
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 28th July Till 3rd August

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Jun 15, 2006
Date: 8/3/2008 6:57:14 AM
Author: Lorelei

Kimmy, how are J''s teefs??
He''s in a lot of pain, Lorelei. He has an appt. at 9 am on Monday, thank goodness!

I''m gearing up for my ride. Have a great morning all!


Dec 28, 2005
Morning everyone.........

It''s been a pleasant morning in Tampa. It''s not blistering hot and the rains haven''t started. Charlie doesn''t head to work until 2 this afternoon, so we got to have a regular Sunday morning and read the paper, enjoy coffee, a scone and fresh bowl of fruit on the terrace. We''ll be heading out to have a quick lunch before he goes to work. I''m still undecided about whether to to go the gym or not. I want to, so I may well go, and just avoid working the right arm in ways that aggravate the tendon that is sore. We''re not going tomorrow night, because it''s Monday Sushi night and Charlie''s got the day off tomorrow. I''m not sure what I''ll do for dinner all alone, but I''m sure I''ll find something to do.

Kimberly, I hope you enjoy your 20 mile bike ride. I''m betting you''ll have sore legs for sure!!! But, I''m betting you''ll do great. I hope all goes well with John''s dentist appointment in the morning. Give him my best, would you

Oh thank you dear Lorelei
. I''m not sure Rod Rocks (??), but you sure put a huge smile on my face!!

Have a great Sunday afternoon everyone. I''ll check back in later...........


Nov 29, 2004
I finally got some outdoor activity. Its really hot but not quite a hot as usual if that makes any sense. I went for my 30 minute walk/jog and then since I was already outside and super sweaty I did a little gardnening and washed my car.


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 8/3/2008 10:27:41 AM
Author: KimberlyH

Date: 8/3/2008 6:57:14 AM
Author: Lorelei

Kimmy, how are J''s teefs??
He''s in a lot of pain, Lorelei. He has an appt. at 9 am on Monday, thank goodness!

I''m gearing up for my ride. Have a great morning all!
Oh Kimmy I am so sorry....I am glad he will be seen tomorrow morning first thing! I will be having mine out on Wednesday morning, I will be relieved to get it over and done with. Please keep us posted how J does, I will be sending him lots of toof dusts!!

Rod you DO ROCK!!!!!!!

For anyone who is interested in my weather, we are back to pants again.

On a good note, just did 30 mins on the treddy.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Sunday all! I did 65 mins on the elliptical this morning and then tried some crunches on the big blue ball. There was only one other peron in the gym by the time I got to the ball and he had his back to me but I started laughing because I about fell on my head several times before I got the hang of the ball and he finally gave up pretending to walk on the treadmill and just watched me wobble back and forth. A good time was had by all LOL.

The HH made spaghetti sauce today while I was at my open house. The whole place smells like an Italian restaurant--YUM! I''m off to meet another client at 5:00 but when I get home don''t get between me and that big bowl of pasta!

Kimi, so sorry to hear J''s teeth are hurting. That is just the worst pain in the world! And Lorelei I''m thinking of you too, poor thing...


Jun 15, 2006
Hi All!

I am so proud of myself for completing the whole darn 20 mile ride this morning. We ride a trail that leads from mountain to ocean, so the ride back is quite a lot of uphill and I did it! I was slower than my friend/coworker/riding companion, but I still completed the whole ride in about 1 hour 40 minutes.

Thanks for all of the well wishes for John. He''s not one to complain about health issues, ever, so when he tells me his teeth hurt and requests soft foods I know he means business. Poor guy.

Dee, you crack me up. I have one of those big balls, no one is allowed to see me use it!

Hooray for heading outside, apple. It really is a totally different workout. I get much more from biking than I do my elliptical.

Lorelei, I''ll be thinking of you on Wednesday.

Have a great rest of the day all.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone.
I am back from my camping and star gazing. I had a great time but I tell you 9100 feet must make you hungry. I was starving all the time. At least the only things I had to snack on were things like baked lays and 100 calorie snacks.
Marty and I run a big regional star party each year that takes a great deal of our time but is always worth it. This year we had over 200 people register. The biggest excitement for me is being able to climb the ladder I need to use to look through my husband’s 20” telescope. It was awesome to see so many cool things.

