
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 4th Jan till 10th Jan

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Dec 28, 2005
Hey.......This has to be short as it''s almost 11 already. Workout days are long days. Work was tough today. I have so many positions I''ve been assigned that it won''t be possible to cover them all, which adds not needed stress to an already stressful job. Oh least I''m busy. I left at an almost reasonable time and got to the gym around 6:30. It''s Cold Cold Cold down here. At least Cold for us. So, the gym wasn''t as crowded as it typically would be on a Tuesday evening, so I rarely had to wait for anything. Actually, I crammed a lot of work into my 3 hours!! I did wait a couple minutes for my favorite ellitptical as it does make a difference in enjoyment when you get a machine you like better. We''re not doing anything special for my birthday tomorrow. We decided to celebrate it Saturday night instead.

I wish I could say hello to everyone individually, but I''ve just run out of time. I did want to welcome Lilac. I read your post about the elliptical you bought and I''d recommend you have the manufacturer send someone over to adjust it. Our gym has top of the line LifeFitness Ellipticals (about 25 of them) and no two are alike. Some are downright so hard that it''s torture to be on them. There are about 5 that I absolutely love and if they''re all being used, I''ll usually wait for one of them to open up as opposed to being tortured...........

It''s nice to see you Sharon! I''ve been hoping you''d check in. Happy New Year!

Hey to Skippy (thanks dear friend), Marcy (we do seem to post at the same time), tlh, Charbie, SS (I''m glad you''re eating again!) Lisa (thanks!), and Bella (I hope I didn''t miss anyone.

Oh.....My brother''s surgery went well. He had a growth around his Gall Bladder and they sent it out for biopsy, but the surgeon (who''s a friend of the family) said the tissue didn''t look bad and he''d be very surprised if they found anything. When I spoke with my brother, he was pretty doped up. I felt bad about laughing, but he was kind of funny. Thanks for the good thoughts on his surgery. Hopefully, the medical emergencies in my family are over for a while.......

Sleep well everyone.........


Feb 27, 2007

Hi everyone.I was good on calories again today.It is like getting back to a comfortable routine.I am kind of hungry but I know that will improve.I picked up some 2% cheese sticks tonight that are 60 calories. I think I will have that and ½ of a 100 calorie snack bag of goldfish crackers for my mid morning snack.For some reason cheese sounds good.I also picked up some frozen fruit.I got peaches, strawberries and cherries.The cherries are pretty fattening so will limit them but I hope the fruit tastes good.The last fresh strawberries were so gross I threw them away.

They say we are getting about 4 inches of snow tonight with plummeting temperatures.Woo hoo.Deep freeze here we come.Maybe my lingering cold will finally get the best of me and I can call in sick.Ha ha.

Well I goofed off so much on sparkpeople and other PS posts I best do a flyby here and catch up with all of you tomorrow.I need to get ready for bed, call my mom and of course clean my jewelry.

Take care.





Mar 13, 2008
Date: 1/5/2010 10:34:20 PM

got the same thing! it hasn''t made its way out of the box, and DH keeps threatening to regift it! can you post some recipes, because i REALLY want some healthy stuff to make in it!

Charbie, James is SOOO not allowed to touch any of my kitchen stuff
let alone threaten to get rid of it. And we live in a little condo in the city too. Hee hee.

All, sister sent me pics of the haircut. She only sent the side/back profile, so I''ll have to take a front shot tomorrow.



Dec 31, 2008
Lilac- brr, 15* that is cold! I''d look into those DVDs!
bella- way to stick w/ your eats!
lisa- yeah, cyclists can be real dummies. we have them out here too, and I think where is your reflective gear!!! Where are your lights? You are on the road, therefore are a vehicle, and are required to have these things... but even still - light or dark clothing only gives you 5-10 more feet of visability, and 50 feet when a car is moving 25-45 mph is NOTHING. Oh, and there is no snooze in our house. I handle the alarm. It has a 2 alarm feature. I''m quick to turn it off... and NEVER EVER hit snooze. Hubs usually has his go off before mine - which sucks, because it wakes me up... but I can snuggle back in the bed knowing I don''t have to get up. And if he doesn''t get out of bed... well that is his problem. I SOOO GET IT. I don''t do the snooze. It is annoying. How are you supposed to fall back asleep when the dang thing screams at you every 7 minutes?

charbie- hi!
Rod - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope your brother has a smooth recovery!
marcy- I totally get the hunger pains adjustment. Though I''ve given in a couple nights in a row. My hubs has been yelling at me about cutting calories before an endurance race - and is making me wait until afterwards. Ugh. Hope you feel better soon!

