
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 8th Feb till 14th Feb

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Jul 22, 2007
beachrunner~ lol, NO! My goal before I got pregnant was to lose 50 lbs!! I lost about 20. Definitely not a cute Mama!! I''m hoping to keep my weight gain at 15 lbs throughout the pregnancy.

Your veggie burger sounds great! I haven''t ever had one.....


Jul 30, 2008
Date: 2/10/2010 10:23:52 AM
Author: somethingshiny
beachrunner~ lol, NO! My goal before I got pregnant was to lose 50 lbs!! I lost about 20. Definitely not a cute Mama!! I''m hoping to keep my weight gain at 15 lbs throughout the pregnancy.

Your veggie burger sounds great! I haven''t ever had one.....
I''m by no means a vegetarian, but I like tofu, veggie burgers, soy milk, etc. Veggie bugers have fewer calories than meat burgers, and I enjoy them. I buy the Morningstar Mushroom burgers
I''d give em a try; they make all kinds of "flavors".


Nov 17, 2009
TLH - Don''t worry about moving north. I''m originally from Phoenix and moved to Milwaukee about 10 years ago and haven''t looked back. What you lose in warm weather you gain in GORGEOUS seasons, super sweet people, great architecture and culture and learning to love reasons to be inside. I adore my fire place and family with a cup of cocoa on a snowy winter night.

Plus you really learn to LOVE the summers. I''m outside every second I get from spring until fall and really love taking it all in and cherishing it. In Phoenix it goes from hot to hotter and back to hot so we were always trying to stay inside in the AC. I was never outdoors and now I''m an addict!



Apr 27, 2007
Hi everyone!

shiny - the visual that came to mind when you were describing your MOH getup was hilarious! Since the baby is growing, did you get in trouble with the dr for losing again? My mom only gained 13 pounds when she was pregnant with me and she got in trouble every time she went to the dr, but I came out at 8lbs 15oz!

hi marcy! I've been thinking about you...hope you're doing okay. Stay warm! I'm ready for spring myself.

bella - your interview suit story reminded me of a few years ago when I was interviewing for a promotion at work. I tried my suit on the night before, and I could barely get the pants zipped. Hubby and I made a mad dash to the mall at 8:30pm for 30 minutes of frantic suit shopping. Hope your interview went well.

beachrunner - I hate, hate, hate the treadmill! Hubby and I have been taking our walks outside in the ice & snow, and freezing cold just to avoid the treadmill. We don't have the snow here like they do in Morgantown, though. A coworker who has a daughter at WVU said they had 30+ inches. Yuck!

charbie - woohoo for sticking with your lifestyle changes! How nice of them to put the junk food in your office. Last weekend when my nephew was staying with us, we went to Krispy Kreme while they were making fresh donuts (hubby can't pass it up when the Hot Donuts sign is on). It smelled sooo wonderful in there, but watching those donuts swim around in all that oil made my stomach churn a little.

Lisa - I track everything I eat. Our ww leader told us when we began, "if you bite it, write it." I track on my iPhone on an app that I downloaded, which is very handy. I probably wouldn't track as well without it! Hubby hates to see me on this website because he's afraid I'm going to decide I need something really expensive. I'm perfectly satisfied with what I have and don't want anything, but I do like to look at what everyone else gets!

dragonfly - take it easy. I have had chronic back problems for the last 12 years because of a wreck, so I know how you feel. I have to keep exercise low impact, and there's nothing wrong with not being able to run and do hard-core exercises while you're down. You're doing yoga, and that's great! I agree with Rod about strengthening the core - something I'm working on myself. I hope you get relief soon.

pinki - congrats for getting to a new number on the scale! And shoveling snow definitely counts for exercise in my book.

tlh - shorts in February? My brain can't comprehend it! I agree with pinki about the seasons. I'm not wild about winter, but winter sure does give me an appreciation for spring and I'm especially ready for spring this year!!

rod - hope you make it to the gym tonight. You're probably so stressed that your workout will be crazy! I hope you find a great condo. I think it would be great to live directly in town and be able to walk to lots of things. I'd be wiling to give up a little space for that, I think.

