
Healthier Lifestyle Thread Jan 11th through Jan 17th

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Nov 24, 2006
Hi Healthy Lifestyle team, Lorelei is so awesome to kick us off each week, thanks Lorelei.
This week she asked me if I could kick us off so I told her I would be honored to.

I was just thinking of what helped keep me motivated during my weight loss journey (besides knowing I was doing it for my health) and it was rewarding myself along the way for small accomplishments (whatever yours may be). For every 5 lbs I would buy myself a treat, like a new scented lotion, or new nail polish, or a new sweater, or new book or even a new water bottle (whatever you fancy). I made it a non food reward to take my mind set off of food=rewards. I think rewards are important; we work hard for our health and it is a fun way to help keep us motivated (or even to help get over a hump on our journey). So maybe think of a reward system if it is something you think will help motivate you?? You also might think of giving yourself a kudos for what you have done so far on your healthy lifestyle journey. Happy New Week Team


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Skippy! Thanks for kicking off the week for us. I think having rewards along the way is a great idea. Most of mine were new clothes - it was so exciting to go from 5X to small. I had two major awards - one was when I lost 100 pounds and the other was when I reached my goal. They both sparkle if you can imagine that.

Have a happy Monday!



May 4, 2009
I just started going to the gym recently, so I probably don''t deserve a reward quite yet, but yesterday I went with DH to Target and got some really cute workout clothing. Just some pants, t-shirts, and tank tops but I''m really excited to wear them! So now I''m set for the next couple weeks being excited to wear my new clothes
It''s kind of silly, but I guess it is sort of like a reward to me for deciding to join the gym with DH and for going several times a week. I hated spending more money on clothes, but I needed to get some things that made me feel good and made me look forward to getting dressed for my workouts.

I''m not doing so well on the food part though. I often skip meals, then make up for it later (or sometimes I just skip the food and forget to eat more later). I don''t always eat the healthiest things, but whenever I count the calories I eat it''s usually less than 1200 per day. I hesitate to count calories *too* carefully because that''s a slippery slope for me and I''ve has issues with that in the past (in high school I started counting calories, then working out way too much when I didn''t like what I saw, then cutting out food altogether... and ended up needing some help for anorexia - it''s been a few years since then, but every once in a while I think about how that would be so much easier and more effective. But I *know* how completely unhealthy that is, so I don''t want to go to that "place" again.) So I''m trying to get a sense of how many calories I take in without becoming too neurotic or all-consumed by it.

On a more positive note, my muscles are so sore. DH and I went to the gym for a great workout Saturday night and since then my whole body is hurting! The good kind of hurt though. The kind that makes you feel like you''re accomplishing something at the gym. We walked around a lot yesterday and went to see Disney on Ice (I know - kind of childish when it''s two adults going without any kids - but it was so adorable and we had so much fun together!) So all in all, it was a fun weekend.

Hope everyone else had a great weekend!


Dec 3, 2007
I''m so awful. I peeked my head into last week''s thread, then got so busy at work I didn''t get a chance to come back here and respond. Thank you everyone for the welcome!

Tomorrow is the end of my first week of journaling everything I eat, and it has been an eyeopener. I find that there are certain times of the day that I want to eat. I''m not hungry, bored, or anything else but I get this intense urge to eat. I''ve had to refocus my energy at that time. I don''t want to give in and eat, even if it is something healthy, because I want to break my cycle of eating just to eat. For example, I know one of those times is from 5-6pm while I''m cooking dinner and waiting for my husband to get home from work. The last few days I''ve found that reading a book for that hour keeps me from mindlessly eating.

As long as I keep making myself aware of these things I think I''ll be pretty successful and this whole weight-loss/healthier lifestyle thing.


Nov 24, 2006
Hi Friends!!! Happy Monday; I got some good walks in this weekend! It was nice out; close to the 50's! Pub trivia was fun yesterday but HARD, very strange questions.
I am going to the gym tonight; I have been walking more. I have not be using the gym as often so I will see if it is something I want to keep up or if working out at home and supplementing with muscle work at home is what I rather?