everyone happy humps! Stress is a pretty good word for right now. Which sucks, because it is the time I like comforting foods... or I completely forget to eat at all. It is pretty one or the other, and neither option is smart. Hubs baked up some chicken last night, and steamed up some brocc. YUM. This morning I had a small bowl of life cereal (one of my faves) and 1/2 a small banana on top. I''ve got meetings all day, and just found out one of my coworkers didn''t bother to check ANY of the reports. So when I went in to answer a question for a colleage I noticed all of her reports ran were done w/ insufficient and incorrect data. Which had she checked them, she''d ntice that they were bunk. But she didn''t. She ran them and didn''t do any follow up on the work. So of course I had to run around like a headless chicken, and had to manually try to track information and found a lot of errors in the coding. Which means $$$. So I''m not happy today, and I''m even busier than I was before... which = the future need for botox on my forehead and in between my brows. Ok, enough b!tching. I''m just crabby because I had to forego my morning run, to be in the office waaaay earlier than usual. But I''ll work out my frustration on either my hubs or the pavement tonight... so one way or another this day is going to improve.

I hope everyone has a terrific middle of the week, and you continue w/ your healthy lifestyles!


Dec 31, 2008
Lisa, your sis'' haircut is super AWESOME!


Nov 24, 2006
Hey friends; I had a nice long walk yesterday and will do the same today.
The eats have been good; I am glad the holidays are behind us and I have 1 lb left to lose, yay. I am going to the dentist and then to see the nephews. I have some stuff to do and then tonight for dinner is my favorite chicken and brown rice and brussel sprouts!! I have an arugula salad too for us.

Happy Hump day!!!

ROD, HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope it is as fabulous as you!!!
I am glad your brothers surgery went well, sending prayers for a speedy recovery his way. Hugs to you today!!! What are the temps out there?

LILAC, sounds like you have a great plan! You will see results; maybe take your begining body measurements? I should have done that because there were weeks I would not lose weight but my pants would feel less snug.

BELLA that is cool you are making your own sorbet! I love sorbet and yay to greek yogurt!!!

LISA, I hope your day is better today. Sorry about yesterday. Oh I LOVE your hair; you look fabulous!!!!

MARCY, yay for getting back to your routine. I think cherries are 78 cals for a cup so no worries. Yikes to all the snow; hope you feel better too sugar!

TLH, yum to baked chicken and broccoli! Agh to the the bad coworker; that is awful, I am sorry. Glad you helped them; you are awesome!


Jun 25, 2007
Hey all
I need to jump back on this bandwagon. And I need SOMEONE to hold me accountable. Every day. LOL Anyone want to buddy up? And yell at me if I don''t get stuff done? Any takers??


Aug 19, 2009
Hi Dragonfly-That''s why I''m here. I need the group support/accountability/encouragement. Welcome aboard!

So the food plan is going well. as far as workign out, I need to figure out how to be more efficient in the evenings (I think I''ll only pricescope at work and not watch TV unless my DH is watching something I want to see:)) b/c I need more sleep!!!!! I''m leaving work early today so I can fit in Pilates before I go to our church small group tonight.

The sleep thing though...DH falls asleep in 2 seconds and it takes me forever. Even if I go to bed before him (he likes to stay up late), I wake up when he comes in. In the morning he gets up an hour and a half before I have to. I''m just not getting enough sleep
Since we got married I am getting about 3 hours less sleep per night and it''s killing me!

Any suggestions on how to fall asleep faster? In Dec I used Advil PM for like a week but DH freaked out so I stopped. I''m doing a lot of laying in bed with my eyes closed to try and get some rest, but if I could just get some real sleep it would help me out a lot.

P.S. I know this is nothing compared to people with little babies,but I thougt I''d have one year of good sleep before I had to deal with that


Dec 3, 2007
Can I peek my head in here? I finally had a long heart-to-heart with myself about my health and yesterday I re-joined Weight Watchers. I know that their program works well for me and I know what I need to do to succeed at it. I also know I tend to be a slacker and 1. skip meetings and 2. don''t journal. This time I''ve made a deal with a co-worker. She started going to meetings with me and every morning we will show each other our journal for the previous day so I''ll have to do it or I''ll have nothing to show her.

I have about 40lbs to lose and I know I can do it.


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 1/6/2010 2:09:40 PM
Author: somethingshiny
zoom.....yup, flying by....

phx~ yay for size 8s!!

Skippy~ thanks for the article!

bella~ hope your vids come in today!

Marcy~ How did the haircut turn out??

Rod~ You may have already posted about this but have you got the contract for the condo yet??

I bought some healthy snacks today. I've been trying the nut butters but I get a little icky if it sticks to the roof of my mouth. SO, I got lots of nuts!! I love almonds so I got a couple flavored ones (cocoa roasted!! mmmmmm!) and a plain nut mix, along with more cereal and fiber bars. Hopefully that'll help.