My cold from last week has turned into a raging sinus infection, and the dr told me to stay home, stay warm, and take my antibiotic & decongestant for a few days and make sure my fever is down before going back to work. That would be fine if I didn't have so much to do! I stayed home today but I plan to go in tomorrow because I'll have a nervous breakdown if I don't. I got on the scale this morning and am down 2 pounds, I guess from being sick. For the first time in my life I don't want to lose any more weight, and I keep losing. I'm sure once I feel better some of those pounds will find their way back. Have a great day tomorrow everyone!


Jul 22, 2007
deegee~ Yuck to a nasty sinus infection! Have you tried a Neti pot? They really help. No trouble at the docs. I''m overweight so it''s not like I''m endangering my own health by losing and since the baby is growing, we''re both good! I expect to level off and start gaining soon.

BR~ I don''t even KNOW a vegetarian! I think they would be shunned in this community! It would go something like this...

vegetarian: I don''t eat meat
hostess: Oh, that''s okay! I''ll make chicken!

v: No, I really don''t eat MEAT.
h: okay, fish then!

I''m not usually a burger eater, in fact until this pregnancy I hadn''t eaten a burger for years!


Jun 25, 2007
Just wanted to say you guys are awesome!!! I''ll keep pposting, I just want to try to keep it as positive as possible :) I just don''t like feeling like I''m whining about my back lol. Chiropractor appointment is Friday morning, so hopefully it will help. I did jog a very very light jog of 2 miles yesterday... I''m going at a really slow pace to reduce impact. I felt okay afterward, and did yoga last night and will again tonight. I''m also working really hard to incorporate more vegetables and fruits into my routine to get the beneficial vitamins. SO has been fantastic, helping me stretch my shoulder, and massaging lightly when I need it.

I''ll post individual hellos later tonight before bed :)


Dec 28, 2005
Hey and Wow.......So many posts today. I'm taking a break from work and I didn't make it to the gym. My cleint called this morning and begged me find at least 2 more candidates for Chicago. To do that in one day and have them qualify, available to interview the day after tomorrow, closed on the salary, ready to go to training in India for 3 weeks, open to significant travel and agree to relocate if required, is no easy task. But, I made a million calls and found two more people. It's not like $100,000 (plus bonus) jobs with a global company $4Billion company are growing on trees, but you'd be surprised how picky recent graduates from America's top 20 MBA programs can be. So, as has been my schedule lately, I was still in the office at 7:00 and to be honest, I'm absolutely utterly completely exhausted. My boss suggested I sleep in tomorrow morning and not come in till 10. I am gladly taking her up on her offer. I should be close to be being wrapped up by 6 PM tomorrow, so I am going to the gym. No really. I am going...........

I wish I could write you all. Shiny, you asked if we were looking for a forever home. We actually live in what I would have been happy to spend the rest of my life. It was bought when we both had great jobs and was quite expensive. Sadly, the economy took it's toll on our company two years ago, we were both laid off and while we're employed again, we work for a fraction of what we once worked for. Our current 'uber' expensive condo has to be replaced with a nice, albeit smaller and waaaay more affordable one. We just won't know if it's forever until we live there for a while. It will at least be it's great for now.........

OK....back to work. Oh and dragon, you're never a downer. And with all the whining I've done lately, it's nice to know you have friends you can write to here. It's actually pretty therapeutic. At least it is for me.


Feb 27, 2007

Hi everyone.Marty stayed home sick today; poor guy is pretty tired and had a horrible headache and stomach ache.

He is better tonight.

Tomorrow night is cake decorating.My friend and I are going to happy hour first.That should be fun.Either my flowers will look better or I won’t care.


Welcome Pinki.

I love your avatar.Congratulations on losing weight and getting back below 180.
Snow shoveling burns a lot of calories. How much snow did you get?