On Saturday we have a couple of guest speakers then take a group photo and hand out door prizes. Some of the people at the star party saw me last summer but those who missed coming last summer really freaked out this year. One of our friends showed up about the time Marty and I were handing out door prizes and he recognized Marty but couldn''t find me anywhere. Marty tells the kids to go get a ticket from Marcy and one of the kids says "who''s Marcy" and Marty points at me and our friend tells me later he said to his GF "No way! That is Marcy?" He told me he''d never have guessed that was me. He’s lost quite a bit of weight himself so we talked about it for awhile last night.
Another first I did this year is one of the ladies in our club puts together a program and we walk off the solar system in 1000 yards (or roughly a ½ mile). I finally was able to make the voyage with the other participants.

I bought some of packaged chicken / gravy in the meat section of the grocery store for our trip to Montana. We never ate it and it was in the freezer so I took it camping with us. It was in our refrigerator for a few days (which BTW didn’t seem very cold) and we ate it today and poor Marty is sick as a dog right now.
He’s got a blistering headache, fever, stomach ache. My stomach is a little achy but I only ate one piece of it and he ate 2 pieces. I hope I didn’t give us food poisoning.
The date was good through August 16th. Poor Marty.
KC, I am sure you are doing fine since your clothes fit okay. Yay for some great workouts.
DeeJay, I would rather do our grocery shopping. Glad to hear you are stocked up for awhile. Interesting about SP – I will have to see what it says if I try to adjust mine. It sounds like you are having a ton of great food this weekend.
Appletini, have a blast in Costa Rica.
Zoe, congratulations on losing 6 pounds. What I do it try to find a similar entrée somewhere at another restaurant and just guess. I tend to overestimate than underestimate.
Lorelei, I hope your teefs are better. Good luck at the evil dentist this week.
Kimi, I hope J’s teeth feel better soon. Glad to hear you are enjoying riding your bike. I’m with Rod – yummy to brownies.
Rod, it’s all about perspective on what is considered young. Sorry to hear this wasn’t your dream job but just keeping yourself out there isn’t a bad thing. Thank you for the kind words about walking a mile. I would be delighted to walk the 3 mile walk next year. Major tons of PS dust coming your way to close the big deals this week. I hope your tendon feels better soon. I agree with Lorelei, you DO ROCK!!!
Phoenix, glad to hear you had a great run. Hugs to you and your mom for her birthday, I am sure it will be a difficult one.
Skippy, I hope you had fun at the baby shower and you are right; baby stuff is so cute. I walked around a lot at the star party and wish I was there right now to go for another walk.
Hi Julianna.
Coatimundi, glad to hear school is slowing down for you. I turn in grades for this semester tonight. Then I have 3 weeks off. Woo hoo!
Ladypirate, glad to hear your back is feeling better. Have fun at your housewarming party.
Well, take care.


Dec 29, 2006
Kim (Kimi?), wow, 20 miles?! Great job!! I'm impressed.

Today my husband and I went to the club/gym and we did laps in the pool. I'm not sure how many we did, but it was fun. I tend to stick to the breast stroke because if I try free style, I feel like I'm flailing about and it's not a pretty site.
I can never get the breathing pattern figured out, so I find myself holding my breath for too long. The breast stroke is easier for me right now. Last night I gave my legs quite the work out when I held onto a kickboard and kicked my way through several laps. It was very tiring, and it took FOREVER to reach the other end, but I felt great doing it, and it was a blast. On another note, I'm meeting with a trainer on Tuesday morning so she can give me a few pointers on the machines in the gym. I love the personal TVs on each machine -- it definitely helps pass the time.

ETA: Marcy -- your camping trip and star gazing sound like fun. I continue to be impressed with what I read from you. What an inspiration!


Dec 28, 2005
Evening everyone.........