At my appt today I found out I'm down a total of 7-9 lbs since the pregnancy started. The doc is fine with it since the MS is passing. I hope to get on my ball today, in fact, I've been thinking about putting the laptop on the coffee table and just sitting on it while PSing!

I'd really like a nice medium steak. Steak is no fun if your DH works second shift.

Hello, CJ, tlh, deegee, DeeJay, lorelai, df, charbie, lliang, alli! Hope you're all doing well!!

Have a great day!
moved this over from the other thread.

ERICAR, yay for joining us!!! I am a Weight Watcher too and love the program! That is awesome you are being accountable by team work!!!


Jul 22, 2007
Skip~ Thanks. I'm further behind than I thought!!!

eta~ Rod, glad your bro's surgery went well. And, a BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you!!!


Dec 31, 2008
skippy- yay for only 1 more pound to go - that is way awesome of you! have fun w/ the little ones tonight!

hi df- I''m sure you''re doing great!

bella- I need more sleep too. Though I am usually out by the time my head hits the pillow - mainly because I don''t use the bed for much other than sleeping. I exercise a lot, am not THAT stressed out, dont read or watch tv in the bedroom. I''m in a routine that I follow every day including weekends... and when it comes around 8pm.. I''m exhausted... and drift away. I find sleepytime tea works- as well as a nice hot shower before bed... both knock me out.

erica- WW is an excellent program! I''m excited you have a friend to hold you accountable!

hi shiny- hope your little peanut is not giving you too much trouble!


Aug 19, 2009
Thanks for the sleep suggestions tlh. I''m going to srat a betime routine tonight and try it for a week. I''m back in class next Thursday so I have to get this figured out ASAP or I won''t be able to function...


Jul 22, 2007
I just finished a nice long yoga. It''s been a while! I was a bit stiff in my legs when I started, but they loosened up. yay!


Nov 24, 2006
Hi friends; back from a 3 mile walk. I got tricked today
I thought I was just getting an impression of my tooth for the crown in 2 weeks, nope they did the bulk of the work today. I was there 2 hrs!
I warned my dad as he is having the same thing done tomorrow. The good thing is that I go back in 2 weeks and it should be only 30 mins worth of work which is good news.

I got to visit with my nephews and parents. The baby was dressed in a super cute red baseball outfit. My 4 yr old nephew started preschool and I was asking him how many friends he had and the number kept increasing. Then he asked me how many friends I had at MY SCHOOL! hehe Then he told me Mommy has friends at her school called work. Kids are fun!

DRAGON, I want to see you posting everyday! You can do it; you are doing great!

BELLA, yay for being Dragons accountability partner! How about Sleepytyme tea; that helps me.

ERICA, glad you joined us!! I always love seeing your kitty.

SS, mmmm for a good steak! Now you have me craving one. hehe Your body probably wants some iron. how is JT? I hope your ms passes soon; you poor sweetie pie. yay for yoga!!

TLH, hope your day is great!

ROD, any fun plans for your birthday tonight??


Dec 28, 2005
Hey........It''s been an OK day. Since we''re not really celebrating my birthday till Saturday, it was basically just a Wednesday. Except it did include cake. And to be exact, two pieces of cake. One this afternoon in the office when they brought me into the conference room with a cake and lit candles in the midle of the table. I mean you can''t NOT have a piece of cake when you have to make wish and blow out the candles on your own cake. Then the 2nd piece was tonight with Charlie after we had Birthday salad for dinner. My boss who made (really she did) me bring the rest of the cake home. We really did have salad for dinner though, so I''m thinking (well more hoping) the extra calories weren''t too much. Charlie''s going to take the rest of the cake to his work, so that''s it for cake for the next several months. I''ll do extra penance at the gym tomorrow night.

Sorry for the snow Marcy.......You''re certainly having quite a potent winter this year. It''s the coldest it''s been in Florida in a long time. And they say we''re going to have a really cold winter. Drive safely.......

Hey Lisa. I''m not sure if that you or your sister, but the haircut is certainly cute..........

Thanks tlh! My brother did well and is now home recovering........I''m sorry about the reports at work being done poorly. I hope someone noticed you took the time to ensure things were done accurately.

Thank you dear Skippy! Sounds like fun at the dentist. You should encourage your dentist to invest in one of those machines that makes a crown while you wait. I had to have a crown done and from start to finish, the whole event was about an hour. And you can watch the machine tool the crown out of a solid block of porcelain. Cool!

Hi dragon, I''m sure you''ll get back on the wagon and you''ll do well.

Bella, I''m like you.....sleep deprived. I have a horrible time falling asleep. Charlie falls asleep in 2 seconds as well. I wound up speaking with my doctor about this and he suggested I take Simply Sleep. It''s the PM part of Tylenol PM, without the Tylenol. I take two about 1/2 hour before I want to fall asleep and it really helps me fall asleep faster.

Welcome Erica.........Good luck with the WW program.