Tlh, I had another bad spell today talking about my teaching with someone at work but I am better again now.We were slow at work so I had time to think.I keep teasing Marty I can deliver pizza for spending money.He says I am not fast enough.I don’t know if I will look for anything else to do.I can spend more time on PS.My recommendation for warm clothes (especially coats) is Landsend.I have coats that are wind blocking and they sure make a difference.No worries on eating different when your husband is gone; it is hard when there is a break in your routine.Sounds like a great idea to just take some time off from everything.

Somethingshiny, I don’t think there is a chance at all they will reconsider my classes.Glad you checked out good at the doctor.

Beach Runner, glad you had a fun time with your friends.

Deegee, thanks for thinking of me.I am under my fleece blanket again tonight.I am sorry to hear you have a sinus infection.Those are miserable.I am glad you rested today but hate to hear you are going back to work tomorrow.Get better.What a strange problem to not want to lose weight, huh?

Dragonfly, glad you were able to do a less vigorous jogging and did some stretching.My favorite part of the chiropractor is the giant heating pad they put on your back.I want one now.

Rod, glad you found some more candidates.Hopefully some of them will get offers.

Take care and swell well.





Mar 13, 2008
Hello all!!!

Sis started her new job this week, so today was the first night that we could FINALLY sit down and just talk about her job and what she thinks etc. It was really nice, but I ended up staying MUCH later than I was planning to. I didn''t LEAVE her place till after 10PM. James is already in bed, so this will probably be kinda quick. I met James at the gym. They have 2 hrs validated free parking, but I got there a little too early (I met sis, and gave her the dog) so we had to pay an extra $5. Phooey. But I did a yoga class and then a quick interval. The yoga class was just meh. I didn''t care for the instructor much. I have a studio I *LOVE* and it''s right next to my house, but it''s $$$. So I thought I''d give the classes @ the gym a try first before pouring more money into something else. Sister made spinach lasagna, so we had that and a salad for dinner. Then I walked the dog home and here I am. Work today was decent. First time in a long time. I''ve become quite disenchanted with my job, and I guess I''m cynical. My brother shined the light on me that I should really start looking. I was toying with the idea, but what he said really makes sense, I''ll start looking. While still keeping myself as happy as possible at work.

We (Sis & I) made bacon maple cupcakes this past weekend. We made two different recipes so I tried two over the weekend, but I was REALLY good all week so far, Tonight I caved and had one.

Marcy, I''m glad Marty''s getting better. He should take a few days and recover. I''m sure the crazy work schedule hasn''t helped. I''m sorry things are still kinda down for you on the teaching front. I really hope it turns into one of those "window opening" moments. THanks for the update on Skippy.

Pinki, Welcome!!! Congrats on the 178# accomplishment! That''s wonderful! I''m like you moving from a warm place (Miami) to a cold place (Chicago). I agree, I totally embrace the summers now but I hate, HATE, **HATE** the winters still. HAAAATE. i keep wishing and hoping James and I can move somewhere that the winter''s just a little bit shorter than it is here.

TLH, definitely get a good coat but another great savior for winter are shearling or for real winter boots. Not waterproof hiking boots, not construction boots, not fashion boots, but the totally Nanook winter boots. I have 2 pairs, a shearling I got last year, and a shearling-inspired one I got this year (dog chewed a hole in my 1st pair). Sister has rabbit fur boots. They made winters SOOOO much more bearable. Enjoy your days off. And I''m going to look into those measure up bowls. And Mmmmm for the proper eats (breakie & home packed lunch)

Shiny, I never thought about training for skiing either, but my trainer is doing a lot of balance stuff and core work. Some fair bit of leg and lower back strength stuff. And a fast paced workout, so circuit training to keep the heart rate up. Awesome that your dr. appt went well :) Rock the arms honey! Funny that really would be the conversation if I told my family that I went veggie.

