
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 21st Sept till 27th Sept

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Apr 30, 2005
Happy new week!

Had a fabulous weekend, went to a major city and how pleased was I to find that hopping on and off trains and briskly walking around the city itself was so easy. All those hours on the treddy, elliptical, and eating carefully have really paid off! Of course I had a rather nice lunch as I felt I could splurge due to the calories burned - hehe!

It just goes to show how a healthier lifestyle can make such a positive impact in all sorts of ways, we were on the go from early morning to mid evening and I wasn''t really very tired at all. So it can be a really good thing to think about how looking after yourself can really make a big difference in everything you do. I know I enjoyed myself far more because I could keep up easily, walk briskly and not get tired. Sometimes I find myself getting the workout blahs but when I think about the enormous gains I get from being dedicated it really helps motivate me to carry on with it, being fit is a great feeling and I don''t want to lose that and a little effort to keep my fitness up is well worth it.

Have a great week


Nov 24, 2006
Good Morning Healthy Lifestyle Friends!!! Hope everyone had a great weekend!!! I had fun at my Great Aunt and Uncles 50th wedding anni celebration; my nephew (the 3 yr old) and I danced. hehe

I also went on a nice long walk with my friend yesterday evening! It definitely is cooling off here; it is suppose to only be the in the high 60's by tomorrow for the week, eeek! I need to move; I am such a warm weather girl.

Okay a nice long walk again tonight. HAPPY NEW WEEK FRIENDS

MARCY, snow!
I hope it warms up for you out there. Oh funny I didn't know Nebraska was so close, very cool! your dinner sounded yummy.

ROD, I am so happy you had a great weekend and it cooled off out there. Maybe I need to move out there in the winter. ehehe
I am such a summertime girl!!! How exciting to be visiting family and eating crab!!! I LOVE crab, eat some for me too please! ehehe

LORELEI, woohooo for walking up a storm, you are AWESOME!!!! Sounds like fun day in the city!


Dec 31, 2008
lorelei - I agree, being fit is a great feeling. Even just having the confidence to know you can do things is far greater than a 6 pack abs.

skippy- I agree, cooler weather makes me want snacks - and especially WARM comfort foods. Sorry your friend is leaving for the UK, but that sounds like a terrific adventrure! It is cute that you and your nephew danced how fun!

Shiney- Sorry your shoes keep falling apart. I love running in trail shoes, but you must have a really hazardous terrain to rip those up! You go girl!

ROD- sorry about your sore arms, but it is AWESOME that you did a 10 on the elyptical with no pain!!!

Deegee- Christopher Walkin is like my alltime favorite host.
So sorry that you are working 2 jobs now until your employee gets trained in the old job, and then leaves you short staffed. No wonder you are so exhausted! Way to keep on track w/ your points and have your hubbie on board! I know when I had pain or injury, my Dr told me that I had to take 4 IBUPROFEN every 4-6 hours. I got one of those trial sized containers and would put it in my purse and just take it every time I ate... which is about every 4 hours. It was such a pain to remember, but it did help w/ my pain and inflamation. I also had to majorly up my water/fluid intake and avoid anything dehyrating, because my goodness all those NSAIDS made me constipated!

Marcy - NO! No moon for 3 weeks! Wow, it will be dark.. but the stars look bright and pretty though. That is interesting to know. Thanks for the night tip! It is neat that your friend reconnected w/ an old beau from her reunion! Exciting! I hope the birthday celebration was fun, your scalloped potatoes sounded yummy! I hope you get your lake walk in with marty before the weather dissappears!

Everyone, happy monday! I had a nice weekend with some nice recovery runs. My calf is still really tight, so I may keep this week pretty low miles too - to allow some more time for my calf to recover. My hubby finally got his bike back from the shop! Just in time too! He has a race this weekend, and I didn''t want to spend the money on a rental. He was so happy to get his bike back, it was really contagious. He went for a ride both Saturday and Sunday, and even worked on his transitions some. I think he is really worried about his time, more than he should be - due to his injury. I just have to repeat, a race is only a measure of how well you could do on THAT DAY. But he''s so competitive, he just doesn''t want any part of it. I think I''ll actually go out and make him some colorful signs so i can be his sideline cheerleader! That should at least make him feel good while on the course! Last night I had pizza from PJ''s during football. It was goood. I had FOUR slices and totally pigged out... i was glad I had an elatic waistband on so my tummy could stretch out properly... though if I had tighter pants on I may not have eaten as much. hmm... things to consider! Tonight I''m making a no peak stew, as this week will be a higher than normal carb week since it is a race week for the hubs. Hubs loves the race weeks for the increased eats leading up to the race.

