
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 26th Jan till 1st Feb

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WOO HOO- add me to the weight loss club this week! I finally got rid of my 2 holiday pounds. Kinda didn''t help that our holidays lasted until the MLK weekend as that''s our big wine fest getaway and all bets were off.

BC this morning was CHILLY! An extra layer, hat and gloves were in order today. I hear that it''s supposed to warm up a bit

Nothing else to report. Just another Tuesday at the office. Oh yeah, i have a massage scheduled this evening, which is just what my sore muscles need!

*Rod- I hope the comfort food was just what your tummy needed to get better
*Marcy- I feel sooo awful complaining about my chilly BC mornings when you''ve got snow and below zero temps! Stay warm and safe!
*Kimberly- As of yesterday, no more wine for me on weeknights. I''m limiting it to Fri-Sun only (wow, i sound like a lush!) THANKS for calling me a champion- that made my day
*lliang- We did WiiFit again last night and for now it''s mostly just fun. I could see it becoming more of a workout on the weekend when i have more time and energy. I''m thinking more and more about entering a race- at least a 5k. I''m curious to see how i''d do!
*Steph- I hope you''re having fun in the Florida sunshine!
Date: 1/27/2009 10:37:28 AM
Author: lliang_chi
Date: 1/27/2009 9:54:19 AM

Author: KimberlyH

Lliang, Dee is in Aspen, skiing.

Sigh! Lucky girl!!!

YEP! We can all live vicariously through her this week
Good Day To All!

Geckodani: Congrats on 1.5lbs loss.

Panda08: Congrats on your 2.8lbs loss! Thanks for the dust! I will need it!

Steph72276: Your protein shake sounds delish. I might have to try it.
Lucky you for the warm weather. That's where I need to be - Florida.
ZoeBartlet: I am in the Armored Car Industry. I am an armed guard/custodian who picks up and delivers money to banks and commercial accounts.

Dragonfly: I've always thought about piecing my belly button too but I've got 2 things holding me back. 1- is being overweight.What's the point when the piercing is going to hide between my rolls (LMAO)? 2 - is I'm a chicken s*it. Maybe, I will set up the belly button piercing as a reward for myself when I get down to my ideal weight.

ChargerGrrl: I am excited and scared at the same time applying for the Border Services officer. I have always thought of applying for this position but I chicken out because I think of what I will be losing from my current job. My seniority (HUGE), my 5 weeks vacation, my time invested in the company, the perks - I work only 5 1/2 - 6 hours a night and I get paid 8 guaranteed, and the pay. But it is time to move on even if I have to start out on the bottom. If I get the job, I know I will have made the right choice.

lliang: Awesome that you signed up for the 8K. I am done with Winter too. We're getting a dump of snow here as I type. It's nice to look at but I think it's time for some warm weather.

Rod: Hope you are feeling better! Take Care of yourself.

Marcyc: Wishing your Grandma a speedy recovery! It's snowing here now. It will only amount to 5-10 cm. Not a whole lot but enough to make driving a nightmare. Luckily, I don't drive in it until after the rush hour is over. I love pink grapefruit especially when they are on the sweet side. It does take time to eat one but I've got the time.

Well, I'm going to try to warm up with a nice cup of green tea then do my workout. Hope everyone has an awesome day!

Take Care, my friends.../Lily
CdnBling, WORD! with wanting some warm weather again. I''m putting an order in with Mother Nature. At least the sun is still out @ 4PM now. :)

Charger, totally sign up for a race! Like I said you''re already getting into shape, and who knows, maybe you''ll end up liking it :) Try to find one that''s for a good cause that you like so even if you don''t like it, you''ll have a good reason to keep training to finish it.
Let me say...I am in LOVE with hot yoga!!! Also I found out it burns a lot of calories...anyone know if this is true?

Eating going OK...but the 2lb on The Daily Plate has me at less than 1200 calories, which is really not enough for me to be comfortable. Any thoughts on this? SO I am trying to not get TOO caught up in #s and instead focus on comfortably reaching my goal of 5lbs by the end of Feb. This is why I don''t weigh myself often! Argh.

Lliang, how often do you go to yoga?

Charger, I wish I was as good at planning ahead, food wise, as you are! I do really like the daily plate. Try it out! Congrats on the weight loss!

Cdn-your breakfast sounds FABULOUS! Maybe I will start eating that for bfast next time I go to the grocery. Hmmm.