Beach, go you on the halfsie! TLH is the running goddess on this thread. Your salad sounds delish. I love baby spinach salads. I don''t have baby fever yet, but I do think about it from time to time. I think James will end up getting baby fever before me... I''ve had those black bean burgers that are pretty tasty. I agree, veggie burgers are quite tasty. I should eat them more often...

DG!!! I''m going to try to take a page from you. I failed writing it down today
but will try tomorrow in earnest. Sorry about the sinus infection. I hope you recover quickly.

SF, Yay! I''m glad you''re sticking around. I''d definitely suggest rolling around on those foam rollers to loosen your tight muscles etc. Maybe ask the chiro for some exercises.

Rod, wow, you''ve got your work cut out for you. :) I"m glad you found people that fit though. :) You''re a rockstar, both professionally and personally. Living in downtown Tampa would be fantastic! I love house shopping it''s fun to go around and see different ideas and stuff. Hope your really great place (once you find it) will get better once you guys settle in :)




Nov 17, 2009
Thanks so much to everyone for the warm welcomes. I''m once again in awe of PS and how amazing and supportive everyone is! It can be a little intimidating joining up because you all know each other so well so I''m playing major catch up! I guess I can do a quick about me...28, engaged to be married this June 26th, we have an English Mastiff named Fred Dawg and a gray kitty named Pinki Kat (hence the screen name), and I have many jobs! My full time regular gig is at a power tool company. I''m a product manager and I manage our Circular Saw blade funny to be in such a male dominated industry, but I do well. I love the company (been here 10 years) and the travel. Then I have 2 fun jobs, which are more just hobby-ish. 1 is that I''m a naughty toy lady! I have my own business with Brown Bag Party which is a really cool vintage themed, think Pin-up, naughty toy parties. I don''t push it much but it is so fun to do. I am also a free-lance make-up artist and I do weddings, photoshoots, etc. Again, I just do that through word of mouth and I really enjoy it.

Marcy - My avatar is my engagement was my dream ring. The one time in my life I''m grateful my fiance is not good at being an original gift giver. I showed him what I wanted and he just got it because a) it was less work and b) he knew how much I really wanted it. LOL. I''ve been leaving pics of vintage diamond watches around too so hopefully he takes that not so subtle hint as well.

Lliang Chi - Don''t get me wrong, I don''t enjoy winters, but I do try and embrace them a little bit. I''ve taken up Cross Country skiing, which I by no means am good at and I also take advantage of the cold short days to work more (so I can slack in summer) and work out more. Hehee...Plus I adore that my house has a fire place and I can snuggle up with a good book, coffee and a fire. Oh, my fav! Plus I''m pretty lucky since my family is all still in AZ I sneak back there a couple times in the winter to catch my breath a little and warm up.



Dec 31, 2008
Lorelei -

shiny- I''m excited about the nurse''s comment. Wow, hello buff arms! True, I do like some indoor tracks, so that is something to think about!

BR- I love veggie burgers! chillis used to have a blackbean burger that was pretty good, but they''ve removed it from the menu. BOO!

Pinki- That is funny... and a great perspective. I know I''ll just learn to love the later parts of the day. Now it is super hot in the summer, so I am up by 4am and get everything done before 11 am, and by the time noon and the days heat comes around, I''ve already accomplished a lot. I''m actually like whoo hoo no scorpions! But boo for fleas tics and mosquitos! haha!

DG- yeah, it is 30* in the morning, and warms to 60-70 by about 5pm. So it warms to running in shorts in the afternoon, but tights in the morning. Layers, Layers, Layers. So I guess being able to wear one thing a day will be a nice change. I''m sorry you''re sick and I hope you feel better soon!

DF- glad your SO is so supportive and that you are enjoying your fruits and veggies!

Rod- Wow, that does sound exhausting. Glad you can get some extra sleep.. and maybe even the gym!