"No one ever drowned in sweat" Unknown


Jun 25, 2007
Howdy doo my healthy friends! Well this weekend was up and down for me it seems. I got in a mile run and some runs on our stairs at the new townhouse, but that was really it. I attended a concert of my favorite band (picture to share in a moment) and helped them with a charity event Saturday (my family knows most of them personally). I watched our team STOMP Tennessee hehehehehehe YAY. I also studied REALLY HARD all weekend b/c I have a test Wednesday. I found five new shirts for under 20 dollars (That''s total). But the downside, I didn''t get in a long run. Another big down was that SO''s great grandmother passed away very suddenly yesterday
so we are in the midst of cleaning for his family to come and helping plan a funeral while also studying like crazy for this test and hopefully I''ll get in some stairs later tonight.

Lorelei - it''s funny you should mention bustling around the city. Part of my inspiration to lose weight was the fact that I had soooo much trouble doing just that! I too felt so proud when I realized I could again, so congrats to you for that accomplishment b/c I know it brings such joy.


Nov 24, 2006
TLH, yay for your hubby's bike; aww you will be the best cheerleader and yum to pizza! I love that stuff. hehe

DRAGONFLY, I am so sorry for the loss of your SO's greatgrandma. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Huge hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} and prayers outgoing sweetheart for you and your family.


Jul 29, 2009
Good monday everyone!

So i was finally able to get back into my gym routine today. I was sick with either a bad cold or flu and i missed a week and 1/2 at the gym. After my 10 min warm-up jog on the treadmill I started my lifting. Today I did 3 exercises of chest, 2 for back, 3 for tricepts. WOW was i fatigued afterwards... Its amazing how missing just a week and 1/2 can affect your muscles.. im sure just recovering from being sick played a part too. I know i worked hard because driving home was difficult because my arms were so sore lol.

I''m glad to see people are off to a good week.

Miss L, sometimes we don''t even realize how seditary our lives can be. Its nice just to go for a long walk or be "busy busy" in the city. People don''t realize that walking around shopping, going from one store to the next can burn so many calories! Some of my favorite activities are just going for walks with my girlfriend. We walk around town, around the beach, shopping, anywhere u name it! Its good to get outside and move!

TLH, it sounds like both you and your hubby push and motivate each other. Excellent work!

dragonfly, im sorry for your loss =/ but i wish i could find 5 shirts for 20 bucks! bargain shopping at its best. That sounds perfect for my college grad budget!

Rod, I hope you make it to the gym to lift this week.. maybe we can push for a new max on the benchpress?!

Enjoy your week, stay tuned to a scientific post about recovery after workouts!



Apr 19, 2004

Howdy gangaornni!
Nice to see everyone!

Went to the pool and did my thing--water and air seemed too cool for my liking. Anyway, the weather is supposed to stay rather warm (30 C by mid week?) and that means biking and running outside.

Keep well, ya''ll!



Jul 29, 2009
so i had an excellent first day back at the gym this morning.. and then the girlfriend just made chicken n biscuits! Dam those 200 calorie biscuits! SO GOOD! DAM! lol

Better luck next time =x


Dec 28, 2005
Hey........It was a long tough day at work and wound up leaving late (after 6:30) to meet Charlie for sushi at favorite sushi place #2. Still it was really good as usual and since getting home, I've been doing more work (no wonder I'm wiped out by the end of the week). And I still have my stretches to do before going to bed. Tomorrow night's a gym night and I'm planning an "uber" workout like I used to do Before Pain (BP).

Lorelei, I'm so glad you had a great weekend in the Big City and yes, isn't it great how our healthier pursuits have enhanced our abilities to do more/enjoy more?? WOO HOO for you dear friend.........

Oh Skippy, what we'd give for temps in the 60s. When I said it cooled off here, what I mean is it's not in the upper 90s, just low 90s and instead of a billion percent humidity, it's only 1,000%. We won't get any really cool air until towards the end of October. If you're a summer girl, you'd love the weather here, especially the winter, which is kind of like early fall for about 6 months!! I promise to eat some extra crabs for you. I don't know if you've ever had Maryland crabs, they're spicy and coated in Old Bay seasoning and cracked red pepper. Eating them is a messy and lot's of fun (at least it is to me!).

Thanks tlh........Fortunately my arms are no longer sore from the shots, but they are a bit sore from lifting weights, which is a big Woo Hoo to me!! It's probably a good idea to let your calf relax more. Yay for hubby getting his bike back and I'm sure he'll be so happy to see his favorite cheer leader on the sidelines!!

Oh dragon, I'm so sorry to read about SO's great grandmother passing away. I hope all's going well in the new townhouse and Yay for a mile run..........

Hey Ted, I'm glad to see you were able to get back in the gym after being sick. Isn't it amazing how off one can be after only a week and a half. I had to miss 3 weeks due to my herniated disc and I felt like I was starting all over after 3 weeks. Fortunately, our muscles have great memory and come back very fast. Anyway, YAY for sore muscles!! I am going to work out hard tomorrow night for sure.......We'll see about adding more weight to the free weight bench press. I can press 150 lbs alone, but I would need a spotter if I increased the weight..........Yummmm to homemade biscuits. I haven't had a good biscuit in a looooon time, but I love biscuits and sausage gravy..........

