethingshiny, smart idea to find ways to make veggies appealing to you and I think eating things you like in small portions is a wonderful plan.I hope your doctor appointment goes well and that JT is feeling better soon.

Maevie, glad to hear you are back on track today.Your eats look good too.

Charbie, that is what I do too; if I want a burger I have one but work it in to my calories.I hope you don’t start getting morning sickness.

Hi Rod.

Deegee, that is wonderful Lily motivates you to go for a nice, long walk and keeps you company as well.I love chicken biscuits for breakfast and have them occasionally as a treat.That is great you cook most of your meals at home now.We used to go to dinner a lot but usually go out one night a week and one day on the weekend.I don’t usually get seconds on my 100 calorie snacks but even if I do it’s not like eating a candy bar or a few cookies.Good luck on the interviews.It is so hard to find good and qualified people sometimes. Thanks, I enjoyed wearing my new pendant today.

Have a great day tomorrow.





Apr 27, 2007
Hi everyone. Today was an absolutely awful day. We had a major mine disaster yesterday, and found out this morning that a coworker lost her 20yr old son, her nephew, and her brother in law. Other coworkers are awaiting the release of more information regarding the other victims. After we cried all day, another coworker got called away from work because her cousin died in an automobile accident this morning. My heart hurts for them, as well as all the families of the 25 (possibly 29) miners who were killed. A tragedy like this really puts a lot of things into perspective. The things that are stressing me out really don't matter all that much. Please keep the families in your thoughts and prayers.


Jul 30, 2008
Hello all!
I had an all day training, so that''s what I did all day. Blech. I did 4 miles with some speed training and abs. Pork tenderloin, polenta, and broc for dinner. It''s SO windy here, and we may see some snow tomorrow, although I doubt it. In the mtns yes, in the metro area, no.

dragonfly- Pea salad, huh? That''s one vegetable I''m not fond of. I enjoy cookies too, but I don''t eat them if we don''t buy them, so.. problem solved!

apple- Tis the season for allergies. I''m lucky I am not plagued with allergies. Your chicken sounds wonderful.

MM- HUGE Congrats!! 40 pounds is an amazing accomplishment, and I guarantee people can notice a difference. It''s so difficult to notice weight loss in yourself.

ss- Hope you and your LO are doing well! Everyone here loves alfredo! I was never fond of it, lucky me!

Maevie- Hello! Hope you jumped back on your wagon!

charbie- A baby! it IS exciting. I can''t wait to read all about your journey! I''m sure I''ll still be lurking in the preggo thread, even though we don''t want children for another couple yrs. All their (and now yours) stories are just so interesting!

marcy- No easter candy in our office either! I was happily surprised! Can''t eat turkey? Oh, I''m sorry. We don''t eat it often at all, but I do enjoy it.

deegee- "Tudor''s Biscuit World!!" <---I''m singing that by the way! ;-) My MIL always gets biscuits there when we''re in town. I''ll eat half a biscuit and call it a day. I was devastated to hear about the mining accident. It''s so disgusting that these companies get fined and fined, but don''t change the way they operate until it''s too late. It''s a way of life for West Virginian''s and makes good money for people who don''t have a lot of other opportunities. My heart goes out to WV, and all the families who lost loved ones.

Have a good evening ya''ll.


Feb 27, 2007
Deegee, my heart goes out to those families. It is such a tragic disaster. I am sure most people in your community are effected one way or another.

Beach Runner, I hate all day training classes. Glad you got in a nice run. It sounds like the mountains are going to get quite a bit of snow. We are expecting 2 to 6 inches here tonight. I have quite a few food allergies but turkey is one of my worst. I almost get sick enough I should be in the hospital. I finally simply quit trying to eat it. I really like it too. Chicken is starting to make me sick too but not as bad. I have food allergy medicine I can take but it only helps so much.

My day at work was once again awful. I had a muffin for mid morning snack instead of one of my mini bagels. We had some beef stroganoff for supper; my serving size wasn’t very big but it was good and we have enough left for both of us for lunch tomorrow.

I had a student ask tonight if I would agree to give them an incomplete and he finish the class this summer – needless to say I said no. I told him he’d best finish it now or get an F.

Marty had 2 conference calls tonight so he’s been working most of the evening. He still has conference calls with Hong Kong and will probably go back for a few weeks this summer.