Oh Thank You very much SS!!

OK...........that''s a wrap for tonight. I''m going to the gym tomorrow after work. Must work off 2 slices of cake....


Feb 27, 2007

Hi my healthy friends.

We have wind chill of minus 15 right now.

Food was right on track again today.Cereal, fruit, 60 calorie cheese stick, low fat lasagna, small piece of bread, 100 cal cookies, baked potato, steak and raw veggies.Of course we had some low fat ice cream tonight.My frozen fruit was okay but I so like fresh fruit better.Maybe I’ll have to make some slushies out of the rest of it.Any ideas or suggestions on that?

I don’t have any leftovers for lunch tomorrow so we’ll have PBJ’s with baked lays.That is usually our Friday lunch but it will work.I will probably make pasta tomorrow night so we can have some leftovers for lunch on Friday.

I talked to a girl at work today that is on weight watchers.She put on a little bit of weight when she had her baby but now that she is 2 she said she could no longer call it baby weight.She is pretty small but wants to get in to old clothes.Now I have someone to talk to about eating healthy.She plays cards with us at lunch too.I took her over to my desk and showed her a before photo.She was floored.

It’s great to see so many posts here.

Somethingshiny, I hope you get your appetite back.Is that unusual to lose so much weight in your first few months of pregnancy?Glad the doctor thinks that is okay.My haircut turned out good.My perm perked up again getting my hair trimmed.

Tlh, I used to be a slave to the scale but I quit obsessing about it.I never began this journey to weigh a certain weight; it was all about trying to get control of my health.You are right people are cleaning out their cupboards and freezers this time of year.I had my run of goodies and now it’s back to being sensible.Too cute about your dog wanting a treat after his long run.How awful drivers are so oblivious to runners.That is scary.I hate to hear you are having so much stress at work and a colleague that didn’t do her work.My job is very stressful too but I have gotten better at it.I actually have been taking things really well this week and being so nice to people one of the girls that sets by me asked me if I was okay.I told her it was the kinder and gentler Marcy.

Sharon, are you getting a lot of snow this year?Is it really cold there?

Welcome, Lilac.I am sorry to hear you got sad on New Year’s Eve.You are very smart to take care of yourself at a young age.How wonderful to have a knowledgeable and supportive husband with your efforts.I actually use a food scale instead of a measuring cup for my food.Some things don’t measure well in a little cup plus I want to get every calorie that is allowed for the day.Yay for you and your husband going to the gym together.

Skippy, how fun to hear your nephew cooing and laughing.That is why you are their favorite aunt too.Noodle Roni is the boxed noodles sold by the same company as Rice A Roni.We had a sour cream mushroom flavor that night.They are kind of fattening but I use Shed’s Spread and skim milk so that helps and I don’t each much of it.Congratulations for being down one pound already.The other one will be gone in a blink.Sorry to hear you spent 2 hours in the dental chair today but at least you don’t have much time left when you go back.Are you sore?

Bella, how fun to make your own sorbet.I bet it is quite tasty.Yay for cooking again and eating the right food.I have a hard time falling sleep and Marty is out once his head hits his pillow.Sometimes my mind just won’t shut down.I get sleepy when I am warm so I always crank on an electric blanket before crawling in to bed.

Charbie, definitely try to make some tasty treats in your ice cream maker.
Lisa, your new hairdo looks wonderful.I bet the gym is crowded right now.Sorry to hear you are having a rough day.I hate when they hold things against you at work; that isn’t right but I know it sure happens.Ugh for hubby hitting the snooze alarm.Marty gets calls from work all the time and if he turns on the light or gets too many I just move to our spare bedroom.If I wake up too long I can’t go back to sleep.Arggh to having to wait on your meatloaf last night.I hope today is better for you.

Rod, Happy Birthday!

I hope you had a wonderful day.Glad to hear your brother’s surgery went well.

Dragonfly, we are here to cheer you on and support you but no way are we going to yell at you.

Erica, that is great you joined weight watchers again and have someone at work to join in on the program with you.You can do it!
Take care!




Nov 16, 2008
Hi all!
Finally made it to the new gym last night! Spent 20 mins on an elliptical in the cardio theatre, then did some abs and another 20 on a bike. Before the gym tho, we went back to the furniture store and bought the new couch, and after realizing that this was a darn good sale, we bought a new kitchen table! I''m so extremely excited to have a proper table for the first time! Tonight was bowling league night, which is always a good time, and this week I didn''t indulge in the beer! Watching julie and julia as I type, makes me a bit hungry, tho....grrrr.