How nice to see you Sharon. Enjoy the warm (albeit slightly cool) weather while you can. It probably won't be too long before you start reporting about having to shovel snow........brrrrrrr....yikes........

OK......that's it from me. Tomorrow night's checkin will be short since I won't be home from the gym till well after 9 PM......sleep well everyone.


Mar 13, 2008
Hi HLT Friends!!!

Lorelei, So wonderful with your weekend jaunt around the city. I know exactly what you mean by the workout blahs, and it really doesn''t take long to be like "Wow! I''m so glad I worked out now!" So I keep trying to remember that.

Skip, hooray for cooling off. It''s still supposed to be quite warm here in Chicago, but we totally got robbed of a real summer (it was 65F for most of it) I think we deserve some warmer temps this week :) When do you go down to FL?

TLH, Yay for hubs getting his bike back!!! I hope he doesn''t push too hard on his race, but I think a little competitive streak is good for you. A pizza splurge = make up session on the workout, so you''ll balance it out. I''m glad you''re in a good mood and your calf is getting better.

Dragon, very sorry about your SO''s loss. Cyber hugs to you. Hooray on the football games. :) I actually didn''t watch any football this weekend until James got back. He had his bachelor party this past weekend.

Ted, your workout sounds awesome. :) I love that sore feeling you get from working out. We''ve been working out with our trainer and haven''t been sore yet though. I think we drink a lot of water and that helps, so I''ll pass the suggestion to you. We usually hit 2L sometimes 3L a day. Mmmm chicken and biscuits. That''s my big problem with winter cooking. I like all the really hearty stuff that you just want to curl up by a fire with. So much worse for you than the light healthy crisp meals I usually do in the summer because it''s so hot out... :)

Sharon, HOORAY for warm weather!!! Definitely get your bikes and runs in while you can :)

Hey Rod, Glad you were able to push it at the gym :) Hooray for hitting a good workout. Bummer work''s getting long and crazy again. I can relate.

Deegee, lazy Saturdays are great!! Every now and then you need one of those. :) Hubs sounds like such a great guy :)

Today we had our Tabatas workout. Our trainer made us do 1 min sprints on 6:34 min/mile pace after each Tabata set. Whew!! But I honestly could''ve gone more but didn''t feel like it. I finally kicked it to 9.5 on the last sprint, and my trainer made me do 10 during the last 30 secs. Ugh!!! Work''s been bummer lately. Anyone have any great ways of staying up that doesn''t include coffee? I have a form of anemia that once I get tired I''m W.I.P.E.D. such that wild horses could drag me and I''d still fall asleep. So, any suggestions I''d greatly appreciate them. Just walking around at a walking pace doesn''t help.

Side note for those who do gym workouts that involve cardio and lifting. My trainer said to do your cardio at the END of your workout. The weights will burn the carbs in your system because of the nature of lifting exercises. They convert the carbs into energy to fire all the muscles or something like that. Once you''re done with your lifts, you would''ve essentially burned all the carbs off, when you start your cardio you''d be doing straight up fat burning. So do a quick warm up, then lift, then cardio. He said better fat burning that way than the doing cardio first.

That''s all for me. I''m trying to make a habit of going to bed before 11PM. Yesterday worked. Trying for today too.

See y''all tomorrow (hopefully)



Jun 25, 2007
hey all

no workout

studying for a test

pulling my hair out.


Dec 31, 2008
dragonfly- great job getting your runs in. Even if they weren''t the distances you hoped for, sometimes it is good just to get some time on legs! Glad you had fun at the concert. I am really sorry to read about the loss of your SO''s g-grandmother. my heart goes out to both you and your SO, and his family.

TED- sorry to hear that you were sick, but glad you''re feeling better. Did you know a person w/ swine flu stays contagious for 7-9 days even after symptoms had passed? So it is a good thing you stayed away from the gym equipment for a week and a half!
Glad you''re back on track now! Thanks for your encouraging words, my hubby and I are a pretty active couple.

Sharon- enjoy the outdoor weather while you can! Glad you got the swim in even though it was nippy!

ROD_ POWER LIFTER, here comes the mean green HULK! Enjoy your workout, hope your hours at work get less aggressive!

LISA - Anemia, wow, has your DR given you a supplement to help you with that? I''m not sure which type you have, but hopefully you can get that addressed. Thanks for the workout tip!