Panda-pineapple cheesecake??
I would have been in SERIOUS trouble! I lurve pineapple.

Rod, I hope you are feeling better.

Marcy LOL at the car windows! We have some SERIOUS ice going on! My puppy wont go to the bathroom

Steph I wish I were in FL!! Good for you for getting up so early!
Hello, everyone!! I just popped in to see how you are all doing, and it looks like mostly "YAY''s" are in order!!!

Marcy~ Sorry about your grandma and you frozen windows, although I admit, I got a chuckle out of that.

dragon~ rock that ring, girl!

I''m still hacking and a bit off, but I''m wanting to start doing something again. Hopefully, I''ll have something good to add to this thread by next week!!

have a great tomorrow, all!
Mishcka, I was hoping you''d come back and post about your hot yoga experience. I go about 3-4 times a week. I really like it and can motivate myself to go so much more than going to the gym. I was going to go today, but left my wallet at home so couldn''t pay for the bus. I realized on the bus on the way to yoga.
Well, I''m going to go W, T, F, and one day on the weekend if possible. My

Shiny, Feel better!
Hi Guys,

Poppin in to say hello to everyone since I''ve been MIA so far this week. The cold/flu that has been going around @ school finally hit me and I''ve been feeling very blah since Sunday afternoon. As a result of the cold/flu I can barely breathe so I haven''t gotten to workout since Fri/Saturday of last week. Let me tell ya, makes ILE VERY GRUMPY!! I''m am so cranky since I can''t take my stress out on the treadmill/weights. I hope this cold goes away so that I can move on with my routines!!

SUPER HUGE YAY!! to everyone who has reported losses this week! That is sooo very awesome. I weighed myself this morning and I am down 4lbs since I started two weeks or so ago..and that''s without working out for 3 days. I was happy happy!!

Well I''m hopped up on cold medicine, so I''m going to go lie down. Hope everyone is having a great day/evening!
I had a great workout this evening with coworker #2. Also my boss''s boss signed up to join the gym today, so I''ll have to make sure he uses it. And a male coworker wants to join our Thursday workout group, so that will make 4 of us, so we''ll call him coworker #3....I don''t if he''ll actually work out with us or just go to the gym when we do so he can have an accountability partner.

Tomorrow workout will be cardio after work with co-worker #2, I have meeting at noon, so I don''t really have to go during lunch.

Also we made our first recipe from the WW cookbook for dinner tonight....its from the lunch section... Spicy Thai style turkey wraps...they were tasty and there is enough that we can each take some for our lunch tomorrow.
Hey......I hate to be a fly-by, but it''s almost 11 PM and I just finished having a bite to eat and getting a couple things done for tomorrow. Thanks so much for all the well wishes. I think the comfort food we had last night helped and I was feeling almost myself today. Not completely, but almost. I worked till after 6 tonight, but I was determined to go to the gym. So I did and I''m so glad I did. I started off a bit sluggish, but once I got going, I felt better and managed to have a really good workout. The gym was the most crowded I''ve ever seen it. There were many faces I''ve never seen before and Iheard there lot''s of people from out of town, who are here for the Superbowl. At least this weekend is the game and then they all go home.

Marcy, I''m sorry grandmother has pneumonia. I hope she get''s better soon. Much PS Get Well Dust from me. Wow on the 9.5 inches of snow. Brrrrrrrrr

To everyone else, Hi. I love reading how well you''re all doing. I''m not working out tomorrow night, so I should have a bit more time to write individual notes.

Time to shut down and wind down enough to get some sleep.
Morning All.

Charger, if you''re a lush, so am I. I drank a glass of wine every night at with dinner. I''m not sure if you caught my conversation with Rod, but I''m with lliang, you should sign up for a 5K, we can route each other on. I plan to run one on March 28.

Marcy, thanks for the kind wishes for my sister. She had a disc replaced in her back and is going to be laid up for a while. Hope grandma is doing okay. How sweet of your dad! We won''t tell Marty.

CDB, you have quite the interesting job! Good luck to you re: border control.

See you all soon.
Hi everyone!

Am a bit sleepy today but hanging in there. Went to the gym on Mon. as well as last night. Went out with FI and his mom on Mon. for some Korean BBQ. Yum! Had a bit too much protein but managed to stay away from the carbs. Last night, I made fish for dinner. I defrosted it in the fridge and it got a water logged.
However, I grilled some eggplant and tossed it with a miso dressing. That was really delish and a mere 30 calories a cup. I''ve been trying to be diligent in maintaining my food journal. Week two and counting! I usually fail miserably at writing things down but with this weight bet, it''s making me more vigilent and I am definitely more conscious about what to put in my mouth.