Well, I am off to clean my jewels.
Take care.


Jan 17, 2010
I am back for my daily dose of food accountability - I hope you dont mind me using the thread this way - it actually stopped me from reaching for another cookie this afternoon (I was thinking that I did NOT want to have to write it down on this thread!)

so for today (look a lot like yesterday - yay for routine - it really helps):

breakfast: a whole wheat english muffin with cream cheese and crystal light
snack: a yogurt
lunch: 3 mini oranges, carrots, apple, yogurt, and a handful of pecans
snack: 1 small cookie, 2 timbits (I think Americans might call these doughnut holes?)
supper: very small leftover portion of artichoke and sundried tomato pasta, 6 soda crackers and a small piece of old cheddar and a glass of milk
snack: airpopped popcorn with some melted margarine and white cheddar seasoning

I am sooo dying for some chocolate.. but I am going to go upstairs, wash my face, and use a facial mask and call my husband instead (he is out of town on business) :)
good luck tomorrow everyone :)

and 30 minutes on the elliptical (same as yesterday)


Feb 27, 2007
Maevie, good idea to post what you ate today. It does help if you have to "report" it for everyone to see.
I eat little mini 3 Musketeers for chocolate (25 cals) or a tiny piece of Lindt chocolate. It is just enough to keep me from eating a bag of candy when I can't stand it anymore.


Mar 13, 2008
Hey there folks!!!

How''s this week treating everyone? I ate so poorly and drank a lot on our trip to DC so this week I''m totally curbing down on the eats. Lots of salads for lunch and dinner. Less mindless munching. So far it''s working. I''m back down from to my normal-ish weight. I was 10 lbs heavier after the weekend. Ugh!!

James is out of town until tomorrow. Tonight we had Indian food with my mom''s roommate (my mom went to live with her friend after my folks split). Mom''s roommie said she''s doing well and is getting situated in Houston. That sounds good. I''ll be talking to my mom (hopefully soon) to help me with my taxes.

I had a phone interview yesterday/today, (today was a continuation of yesterday). It went really well. And (small world) Mom''s Roomie''s nephew in law works for the same company! it''s a big company, but I''m going to call him tomorrow and ask him what he thinks it''s like, and career growth etc.

Workout wise, I got a trail run in when we were in DC and did a 12 min ab set with sister yesterday. Tomorrow I''m hoping to hit hte gym.

Charbie, CONGRATS!!!! Holy cow big news! How do you find PX90?

Marcy, great opener! my biggest challenge so far is the snacking. I''m trying to cut down on it, but it''s quite hard. When I was younger (and not drinking) I could eat anything I wanted. Now it''s not so much the case.

Pinki, I so hear you on the rich pastas. I recently got into them when I started cooking and living on my own (we ate Chinese/stir fry almost every night before). Hooray for bike rides! 12.6 miles is pretty awesome!!!

NYC, I love edamame. it''s super tasty and just needs a quick zap in the microwave. People at work give me weird looks when I''m munching on it though. Whatever. Awesome for you workout!

Beach, sorry about WVU. Don''t get blown away over there.The runs sound great.

dragon, Eats sound great! Go you!

Apple, I hope work winds down a bit for you. It''s hard to get out there when life''s pulling you in 8 different directions. Mmmm... mango salsa.


SS, I hope you get a green light on the workouts.

Maevie, you and I will get back on the wagon together this week. :) Your eats have been awesome thus far.

Deegee, AW lily sounds like a great little motivator! My dog is the exact opposite! Good luck on your interviews. Try to work on posture exercises as well. Those help keep your posture straight and alleviate your back. I''m so sorry to hear about your coworker, how devastating. THoughts and prayers to her.

That''s all for me tonight! See you guys tomorrow!



Feb 27, 2007
Lisa, yay for being back down to normalish weight but probably a lot of those pounds was water weight. Glad to hear your mom is adjusting well. Good luck with the job interview and new company.


Jul 7, 2009
Hi everyone, it's been a while so I thought I'd just do a quick update. My eats have been fine, I've been having a little issue with my back but nothing major. Other than that I've just been super busy with school, I actually have to go write two papers now...

I hope everyone is doing well!


Dec 29, 2006
Hi Marcy! I see you''re now beginning the threads each week. Awesome! Maybe you''ve been doing this for quite a while now but I haven''t ventured over here in a LONG time. Hopefully I''ll stay again. I fell off the wagon a long time ago, but I think I''m ready to begin again.

