
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 7th July till 13th July

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Apr 30, 2005
Hiya Ellen - no worries! Toof is a bit better fanks!

Miss Julianna, I am glad you had a good run! Hey, I bet it is time for some more Tabac Blond....


Mar 19, 2007
Date: 7/10/2008 11:34:24 AM
Author: Lorelei
Hiya Ellen - no worries! Toof is a bit better fanks!

Miss Julianna, I am glad you had a good run! Hey, I bet it is time for some more Tabac Blond....
Hey I put some on last night! And I wasn''t doing anything for the rest of the night except going to bed, but I really had the urge to smell it.
I haven''t run out yet, but only because most of the time I try to save it for special ocassions. And because I did get a pretty good amount for my moolah.


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 7/10/2008 11:40:33 AM
Author: Julianna

Date: 7/10/2008 11:34:24 AM
Author: Lorelei
Hiya Ellen - no worries! Toof is a bit better fanks!

Miss Julianna, I am glad you had a good run! Hey, I bet it is time for some more Tabac Blond....
Hey I put some on last night! And I wasn''t doing anything for the rest of the night except going to bed, but I really had the urge to smell it.
I haven''t run out yet, but only because most of the time I try to save it for special ocassions. And because I did get a pretty good amount for my moolah.
I am glad you still have some, also you don''t need a lot which makes it economical. That stuff is so addictive!


Mar 26, 2006
Hey kids! Just back from 65 mins on the treadmill. I kept the incline at 1 or 2 the whole time and even then I could fee my over exuberance from the other day in the back of my knees, but I think I''m OK. Actually, I started on the bike but after 2 mins I realized I just wasn''t in a biking mood so I made the switch.

Gotta go get ready to pick up my first client at 1:00 but I''ll check in later!


Nov 24, 2006
Yipppeeeeeeeee I lost 2 lbs, this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will check in tonight after my walk! Have a great workout and day all


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 7/10/2008 12:39:22 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
Hey kids! Just back from 65 mins on the treadmill. I kept the incline at 1 or 2 the whole time and even then I could fee my over exuberance from the other day in the back of my knees, but I think I''m OK. Actually, I started on the bike but after 2 mins I realized I just wasn''t in a biking mood so I made the switch.

Gotta go get ready to pick up my first client at 1:00 but I''ll check in later!
Way to go Dee, you are doing so well!


Mar 1, 2004
Caveat: I have not read this thread. I am just popping in to fulfill my promise.

I received core rhythms this Saturday. I thought you guys might like a review. First of all, I have been biking almost every day at least a half hour for the last week and a half. I have added the CR to that. So far I have managed to gain 5 pounds.
Not kidding. I think it''s a cyclical thing. At least I hope it is. I have changed my eating in the last days since receiving the program. I have begun to eat three small meals (decreased portions) and 2 small snacks a day. Everything trying to be either chicken or fish and lots of veggies and fruit. Legs are looking fab. Gaining definition. Butt seems to be lifting.

Now for the cr, I LOVE the program. It is fun. It is also very HARD!!!!!! The Quick Start dvd is a 30-minute how to. It shows you all the steps. You will sweat your behind off. It gives you a variety of views which makes it easy to follow. I did this for three days and thought I was ready to tackle the 45 minute full workout dvd. Au contraire, mon ami.
I nearly died last night.
It was so much fun, but it took me three bottles of water to get through the dvd. I had to stop a few times and push the Help button. Did I mention the HELP Feature? It is the best. If you can''t figure out how to do a step, just push this button and they will take you through the movement slowly and you can then go back to right where you left off. That part is GREAT!!!!! I really felt that this was a hard dvd. They push you like crazy, but you don''t want to stop because it is fun. I can''t wait to do one tonight. I will keep you posted.



Nov 24, 2006
Hi there! I am back from my walk; it was overcast and a rainbow came out. It was so pretty so I thought I would share.
For my 2 lb weightloss I bought myself a pretty journal to track my calories/points.

DeeJay, yay for the workout! You are on a roll; awesome!!!!!!!!

Julianna, good to see you back; I didn't recognise you with the new avatar.

Marcy, glad you have bling money!!!!

Shay, good to see you and thanks for the review on the core dvd!! Sounds like you are building muscle, wooo hooo!

Lorelei, hope you are feeling better sweetie.

Rod, I hope you sleep better. Hopefully you can catch up on the weekend!



Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. Well I am back to less than a pound to lose to reach my goal. Woo hoo!

Hi Ellen!
Julianna, yay for a great run on the treadmill today.
Lorelei, glad to hear you are better today.
DeeJay, that’s great you spent 65 minutes on the treadmill.
Skippy, congratulations on losing 2 pounds!
Great photo of the rainbow; what a treat to see while going for a walk.
Shay, woo hoo for all the great workouts.
Rod, since we usually post at the same time I sure hope you got a decent night of sleep last night.
I am printing out pictures from our trip. They are looking good.


Dec 28, 2005
OK.....This will be short. It's 11 PM and I'm absolutely, utterly, completely, exhausted. I did sleep better last night. I actually slept till the alarm rang, which is really good. Work was actually fun today. I'm getting into the swing of my new job and I managed to land a new account today and they gave me an exclusive opportunity to fill. According to my boss, this is actually unheard of after only 8 days on the job, so she was really happy wth my progress. I didn't leave work till 6 PM, so it seems 10 hour work days will be the norm. But I went directly to the gym and had a very strong workout. Charlie was off today and worked out this afternoon, so he picked up a salad for me for dinner. It was just what I wanted after a nice long workout.

I can't comment to everyone, but had to offer this to Julianna......Tomorrow is SUSHI, FROYO/STARBUCKS night for us! I'm glad you get a kick out of our twice weekly habit.......LOL

What a beautiful picture of the rainbow Skippy!

You go for doing 65 minutes on the elliptical DeeJay.

Yay for melting away those pounds Marcy.

I'm sorry if I missed anyone. It's time for Rod to hit the sack. I need to be at work by 7:30 as I have so much to get done tomorrow. I will say that my new job, while full of stress is VERY fast paced and the day just melts away, which is good.

Sleep well everyone!


Nov 24, 2006
Rod, glad you slept well!!! Glad you had a great day at work and getting in the groove!

Marcy, yay for another lb!!!!


Aug 23, 2005

Hi all!

It’s been an especially crazy week. My mom (whose health is pretty poor in general) just learned that she might have to have spinal surgery. Still trying to understand her condition, but have been busy helping her out as best I can. I’ll learn more next week when we visit a neurologist, but in the meantime, I’m very concerned. Pray-ers, please pray! Good vibe senders, please send good vibes!

On the healthy living horizon, I’ve stumbled a bit and gained (GULP) three pounds.

Evidently, unrestrained cookie-eating and goblets of post-dinner wine will do that. I’m a little disappointed in my setback, but am getting right back into the groove rather than dwelling on it. Gotten in some great 5 and 5.5 mile runs this week, and have worked on bringing my eating into check. Well, relatively speaking.

Perry, a late “welcome aboard” from me. I’m new myself and have loved this warm, supportive group. Sounds like you’re already making strides!

Miscka, cool about the bike! I haven’t ridden a bike in ages.

Kimberly, yay for getting back on track. Glad you had a good time in Portland. (Oregon, I’m assuming?) My dad lives there, and I really do love it. (I’m over the mountains in Bend.)

Dee*Jay, zowie on all of the awesome workouts! Wonderful!

Lorelei, sorry about the root canal! Hope you’re feeling yourself again soon.

Phoenixgirl, imagine you’re looking forward to Paris. You’ll have a wonderful time, I’m sure. Glad seeing you like The Firm, too! When I was stronger/fitter, I loved doing “Standing Legs.” Man, what a workout! Crossing my fingers for some cute drops earrings for ya!!


Appletini, what a wonderful compliment that the boot camp instructor has been trying to recruit you! I’ve always been intrigued by boot camp-type classes, but they sound pretty hard!

Hi Love2Travel!

SS, kudos on losing eight—or is it nine?!—pounds. Zowie! And your endurance is amazing!!! What’s the latest on a possible tonsillectomy for your son? I’ve been thinking about you and wishing you all the best in coming to a decision.

Steph, sounds like you’ve been busy with your workouts! Hope you have a great time at the beach!

Choro, sorry to hear about the fall! OUCH. Hope you’re on the mend.

Rod, continuing to keep your dad and brother in my thoughts. Sounds like you’re getting into the swing of things at work. Yay for the nice words from your co-worker! Hope you can catch some quality zzzzzzzzzzz’s and your body clock starts to cooperate.