Marcy: we are supposed to get a lot of snow, too! If its gonna be winter, might as well act like it!
Llia: love the cute little pixie haircut! And the hubs gets the deathb stare when he tries taking things from my kitchen, too!
Tlh: our alarm is a double one as well, and my husband is in charge. He goes to work an hour and a half before me, so I''m a snooze queen. I barely wake up when he leaves, but do know he comes in to give a quick kiss each day before leaving! Sorry work is driving you nuts and stressing you out...I''m kinda going thru the same thing right now, where I''m feeling like a fish out of water since my duties are changing. And I''m just not ever able to get everything done. I''m so lucky one of my bosses loves me to death!
DF and EricaR: welcome! I''ve felt much more accountable and motivated coming to this thread!

Skippy: yahoo for the walks! Can''t wait until the weather clears up a bit and snow melts to to get back to rollerblading and walking outside! And no fun on the surprise tooth work! I''m in need of a dentist check up...
Ss: I LOVE LOVE LOVE cocoa roasted almonds! Yummy! Everyone I work with is addicted to them! In college, I never had a chair at my computer desk, only a ball! It was a great way to help destress when writing reports.


Aug 19, 2009
Just got home...didn''t have time for pilates today so I walked the 40 blocks (2 miles) home from my friend''s. I''m signing off of pricescope by 11:30 starting my bedtime routine and home to be a sleep by 12! That would be awesome!!!

Lila-forgot to say I love the hair....

Skippy-I bet you are a fantastic aunt

Charbie-way to go on the gym!!! I''m so jealous of the cardio theater.

Dragonfly-How was your day?!?!?

Sorry if I forgot anyone, i''m not totally with it tonight...


Sep 26, 2006
Hi everyone! I missed so much already! Happy New Year :)

The day after New Year''s Day, my friends and I went to a spin class that was supposed to be killer. We all agreed the instructor was terrible because none of us got the workout we expected. It just wasn''t a well organized "ride." I burned 372 calories in 50 min, I think. Which is weird, considering the fact that a zumba class will burn something crazy like 450 cals, and it''s a ton more fun. I do wish I had padded shorts for that class though. It was DH''s first spin class and he said he felt like he got a great workout. We all told him that if he thinks that was good, just wait till he gets to a REALLY good spin class!

Anyway, I got my waterproof shuffle on Monday and I haven''t had time to use it yet!!! Boohoo
I''ve been so busy the past couple days with work. I think that people are coming back from vacations now and are finally having the surgeries that they put off from before Thanksgiving.

lliang, cute haircut! is that you or your sis? After my wedding I did the same thing - chopped it all off and donated it. It''s almost liberating to get a big chop like that.

shiny, love your new avatar! sorry to hear you keep losing weight and still feel gross. How long does this nausea last in pregnancy?! You poor thing.

I gotta jump into bed because I have to wake up really soon for an early morning at work. I''ll check in again soon!


Apr 27, 2007
Hi everyone!

Skippy-good luck with the crown next week! I hate dental work too. I have to go on the 19th, and I'd better not have any cavities!

Lisa-your hair is too cute! I wish I could wear my hair short, but it's curly and short doesn't work for me. I hope James is feeling better!

Rod-have fun celebrating your birthday on Saturday! Glad you had some cake.

marcy-I was afraid keeping it off would be more challenging than losing weight in the first place. One of my ww buddies told me that she was jealous because I met my goal and was finished and she still has over 100 pounds to lose. I told her that I'd be right there with her because if I looked at is as being finished, I'd go right back to where I was before I started! I'm so glad that the holidays are over and I can get back into a routine with food and exercise.

shiny-hope you're feeling better! I finally inflated my exercise ball and watched the video. I hope I don't fall over on my head when I give it a try.

charbie-hubby and I just went to Bridge Day for the first time last year. That was the first time I had ever been to the New River. It was beautiful! FIL is 70, so we're tickled that he's doing so well after surgery. My MIL is a royal PITA, so we think he pushed himself to get up and down the steps to his game room so he could escape from her.

Hi Lilac! I've been on weight watchers for 10 months now, and I measure everything I eat. It really helps me keep to a serving and not overeat. Good luck!

Bella-the dinner you made sounds delicious..and homemade sorbet too? YUMMMMM.

tlh-sorry you're stressed. I get so tired of work stuff. December was a nightmare for me, and the 2010 legislative session is getting ready to start next week so I'm not going to have any downtime until April at the earliest. Sometimes I forget to go to the restroom during the day! You crack me up with the snooze! I hit mine so many times the other day that my alarm finally turned itself off. It does that after you've it the snooze for an hour. Lousy alarm. I woke up at 7:30, which is what time I need to be in the car and backing out of the driveway.

Hey dragonfly! Every day is a new day, so hop right back on!

Hi erica! I joined weight watchers April 2009, and lost 62 pounds. I had tried in the past, but it wasn't until we had an at work program where I attended meetings with friends that I had success. Our little group has become very tight and we hold each other accountable. I track every single thing I eat and have since April. I measure everything. Something finally snapped in my head that made me realize what I had to do if I truly wanted to make a change.