Oh and your rewards can be whatever gives you satisfaction or if you don't need any that is great too! Whatever floats your boat and works for you. Once I took a bubble bath w/candles, total "me time."
happy Monday!!!

MARCY, that is great, you have done aswesome and kept the weight off woot! I am sorry about your In laws, sending good vibes their way for more positive outcomes, what a bummer.

LILAC, the clothes are great; you deserve them!!! You and your hubby have been going to the gym; that is wonderful!!! Wooo for a new outfit; I feel that way too. I bought a waterbottle once, hehe and that kept me motivated at the gym. Lilac, don't worry about calories; do what works for you; I think sometimes we put pressure on ourselves and baby steps are great and help w/lifestyle changes. Yay for sore muscles!!!!!

ROD, lots of DUST!!!

ERICA, I am the same way as you w/the eats at certain hour so I go for the carrots! That is a great tip; I am trying to clean up house so that I don't get focused on munching. Glad you are here!!!


Nov 16, 2008
Hi everyone~

The end of the week last week got pretty hectic for me- and with so many people around here, writing individually just wasn''t gonna happen!

I''ve learned my weekend eats plain suck. I didn''t keep track of what I was eating, and as EricaR said, I mindlessly eat. DH was out of town at a football game, so I just sort of grazed on everything imaginable during the day. However, I did go to Trader Joes on Sat. night and did some great shopping from my "Cook This, Not That" book plus a few favorite standbys.

I''ve lost 5 lbs so far since stepping on the scale Christmas Day. Not sure which is water weight, which is based on time of day, etc. but I took myself out for a mani-pedi. That is my typical "reward"- Skippy, I totally agree that I need rewards to motivate myself! My next reward will come when I get 15 lbs down from where I am now (2 months) hopefully that will be new pants. My current pants are starting to fit again (they were starting to feel pretty tight) so its nice to know I''m getting back to my normal range!

And the best news of the weekend...I took the PLUNGE yesterday...literally! I bought a real "swimming swimsuit" and goggles, and actually went swimming at the gym. IT WAS AMAZING! I got a great workout, and I felt super refreshed afterwards. I was in the pool about 45 minutes, and alternated between swimming laps and using a kickboard. I''m really looking forward to making this a major part of my routine!

Happy Monday Everyone!


Dec 31, 2008
keeps eating my posts.... happy monday all!


Hi Lilac,
I thought the part about being excited for your new workout clothes was so cute and a typical girl thing. I did the same thing when I first got my gym membership a while ago. Just feeling good about yourself and how you look can really do wonders for motivation. So, I''m glad that you got yourself a reward.

I haven''t posted here before so I dunno if you are on any nutritional plan. I am reluctant to count calories too as I am pretty thin and I think I would focus too much on a weight number. I try to be mindful of what foods I pick and I really do feel better when I eat whole foods as opposed to processed stuff.


Aug 19, 2009
My weekend eats are not so good either. Back on the wagon today:)

I''m sore from yesterday''s 30 day shred but not too bad, going to do it again tonight

Lilac-That''s great you''re aware of how cal counting can become a slippery slope! Really, don''t worry about the calories. Concentrate on eating healthy, colorful, non-processed foods, and eating at regular intervals throughout the day. Sometimes go-to snacks like granola bars, cheee sticks, or dried fruit and nuts can make it easier to stay on track.

I did make one yummy dish this weekend (when I realized that although I think noodle soup is a great dinner, it''s not very nutritious and poor DH is less than thrilled:)

Cut a butternut squash in half. Bake cut side down on a cookie sheet for 45 min at 350 or until soft. Flip so cutside is up and spread each half with the following:
1/2 tsp chopped fresh thyme
1 tsp honey
1 glove garlic, mashed
1-2 oz goat cheese

Bake 15 more minutes.

YUM!!! and really easy.
Other than abking it took 5 minutes max to make and the clean-up was only the cookie sheet and a knife!


Apr 19, 2004
Date: 1/11/2010 12:44:59 PM
Author: tlh
keeps eating my posts.... happy monday all!

Mine too!