Marcy- OH no! I hope you don''t get sick! Cake deco is always a fun treat, and so is HH! Thanks for the clothing rec! I will definately look into! I could just see you as a pizza delivery driver... you''d be all like, you should order it with XXX and save XXX calories! ;-) BUt that is because you''re AWESOME!

LISA_ awesome for sis! Not a bad way to celebrate and encourage her. You are super awesome and supportive! Always good to keep your eyes open for new opportunities! It is good to know the market... and keep your skillset fresh! Fur boots? LIke that song... "Applebottom jeans, Boots with the fur?.."-- haha sorry, that is just what popped in my head!

I think that was everyone... WOW! Big day for HLT!
resting has made me anxious... I get bored soooo easily. Hubs hopefully found a place to live. We''re waiting to hear back from the owner to see if 2 dogs are allowed.... if so... YIPPEE!!! So fingers crossed. Other than that, I''m working hard. Eatting right... and just dealing with all the family calls of when can we visit! When will you visit? and those trying to claim dibs on holidays. HAHA - good to feel the love, but it is a little overwhelming!


Apr 19, 2004

Hi gangaronni!
Now with the kitchen reno''s done, no reason not to go to the gym! Worked it hard today in the pool and on the treadmill. I''ve missed it being stuck at home while things were being completed......

Keep well and in health, folks!!



Jul 30, 2008
Happy Thursday! (a little late)

Hope everyone had a good day.

We had a potluck lunch today at work. I did well with portions and did eat a piece of cake. I also learned about the Bolder Boulder, a HUGE 10k in CO. It''s actually the 2nd largest race in the country with about 50,000 runners!
Its over Memorial weekend. I''m gonna go broke with all the races I want to do

deegee- WVU didn''t have classes Monday, I think? I heard them talking about it during the bball game. Anyways, LETS GOOO.. WVU @ PITT tomorrow night; gonna be another good one!

ss- My SIL is a vegetarian. I know ppl who would have the same convo you posted. Funny!

dragon- Hello and yay for yoga and fruits and veggies!

marcy- HH then cake decorating? Sounds fun! Enjoy!

Lisa- Hello! Sounds like you have a great relationship with your sis! And yes, babies will wait for a few more yrs.

pinki- Your part time jobs sound fun, and...exciting

tlh- A place to live would be helpful, right!? I''m the same way; when I sit to long I get antsy. But, good for you for resting; i''m sure you deserve it! Good luck with the house hunting.

Sharon- Sounds like an awesome workout!

I had a good run today; of course I almost fell on the uneven sidewalk but was fine on the ice.
I guess its salmon night at the D household.

Enjoy your evenings ladies and gentleman.


Dec 31, 2008
Sharon, so glad your kitchen project is done and you had a nice workout! Cheers!

BR- Yeah, races can be addictive. 10ks are really awesome! PROPS! Way to get out there in the nasty weather, and not slipping on the ice... but yeah, uneven sidewalks have gotten me MORE than once.


Dec 28, 2005
Hey......It's after 10 PM and not writing this late because I've been tied up with work. I'm writing after finally leaving work at a reasonable hour and FINALLY making it to the gym. And, I did sleep till 8:30 this morning. WOO HOO. I was completely exhausted, so sleeping in a little later was such a treat. I woke up and found Sakai (for our new members - Sakai is our precious Burmese cat) wrapped up around my hand. It was such a sweet way to wake up. Of course when I did get into work, I had a pretty intense schedule as I had to spend one hour each, prepping the six people I have interviewing in Chicago tomorrow. I was literally on the phone for 6 non-stop hours. As soon as I was finished, I shut everything down and went directly to the gym. It was long and productive workout! Yay.