Marcy, welcome back!! LOVED your photos. I’m pining to go to Glacier now! Yay for being so close to your goal!!!!


Coati, my late congrats on rocking your exams! Colored gems sounds fun. Challenging, but fun!

Julianna, getting up at 4:40 is uber-impressive! I’m trying to get up early to get my exercise in, but I can’t seem to caffeinate myself into a state of full alertness. Funny about your best run ever. I’m that way, too, sometimes!

Skippy, thanks for the sweet compliment you gave me last week. You are such a doll!!

Glad to hear that your mom is improving. And YAY on two pounds down!!!!

Hi Ellen!


Shay, the Core Rhythms program sounds cool! Would love to hear more, so definitely keep us posted.

That''s all from me for now. Yay for Friday tomorrow!



Feb 27, 2007
I DID IT!!! I DID IT!!! I have lost 160 pounds. I reached my goal this morning. Yippee.

Kathy, I am so sorry to hear about your mother. My thoughts are with you and her; good luck at the doctors. Give her my best wishes and a big hug.

Have a great day.


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 7/11/2008 9:16:10 AM
Author: marcyc
I DID IT!!! I DID IT!!! I have lost 160 pounds. I reached my goal this morning. Yippee.

Kathy, I am so sorry to hear about your mother. My thoughts are with you and her; good luck at the doctors. Give her my best wishes and a big hug.

Have a great day.

YAY MARCY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Nov 29, 2004
I finally got some exercise in this morning. I had lunch events on Wed and Thurs, and then it has been raining a lot so I didn''t go walk/jogging the last two nights. But I did do my walk/jog this morning, and I can really feel myself improving, I didn''t have to start breathing really heavy until my final rotation.

Congrats Marcy!


Mar 19, 2007
Date: 7/11/2008 9:16:10 AM
Author: marcyc
I DID IT!!! I DID IT!!! I have lost 160 pounds. I reached my goal this morning. Yippee.

Kathy, I am so sorry to hear about your mother. My thoughts are with you and her; good luck at the doctors. Give her my best wishes and a big hug.

Have a great day.
WOOT!! Go marcyc!! I wish I had the emotey of running back and forth doing a "raise the roof". Hee hee. You are something else, woman!

What''s up Skippers? Nice peanut butter.

ROD! You mock my pain!!!

Hi kathleenmv! I think that the secret to going to the gym at a quarter to five every morning is NOT being alert. If I were alert, I''d realize what was going on and turn the car around. HA!

Hope your mom''s condition improves and that she doesn''t need the surgery after all.


Apr 9, 2007
kathleen, you and your mother are in my prayers!

marcy, congrats!!!!!!!

Things here have been pretty good. I feel like I am doing well with my willpower.

Question: is it crazy that I don''t weigh myself? I don''t even have a scale! My roomie does, so I have access, but I am really not concerned. What I am concerned about it how I feel in my clothes and about my body. If I feel good, then I am happy. I have done the weighing thing, and it just discourages me. Should I start weighing myself, or just leave well enough alone?


Jun 15, 2006
Morning All!

Marcy, you are just simply AMAZING! Congratulations, my friend.

Miscka, it''s not at all crazy that you don''t weigh yourself. The scale can become quite a bad thing. If you''re in a healthy weight range (Dr. check ups should keep you in check for that) and doing the right things for your body, eating right and exercise, then I wouldn''t worry about it. Leave well enough alone, and be glad you can be content, so many, including me, really struggle with the scale.

Julianna, I''m sure you''ve said this elsewhere, but could you tell me about your avatar?

Skip, hooray for more pounds lost!

Rod, I hope you start adjusting to your new schedule soon.

Perry, I didn''t catch your answer about eating gluten free?

Kathleen, so sorry about your mom. You, her and the rest of your family are in my thoughts.

Surf and turf ended up being so delicious we could have left the turf out of the equation.

Yesterday was busy, I''m going to a get together tonight and spent several hours making a dessert to bring, so no workout. Need to frost the cupcakes I made today, and will exercise as soon as I''ve done so.

Not much else going on here.



Apr 30, 2005
Date: 7/11/2008 9:46:08 AM
Author: Miscka
kathleen, you and your mother are in my prayers!

marcy, congrats!!!!!!!

Things here have been pretty good. I feel like I am doing well with my willpower.