Steph, thanks for the protein shake recipe. Hope you''re enjoying the nice weather!

Merry, congrats on your 8 lbs. lost!

Charger, hope things are slowing down at work for you! YAY for ditching those two holiday pounds!

Rod, glad you''re feeling better. You''re a trooper for going to the gym!

Marcy, how''s grandma? Hope she''s on the road to recovery. That''s so nice that your dad shoveled your driveway!

Zoe, I''m not a cheesecake lover either but goodness, that pineapple cheesecake was good!

Kim, hope your sis''s surgery goes well. That''s so sweet of you to help her out.

Lliang, glad you had a great CNY dinner! I second Kim''s suggestion to calorie count. This is really the first time I''m doing it and I definitely think it makes a difference. It''s a bit of a pain when you''re not eating prepared/packaged food where you can just read the label but I at least try to make a good faith estimate using NutritionData.

Cdn, that''s so cool that you''re willing to move out of your comfort zone and take your career in a new direction! Hope you get the new gig!

Miscka, YAY for hot yoga! I''m glad you enjoyed it. What is the 2lb on the Daily Plate? Something that''s telling you to eat less than 1200 calories in order to lose weight? Are you too hungry when you limit to 1200? That''s my daily target. It''s pretty low and I have to carefully watch what I''m eating. But I find that by eating small, healthy portions throughout the day and drink more fluids, I''m able to stay within target.

SS, hope you''ll feel better soon! Glad you dropped by!

ILE, sorry you''ve been sick. YAY for being down 4 lbs.!

Apple, wow, your whole crew at work is getting on the fitness kick! That''s so cool. MMMmmmm, that spicy thai style turkey wrap sounds good. Can you post the recipe?

Hope everyone''s having a good hump day!
Happy Wednesday! We have a snow day today, so I''m curled up on the couch watching "MI:5" and bowsing PS. "MI:5" is a British TV show similar to "24," but it''s MUCH better and not as over the top as "24." My husband and I are somewhat addicted to the series. I also began to read the new Janet Evanovich book this morning, and it''s pretty good. All of her books are predictible but they''re good for a few laughs and they''re quick reads.

We went to the gym at 5:30 in the morning on Friday, and we saw my mom and other teacher friends there. It was so hard to be at the gym that early, but my mom assured us that it does get easier. My husband and I were so glad that we did it, and we''ll probably do it again tomorrow morning.

CdnBling -- Your current job sounds really interesting, and I hope you get the BP position you want. Good luck!

Miscka -- I use the Daily Plate to find nutrition labels for foods not already in our database we use at home to track foods. I like it, but I''ve never used it to track anything. Sticking with under 1200 calories seems way too low, so I can''t imagine that it''s correct. Have you tried I''ve used it before and their articles are really helpful. You might want to check it out.

SS, ILE, and Rod-- I hope you feel better soon!

Apple -- the Thai turkey wraps sound really good. Maybe I''ll investigate a few of the cookbooks I have (or the WW website) and see if I can find the recipe.

Marcy -- Your dad is really sweet for shoveling you out. I hope the roads are okay for you.

Kim -- my aunt had disc surgery years ago, and from what I understand, the recovery process is pretty painful. Wishing the best for your sister that she makes a speedy recovery!

Panda -- what''s Korean BBQ? I think I''ve read somewhere here (from TGal?) that it''s really good but I''ve never had it. I fought writing down the foods that I ate for years. After we got home from our honeymoon in July though, I checked out my husband''s database and became hooked. I rely on it so much and it does help. Sure, there are times when I haven''t used it, but once I get into the habit, it''s so easy to track what I''m eating and I don''t like going without it.
Anyway, I just wanted to give you my thoughts. Good for you for being diligent for 2 weeks!!
We''re going on vacation with my family soon and we''re so excited. Right now isn''t the best time to be going away since my husband isn''t working, but the trip is pretty much paid for and we booked it months ago. (By the way, Rod, if a job opportunity comes up, he WILL be available -- that comes first!
. I can handle Key West with my family alone, if need be.)