Everyone HAPPY TUESDAY! Today I''m getting honored at work. So that is cool. My run was good this morning. The 24 mph winds were awful. After getting hit by a pizza box, a water bottle, and a giant stick hit my face, I decided I had enough running, so I went home. Mother nature was ANGRY... and I didn''t want to get in her way any longer. Even the horses didn''t like all the commotion, as they winnied a great deal. I''m excited about dinner tonight. Lettuce wraps! YUMMY! Someone I work with brought in choclate from her trip to Ireland, so i think I will help myself to some irish chocolate. YUMMY! Everyone have a terrific day!!!

“At every party there are two kinds of people -- those who want to go home and those who don''t. The trouble is, they are usually married to each other.” Ann Landers


Jul 29, 2009
Just a couple work-out definitions just for fun!

Acute Muscle Soreness- also known as AMS, and this is the soreness that one feels during a workout and/or about one hour after the workout. This pain is directly related to the inflammation (swelling) in the muscles that are being worked out. Some may experience this as "THE BURN". (P.S. "the burn" is NOT from lactic acid, this is a common misconception.) So if its not from lactic acid, what is it from?... Well there are studies that show a drop in PH(increase in acidic levels), is due to the increase of hydrogen ions building up in the muscles. When you exercise, your body uses ATP(Adenosine Triphosphate) for energy. Hydrogen is a byproduct. Hydrogen is acidic, this causes the burn.

just a quick side note, lactic acid "system" produces lactate. Lactate picks up hydrogen ions in the blood system and lowers the acidic levels in the blood, returning it to normal. Lactate + hydrogen ions later on in the cycle are used for energy.(for another day lol)

**So, to reduce AMS its easy = add a cooldown to your workout! 5-10 mins is plenty. Cooldown prevents pooling of blood in the legs, keeps the blood flow moving. An increase in blood flow = an increase in lactate in the blood stream = return of regular PH in the blood system!

Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness- also commonly known as DOMS. This is soreness in the muscles anywhere up to 72 hours after a workout. This is directly related to the "micro-tears" in the muscles that you just worked out. Water helps, but there is a lot you can do for DOMS. This is directly related to post-work out recovery. (stay tuned later this week!)


Dec 31, 2008
Thanks for the info, Ted!


Mar 13, 2008
Dragon, Good luck on your test. Sorry you're stressed!

TLH, Angry Mother Nature indeed! Do you have horses? That's cool. I have a type of anemia that my hemoglobin/red blood cells is smaller sized than normal. So no matter what I do, whatever supplements I take, I'll always have a low iron count. I do take multivitamins daily but there are some days that my iron MUST be very low because I can totally feel it. So I'm hoping for ideas from you healthy folks of staying up. I've tried coffee, but sometimes that doesn't help much.

Ted, cool info on the AMS and DOMS. My sis and I are fortunate to not be sore after our workouts, so I'm intrigued. Will be tuned in later this week :) I attributed it to drinking a lot of water but who knows. :)

I kinda hurt my knee yesterday goofing off and doing a funky body weight jump squat.
I iced it and took some ibuprofren today. I'm contemplating running on it or not. I really want to get a workout in but am feeling lazy. I'm kinda down because of work, so I also feel like just crawling into bed and moping. I'm on probation, I'd say it's related to the anemia thing. I feel like there's no point in telling my boss about it because his personality is to come up with conclusions on his own. Like somehow/somewhere he got the idea that I had a second job. No idea where that come from...
So I could be positive and go on a run with the dog, but might make my knee angry. Or be lazy and not...



Apr 19, 2004

HOWDY gang!!!

Rod--you guys have nothing on us--I think it hit 29C today! And supposed to be 33c tomorrow!!! I know you guys must be tired of the heat, but soon enuf we''ll have the cold wet stuff.....

Lisa--take it easy on your knee. No running!!!

TlH: Sounds like you were in a garbage tornado! The wind can be unreal here--make for twice the work running against it.

Shout out to the rest of you folks--had a great run/bike today and will do again tomorrow. When it is warm I can go forever!



Dec 28, 2005
Hey.......It''s already nearly 11, so this has to be short. Work was very tough, and I was almost tempted to just hang the gym up for tonight, but then I hate to use work as an excuse to miss my workout, so I dragged my tired little butt to the gym right after work. I''m glad I did and I worked out really really hard. I''m becoming much more confident that I can push and not suffer leg pain afterwards. I increased most weights to pre pain levels and even some higher - WOO HOO. Ted, I didn''t increase the free weight bench press because I didn''t want to ask someone to spot me, so I just increased the number of reps, which should accomplish the same thing, right? Charlie baked chicken with steamed brocolli, so I got to have a really nice dinner when I got home around 9:30.

Lisa, I have always done my cardio after lifting weights. I read about this in Mens Health and Fitness and our trainer (when we could afford a trainer) had also suggested we do cardio at the end of our workouts.

Ted, thanks for the information on AMS, ATP and DOMS. Very interesting and certainly makes sense........

Sharon, my that''s warm for this time of year. Enjoy every minute of it before you had to shovel the white stuff.........