I also eat when I''m bored, stressed, depressed, happy, basically -- you name it! I love to make chocolate chip cookies and brownies, but I''ve had to give that up because it''s not a healthy habit.

As far as what''s been hard to adapt and change -- well, everything, which is why I fell off the wagon in he first place! If I had to pick one thing though I''d say that it''s really hard to leave work after a long day and go to the gym. I just want to go home and hang out. I know I need to make it a priority, and I really have no excuse. We moved to the south last summer, and our complex has a small gym and 2 outdoor pools. The best part is that we live across the road from it, so I have just about a minute''s walk to the amenities.

Foods that I''m having a hard time giving up -- diet soda, carbs, and sweets. My husband is addicted to diet soda (that''s really all he drinks at home -- I know...BAD!). Because of this, we always have soda here. I usually try to stick to water, but I have given in more than I''d like. I''ve also tried to stick to drinking flavored seltzers, figuring it''s probably better for me than diet soda. As far as sweets go, I try to get low sugar or no sugar added products when I''m shopping (and 100 calorie packs). The problem is, I just discovered red velvet ice cream and it''s SOOOOOO good!


Jun 25, 2007
Hey all
I got a good 1 hour weight and ab based workout last night, with a walk in between sets (two sets walk two sets). I''ll be doing yoga and biggest loser cardio tonight. Eating is good and I''m keeping a food journal to watch where I''m falling off the wagon.

Merry - CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lliang - I''ll keep my fingers crossed on your interview!!!

apple - you''ll get back on track!

Charbie - CONGRATS I don''t go to McDonalds so not sure about their tea. I get the Publix sweet tea, or make my own

Marcy -I love flavored teas. I like Raspberry and cherry the most. I''m still experimenting with them.

DeeGee - I''m so sorry for what you are going through right now



Jul 30, 2008
Hump day!
It was snowing when I woke up this morning, and I still got to run outside today! I had about 2" on my car, but it''s all gone now. So, I did around 6 miles outside, and it''s trout, broccoli, and yam tonight for eats. I get to start working from home 1day/week starting next week. Woo hoo! I''m excited! That''s all I''ve got for today...

marcy- Chicken too? Wow. What kind of protein do you eat?

Maevie- Your pasta sounds delish! As does your popcorn. I haven''t had popcorn in quite some time.

Lisa- I always gain weight while on vacation. Most convenient foods are not good for you. But, I enjoy them because I rarely eat them. Good luck with your job interview! How exciting. You know, I''ve never been to DC, and lived close by there for yrs. I suck. Hope your running is going well!

dragonfly- Go you! Do you drink a protein shake daily or just when you weight train?

Hello to everyone else!

I hope everyone has an enjoyable evening.


Dec 28, 2005
Hey Ladies.......It''s been a tough week so far, and I was all woe is me (long story, won''t go into it), then I read deegee''s post and I realize that there''s nothing going in my life that even remotely compares to the loss of all those people. Deegee, my thoughts and prayers are with all who suffered a sad.........

Hello to you all. Tomorrow''s a gym night. Eats and working out have been decent. Otherwise, nothing much else to report. Keep up the great work all.......


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Wednesday. We are closing in on Friday soon. Work was crazy but Marty’s day was worse. We had breakfast for supper. I made eggs, toast, hash browns and bacon. You can get a lot of food for 400 calories out of that. Yippee!

We had about 2 inches of snow but it is all melted now.

Burberrygirl, glad to hear your eats have been good. Good luck on your papers.

ZoeBartlett, yes I am starting the thread for a month then Dragonfly is going to take a month. It is kind of fun. Glad to see you back here. I love your avatar with the nice spring flowers. We are in the same boat with chocolate chip cookies and brownies. Love ‘em! It is tough to go to the gym after a long day at work but I think once it becomes a habit it is easier.

Dragonfly, good idea to keep a journal of food. I have not tried cherry tea; I will have to pick some up.

Beach Runner, how nice to work from home one day a week. I don’t seem to have any problems with beef. I can eat ham occasionally but it gives me hives and makes me itch but at least it doesn’t make me sick. Glad it was nice enough to get a long run in today.

Rod, sorry your week is so hectic. It’s so true about putting things in perspective. The mining disaster is so awful

Take care.
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