Anyway, I''m a little nervous about how to handle the food issue. I''m so used to tracking, counting, and measuring, that I''m considering bringing my little food scale to Key West. My parents have rented a condo for all of us, so many of our meals will be eaten there, but I know we''ll go out as well. Part of me says that I''ll be on vacation so just enjoy it. The other part of me says that I don''t want to go off the wagon again, and it''s no big deal to stick to the plan while away. So I have to bring a few measuring cups and/or a food scale. No biggie. I''m not sure which side to listen to.

What would you do?
Date: 1/28/2009 4:06:50 PM
Author: ZoeBartlett
We''re going on vacation with my family soon and we''re so excited. Right now isn''t the best time to be going away since my husband isn''t working, but the trip is pretty much paid for and we booked it months ago. (By the way, Rod, if a job opportunity comes up, he WILL be available -- that comes first!
. I can handle Key West with my family alone, if need be.)

Anyway, I''m a little nervous about how to handle the food issue. I''m so used to tracking, counting, and measuring, that I''m considering bringing my little food scale to Key West. My parents have rented a condo for all of us, so many of our meals will be eaten there, but I know we''ll go out as well. Part of me says that I''ll be on vacation so just enjoy it. The other part of me says that I don''t want to go off the wagon again, and it''s no big deal to stick to the plan while away. So I have to bring a few measuring cups and/or a food scale. No biggie. I''m not sure which side to listen to.

What would you do?
Zoe, how about partaking more with meals you particularly enjoy or when you go out, then staying on the plan with everyday eating while you are on vacation? That way you can enjoy some good grub and still stay on track!
I''m baaaaaaack!!!

Happy Wednesday kids!

Aspen was great, but I feel like I was gone for a long time. I actually don''t downhill ski, but I went cross country skiing twice and I went over to the rec center and did an hour on the elliptical one day (and I spent one day doing absolutely nothing physical and one day with an ice pack on my knee... don''t ask... ) so that''s my five day report!

According to the scale I am up two evil pounds, but What Ever!! This morning I did a gentle hour on the dreadmill (please refer back to the part of the post about the ice pack... ) and tomorrow I have my PT.

So much cathing up to do! Glad to see everyone is doing well, and I really missed you guys!
Happy Hump day!

Brrrr. It's still chilly in the morning! Today was obstacle course day, so lots of running, jumping, and crawling around on the ground.

I ended up getting a massage late yesterday, hoping that it would help my sore muscles. But it was a bit too deep tissue (which i usually like), and i think i'm more sore today! oh well.

deejay- hiya, gal! no worries about 2 lbs, they'll flyyyyy off

cdn- thanks for telling me more about the Border Services position. I hear ya about having seniority and perks in your current job. that was me last year! I had been with my company for 8 years, had 5 weeeks of vaca, and it was cushy. BUT BORING, I HATED IT! i got a new job in March, and it's done wonders for my disposition and just general well-being. You've got nothing to lose by applying- go for it!

lliang & kimberly- I'm going to check out races in mid-late March. it would be a bonus if it was for a good cause!

miscka- 1200 cals doesn't sound right to me, especially since you're active

ile & ss- i hope you get better soon so you can get back on track

apple- i second the request for the wrap recipe. it sounds delish

rod- no worries about flying-by. hope to see you later

marcy- sending more good vibes for grandma, and a warm hug for you!

panda- Korean BBQ- YUM!! good for you for keeping a food journal. i suck at tracking

zoe- i'm part of the 5:30a "club". i'm not sure if it gets easier, but there's nothing like starting your day with a workout! re: keeping on track during vaca. i would bring my scale/cups and track what i could. find a happy medium- keep one leg on the wagon and the other one can dangle off!
Well I think I showed immense self control today. We popped into the supermarket after I finished babysitting this evening. There was an offer on Ben and Jerry''s ice cream tubs. Ross and I got one each. I intended o just have a small amount of it tonight but instead I had one of my weight watchers 1.5 point iced desserts instead.

I do not know how I didn''t just devour a load of the B and J''s. Going to save it for another day and weigh out a small portion so I can track it properly!
WOO HOO Merry, way to go!
I did an hour on the elliptical this gave me a chance to do some reading on my book, b/c I need to have it read by tomorrow night for my bookclub meeting. I''m making a spring veggie pizza for dinner tonight...its in the oven and I''m so hungry.

Here is the recipe for the WW recipe...