Hey to everyone I missed. Hope you had a good day.........


Nov 24, 2006
Hi friends, the snackiness has ended, wooo! I feel so much better now. hehe
I notice if I stick to whole grains, fruits/veggies, lean meats I am not snacky but if you throw in too many carbs etc I tend to get snacky. Thank goodness I am back to my normal self; in fact we are going out to eat tomorrow w/a few friends and I said lets eat at this one place that serves brown rice, lots of veggies and shrimp so I know I will be safe since my friends are WW too. hehe I know goodies in moderation but I think we learn what works best for us over time, etc.

I didn't have time to workout today but I will for sure tomorrow. It was only a high of 60 today, craziness but I was happy to see the news say that it would warm up to the low 80's next week, yay!!!

HAPPY TUES friends

TAP, aww, you girlfriend sounds like a doll. hehe What do you usually eat for breakfast? great info; you are a wealth of good tips!

LISA, I heard you had a mild summer but I am glad it will warm up! You do live in a very pretty city; I wish I got to meet you last year when I was out there visiting! Your workouts sound killer; I think I am going to go back and do my intervals again. You are very inspiring!!! Oh I go out to FL in the early part of Oct so it probably will be nice? Hope your knee feels better soon!

DRAGON, good luck; hang in there!

TLH, wooohooo for being honored at work!!! eek those winds are tough but woohoo for you doing it! Oh no to getting hit by all that stuff; you are a trooper! Yum to chocolate!

SHARON, good to see you. Yay for your run/bikes!

ROD, yay for your workout; woohooo for getting there and working out hard! Your dinner sounded yummy, yay for a nice cooked meal by sweet Charlie!


Nov 24, 2006
Good Morning friends!!!! I had egg whites, whole grain toast and a slice of canadian bacon for breakfast and a few carrots. hehe It is in the 40''s right now w/a high of 60''s; I am in a sweater. I am looking forward to the 80''s by this weekend, wooohooo!

Tonight will be a nice walk w/my cousin. Have a GREAT DAY friends!!! Everyone sounds like they are having fabulous workouts, GO TEAM HLT


Jun 25, 2007
Good morning and Happy Hump Day! Last night I ended up reviewing most of the night, but I DID run our stairs 20 or 30 times and did 50 crunches, so I was happy. This morning was the test and I feel mostly confident about it, so that is good.
Tonight I''m going to try to get in some Jillian time... she makes me work hard hehehe. The funeral is tomorrow afternoon, so we are in the midst of preparing for that. Thank you all for your kind wishes. SO is doing ok for the most part, we''re still rather shocked as it was unexpected, but she was also older and I told him that we should be thankful she didn''t suffer some long drawn out sickness. She had gone into hospital on Friday with Bronchitis, and on Saturday was doing much better, but she slipped away Sunday afternoon. I''m just glad it wasn''t long, drawn out or painful for her. I have my 5k at the end of October, so I am trying very hard to be prepared for it. As per the recommendation of a local personal trainer, I''m upping my water intake, as I tend to cramp up during running and she said this is the most likely cause. Ted I would love your confirmation on this if you happen to know or have any tips. I get cramping in my lower abdomen. I also tend to have my right shoulder cramp up on me, which I''m wondering if that is strength related?

TLH - congrats on being honored at work! That is fantastic

Lliang - try walking, less impact, just do a power walk, and that gets your heart rate up. I also sometimes do walking sprints.

Rod - Great job working out, even if you are tired. I have to fight for motivation too sometimes, and I try to picture my ideal body type for myself and that usually makes me move.

Skippy - I tend to get snacky with more grain related carbs in my diet as well. I''m trying to build in more fruit and vegetables again. Poor SO is so used to the typical southern meat and sides staple diet, and I''m making whole grains and veggies so much. Last night he said "I''m tired of vegetables"
LOL. We still had broccoli, but I added some cheese for him


Jul 29, 2009

I wasn't sure you if you were talking about abdominal cramps when you run, or like if your leg/foot cramps up to where you need to rest. Both of these are different. As for cramps of the leg and the foot, there is no biological explanation to why they happen. *Edit* note the part "why". We know WHAT a cramp is biologically, just not the full explanation of why.

I was taught that a possible reason for cramping was a lack of oxygen to the muscles. When you train long distances, or for long periods of time, if you don't replenish the water in your body, your blood's viscosity thickens. This makes it harder for nutrients and oxygen to reach your muscles. So yes, water would be the short answer to help this problem. There are so many other factors. I found this article which helps explain theories. Its an semi-easy read and deff not that long! check it out!

Good luck!



Jul 29, 2009
Lisa, for energy and alertness, try taking b12 supplements. I also just did a quick research, and on a .gov website they said that individuals with "pernicious anemia" should take b12 supplements. Maybe this might help?