Question: is it crazy that I don''t weigh myself? I don''t even have a scale! My roomie does, so I have access, but I am really not concerned. What I am concerned about it how I feel in my clothes and about my body. If I feel good, then I am happy. I have done the weighing thing, and it just discourages me. Should I start weighing myself, or just leave well enough alone?
I agree with Kimmy, I hardly ever weigh myself as it wasn''t a good thing for me, I would get very obsessive. I just go by how my clothes fit and feel and don''t bother with the scales anymore. In this way I have been able to maintain my shape for over 3 years now.


Mar 20, 2003
Marcyc, you are such an inspiration! It''s hard to lose 1.6 pounds, and you lost 100 times that much!

Lorelei, I hope you''ve recovered from the root canal well and feel like your usual self.

Rod, I''m glad you are enjoying your new job. I''m hoping for the sake of time at the gym, eating sushi, and with Charlie that you get to lessen your work hours a bit now that you''ve gotten the hang of it. Congrats on the new account.

Julianna, I''m glad you got in a good run. I totally know how it can be to do everything "right" and have to drag yourself through the motions, and then another day with less than ideal preparation you have a great run. Since you know the calorie content of your Panera sandwich I guess you''ve checked their website which lists that stuff? When I go there for lunch I get a half soup (non-cream/cheese based) and a half sandwich. If you notice, the sneaky [bleep]s list the calorie contents of half of a sandwich, not a whole one, so you think, oh, that''s not too bad, but it can be if you eat a whole one . . . 800 calories just for the sandwich, not to mention your drink and chips or whatever.

DeeJay, I''m always impressed by your commitment to working out and how many laps you do or minutes you spend. I don''t have a problem working out most days, but I always seem to find ways to shorten what I can do. Props to you for always putting in 100% effort.

Shay, CoreRhythms sounds really good. I''ll have to check it out.

Kathleen, I''ll be thinking about your mom. And I''m sorry to hear about the three pounds, but I know how it can be when you''re worrying about something/someone else in your life. 5 mile runs should do the trick!

Speaking of, I seem to have gained three pounds or so (it was four at one point). I guess it''s the ice cream I had on vacation, and the alcohol. It''s funny though because I don''t really see where I went wrong. I had single scoops with no cone and counted it as a snack. I kept exercising, though I''ve been at 75% of normal intensity since my dad died. I''m trying to figure my attitude out, because I don''t think it''s ok to say, oh well, I''m going through a hard time, I deserve to gain weight. But I think the alternative might have been not relaxing or enjoying vacation and I needed to do that. So hopefully I''ll get back to normal now that I''m home.

I keep an exercise journal, and looking through it I can see that 2008 has really sucker punched me. First I had the seemingly interminable strep/sinus/staph infection thingy that wiped me out. Then I got horrible hives (still waiting to hear Perry''s cautionary tale about he developed his food allergies since that was my first experience of that kind). And then my dad died unexpectedly (took his own life -- had cancer which caused depression and was on various medications) last month.

On one hand, I think I''ve been really tough. With the strep, I kept trying to work out and keep working, and then I would get exhausted. And the hives were only horrible for the day or two before I started taking Benadryl. With my dad, I scaled back my workouts but even ran or walked every other day the first week. So part of me is proud that I have kept on the wagon, so to speak, despite so many setbacks. But I guess the other part of me thinks, well, of course, if you were to stop exercising you would just feel worse on top of being sick, having hives, and losing your dad.

What I''m trying to remember, and what I hope is useful to you guys, is not to make excuses not to work out and eat right. It just doesn''t make sense to say, "I''m going through a hard time so I deserve to take it easy." Because it''s not really taking it easy on yourself; you''ll feel worse if you have stress going on in your life AND you lose your energy and muscle mass and get your blood sugar out of wack and gain weight. The best thing to do during stressful times is keep up your healthy habits as much as possible. I hope that''s what I''m doing -- I think so, 3 extra pounds notwithstanding. I just chalk it up as a victory that I''m back to my normal habits, and even if my runs aren''t as long as normal, I''m at least doing them as regularly as I usually do (plus the heat, my gracious, the heat! I don''t know if I could run 5 miles under the best circumstances in the heat).