Spicy Thai-style Turkey/Chicken Wraps

4 tsp canola oil
4 cups packaged cole slaw mix
1 bunch scallions, sliced
1/2 tsp crushed red pepper
2 cups finely chopped cooked skinless turkey or chicken breast
1 Tbsp chopped unsalted dry roasted peanuts
4 tsp lime juice
2 tsp low sodium soy sauce
1/4 cup chopped fresh basil
2 (10 inch) burrito size FF flour tortillas, warmed

Heat the oil in a large non-stick skillet over med heat. Add cole slaw, scallion, and red pepper...stirring frequently for 3 min.

Stir in remaining ingredients, except tortillas, and cook stirring frequently for 3 min.
Spoon half of the mix into a tortilla, roll it up, and cut on the diagonal.

4 servings: 1 serving = 1/2 wrap
230 calories, 6 grams fat
Hey........It was an incredibly long day at work, but a really busy one. As you all know I''m an executive recruiter, and most companies are laying people off, not hiring, so it''s a real challenge to get a real opportunity to fill. A client I made a placement with in late November, who wasn''t supposed to have any new openings for several months, called me this morning and gave a really tough to fill assignment. I worked non-stop on finding qualified candidates for them to interview and I think I''ve found two really strong contenders. I didn''t leave work till well past 6:30, then I had stop by the gorcery store and pick up some chicken to bake as Charlie was working till 7 tonight and we decided to eat at home tonight. We had baked chicken and steamed carrots. Yummmm. I slipped out to get a cup of coffee and we split a cupcake for dessert. Tomorrow will be another looooong day, with the gym right after work.

Wow Marcy......13 below is beyond cold, and 13 above is still beyond cold. How nice of your dad to shovel your driveway. I would hope Marty would be happy to know he did this for you, since he''s out of town. Your grandmother is still in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery. LOL about complaining about work with your friend!!

Kimberly, I had read about your sister and meant to say I was hoping she was doing ok after her surgery and that it''s so great of you to be there with her. Oh and you are by no means a lush, with just a glass of wine a day. I don''t know if you''ve seen anything about a new pill that will be on the market in the next few years, but they have captured the goodness that red wine offers and put it in pill form. They actually figured out that the French who eat high fat foods and are one of the smokenist (not sure that''s a real word) societies on the planet, also have the lowest incidence of heart disease and they positively link it to red wine consumption. Since I''m not much of a drinker, it would be great to get the red wine benefit by taking a pill each day.

You go Panda.........the gym two nights in a row is a great thing!! I haven''t had Korean BBQ in ages, but used to enjoy it. I seem to have lost my taste for most asian wok fried foods lately. It''s a good thing you''ve become more aware of what you put in your mouth!

Hey Zoe.......I actually got a Linkedin connection from your hubby today and I wrote him and commented I knew you were getting a big snowstorn! I''m glad you got a snow day and didn''t have to go out and drive in it. I spoke with the company today I think he''d be a great fit for, but they still haven''t opened anything new up. They do know about him and I remain optimistic that something good will come along. But, don''t let it get in the way of the family vacation. He should just let me know how to reach him should anything come up while you are away. And on the food question, I think Lorelei gave you some great advice. It is a vacation and you should enjoy yourself some and be good some. Since you''ll be on vacation, you can devote some extra time to working out and burning any extra calories you eat. Oh and WOO HOO for going to the gym at that ungodly (I choose to not acknowledge it even exists) hour!

Welcome back DeeJay. Glad you had fun. We missed you too! Two pounds.....Puhleeze.......That ''aint nothin!

Obstacle course day sounds like fun Charger! I can''t handle deep tissue massages. For me, they''re too painful. I like a nice gentle relaxing Swedish Massage. I once had a deep tissue one on my back when I pulled it really badly, and I must admit that it did help me heal faster.

Merry, I''ve been meaning to say a BIG WOW to you for losing 8 pounds and yes, you showed immense restraint to have your WW dessert instead!! Keep up the great work. I along with everyone is celebrating your success!!!

Thanks for recipe Apple! The Thai Turkey Wrap sounds really good Spring veggie pizza sounds really good too!

OK......that''s it for me for the night. Tomorrow will likely be a fly-by since it''s a gym night.

Hi everyone.

They moved grandma to a nursing home today so I spent quite a bit of time with her tonight.She is pretty confused and doesn’t like it there.She is angry with Marty’s dad thinking it’s his fault they put her there instead of the other place she wanted to go.Of course with Medicare paying for the first 2 months they moved her where there was an opening.She also has a roommate so I am sure that will be a problem soon.When I got there tonight though I called Marty and he talked to her for awhile so that made her happy.