Hi CJ!

I managed to round up enough people to join weight watchers for our 4th consecutive at work series. Yay! We started back up today, and everyone is really motivated. Somehow I managed to lose 1.5 pounds over the holidays, which puts my total loss at 62 pounds. I really don't want to lose any more because I have lost so much in my hips & rear, and that's what used to balance out my top! I increased my food intake last week, so I'll play around with it again this week to try to maintain. My leader asked me today if I would be interested in becoming a leader. That was actually a very encouraging thing for me because I'm still so self conscious about the whole weight thing. Matt and I walked Lily tonight even though it was 18 degrees outside and has been snowing nonstop since Sunday. We only made it 2 miles, but it felt really good to be outside instead of walking on the treadmill. I am so sick of winter already!!!! Have a wonderful Thursday everyone!


Dec 31, 2008
bella- I hope they work out for you! Glad you got a 2 mile walk in too!

shiny- glad you had a nice yoga session.

skippy- glad you got a walk in despite having your mouth mangled. I''m not a fan of dental work... even though I take a lot of care with my teeth. I think it is because I have a small mouth and giant teefers! (and dentists have big hands!) Good that the next vistit will be much shorter!

rod- Wonderful that you had 2 pieces of cake. It is always nice to have recognition on the special day - even if you aren''t doing something special. Have fun this weekend in celebration! I''m thrilled to hear that your brother is recovering at home! As far as work goes, you know how it is - the flames only seem to go up when things go wrong... not really at how quickly you get them put out. Oh well, it was a long day yesterday - but January is usually expected to be a hectic month. Have a great day, and sleep well!

Marcy- I love your gemmy pic! I sometimes make slushies w/ my frozen fruit. But often times I like to eat with a dollup of coolwhip... YUM! I actually put it in a small mug so my fingers won''t get cold, and then eat it w/ a spoon or fork. Plus because the mug is smaller it makes it easier to control my portions. Ah marcy, it is hard to imagine you being mean at all! You are always so kind. But then again, I can be a real beast at the office at times. Esp when dealing w/ someone else''s mistakes due to laziness. I understand newbies - and those that don''t work in your area - so they don''t understand everything... but poor performance - drives me batty. I''m glad that thigns are going well. How''s Marty? Does he get to travel less. I do hope so! It is too cold for you to snuggle up alone!

charbie- OMG bowling with out a beer! you totally rock! I mean it, that is impressive. I have to drink to bowl at least a 60-80 (granny style), maybe even break a hundred. Sober I roll normal, and shoot like in the 30''s. Yeah, I''m BAD! But it is fun. Great job hitting the gym, and I''m glad you got the table and couch you wanted... and at a bargain - that isn''t half bad either! SOO O true about having an understanding boss! I second that!

CJ- you are so right, spin is so much about the instructor! Glad you and your husband had fun, even if it wasn''t as big a calorie burn as you''d hoped for.

DG- Yeah, I''m not a snoozer. I guess it is because I''d rather sleep to the very last minute possible - and then just get up - and not tease myself unneccesarily. It is funny, cuz I mean I really time every last second - without a minute to spare. So if I take too long in the morning potty before my run, I have to run extra fast to make up the time! ha! My hubs takes about 90 minutes to get ready. Me... I take 20. But half of that is because he cooks up a huge breakfast in the morning, and I just say-- while you''re cooking can you make me some too! ha! 1.5 MORE POUNDS! You are amazing. Seriously, you need to be a WW spokesmodel! GOOO DG! You''d make a terriffic leader too. Glad you got your walk in, and I know Lily was too! 2 miles is awesome! But that sure is cold!

Everyone, happy thursday!
Had to work late yesterday - but I think I got through the s-storm. At least I hope so. I''m sure there will be some residual stink... there usually is a lingering smell afterwards - but eh. Better some after stink, than the fresh mess to clean up. So I got my run this morning. Hubs ran with me. I feel like hans solo or whatever when I run. I have these glowing light sticks/flashlight with a safety whistle on it that I added to my nighttime running ammo. I look like a running Jedi knight. Or a raver w/ a glow stick. Either way - it makes me laugh. My new swimsuit came and it is AWESOME! It looks like a tri suit. It is a dolfin brand aquasuit. It has enough coverage so the snowbirds that like to float at the pool won''t get their creep on w/ me when I swim. I bought mine off of amazon. But I''m really happy with it. It supports the ladies, has shorts attached, it says it runs a tad small so I ordered up. Though I haven''t used it in the water yet. So I know what is comfortable out of the water, doesn''t aslways work in the water... but I''m still pretty excited. If it does work I''ll probably order one or 2 others so I don''t ahve to put a wet suit on ever. YUK! But just wanted to throw that out there if there is anyone who is looking for a suit, or might want to swim, but only has fashion swimsuits and is uncomfortable at a public pool w/ less coverage. This has awesome coverage, and is comfortable too.