Oh, and those of you who read about my experience with my first counselor, I tried the second out this week and she is so much better. So I "broke up" with the first one. The first one just seemed like she was feigning sympathy, and I never knew what she was asking ("What does feeling sad mean to you?" or "What does taking care of Phoenixgirl look like?" Yes, she reffered to me in the third person when asking the question). The new one has experience with suicide (personally) and is really straight-forward and said her approach is cognitive, which jives a lot more with someone like me. She even appeared to become spontaneously choked up when I said something particularly poignant, which was very different from the first person''s constant frown and affected nodding. So I''m really glad I gave someone else a try -- even the last time when I thought the old person was ok, she was still leagues below the new person.

OK, as for the run and the heat. I only made it two miles last time, and I drank most of two water bottles, so I''m going to fill up the cooler bag that my husband takes to bike races with four water bottles and see how far I can go (I''ll go at least three, but would consider four or five to be really good). I''ll have to pop into the car to get them which will mess up my time for calculation purposes, but I think it''s more important that I don''t pass out from dehydration.


Apr 30, 2005
Hey PG - thanks for the kind words!

The toof is still irritable but a bit better than it was. Last night it was getting really uncomfortable, so I remembered I had some toothache gel which I had bought - could I find it???? Nope. Not until this morning - bah! I found it behind a mirror and I had been tearing the house apart...grrr!


Mar 19, 2007
Date: 7/11/2008 10:07:51 AM
Author: KimberlyH
Morning All!

Julianna, I''m sure you''ve said this elsewhere, but could you tell me about your avatar?
Hey KimberlyH, thanks for asking. I shall commence a threadjack now.

My avatar is the POW/MIA flag that you''ll see flown around the USA alot (not sure if you''re living in the USA
). It is a flag that was created in the early ''70s to represent our soldiers who were prisoners of war or missing in action in the Vietnam War, and to remind people that we have not yet accounted for all of our missing soldiers, but that we have a commitment to do so. At some point, Congress passed an act so that this flag would fly on many national holidays in a number of locations, including military installations, national cemetaries and war memorials. Many citizens like to display this flag all the time, not just on holidays. It has since come to represent soldiers in wars that followed the Vietnam conflict, as well.

You can''t read the bottom of the flag in my avatar, but it says "You are not forgotten".

I grew up in Munich, Germany, in American military housing. My father was not military, but he worked in a capacity that allowed us to live on base. Even though I lived there for 13 years, the soldiers and their families cycled through every 2-4 years on their military "tours". I got to know a lot of soldiers and their kids this way, and frankly, soldiers and their kids were pretty much the only Americans I knew, having lived in that country so long. These are people who volunteered to put their lives on the line for their country. It''s more than I can say for myself, and it''s more than I can say for most people in the United States.

Now that I''ve returned to my home country, I am grateful every day for the men and women who fight and die in wars to keep this country''s freedoms. Even if a war is being fought for a frivilous cause, or even built on lies, they are on the ground and in the air and on the water, defending the USA. I can imagine how frightening it must be. As far as I''m concerned, that flag represents ALL soldiers until they come home.

Hope that wasn''t too long. It''s hard to stop, once I get started on that topic.
Thanks again for asking. End of threadjack.


Mar 19, 2007
Date: 7/11/2008 10:27:09 AM
Author: phoenixgirl

Julianna, I''m glad you got in a good run. I totally know how it can be to do everything ''right'' and have to drag yourself through the motions, and then another day with less than ideal preparation you have a great run. Since you know the calorie content of your Panera sandwich I guess you''ve checked their website which lists that stuff?

What I''m trying to remember, and what I hope is useful to you guys, is not to make excuses not to work out and eat right. It just doesn''t make sense to say, ''I''m going through a hard time so I deserve to take it easy.'' Because it''s not really taking it easy on yourself; you''ll feel worse if you have stress going on in your life AND you lose your energy and muscle mass and get your blood sugar out of wack and gain weight. The best thing to do during stressful times is keep up your healthy habits as much as possible. I hope that''s what I''m doing -- I think so, 3 extra pounds notwithstanding. I just chalk it up as a victory that I''m back to my normal habits, and even if my runs aren''t as long as normal, I''m at least doing them as regularly as I usually do (plus the heat, my gracious, the heat! I don''t know if I could run 5 miles under the best circumstances in the heat).
*sigh* I eat the chicken caesar sandwich....with french baguette....and iced tea (with Equal! Does that make it ok? Hee hee). The only redeeming ingredient is the bloody CHICKEN! That sandwich is well over 800 calories, as I recall from the site. I eat half for lunch and half for dinner. Not because I''m responsible, though, only because I get too full to eat the whole thing!! It''s really quite sad, but that sandwich is so delicious. Sometimes I get such a craving.