Enjoying long walks outside in the decent weather. Pool tomorrow.




Nov 16, 2008
Just a quick post bc I''m proud of myself

Normally, I would eat a whole $5 footlong from subway...but today took my time, ate 1/2, and was full...I know it sounds silly but for the first time in a really long time, I really felt like I was in control of what I eat.

And dinner was organic whole wheat pasta from trader joes, vodka sauce, and seafood blend. Super filling, super tasty, and low cal! Yay!

Ok, off to swim...hubby is out of town.


May 4, 2009
Date: 1/11/2010 7:11:16 PM
Author: charbie
Just a quick post bc I''m proud of myself

Normally, I would eat a whole $5 footlong from subway...but today took my time, ate 1/2, and was full...I know it sounds silly but for the first time in a really long time, I really felt like I was in control of what I eat.

And dinner was organic whole wheat pasta from trader joes, vodka sauce, and seafood blend. Super filling, super tasty, and low cal! Yay!

Ok, off to swim...hubby is out of town.

Your post just made me soo hungry! But yay for getting full after only half the Subway food! I love pasta and vodka sauce. Maybe I''ll have some tonight along with some eggs and veggies. DH will be so happy he loves it too - thanks for the idea I was *just* trying to figure out what to make for dinner tonight! Have fun swimming!


Jul 22, 2007
Skippy~ Thanks for starting off our weekly thread! Great idea about rewarding yourself. and YAY for pub trivia. I think that''d be so much fun!

Lilac~ I bought workout clothes too! They do keep me motivated. Have you tried SparkPeople for your calories?? I was well under 1200 cals most days too. I started Spark and figured easy ways to increase my intake without obsessing. I lost weight just from giving my body enough to work with.

Erica~ Glad that you could find some patterns in your eating. Refocusing your energy is a great idea. You might also want to have a big glass of water during that time.

charbie~ Congrats for the 5 lb loss! and yay for a swimsuit!!

tlh~ sorry your posts are getting eaten! Hope you had a good day!

bella~ Yay for the shred!! You may want to give yourself a day off between shreds at first. Hope tonights doesn''t kill you!

canuk~ HI!!

Hi, Lorelai, Rod, tlh, CJ, lliang, deegee, Dee Jay and everyone else!!!

I finally got over 1200 cals today, somewhere around 1300 actually! (well, after my snack later...) I mad BBQ for supper and it was so good. I did a ton of walking today with my sis and JT. We have a nephew coming on Wed so we had to do a *bit* of shopping.

That''s all for now....(*fingers crossed that my post doesn''t get eaten*)


Aug 19, 2009
yep SS, You are the wisest shredder ever! :) I have gotten progressively more sore today so tonight I'm chilling. Calories today were not as good as they could have been, but not absolutely horrible so I'll take it.

GO Charbie-Congrats on bring in control of your food and going swimming tonight!

Lilac-I love getting new workout clothes. I'm sure you look adorable!


Dec 28, 2005
Hey......It was a typcial Monday. Very long, but at least not a bad day. I have so many things going on that something good''s likely to come from it. I didn''t make it to meet Charlie until almost 7:30. I really felt bad as he had to wait about 45 minutes for me. He''d already had 1.5 glasses of wine by the time I got there. I had more work to do when we got home. So, here it is after 10, so this has to be short.

Thank you for getting us off on a great note for the week Skippy! Reward for achievement is a great thing. Like Marcy ("The Amazing Shrinking Woman!"), I used clothes myself as I lost a lot of weight and had to completely buy all new clothes.

Lilac, just by working out you do deserve a reward. Sore is a great thing btw!!!

Hi Erica. I''m glad things are going well for you.......

Thanks for the dust Skippy. Fingers crossed that we do get a real contract on our condo tomorrow!

Woo Hoo for being down 5 lbs Charbie!! As Tony Little (he works out at my gym and is a really nice man) says......."You Can Do It!!"

Sharon and tlh, I had the same thing happen last night. I''m going to have to remember to highlight and copy my posts so I can paste it back in if it get''s lost. It is frustrating to write a long post and then have the server eat it.......grrrrrrrr.