I'm not sure the downtown condo is going to work out for us. We are going to see it Saturday morning, but our realtor told us they aren't too receptive to a delayed closing (we can't close until June 15 as that when our current condo is closing). Now, there is another condo in an amazing building we saw last weekend. It's brand new, and hasn't been finished completely (meaning we get to choose the wood floors we like). It's near dowtown and the amenities are simply amazing. But the unit itself is radically different from anything we might consider. The main living space (which is really upscale and open) is on the amenity level, with lot's of terrace space front and back. But.......the bedroom level is downstairs. That's not the issue. The issue is the bedroom (there's really only one bedroom and a separate den) is small. And there's one walkin closet and another conventional closet. We just don't know what we'd do with all our clothes. Still, the unit is 'uber' cool and the building is also 'uber' cool, with restaurants and the waterfront just down the street. If we decide to go for this one, they will accept a contract with a delayed closing. It might be more than we want to spend, but at least we have options to consider............

BTW, welcome to our newest member pinki......And you're right, PS is a warm and welcoming place.......

Oh and Marcy, I hope Marty's feeling better soon.

To everyone I don't have time to say hello to........Hello. Have a great Friday........


Mar 13, 2008
Happy Thursday all!!!

We had our trainer today, good work out. He made us do these CRAZY side planks and raise our top legs. OMG they were killer! Anyway, this is the first day I started tracking successfully. I didn't mindlessly snack when I got home (SUCCESS!) and I ended up at around 1280 calories, which sounds pretty good. I'm guessing I was doing close to 1350 0r 1400 when I was mindlessly snacking.

Pink, welcome to the thread. Sounds like you have a lot of interesting side hobbies. That's fantastic. Congrats on the engagement :) I agree with you, fireplaces in the winter are definitely nice. The next place we get we want a wood fireplace, so we can get those crackling firewood etc. Ah!!!

TLH, fingers crossed the place your hubs found allows dogs. You should send them pics and say, "Aren't they the CUTEST! How can you say no to that face!!" I don't know what song you're referring to, I'm HORRIBLE with staying current with the latest music...

Sharon, WELCOME BACK! Did you post pics of your kitcehn reno? I love looking at kitchen p0rn...

Beach, good job on the portions. Bolder Boulder sounds fun! I totally know what you mean about going broke!!! Sis and I limit ourselves to 1 race a month otherwise it starts adding up. Sis and I are twins and we are quite close

Rod, so nice you got to sleep in AND hit the gym!! Good for you. I hope your candidates appreciate all the work you do to prep them. I had a few recruiters that took time to do that, and it's WONDERFUL! To the point that I usually try to recommend them or call them up when I'm looking again. Hope your condo searching goes well. Closet space is a deal breaker for me, so that'd be a tough choice...

Good night everyone!



Dec 31, 2008
Rod- that is a sweet way to wake up indeed! I''m glad you got your work out, some extra zzzs before your stressful day began. Enjoy sushi tonight, and remember, it is a buyers market as they say... so if you have to wait, I know you''ll find something perfect!

Lisa - Glad your trainer kicked your booty into high gear!

Everyone happy friday! So- we''ve confirmed, the place allows 2 dogs! So now we''re doing all the paperwork, and fingers crossed everything works out for us and we can get the keys by 3/1. YAY! (One tiny bit of stress removed.) Now I''m busy trying to secure other paperwork for the move. Most of things have not been difficult. My car on the other hand has been a huge PITA. The bank refuses to mail me the lien release. I must go down in person to pick it up. It is a credit union, the dealership hooked me up with, and let me say, I have not been impressed with their customer service or the way they do business. It is close to the dealership - but NOT to where I live. So now I had to re-arrange my work schedule take a waay extended lunch break today so that I can get there when they are actually open. No, they don''t have extended or Saturday hours. I will also have to do the same thing next week while trying to secure my cleared title from the DMV before the move... and then... do it all over again in a few weeks in another state. BLEH. So I could really USE a run... and I took the day off. Hubs and I are running a race this weekend as our Valentines Day celebration... so I could use a little recovery time before I can see if I can actually race so soon after the marathon. If not, I''ll just keep it at a moderate pace... as I haven''t been able to do any speed work since the race and hammy issue.

Have a great weekend all!