Jul 22, 2007
Skippy~ I''ve had a couple crowns and they have both had the bulk on one day. They even did temp crowns until the real ones were ready. When I got the temp off and the real one on, there was no anesthetic or anything. It was soo easy. Hope you have the same good luck!! Yay for 3 miles! Awww, your nephew is so sweet! Over Christmas I saw one of DH''s little cousins who is in kindergarten. He looked at me and said, "Are you in the 10th grade yet?" I think time according to kids is so funny.

Rod~ Don''t beat yourself over 2 pieces of cake a YEAR!! You are so dedicated, though. I saw that FL has been really cold (colder than Anchorage one day ) and was wondering about you guys.

Marcy~ Yay for keeping on track! What kind of frozen fruit are you making? Just out of the bag or are you preparing it? That''s cool that you found a like minded friend at work. Glad you''re happy with your haircut! Re: weight loss during pregnancy. For me it''s not unusual, I lost with JT at first too. It just depends on the appetite and morning sickness level. Some women gain 15 in the first 3 months, some stay the same, some lose. Thank God for vitamins!

Charbie~ Wahoo for new furniture!! Yay for going to the gym. I watched Julie and Julia the other night and I think that''s when my steak craving hit! lol. That show made me so hungry. Those cocoa almonds are soo good and I had never heard of them before I saw them at the store. I got the little 100 calorie packs which is probably a very good thing because I don''t know if I would stop eating them out of the tin! lol about not having a chair, I bet you''re abs looked great!!

Bella~ great walk! Good luck with your sleep routine!

CJ~ I''m fairly certain your "bad" spin class would have killed me. lol. I always tell DH if he wants me to go bike riding, I need to get a tractor seat and mount it to the bike! Hope your early morning goes well!! My nausea is all but gone. I haven''t actually upchucked since Sat. Big Wahoo for me!

deegee~ You won''t fall off your ball. At least, you shouldn''t land on your head... Wow for WW!! That''s awesome that you were asked to be a leader!! Congrats!

tlh~Yay for a new swim suit! I don''t even swim that often but I have at least 3 suits. I can''t stand the wet ones! blech. lol about being Hans Solo. That''s a very funny visual! I think I have the same flashlight/glowing/whistle thing. My MIL got me one for Christmas. Of course I don''t take mine for runs.

I''m still feeling pretty good so I think the MS is gone. knock on wood. Yesterday at the doc''s office I saw an old acquaintance working there. She was saying that she wants to lose a bunch of weight and look like Jillian. I told her about Spark and she seemed really excited. I kind of felt like I was helping someone along their path, ya know.

My sis has moved her wedding up to March so I''ll be in a maternity BM dress. I think that''s going to be easier. I''ll look pregnant but at least I won''t have the post-partum tummy that was going to be in August! She wants red dresses though, so I''m a bit afraid I''m going to look like the Tomato That Ate Tokyo.

I plan on doing some more yoga today. JT was funny yesterday. He did a one legged downdog with me. And he was breathing with me. I''m also going to at least do some arm work. I think I should get a resistance band to use. Any suggestions on what length or resistance to get?? I''m assuming shorter bands have more resistance, but if you have a longer band, can''t you just hold it shorter for more resistance?

That''s all for now. Have a great day!!


Aug 19, 2009
tlh-Love the image of you as Hans Solo doing a run

SS-So glad the MS is quieting down!!!

So, turing off the computer and TV early, sleepytime tea, and quietly reading before bed got me a sleep in about a half hour! I''ll take it...still a little tired today, but not like yesterday. I''m hoping I can iron this out b/c I go back to school next week and the full workday followed by a three hour class is brutal!!!


Aug 19, 2009
I jsut need to vent!!! I LEFT MY LUNCH AT HOME
Yesterday''s calories were a mess due to eatinga t a friend''s house (brie, pasta, and brownies, it''s hard ot keep that under control). I packed my lunch, just figured out all my day''s calories and food on spark people, when to grab my lunch and realized, it''s not here!!! I think it''s on the counter at home. NOw, not only do I have to spend $ on lunch which I didn''t want to do, but I have to redo my entire meal plan for today
Is it the weekend yet?!?!?!


Dec 31, 2008
shiny- hey hot momma! aren''t those things awesome... DH got it for me at target. They are VERY visible at night... though wouldn''t be smart for you running in the dark. You have to really worry about your footing- since your little peanut is counting on you for protection! I really like the bands you can tie together. "thera-bands". They work really well - and then work your way up the colors. (resistances) I really like them, and think they are excellent!

bella- i also hope you can get a better sleeping ritual. Sleep is important, and makes me a gila monster when I don''t get enough of it!!! Not sure what you have planned for lunch, but the mcdonalds grilled chicken sandwich (no mayo- no top bun with mustard) and a small yogurt parfait has like 380-400 calories... and is a pretty well balanced meal. I also like the 6" subway sandwiches example turkey no cheese no mayo or oil for only 300 calories. But both options are high in sodium (if you''re watching out for that). Just a thought!