"Individuals with pernicious anemia
Anemia is a condition that occurs when there is insufficient hemoglobin in red blood cells to carry oxygen to cells and tissues. Common signs and symptoms of anemia include fatigue and weakness. Anemia can result from a variety of medical problems, including deficiencies of vitamin B12, vitamin B6, folate and iron. Pernicious anemia is the name given more than a century ago to describe the then-fatal vitamin B12 deficiency anemia that results from severe gastric atrophy, a condition that prevents gastric cells from secreting intrinsic factor. Intrinsic factor is a substance normally present in the stomach. Vitamin B12 must bind with intrinsic factor before it can be absorbed and used by your body [7,17-18]. An absence of intrinsic factor prevents normal absorption of vitamin B12 and results in pernicious anemia."

*National Institute of Health, Office of Dietary Supplements.

*Edit* I know you stated you have anemia that is not low blood count, but rather smaller blood cells. My connection was that the end result was the fact that you need to be absorbing the most nutrients you can with the size of the cells you have.

ALSO, the above statement that I quoted was for the main purpose of connecting anemia to possible b12 deficiencies. I already understand the difference in your condition, but there still might be this connection?

Hope this helps!



Dec 31, 2008
LISA- man that stinks! I''m sorry to read that. For someone who does as much as you do, who''d ever think it! Your boss sounds like a loony! Sorry that it is tough, and I hope you get your pep back! Be careful with your injury. With an acute injury, you might just be best to take a couple days off, to make sure it isn''t too serious... and as much as you hate the water, I mean you ARE AN AWESOME SWIMMER!!!! No I dont have horses, but there is a 3 mile stretch along my morning runs which is chock full of horsing stables and grounds, and neighborhoods with horse owners... it is pretty awesome, and always makes me smile on my runs!

Sharon- You said it sister! I hope you enjoy the nice fall weather and get some good run/rides in!

Rod- I love that your confidence is back! That is really awesome!

skippy- glad you are off your snacky mess! I notice if I add nuts to my meals, I dont feel the urge to snack. (That and when I dont have junk food laying around the house!) Enjoy the cooler weather, the 60''s are my favorite, I can run/ walk for ages n that weather!

dragonfly- Side stiches come from being dehydrated or running too fast. You can try drinkning more water (always works for me) or exhale deeply when you have the stitch, try breathing when you land on the opposite leg, to see if that helps work it out. BUt 9/10 it means I''m dehydrated. I like to eat soup in a breadbowl as my prerace (night before) meal, because the sodium helps me hold in the water, the bread is a good carb, and the soup also hydrates me... just a tip. I hope that your SO is doing alright. My thoughts are with him now.

Ted- great tips, you rock!

Everyone happy hump day! I''m having a super day. No complaints. got a solid run in this AM. Mother nature calmed down some, which was nice. Going swimming tonight w/ the hubs... and we''ll return and do some yoga. Dinner will most likely be Chicken Quesedillas... yum GR-ONIONS! mmmm mmm good!

"We have to learn to be our own best friends because we fall too easily into the trap of being our own worst enemies." Roderick Thorp


Apr 27, 2007
Good evening everyone!

Lorelei - the topic at our WW meeting today was non-scale victories. Smaller clothes are GREAT, but I''m loving that I''m not getting so tired during the day and that I can come home and not need a nap!

Skippy - I''m so not a summer girl, but only because of the humidity here. I love the heat! One summer we had 105 degree days (unusual for here) with almost no humidity. I loved it! My hair behaved and my achy bones felt better for once. Hubby hates the heat and kept complaining that he was going to burst into flames. What a baby! Glad your snackies are over, but I think you passed them on to me. . .

Lisa - ooh, sorry to hear you hurt your knee. Don''t overdo it right now. I had to go to the back dr after my slip a few weeks ago, and he told me to not exercise for a few days until the inflammation calmed down some. He told me that I could take leisurely strolls. I hate to hear that you''re having problems at work with your boss. I know that''s tough - I had a crazy boss once!

dragonfly - glad to hear you''re mostly confident about your test, and glad my studying days are over! That takes real commitment to exercise even while you''re studying! Sorry to hear about your SO''s great grandmother.

rod - how awesome that you''re back to pre-pain workouts! Congrats to you...all your hard work certainly paid off.

tlh - too cool that you were honored at work. Yay for you! Glad that mother nature was nicer to you today. You sound like such a good cook, always eating healthy. Does your hubby eat what you cook? Mine stands and eats frito''s while I''m cooking, and then adds a side dish of some other kind of chip to his plate. Right after my healthy dinner, he grabs a candy bar. I think he''s a hopeless case! I was making a weight watcher cake one evening, and he said something like, "you''re rigging that cake mix into some concoction that God never intended." Yep, hopeless.