Welcome etoile.........

Thanks for the butternut squash recipe Bella. I love that squash, with the exception of spaghetti squash. It''s the only squash I just don''t like........

I''m glad to see your appetite picking up Shiny!

OK....That''s it for this night. Tomorrow night''s a gym night.........


Feb 27, 2007

Hi everyone.I got some extra walking at work today.I made low fat pizza for supper.Always a treat.Not feeling well right now.I had chicken for lunch and it is doing to me what turkey usually does about 7 to 8 hours later.Rats.

Lilac, new workout clothes are always a treat.

Erica, sounds like the food journal is going to be very helpful for you.That is great.

Skippy, yay for a nice walk; boo for hard trivia questions.It’s a major struggle for me to keep the weight off but I continue to work on it one day at a time.Thanks for the kind words.

Charbie, congratulations for losing 5 pounds.

Woo hoo for getting a bathing suit and getting a great workout in the pool.Great job only eating ½ of your sandwich.

Tlh, rats for losing your posts.


Etoile, sounds like you have a good eating plan.You have to find what works for you.

Bella, weekends are harder.When I was losing weight I ate different on weekends – by that I mean M-F I ate 5 to 6 mini meals a day. On weekends I would eat 2 meals but more food at each meal including some things that are a bit more fattening.It helped curb any cravings I had for things and was kind of a treat.I would keep almonds and raw veggies around to eat at night then if I got hungry.

Sharon, glad to hear you are having decent weather too.I think Rod has it colder than we do today.

Somethingshiny, glad you are able to eat enough calories now.Your walks sound fun and enjoy your company and shopping.

Rod, I just hit refresh before posting and there you were.Poor Charlie having to drink wine while he waited for you.If I had that much on an empty stomach I’d be blattering to anyone who would listen.


Well, since I slept about 2 hours last night I am going to call my mom and get to bed by 10.Really.

I have every intention of doing it.





Aug 19, 2009
thanks Marcy-That sounds like a good tip for weekends! We like to sleep in and then eat waffles or something for brunch so maybe if I just plan accordingly I can make that work!


Dec 31, 2008
Hi sharon! enjoy your swim!

charbie- yeah, I do the same thing too! I reserve the footlongs for a big calorie expendature day. My downfall is I always eat soo much of just one thing - I have to say - is this really well balanced - and that usually leads me to the right choice.

shiny- so glad you hit the calorie mark, and enjoyed your walk with the lil man!

Rod- sorry you left charlie waiting, but a couple glasses of wine sound like a nice wait! You have no idea... my post was MEGA long too.

marcy- Yeah, I''m so happy you got some walking in! That makes me super happy! Sorry your chicken had some funky aftermath.

Everyone hello and happy tuesday! Went on a run today, took the pooch. He was an anchor, serious dead weight, that is until he saw/smelled 2 maltese mixes in the distance, then he went buck wild, like a dog after a rabbit. It was funny, because he was bent and determined to catch up to them - it was like a hunting dog that caught a scent. He was EXCITED! We finally caught up with them, just as they started to cross the street, and he was not pleased, he made his pathetic little gruff sound "I want to play!" and they went their way - and we went ours. It took him a pinch to get back on track, but he wasn''t running with his attitude like before -- and when we turned around, it was like he caught their scent again... even though they were long gone, he started going crazy again, until the scent went cold. It made me laugh at his stubborn-ness. Then I thought about how many times I''ll fight that I DON''T want to do something that someone else does.. and like pout about having to participate- until something comes along or happens that gets my attention... then I actually have fun- and move. I could directly compare it to working out on a "funk" day. I normally just go and am like I don''t want to do this.. but I usually find it take about 20-30 minutes - and finally my endorphines kick in - or I catch a cool song on my ipod- and I''ll just *let go* to whatever bad attitude I had... just like my dog - I''ll let go of the anchor - and take flight.


Feb 27, 2007
Bella, I am sure you’ll find the right routine for you. I love waffles on the weekend too.