Apr 19, 2004

So great to see everyone!
Shout out to the MIss'' LL, Skippy, Lisa, tlh, Marcy and everyone else I missed (I am so bad with individual mentions!)...and of course our Mr. Rod! Happy Belated BD man!

Despite the -31 C temps (with wind chill) I went to the pool and worked it hard. My hamstrings were a bit sore from Tue, but pushed on. Was pretty hungry when I got home so I ate the left over crab and brochilli quiche (sans crust) from yesterday. It''s better cold anyway....

Keep well ya''ll!



Nov 24, 2006
Hi gang!! I will be walking again today and making the chicken dish I was suppose to yesterday (Whole foods ran out of chicken, super weird) so tonight we will have it for dinner. This morning I had a banana and 1 pt string cheese from TJ's. For lunch will be a boca burger w/avocado on a whole grain bun (orawheat 1 pt bread), carrots and apple. Then some afternoon snack like another cheese stick and a few almonds and healthy pop popcorn.

Happy Thursday friends
yay for our healthy TEAM!!!!

ROD, yay for celebrating your bday on Saturday!!! aw, you are so loved! Yay for the gym today! I bet you already worked off that cake w/all your lean muscle.

MARCY, hehe I was at the store and saw that pasta roni; I had no clue what it was before yesterday, sounds good. Yay for a good day; that is great your coworker is doing WW and you are helping to keep her motivated; buddies help! My tooth was sore last night and today it feels great, thanks

CHARBIE, yay for doing the ellip and bike! Wow, your gym sounds pretty cool and how exciting to get new furniture!!! Awesome to good deals.

BELLA, great job on the walks!!! walking is great exercise. sorry about your lunch, bummer.

CJ, glad you are loving zumba; that is too bad about spin. Oh my gosh the 1st time I did spin I could hardly walk; those padded shorts come in handy. hehe

DEEGEE, you are uber awesome for losing weight over the holidays; you awesome little skinny weight watcher you!!! woohooooo!!!!!!!!! thanks for the luck; I hate dental work too. sending you dust on the 19th.

TLH, thanks, this is my first tooth thing ever; I never had a cavity so it is funny I go straight to a root canal and crown all in one tooth. naughty toof! Yay for glow sticks, see you are a super hero awesome runner person just w/out a cape. hehee Yay for an awesome new swim suit!

SS, thanks about the tooth. I have the temp on right now and it feels fine so hopefully the perm will be painless like yours. Oh my gosh how cute is that that your cousin asked if you were in 10th grade! too cute. Oh good, I will keep my fingers crossed you continue to feel better. yay for getting a friend excited over losing weight and inspiring her! I bet you will look gorgeous and glowing at your sisters wedding!

SHARON, woah, that is cold!!!! Yay for working out despite the cold temps; you are awesome!


Aug 19, 2009
tlh-Thanks for the tip I'm a vegetarian (well a pescatarian now) but I found some macrobiotic noodles at gourmet garage for $5 and it's two big servings so hopefyully I can eat the rest for tomorrow's lunch. I also got some chobanyi to keep here in our office fridge just incase this happens, I'm back on track and have my meal plan for the day in spark people. I'm eating around 1500 cal per day which is what spark people recommended for me and I just have to say, if you avoid most sugar and fats that is a ton of food. When you throw a brownie and some brie in there it goes off the charts, but otherwise I nly get hungry when it's time to eat...

Skippy-yay for the day's meal plan sounds yummy! so weird that WF ran out of chix!

I love to walk and last night my friend mentioned she's run/walking a half marathon at the end of april in Central Park. Guess who's going to walk it?!?!?!

If you guessed Bella give yourself a gold star


Dec 28, 2005
Hey........And Grrrrrrrrrrrrr...........This has to be quick. Work was insane....grrrrrrrrr. I was still there at 7 PM.....grrrrrr. It was just too late to go to the gym........grrrrr. So, I came home, ate some leftover backed chicken and am back to work........grrrrrr. And I''ll be working till I go to bed.........grrrrrr. I''m most miffed about missing my workout.......grrrrr. And get this.........(aplogies to those of you who live in the frozen tundra to begin with), but........Saturday, in Tampa, we''re not supposed to get out of the 30''s AND they say there''s a possibility of snow........GRRRRRRRRRRR (or should I say BRRRRRRRRRR)! OK.....Rod Rant over. I now return you to your regular healthy programming.............grrrrrrrrrr.
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