I''m so confused today! Our WW lady changed our weigh in day to Wednesday instead of Thursday, so all day today after weigh in I have been thinking that tomorrow is Friday. I''m so disappointed!!!! I have been working such long hours this week that I''m all confused on the day anyway. I go to work, come home & eat, walk, and go to bed. I lost 1.5 pounds this week, so I''m happy about that! Lily chewed up my glasses last week. I couldn''t see well out of them anyway, but they were something to use if my contacts messed up. Of course today my contact split in half on my eye and my eye has been red and yucky all day! The nice lady at the eye dr helped me pick out a stylin new pair, which is hard to do with my prescription (-8.0). I just hope they come in really soon before I have another eye malfunction. I''m off to walk the pooch and then to bed. Good night!


Jul 29, 2009
deegee, congrats on your weight loss for the week :)


Apr 19, 2004

Congrats Degree!

Howdy to the rest of gang

Swaaeeeet weather keeps me outdoors to run/bike plus a wak at night. Unusually warm and lovin it! Altho I think I will go to the pool, as it is the deep water class and it is a good workout.



Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. What a week this has been. Monday a crown fell off a tooth and as luck with have it I was lecturing on 3 chapters that night. Ugh. My tongue seemed to gravitate to that spot making it and my mouth sore. Then I gave them their first test and 2 girls stayed 30 minutes past end of class working on their test. I finally ran them off and got home about 9:30 then had papers to grade for the online class.

Last night we got home late. I made supper, did dishes and then showed up at gum paste class an hour late. Came home, graded papers and went to bed. Today they called me to get me in to put my crown back on. They put it one and tested my bite – it was fine. They put on cement, set it and it is awful. The dentist got pretty nasty about “you said it was okay” and it was. Then they admit it looks like it shifted. He tried to knock it off by tapping on it with a hammer. FUN! It didn’t come off. So then he drills it down and bit and it felt better and we start to get up and it close my mouth and it doesn’t close right and I tell them and he gets snippy again. Mumbled something about get back in the chair and leaves the room. So me and his assistant figure he’s done so I leave pretty unhappy with him and my tooth. I walk in my office and the phone rings and they want me to come back at 11; he wasn’t done with me. He did apologize and they drilled on the crown some more. They finally get it better but it still is high. I can hardly chew and my mouth is very sore from all the drilling and tapping, etc. I don’t know what I’ll do.

Work was a delight today; my employee that is moving to another department Monday has everyone kind of upset that he doesn’t care about us or his job anymore so the floater who is helping us right now decides to tell him. So he talks to me. Then I talk to everyone. Then I have to talk to the floater. Then I have to talk to him again. Then he apologizes to all of us and 2 of my team wouldn’t look at him or pay attention to what he said so I am sure he’s mad at them now. Will the fun never end?

I had lab on campus tonight. We were going to walk off the solar system but it’s in the 40’s and windy so I said we’d do it another night.

Lorelei, great opener. Every little step counts and it is amazing how much easier it is do things when you are healthier.

Skippy, I am glad the anniversary party went well and you got to dance with your cute nephew. Glad to hear the snackies have gone away.

Tlh, that is great your husband got his bike back in time for his race. What a wonderful idea to have signs ready for him on the sidelines. Congratulations for getting honored at work.

Dragonfly, sorry to hear about your SO’s grandmother. I am glad your test went well today. My thoughts are with your SO’s family tomorrow.

Ted, I love to go for walks except they are expensive for me. I tend to gravitate to shopping malls.

Sharon, I am glad you are enjoying warm weather. We’ve been chilly here with snow in the mountains already.

Rod, you do work long hours so it is no wonder you are tired by the weekend. Glad you are able to really get back in to your workouts.

Lisa, thanks for the tips from your trainer. I hope your knee is better.

Deegee, congratulations for losing 1.5 pounds. I hate when your days get mixed up.

I am off to grade papers online.



Jul 22, 2007
I''m completely behind on this thread!

I have not done well this week. I haven''t worked out at all and I bought the Butterfingers tonight. I''m doing the nervous eating thing.

We just got good news while I''ve been typing. Unemployment benefits for IL have been extended an additional 13 weeks. It''s a relief. We were beginning to get a bit antsy!! Maybe I won''t eat those butterfingers now....we''ll see.

Have a great tomorrow!!


Dec 28, 2005
Hey.......It was just a plain lousy day. It started with my annual urology exam. They're never fun, but at least it was OK and the results of my PSA were good. In fact, my PSA was a tad lower than last year. The rest of the day was just downhill from there. As most of you know I'm a headhunter, for higher level Information Technology professionals. The first major disappointment came when a candidate I had been working on getting an offer for the last 4 months and who got the offer yesterday and who I got a significant increase (from just under a $100,000 to an offer of $165,000) turned the offer down. And he didn't even have the courtesy to tell me directly. He just sent an email to me and the company. Then two other people who were supposed to get offers, who had already decided to accept the offers, didn't get the offers when the client put them both on hold. And I had to call both people to tell them they were not getting offers. It was really hard and they both took the news badly. I had a really tough time doing any real work after all the "fun" news. Oh well, it is what can happen in my world. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day. I will go to the gym tomorrow night and work out this frustration. Then, it's off to MD, to be with my family and eat as much steamed crabs as I can!