Ok so after reading your post, I think next time I''m going through a rough patch I''ll definitely think of you and the other Healthy Living''ers here to get motivated to keep exercising. You''re right about how letting your exercise/weight goals slide in hard times just results in more depression and more energy loss. At least exercising gives you something to focus on instead of thinking about what a crappy week/month/year it''s been. You''re a fantastic example.

Also, I can''t run 5 miles at all, so you''re doing better than I, even if you can''t do it in 205 degree heat.


Mar 20, 2003
Alas, it seems that 2 miles is really all that I can go in hotter weather, much to my frustration.

I had icy water and a sweat towel and was wearing just a sports bra, but still, I just overheated. It''s frustrating. I think the only other thing I could do is pour the icy water over my head and torso, but that would be messy and hard to coordinate.

I planned to run 2 miles and then switch water bottles and run another 2, but I was on the verge of retching and crying at that point, so I figured perhaps I should just call it a day.

And it''s only a high of 87 today (but very humid). It gets up into the low 100''s here. I obviously need an alternate plan for getting in my cardio during the hottest part of the summer.

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
YAY Marcy!!!!!!! What an inspiration you are!!!!!!!! We are so proud of you lady!!!

I just wanted to pop in here to say hello to everyone. Nothing is new with me. Our camping trip was hot hot hot.

Rod: Glad you are adjusting to the hours now.

Skippy: Yay for losing 2 pounds

PG: Running in hot weather is not a good idea, you could get really sick. Can you run perhaps in the evening when it is cooler??

Hi everyone


Jan 13, 2006
Date: 7/11/2008 9:17:27 AM
Author: Lorelei

Date: 7/11/2008 9:16:10 AM
Author: marcyc
I DID IT!!! I DID IT!!! I have lost 160 pounds. I reached my goal this morning. Yippee.

Kathy, I am so sorry to hear about your mother. My thoughts are with you and her; good luck at the doctors. Give her my best wishes and a big hug.

Have a great day.

YAY MARCY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And just so you know, my email is out again.


Mar 26, 2006
Marcy - WOW!!! I am so proud to be your (vitual) friend! You are so strong, and I admire you more than you know.

I managed to eek out 65 mins on the elliptical this morning, but my heart wasn't really in it. And tomorrow might be the first day in a LONG time that I won't get to work out just beecause I have showings spread out from 10:30 to 6:00. I guess I *could* get up early, but seriously, I got up early this morning to work out and I barely made my 11:30, so I'm not sure... Have I said before that I'm not a morning person?

I think I'm already at 900 cals for the day and the HH just sent me an email that it would be nice to go out to dinner tonight. Ack.


Jan 20, 2006
YIPEE MACY What an amazing achievement you must be so proud
.Well done!!!!


Nov 24, 2006
Yippeee Marcy!!!


Feb 11, 2008
Marcy congratulations!!!!!!

Miscka, I don''t own a scale either. I haven''t weighed myself since April, and since I''ve been slacking off a bit I''m afraid of what the scale is going to say! I agree with you though. I get sad whenever I see that I gained 2 lbs. I just want to feel good in my clothes. Right now, I''m happy that I can fit into clothes that I haven''t worn since 2004

So...Here is another ps''er that agrees with "toss the scale!"

PhoenixI have no words for losing your father. I know you don''t want to use this excuse, but I think it''s okay to let yourself heal before you start thinking about keeping physical shape. No reason to gain 400lbs, but if you are overwhelmed or feel like you have too much in your mind, I think you can lock up your workout needs for a while. I''m so glad that you found a better doctor. I know it''s a long process to heal. Take your time.

Julianna I love Panera Bread! It''s my weakness! I always do a half salad, half sandwich thing and take home the side of baguette. I refuse to look at the nutrition info. I don''t want to get depressed about eating yummy food, and I know their sandwiches and salads are evil.

I did a nice run yesterday. Since my hand a knee are bandaged, I can''t swim
I only run about 3.6 miles, with a LOT of walking. It hate running, but it felt good afterwords. I''m the opposite of most people. I don''t get hungry after I exercise, so working out helps me curb my appetite well
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