
Healthier Lifestyle Thread Jan 11th through Jan 17th

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Nov 16, 2008
: how i feel right now. i just ate some chinese fast food. i feel like i just licked a plate of salt.

: is what i want to do. i''ve been doing pretty well when watching my eats!

i am very
with myself!

lesson learned. my body is very
with the fact that i''ve been giving it real food.

sometimes a step back is a reminder as to why you started going on the right path to begin with.


Feb 27, 2007

Hi everyone.We had our astronomy club meeting last night and when we got home I had to load up my spring semester online.One student already contacted me she is seeing the course is from August to December (which would be fall data) so I’ve spent an hour trying to figure out where she is seeing that.Aak.

This morning I ran a few errands and am working on laundry now.We have our company holiday party today so will get ready for that soon.

Tlh, chips are salsa are for too tasty and hard to pass up.Good luck to you and your husband in the marathon this weekend.

Dragonfly, sorry to hear about the severe tension in your back.I hope the meds will help relax it.Do you have any hobbies to do that can help relax you?When I was having a problem with stress and high blood pressure I started either reading or knitting every night for at least 15 minutes.That helped me.

Somethingshiny, sorry to hear you are having another round of morning sickness again.I hope it gets better.That is so nice that JT prefers fruit over a snack.

Rod, glad to hear your last day of work this week wasn’t too bad.That is a relief to have your place under contract but strange to have it still available for showings.I am happy to hear your friend with the breast cancer is doing well.I hope you get pizza this weekend.It is always a nice treat.

Charbie, don’t beat yourself up over a Chinese meal.The only thing that matters is that you get back on track.

Take care.




Dec 28, 2005
Hey.....It was a nice day. We had to get up earlier than I''d like on a Saturday morning, since we had a showing this morning. But the up side was that we were up and moving earlier. It''s finally a more normal temp here in Tampa, so we took our scones with us and started at Sbucks under the oak. Then we went to the area near the cruise ships, where they''ve built some new condo''s and looked at two buildings. Neither offers a direct view of the bay, but they do have nice city views, so they''re something to consider. We were hungry afterwards, so we had a quck lunch (a bit late), then hit the gym around 3 PM. I was determined to have pizza for dinner, so I had to work out extra hard and had a very energetic workout. I pushed as hard as I could on the elliptical and traveled over 4 miles in less than 30 minutes. I''ve loaded Lady GaGa on my iPod and her music really helps me move harder! We went directly from the gym at 6 and made a beeline to our favorite pizza place, where we shared a salad and pizza. When you only allow yourslef pizza like once every 3 months, it''s such a treat when you get some!! We''ll have a partial nice day tomorrow, but then Charlie has to go to work at 4 PM, which means I''m on my own for dinner tomorrow night. I''ll probably just have a healthy salad. I had 4 people interview with a client today in the Dallas area. Yes, on Saturday. It''s after 9 PM and I just heard from the last one and they all thought things went well. I sure hope so!

Charbie, don''t beat yourself up. Most of the time Chinese food is loaded with sodium and saturated fats. We very rarely (if ever have) Chinese anymore. Like you said, sometimes a step back helps you see where you''re going and why..........

Hey Marcy.......After sitting outside today with temps in the 70s and the cold and holidays behind us, it seemed odd to see you''re attending your company holiday party. I hope you had a good time.

Have a good Sunday everyone..............Skippy where are you?


Aug 19, 2009
I everyone-this is a quick post b/c I''m in the middle of an intensive strategy class and am MIA for weekends for the next three weeks-glad things are getting better for you Rod, Charbie no worrie, Marcy hope the holiday party is great, dragonfly hope you''re feeling better...hey skippy...if I missed anyone hi and I''ll post soon.

Eats are meh and working out is meh but it could be way worse so I''ll take it


Dec 28, 2005
Hey......I hope the lack of posts means everyone''s out having a healthy, happy and fun day! The day started off a bit misty and cloudy, but by the time we finished breakfast (coffee, scone and fresh fruit), the sun was coming out and a cool front was coming through. The afternoon was the kind of afternoon that reminds us why we live in Florida. It was breezy, comfortable (neither cold nor hot - just perfect) and we wound up lounging under the oak at Sbucks for a couple hours. It was just that perfect. I had a bowl of a new soup at Panera for lunch. It''s vegetable pesto and it''s really good. AND, it''s low fat, vegetarian and low calorie. Charlie went to work around 4 and he should be home soon. I just had a nice healthy salad for dinner. I''m feeling snacky, so I''ll have to find something to nosh on. I''m not ready to start a new work week, but I guess having a new work to start is better than not having one at all, right? At least, we''ll meet for sushi after work tomorrow!

I hope you get through these intense weekends quickly Bella and I''m betting your eating better than you think. Just being conscious about what you eat helps a lot!

Hey to everyone who''s out having fun!!


Feb 27, 2007

Hi everyone.I hope you enjoyed your weekend.Mine was pretty busy so tonight I have been running around the house trying to get things done.I swear next weekend I am going to stay home and not get distracted from my chores and busy work but you all know me – that’ll never happen.

We had pancakes for breakfast then didn’t eat until about 3 so I was starved.I had 2 small pieces of pizza and a few Italian nachos.We wandered around Lowes and Sams for awhile.We got quite interested in new carpet and wood laminate flooring for our house.Then we went to a friend’s house so Marty could set up a wireless router for them.

Did any of you see the pretty crescent moon tonight with a bright star nearby?That was Jupiter.

Rod, I am glad you got to enjoy some pizza.We went to Old Chicago this afternoon and I love their pizza.I order the individual pizzas and bring half of it home.We were out goofing around for over 3 hours though so I threw out the 2 pieces I brought home.They were probably okay as it was chilly here but I’d rather be safe than sorry.That is amazing you had candidates interview on Saturday.That is great new they think their interviews went well.I think our company gives us a holiday party after the holidays because it is probably cheaper.It was quite nice though.

Bella, busy weekends are hard to be as stringent as during the week.

See you in next week’s thread!



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