After writing earllier, Charlie and I had lunch at Panera, then he still had just enough time to go with me to Sbucks and have a cup of coffee under the oak. It was hot today, but too bad. Then I had my car washed, which was just filthy. I'm not sure what I accomplished though, as tonight coming home, a thunderstorm hit and my nice and clean car got dirty all over again. It's tough to keep a car clean when it rains every single day. Oh well...........I did decide to go to the gym this afternoon and I found I can do virtually my entire workout, with the exception of one machine which tends to hurt my tendon or nerve. I had a really strong workout and enjoyed it very much. I got there about 2:30 and left at 5:30, so it was a long one for sure. Charlie works just across the street from the gym, so when I got out he was just heading out for his break and I got to sit with him for a few minutes while he ate a chicken salad wrap. Not exactly what he would have liked for Sunday dinner, but they don't get a long break. He's still not home, but I expect him soon. Dinner for me was steamed shrimp and fresh silver queen corn. I missed having Charlie at home for Sunday dinner. After dinner, I went back out to the closer Sbucks and had a cup of decaf, then came home in time to see the season finale to Design Star. And that's about all I did today.......

I'm glad you enjoyed being outside Apple and it sounds like you did quite a lot too!

Again, thank you Lorelei!! You make me blush!! I'll be thinking about you Wednesday and hope your wisdom tooth extraction goes painlessly for you!

I had to laugh out load about you and the ball and your audience DeeJay. I use the ball quite a bit, but I must admit it can be amusing to watch someone use one for the first time. I've seen more rumps get bumped for sure......I sure hope you enjoyed the spaghetti a lot. Now, I'm thinking I want some myself. Yummmmm!

I'm very proud of you for completing the whole 20 mile ride Kimberly!! Go Kimberly - Go Kimberly - Go Kimberly!!! Wishing John the best at the dentist tomorrow.

Marcy, your weekend sounded great! How fantastic that people didn't recognize you and that you were able to do things you've never done before at this event!!! I hope you and Marty didn't get food poisoning from the chicken dish. It sounds like what he might have. I hope he's feeling better soon. I remember having it once when I was a kid and it was really wicked to say the least. And thanks for PS Dust and for saying I rock too. It means a lot to me!

Zoe, it souns like you had a great workout in the pool. Swimming is a great way to burn calories and tone muscle!! I hope you enjoy your session with the trainer. Having a trainer made all the difference for us as the gym. I owe a lot of the progress I've made to having had a really good trainer.

I guess that does it for me for today. I hope you enjoyed your weekend and are looking forward to the new week. Weekend's are never long enough that's for sure. See you tomorow night....Sleep well.


Nov 29, 2004

I should have washed my car a lot sooner b/c now there is a hurricane on the way and all of my hard work is going to waste...


Nov 24, 2006
Hi friends! The baby shower was great, I had a small piece of lemon (yellow cake) and scraped off the icing. I walked with my cousin and she showed me her backyard, there was a giant hole in the ground. She was so excited to tell me they are getting a pool and of course I can't wait either because she lives 1/4th of mile away from me so I can go swimming anytime she said, yay!!!! We went walking again tonight! Hubby and I had wonderful spinach salads, with lots of tomatos and spinach pizza from TJ's and then for dessert fresh strawberries!!! I love all the summer fruit! have a great rest of the evening!

Kimi, glad J is getting his teeth taken care of. I hope he feels better soon. Wooo you kicked butt riding, the most I have done riding recently is 17.6 miles. Yay!!!! i bet you feel great!!!

Lorelei, hope the teeth get better soon!

Apple, hope you are safe sweetie!!! Thinking good thoughts for you all!

Rod, your weekend sounds nice!!! I hope you get your project done!!! Sending you lots of PS dust! How is your brother?

Zoe, yay for swimming and yay for 4 lbs!

Marcy, your trip sounds fab, sorry a bout your hubby getting sick! So happy you are back; I missed you sweetheart!

DeeJay, yay for your workout!

Night night all!


Feb 27, 2007
Zoe, yay for swimming laps today and for meeting with a trainer this week. Thank you so much for the kind words about me.
Rod, glad to hear you could do most of your workout without bothering your tendon. Marty is feeling better and now I’m not. I think that chicken was at least tainted. I am going to throw out the eggs, cheese and milk we had camping. The refrigerator just didn’t seem very cold. Marty will try adjusting it some more. You are very welcome.

Appletini, I was just checking the news (since I was away from everything for 3 days) and saw the news about the hurricane. Good luck! Be safe.
Skippy, glad to hear the baby shower was great. Yay for having a friend with a pool close to your house. Thanks for the well wishes for Marty. I missed you and everyone else too.
Well, I’ll see you in next week’s thread.

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