Jun 25, 2007
Went to the chiropractor this Morning! He was basically 100% more helpful than my general practitioner. I am broken though. I have neck vertebrae that are swollen, my pelvis is tilted, I have several bruised lower back muscles, and he says I am holding tension as if I were constantly lifting weights. My muscles are soooo tense. I''m not allowed to do anything high impact... yoga.


Dec 28, 2005
Hey........I overslept this morning, by about 20 minutes, but was only about 10 minutes later than normal to work and no one even noticed anyway. It was nice to have an extra 20 minutes. Most of my major work for the project is completed, so it was kind of nice to have a much calmer, less stressful day. I actually kind of spent some time looking at condo floorplans, comparing tax rates, etc. I think my boss knew I was doing that some and she didn''t push in any way as she also knows I''ve worked 12 - 14 hours a day for the last 3 straight weeks. Sushi tonight was really good. We tried a new roll, with yellow tail and scallions (and something else, cut I couldn''t put my finger on it). It was inexpensive and really good. I''m looking forward to condo shopping again tomrrow. The small condo is just around the corner from a really neat restaurant, so of course our realtor is taking us there for lunch. She''s probably called ahead to insure our meals are even better........LOL

I''m glad you had a good session with your trainer Lisa. Side planks are great. We do them often. There so good for your core. I also like doing one leg, one arm elevated planks. You should try them sometime. They''re really test your balance and do wonders for your core. Charlie and I spent some time tonight thinking of a closet solution. And what we came up with, was that the 2nd bedroom is really pretty small, so instead of furnishing it as a home office, we could turn the entire room into a walkin closet and build a desk area in. We use our laptop more than the tower anyway, so all we''d really need is a wireless printer and we could work from any of the terraces or upstairs in the main living area. Besides we won''t really need a 2n bedroom. We rarely if ever have guests and if we did, the condo tower has 5 guest suites so if someone came to visit, they''d just use one of the suites, which is like staying in a 5 star hotel!

I hope you get the palce tlh! Moving is stressful enough and not knowing where you''ll actually live adds another level of stress. It''s true it''s a buyers market and even more so in Tampa, but our issue is that we know all the condo opportunities we''d be interested in and there are only a limited number of options that we could actually see ourselves owning long term. And of course they''re all one of a kinds, so we''re hoping to make a decision and lock up what we like the best, so we don''t lose out on these few options.

dragon, I''m so sorry about the vertebrae issues. I''m a big beleiver in chiropractic. But, I''m also an even bigger believer in Physical Therapy. I would recommend you see an orthopedist and get a prescription to a really good PT. If you get a prescription, PT is covered under inusrance. As you may recall, I was facing major back surgery just a few months ago. And with a really competent PT, I was completely fixed. And as much as I love my chiropractor, there are just things he couldn''t take care of. Please investigate PT. You will really be glad you did............

OK.......Have a great Saturday. It''s cold here in Tampa. It was rainy and never got out of the high 40s. In the Panhandle, it snowed today. Crazy weather this year, that''s for sure...........


Feb 27, 2007

Hi everyone.I had fun at happy hour last night.We sure thought of having another drink and skipping class but we didn’t.After class we stopped by the mall and bought some Valentine’s presents.

We measured the living room, kitchen and dining room tonight and will go looking at carpet and flooring tomorrow.I don’t know when we’ll get new flooring but it will be soon.

I made low fat pizza tonight.It hit the spot with a glass of wine.

I heard a bit of trivia on the news this morning.Every state in the continental US had snow forecast somewhere in the state today.Cool, huh?

Lisa, I hope your sister likes her job.Rats for having to pay for parking at the gym.Good luck looking for a new job.Marty is feeling much better and I am doing better too.I think I will tell my students this weekend when I post their weekly assignment information.

Pinki, sounds like you keep busy.Your dream ring is gorgeous.I hope you get your vintage watch too.A fire, coffee and a book sounds like a great way to relax.