The sun came out today.Woo hoo!I met my parents for lunch which was fun.They are going to Denver tomorrow to see a doctor for a tumor in my mom’s ear canal.She is thinking of having radiation treatment on it to stop it’s growth.She has ringing in her ears all the time so hopes it will fix that.She says it’s like wind all the time – that would kind of drive you nuts after awhile.

I was going to walk on the treadmill tonight but my left knee is still a little agitated so I will walk again tomorrow then go back to every other day.

Zoe, glad you enjoyed a snow day.Yay for going to the gym so early.The roads were fine today.Have fun on your trip.When we went to Glacier last summer I took a bunch of the 100 calories snacks and fresh fruit.I was very careful for breakfast and lunch then ate sensibly at supper including a small amount of dessert.It worked great for me.

Lorelei, I hope it’s been warm enough for you to use your gym this week.

DeeJay, I am glad you had fun in Aspen.

ChargerGirl, sorry you are sore on this chilly day.I hope you feel better and warm up soon.Thanks for the warm hug.

Merry, congrats for not eating B&J.We eat Dryer’s slow churned and even Marty likes it so you might give it a try sometime (if you haven’t already of course).

Appletini, you cook the most delightful things.

Rod, glad to hear you got some new positions to fill.I saw they had some red velvet cupcakes at Starbucks here so I might go try one someone night. Marty does appreciate my dad doing things for me but when Marty is in town he feels bad that my dad will shovel snow or cut our grass instead of him doing it.Of course my dad is retired so he just gets to it before Marty can.

Hi Skippy! I miss you.

Take care.
Hello everyone!!

Whew, made it to yoga. :) It was tough but I felt good going. Flew solo today, and it seems like the resolution rush is passed for yoga, so we can go back to the 6PM classes. :) I forgot my water bottle there on Sat when I last went and told myself to pick it up today. Totally forgot. Oh well. The plan is to go to yoga again tomorrow. And hopefully again on Friday. I''m saying it "out loud" to you guys so now I''ll be held to it. :) That''s why you guys are great

The food intake of late has been pretty good/pretty bad. Sunday, I made chicken and dumplings which is PERFECT for a cold day. I made it with fat free milk and homemade chicken broth, so I think pretty good for you, I didn''t eat too many dumplings either. Monday was dinner in Chinatown, not so good. Tuesday was arroz con pollo, kinda good. Today I made some stir fried noodles for dinner, good, but lunch was leftovers (chicken & dumplings and a tiny helping of arroz con pollo), not so good. I''m going to try to be good for the rest of this week :)

ILuv, sorry you''re sick, feel better! Stock up on broth based soup and stay warm!

Apple, you''ve got a regular work out club at work. That''s great! Glad to hear the WW cookbook delivers on some tasty recipes :) Can''t go wrong with spicy and Thai in my book :)

Rod, hope you got some rest. Your gym days are always very impressive. Sorry it''s so packed but just think, just one more gym day of this, then all the tourist turn into pumpkins :) I hope all your hard work at work will pay off. You really do put a lot of effort into it, I can see why your clients like working with you.

Marcy, Yay for "magically shoveled" driveways :) I told James if we ever get a house I''m NOT doing yard work, which includes shoveling snow. You dad must live quite close to you, that''s really nice. I''m close to my family but unfortunately I''m in Chicago and they''re in FL. I''m a little jealous (in a good way). Hooray for painted toenails. I did the same thing last week.*** More dust *** floating to grandma so she''ll get better...

Zoe, sucks you''re going to have to make up the snow days. Your snow day sounds absolutely LOVELY though!!! 5AM gym is WAY early for me. But good for you for doing it and liking it. :) Where/how did your husband compile his database? That sounds like a handy thing to have around. I''m starting to log my food intake too. I did it for about a week. I''ll try to make more of an effort from now on. And I agree with Charger with trying your best to stay on track.

Kim, yay! we''ll get Charger to do a 5K also!! I think my race is the same date as yours. Sending some recovery dust to your sister too.