Lisa, I re-read your posts and I'm sorry ou hurt your knee. I'm not running on a hurt knee would be good. But, the work issue you raised caught my attention. Since you know what I do, I really would recommend you sit down with your boss and let him know what's going on with you. It could help your relationship. Do you have an HR department where you work? If you do, you should definitely speak with your HR person about this. It really could be a benefit. Hugs to you my friend.........

Skippy, I do believe that bad carbs increase one's chance of snacking poorly, so I think you've found a good (and infinitely) healthier way to eat!! I hope you enjoy your dinner with friends. Wow, it's in the 40s and you're glad it's going to warm up to the 80s?? We'd kill to have some chilly weather down here. Well maybe not the 40s, but a day in the 60s would be so welcome!

My thoughts will be with you and your family at the funeral tomorrwo dragon. You know what helps motivate me?? Dead fear that by not working out, I won't workout. It's so easy for people to just stop and I've worked so hard over the last 3 years Rebuilding Rod that it scares me death I'll become complacent, sit on the couch and get fat again.

More great information Ted! It's like having our own personal fitness advisor, plus it is nice to have another guy on the HLT.........

Thanks tlh!! Yay for a super day. Mine sure wasn't........I hope you enjoyed your swim with your hubby. I meant to congratulate you for being honored at work........That's GREAT!!

And thank you too deegee. I'm sorry your days are mixed up. I wish tomorrow was Friday. Oh wait, for me, it is!! I'm off to Maryland Friday to visit my family......YAYAY for losing 1.5 pounds. That's a perfect number for a week!!

OK......Time for my stretches...........


Mar 13, 2008
Sharon, hooray for bike rides :) Do you do a bike then a run? That''s KILLER. I did those when I was training for my tri. OY!!!!

Rod, sorry work was such a bummer, bummer, bummer. Hugs. At least you have a fun trip to shake off the bad work vibes. I''m so happy your leg is so much better. Sigh, I''m SOOOO jealous Charlie makes dinner for you when you have your long gym days.... Sigh, if I could only get James to learn how to do ONE dish, that''d be AWESOME. Thanks for the advice about talking to HR. I dunno, I feel weird talking to people about this stuff. Should I just make an appt with my HR person and say, here''s the thing, I have this type of anemia, blah blah blah?

Skip! Wow, kudos on you for figuring out what triggers the snacking bug. Mmmm... veggies and shrimp sounds delish. Early Oct should be quite nice weather-wise in FL.

Dragon, hugs and prayers are with you and your SO tomorrow. Upping water will definitely help with cramping. We used to also eat bananas before our games/races, the potassium also supposed to help with cramping. The shoulder, could be weights if your lifted, but it could also be a sleeping position.

Ted, thanks so much for the research on B-12. I do take B-12 and/or B-complex supplements with my daily vitamins. I don''t take any iron, it supposedly messes with my allergy pills. The B-12 also helps absorb iron. I might try folate (is that folic acid?) or something.

TLH, I took a day off of running like all of you suggested. It kinda helped that I was feeling really blah and mopey. I''m sure it was tell-tale in the post. Cool with the horses. I hope it''s not stinky but running by horses everyday would also make me smile. I have boring runs, unfortunately.

Deegee, Awesome you lost 1.5 lbs this week!!! And bummer about the disappointment that tomorrow''s not Friday. Maybe you can do something extra fun on the way home so it''ll be a jumpstart to the weekend. After 1.5 lbs you totally deserve it. My dog grabbed James''s glasses off the nightstand once when she wanted him to wake up and walk her (I was out of town). He''s also like you, totally helpless with out corrective lenses. He was like "You''ve *GOT* to be kidding me!" Aren''t doggies fun?

Marcy marcy!!! Bummer your crown fell off and you had the dentist from Angry-ville. I''m glad work was so nice for you.

Shiny, I''m glad you guys are going to be okay. Hugs to you.

Today was Intervals Day with the trainer. It went pretty well. Tomorrow we have Wine Night, our DIY wine school. Sister''s Boyfriend is presenting. :)

Okay it''s way late and I''ve been trying to make an effort to get to bed early to get my rest (8 hrs). It''s 11:13 and i need to shove off. Hugs to everyone I missed. I''ll catch you manana.


Before i was on any vitamin supplements or birth control (sorry for TMI) my iron count was INSANELY low, my doc was like, "Wow, I can''t believe you play sports." I guess the body just learns to adapt. I did notice the week I was really bad about being fatigued was my cycle, so I''m sure it has to do with the anemia.
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