Tlh, I’d be glad to get rid of scorpions too but mosquitoes are pesky.I wouldn’t do well as a pizza driver; I’d be going “ewe these are so greasy”.Do you know how you can make a healthy pizza on your own?Splitting holidays with the family can be challenging but it’s always nice to feel wanted.I am glad you found a place that accepts the dogs.

Sharon, how fun to have your kitchen done.

Beach Runner, a friend of mine runs in the Boulder, Boulder every year.She enjoys it.

Rod, how wonderful to sleep in and wake up with Sakai snuggled up to you.The new condo sounds very promising; sorry to hear the closet space would be tight though but having the den as a closet and computer room sounds like a wonderful plan.Have fun looking at condos this weekend.Marty is doing better, thanks.

Dragonfly, I hate to hear you are having so many difficulties.I hope the yoga helps loosen your sore back and muscles up soon.

I need to go rescue my jewelry out of my cleaner before Marty falls asleep.

Have a great weekend.

I am off for 3 whole days.




Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. We ran around and looked at carpet samples today. What fun. We met some friends for lunch then Marty dropped me off while he went “shopping” and I cleaned house and worked on laundry. Tonight we had cheese and crackers for supper and watched another one of our Star Trek Next Generation Movies. One more to go. Tomorrow we are going shopping and meeting my sister and brother-in-law for lunch.

I hope everyone is having a good weekend.


Dec 28, 2005
4,101's the weekend shift with Marcy and Rod!! Never got a chance to check in yesterday. We had a really full day. We started out condo shopping at 10 AM. We started at the cool tower downtown, but we really didn't care for the units they had available. Charlie really didn't like them at all, so no matter how cool it would be to walk to museums, etc, it just wouldn't work. Then we went to an area called Channelside to see these two towers that were built around the same time our current condo was built. The towers (there are two joined by a huge pool complex) is in receivership and hasn't been maintained too well. A new management company is taking over and selling the units for more than 50% off. But, the towers are located next to an entertainment complex that is really loud at night and we've heard from people who have either lived there, or visited people there, that the noise is loud on the terraces at night and we're concerned the low prices will bring in investors, and there will be more renters than owners. Even though the views and space of the units is very good, we just don't have a good feeling about the complex or it's location. So, we're still thinking about the condo that's small, but in a wonderful building, fantastic location, with amazing amenities, but is 'uber' small. There's even a Starbucks within walking distance! Our realtor took us to lunch at a restaurant, litteraly across the street. It was incredible. So incredible that we decided to go there for dinner and dinner was even better. We walked along the waterfront and all over the place. We're just not sure how we could downsize so much..........We'd have to get rid of more than half our furniture. I'm kind of OK with that, but Charlie seems more attached to some of the things we'd have to get rid of than me. So, no decisions yet.........

Today was a pretty typical Sunday. It was cold, so we had breakfast inside, lunch at Panera, then coffee under the oak as it warmed up to 60 degrees by this afternoon. We had a very long and productive workout at the gym this afternoon. Dinner was a nice healthy salad. I'm not ready to start a new week. Last week was a tough one.

Sounds like you had a fun weekend Marcy!!

Happy Valentines day to all my special ladies here on the HLT...........


Feb 27, 2007
Rod, sorry so many of the condos don''t work out for you and Charlie. The small one sounds perfect except for having to downsize so much. The area and amenities sound wonderful though. That is a tough decision.

We had bagels for breakfast. I tolerate bagels because you get cream cheese with them.

We then headed to the outlet mall and another nearby mall to do some shopping. I picked up a sweater, Marty got a few shirts and a top, I got a billfold and then we met my sister and brother in law for a mid afternoon dinner at our favorite steak house. I brought home 1/2 of my steak. We all split a piece of peanut butter pie and a bottle of wine.

Tonight we watched Nemesis and had a little bit of popcorn with it.

It was a nice Valentine''s day. Marty got me some Peanuts sticky notes and some yellow roses.

Take care and I''ll see you in next week''s thread.
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