Tlh, the run with your pooch sounds fun. Too cute he was all excited and they weren’t willing to play. I too can see myself in your analogy of going to do something I don’t really want to do but I often have fun when I get there.

My chicken hangover isn’t too bad today but I took another dose of food allergy medicine this morning. I have in my contacts for the first time in about 7 months. The eyes are a bit “what are you doing to me?” but it is nice to be able to see the clock and TV. I wear gas perms so they take some time adjusting to them.

Have a great day.


Nov 24, 2006
Hi friends; I went to Step Aerobics last night and it was a great workout. Today I will go for a walk as it is suppose to be 55 today and tomorrow so I need to take advantage of the nice weather.
I also am going to order new running shoes; I try and replace mine every 6 months and the last time I replaced them was when I did the 5k run and that was in July so it is time.

Last night we had soup. I also made us a nice big arugula salad w/avocado and no dressing. Tonight is my paper thin whole wheat pizza; I will throw on lots of tomatos to make it a margarita and a big salad again.

Hope everyone has a great Tuesday!!!

CHARBIE, great job on losing 5 lbs
AWESOME!!! Yay for getting new pants pretty soon and your workout!

ETOILE, welcome!!! glad you joined us. Well this thread is about focusing on a healthy lifestyle so some of us already lost weight, or have excercise goals, etc so join us!! I completely agree on the whole foods versus processed!!! I tend to feel better and have less cravings.

BELLA yay for doing Shred, you are doing great!!! Yum your squash recipe looks great!

SHARON, yay for the swims!

SS, oh we NEED you on our team at the pub trivia; you would do awesome!!! Come play with us. hehe Yay for healthy walks w/the family; sounds great and fun!

ROD, sending dust; keep us posted.

MARCY, yay for all your walking, that is greeeeeat! Oh no about the chicken; hope you feel better soon.

TLH, wooohooo for your uber runs! lol about your cute doggie; what a cutie!


Dec 31, 2008
marcy- i hope you feel better, chicken sounds like a doozey! I''m glad you were putting your contacts in even if your eyes weren''t happy. Though i always liked putting glasses on to express style... it is definately nice to wake up every morning and see the clock - or see the tv w/o help.

skippy- your eats sounds gr8! glad you enjoyed step aerobics. Enjoy shoes shopping. I don''t know if it works or not, but hubs and I switched over to the barefoot-esque style movement last april. Basically we tried the Frees- and tried to see how it helped out gaits. It helps a lot, and honestly I can say I''m plagued with less problems, the less bells and whistles on the shoe. I read an article about how basically shoes can last a lot longer than advertised... because of how it restricts your foots natural movement. I know you do a lot of walking, so I don''t know if it helps, but I''m really in love w/ my frees. I wouldn''t run a marathon in them - I''m not there yet - but I do enjoy shorter races in them, and they really help exercise my foot. Just an option. Enjoy your shoe shopping... I love getting new FRESH WHITE sneaks!!!


Aug 19, 2009
yay for the run TLH!!!

So, the shred is on for tonight

I''m going to Indian buffet with my group for our late "christmas" party today. YUM! I''m going to stop eating before I feel full. That is my goal, I''m just keeping it simple for today


Jun 25, 2007
Hey everyone. I''m so sorry I''ve been such a slacker in this group recently. I''m taking the steps though to get myself back on track... really and truly. I set up my doctor''s appointment for this Friday to find out why my shoulder isn''t letting me run. Tonight I''m planning to run some and do some yoga to see if it helps. I''ve also had a lot of tension/tightness in my low back, so hopefully this will help

Hope all is well with everyone


Aug 19, 2009
Hi dragonfly-Welcome back!!!


Apr 19, 2004

More mild weather in our neck of the woods--woohooo!! Went to the pool regardless and worked it...was VERY hiungry and cut it a bit short since I got quite shakey....gosh I hate that feeling. Came home and ate and ate big protein and some carbs.

Hope this day finds everyone well!



Nov 24, 2006
Back from a 3.5 mile walk!
TLH, I will have to check those out; thanks. BELLA, I love Indian food; I am so jealous (I did have it on Sunday but I can still be jealous,lol). SHARON, yay for the workout; eek, I hate that feeling hope you got some eats. DRAGON, hope the shoulder is better soon.