Panda, Korean BBQ. Tasty. How do you maintain your journal when you eat out? I''ve been using NutritionData too. I don''t know how accurate it is though. It calculated my calorie intake should be around 2300. That seems like a lot to me. I''ve poked around SparkPeople and DailyPlate/LiveStrong. I like NutritionData''s simplicity, but like I said, I''m a little unsure of its calculations etc. Also they don''t have some stuff like pomegranate. Maybe it''s only because I''m obsessed about the fruit. So tasty and so pretty! Also, good call in the fish. That reminds me I have some in the freezer I can make for lunch this week.

Deejay!!! SIGH so jealous of Aspen. XC skiing is a serious workout! how''d you like it? Sounds like you were still really good on your vacation good for you. Sorry about the ice pack. Been there done that.

Charger, aahhh, massage. Sorry you''re sore but I''m sure you''ll feel great tomorrow. Sorry it''s so chilly. You guys in the 5:30 AM club are real troopers!

Merry, Wow total exercise of self control there. Good for you! And treating yourself to a little Ben & Jerrys sounds like a great idea! You can''t deprive yourself entirely :)
LIANG - do you know about the Chicago PS GTG at Ghiradelli over by Michigan Avenue on Friday Night? There is a thread in Hangout with the info.

(Sorry about the threadjack everyone!)

ETA: Here is the link
Marcy, Hopefully grandma will like her new roommate. I''d post about my cooking more often, but I don''t want to make anyone hungry or tempt them to cheat on their goals.
Happy Thursday kids!

Just back from an hour with the PT. We did arms and abs today. Monday he assured me we work on my a$$.

I keep forgetting to ask this; does anyone take glucosamine? I was talking to a ski instructor in Aspen and he SWEARS by the stuff so I bought a bottle of it. He said I''ll know in 30 days whether it works for me or not (apparently it doesn''t work for everyone?) but I''d love to hear if anyone has any experience with it.

Bill headed off to Tahoe (or maybe it''s Telluride?) this morning so I''m on my own for the next five days. Hopefully I can undo some of the damage I did with all that crazy eating in Aspen!

Lliang, disregard my earlier post. It looks like the Chicago GTG is being put off for a little while.

Apple, LOL, your posts do make me hungry!

Marcy, hopefully grandma will like her roommate and adjust well to the situation!

Rod, I''m glad you have some openings to fill!

Merry, WW vs. Ben & Jerry''s -- you''ve got way more willpower than I do girlfriend!

Charger, I love hearing about your bootcamp -- it really inspires me!

Zoe, hopefully you''ll find a way to eat well and still enjoy your trip. It is *vacation* after all!

Panda, yum for Korean BBQ!

Lily and Dragon, belly button piercing?

Steph, I so totally admire your 5 am workouts! Nothing short of the house being on fire is getting me up at 5, and the only reason I would even consider it then is to save my bling!

Kimi, a glass of wine with dinner?! Seriously hon, I usually have a glass of wine while I decide which glass of wine to have with dinner, ha ha! And best wishes for your sister.

ILE, hope you''re feeling better!

Shiny, hi there! Great to see you!

Miscka, between you and Lliang I am going to have to try this hot yoga stuff!

Dani, good for you for an easy 1.5 lbs!
Lor, I have read that sometimes when you think you''re hungry you''re really just dehydrated so drinking a lot of water can help. Thank you for the reminder about the water--I should totally do a better job of drinking more!
Cooee Deesters!!!!
Just popping in for a quick hello. Adam is off today so we are going out for a sushi date this afternoon before we pick Andrew up from school, so I am excited! Didn't get up quite as early this morning since Adam was off, so I went to the gym at 6:30 this morning and did my circuit training. The scale is being horrible to me and I still haven't lost more, but my jeans are getting way baggy, so I'm thinking in time the scale will catch up. Anyway, I'll be back on later but hope everyone is having a great day!

Marcy, sorry grandma had to go to the nursing home. I hope she will like her roommate!

Rod, hope work isn't stressing you out too much. I bet you are looking forward to the weekend!

DJ, you had me crackin up girl when you said you would only get out of the house at 5 to save your bling!

Hey, Skippy! Miss you!
OK I changed my setting to lose 1.5lbs a week instead. That is around 1400 cals, which is much better. I will prob eat a few more on days I am more active.

Lliang, WOW! I am SO jealous you get to go that often! The place I go is pretty $$$ (for me) and they have no monthly option. I was going to go again tonight, but the class was canceled from weather

DeeJay-give it a try!!

Marcy-my puppy FINALLY got used to it and now he likes it! He sticks his face in it and comes up all covered in snow, cracks me up!

Hi everyone else!!!!
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