Aug 19, 2009
YUM for Indian. Didn''t eat too much
One plat at the buffet, hardly any rice, and two small pieces of nan, plus a sweet lassi. Dinner will be something light, so I think I''m all set! Now I need to get off of PS, go home, and Shred


Apr 27, 2007
Hello all!

skippy - ahhhh...55 degrees. I bet that feels wonderful. Yay for doing step aerobics! That is so much fun, and a great workout too!!

lilac - woo-hoo for new workout clothes! I have never lost weight very well when I starved myself, but have done much better once I got a handle on portion size and healthy eating.

erica - I have been on ww since April and recently met my goal, and I still measure portions and record everything I eat. It was a real eye opener in the beginning. Our leader told us in the very first meeting "if you bite it, write it" and I''ve tried really hard to stick to it. I think that''s a major reason that I actually lost weight this time, after trying so many times in the past!

charbie - Rewards are great, and something to really look forward to. It''s great to get back into clothes again.

sharon - enjoy your decent weather!

shiny - woo-hoo for getting your calories in. Have a great visit with your nephew.

marcy - Sorry chicken doesn''t agree with you. I''d be in trouble as it seems like that''s all I ever eat! Did you read the interview with Valerie Bertinelli where she said keeping the weight off was much harder than losing it in the first place?

hi dragonfly! I hope your shoulder feels better soon!

rod - that stinks that you''re having to put in so much time working, but hopefully you''ll see rewards soon.

bella - glad you''re enjoying your exercise video.

tlh - great analogy with the stubborn doggie and working out on a funk day. That''s me getting my lazy rear off the couch and walking in the freezing cold. I''m not a bit happy at first!

And speaking of walking, we''ve been taking our walks in the single digit temperatures and snow the past few days. It''s 24 out right now, and I''m thinking that won''t be too bad! I got the results from my blood work back today and am happy to report that I qualify for a reduction in my health insurance premium due to my healthy cholesterol and blood glucose levels, blood pressure, and BMI. If this had been in effect last year, I wouldn''t have qualified due to my BMI and blood pressure. That''s what 62 pounds gone will do for a person! Woo-hoo!!!! I''m off to walk and hopefully get to bed early. Have a great Wednesday everyone!


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 1/12/2010 8:22:44 PM
Author: deegee
Hello all!

And speaking of walking, we've been taking our walks in the single digit temperatures and snow the past few days. It's 24 out right now, and I'm thinking that won't be too bad! I got the results from my blood work back today and am happy to report that I qualify for a reduction in my health insurance premium due to my healthy cholesterol and blood glucose levels, blood pressure, and BMI. If this had been in effect last year, I wouldn't have qualified due to my BMI and blood pressure. That's what 62 pounds gone will do for a person! Woo-hoo!!!! I'm off to walk and hopefully get to bed early. Have a great Wednesday everyone!
Oh my gosh you are so awesome to walk in the single digits but I had to give you a huge CONGRATS for the 62 lbs lose = lower bp, healthy cholesterol and looking fabulous!!!!! DEEGEE, woooohoooo
that is Incredible news!!!!!

BELLA, yay for going easy on the buffet!


Dec 28, 2005
Hey..........To say today was frustrating is an understatement. I wound up having to work way too late to make it to the gym. Our realtor schedule a showing of another property to the appointment with our buyer who was running late, so we don''t have a contract and she hasn''t called me back even though she promised to more than 3 hours ago......AAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH! If ever I needed to workout and release some feel good endorphines in my brain, today was it, but such is life. I''m going to sign off and just say hey to you all. Sorry for being in such a crappy mood. No matter what''s going on tomorrow night, I''m leaving work at a reasonable hour and going to the gym. No ifs ands or buts and I will work out and I will be in a better mood. We''ve had a tough couple years and sometimes I just wonder why we can''t seem to get a break. Thanks for being there and to all a good night.......... Oh and WAY TO GO DEEGEE!!
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