
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 18th May till 24th May

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Apr 30, 2005
Happy new week team!

The thread is hopping and everyone is doing great - well done! In order to keep things moving in the right direction I have had a hard think about what I am doing ( I review periodically) to make sure I am working hard enough when I exercise and that I am not consuming any extra calories inadvertently. It is easy to get into a routine and let things slip a bit, so review workout programmes and food to make sure you are mixing things up and putting enough effort in and also are keeping an eye on the calories.

I am going to stick to the hamster wheel for a week or so a la Dee and Rod as I have been overusing the treadmill, now I have a new elliptical I think it might be better for a more overall workout.

Use the opportunity of the better weather to see how you feel in those T shirts etc to decide on where you are and where you want to be. This can be an excellent incentive I find.

Have a great week


Feb 13, 2008
Lorelei - thank you! those are excellent, motivating thoughts for Monday, especially for me! I tend to do the 2 steps forward, 2 steps back thing more often than I care to admit - usually with my diet choices negating my hard work at the gym. I am really trying to focus on being very in the moment when it comes to food and not just mindlessly popping stuff in out of habit. My reward for the week is a SMALL glass of champagne each night during a little TV time - I realized it is actually pretty lo-cal and it is a great incentive for me to not have a cookie, brownie, or other junk during the day. Today was a great exercise day - weight training with the trainer for an hour, and 50 min of hill intervals on the treadmill - I hope I can keep it up this week! (trying to crack my plateau).

catching up from last week . . .

Lisa - hope you had a great weekend at home!

Geckodani - any and all exercise counts, that is so great that you are fitting it in where you can!

Bee* - yay for being done with exams (finally!) and for a great hen night - you are SO deserving of some fun!!

Rod - hope the rest day gave you some improvement in your leg; your weekend sounds yummy and relaxing!!

Danielle - good luck on your last training runs before your race, you are going to do great!

Dee*Jay - you are amazing, such good workouts weekdays AND weekends - awesome!

White Orchid - hurray for your weight loss, you are being so consistent, that is really impressive!

MarcyC - Hurray for finding your ring! (I saw your thread and
your stone!

Skippy - I love sleeping when it is cool outside, the best sleep! Glad you had a good weekend, and hurray for a 4 mile run/walk!!

Sharon - hills kill! that was probably a calorie-shredding walk

Elmorton - that is great that you love at least one of your bridesmaids dresses
sadly, the last time I wore one (it''s been a while) I looked kind of like a female Viking - biiiiiggg shoulders on that dress!

tlh - good tip on popsicles - I bought some this weekend and they were GREAT, it is so fiendishly hot here they are perfect.

Hurray for all the great healthy eating and exercise over the weekend to all - have a great week friends!


May 14, 2006
Hi everyone! I''m still recovering from the weekend-I think I could sleep for Ireland at this stage. Still can''t get over what a good weekend it was (there''s some photos on BWW if you want to see some). I love your opening Lorelei-I had to think very carefully about everything this morning. I''ve been so good for months now and usually if I''ve been away and had a blowout weekend I find it very hard to get back on track so this morning, I had to make sure that I got back to normal and didn''t continue to splurge. I did my weekly shop and stocked up on lots of fruit and veg so hopefully I''ll be ok. I''m going to do a work out and do a spin class and a step class tonight. It seems a bit excessive, but I do it every monday and I really enjoy it. Sets me up for the week.

Lorelei-yay for a new elliptical. I have really gotten to like that machine.

babysteps-yay for all the hard work. I love champagne-what a great treat every night!

White Orchid

May 4, 2008
Happy New Week!

I have no updates yet as I just woke up. It''s Victoria Day here in Canada so I''m taking advantage of the holiday and relaxing. I''m hoping the weather will be nice so DH and I can go for a nice long walk to the conservation area.

Lorelei, your openers are always so good! Enjoy your new elliptical machine. I love that it works your upper and lower body at the same time.

Thank you for the encouragement Babysteps! A little champagne sounds like a great treat after a long day of work.

Bee, I''m so glad to hear you had a good weekend. I''m going to go check out BWW right now!


Jul 5, 2007
Hi all! Happy Monday! I had a fantastic weekend - on Friday night I got a call that I'd won tickets to see David Sedaris, so we picked those up and then DH and I had a date night - dinner at Chilis (my chain restaurant weakness, but I actually ate within my points there) and then we went to see The Soloist (really good!). I had my massage Saturday morning, read at Starbucks (mmm skinny french vanilla latte) for an hour or so, did some light shopping (got tons of healthy groceries in preparation for being at home now that classes have finished) and then I grilled out with DH (turkey brats cut up and tons of veggies on skewers) for dinner and then we went out for icecream (I had sorbet with fresh strawberries - so good). Sunday we had the griling leftovers for lunch and then went to the ballpark to watch our minor league team. I LOVE summer baseball! It is hard to eat right at the park, but I actually just had a diet coke and a few sips of DH's beer and was perfectly happy. Then when we came home, we went on a bike ride on the trails near our house and had soy tacos with whole grain tortillas for dinner when we got back. I think that's I'll be having for lunch today, too :)

This morning we went to the Y and I ran (well, really jogged, but to me it's running) 1/4 mi and then walked 1/4 and so on until I got to 2 miles in 30 mins. It was a pretty big workout for me, since I'm pretty out of shape. I was feeling a little lightheaded after that, so DH and I walked around together and talked, and while we were walking, we saw a bootcamp class with a bunch of the morning regulars in it. It looked like fun, so I might go on Wednesday morning. I've also been thinking about taking Body Pump (Les Mills). Has anyone done one of those? I don't do a lot of weight training/don't feel very confident with weights/machines, so I'm wondering if a class might be a good substitute.

Lorelei - Great opening as always! Even though I'm really at the beginning of my weight loss/healthier living journey, I do find that it's important to really think about what I'm doing and figure out if I'm really doing things right or just going through the motions. Enjoy the elliptical!!

Bee - Yay for your hen weekend! I'm so glad you had a great time and I hope you've had a really long nap! :) I remember when I was coming home the day after my bachelorette, I picked up my car and started driving home from the city where we'd all met up. Unfortunately, I'd moved two weeks before - and I was so exhausted from the weekend that I mindlessly drove home to the WRONG TOWN. My friends teased me quite a bit for that!!

Babysteps - Oh no about a horrible bridesmaid dress!! Viking is a pretty apt description - I laughed out loud! For wedding #2, I'm the MOH so I went back over the weekend and tried on the dress that the bride liked but I didn't like on the hanger. It actually looked great - not something I'd wear again, but perfectly acceptable in the world of bridesmaiding - so we'll see. She's basically given me free reign to pick out whatever I want within reason, which is a sigh of relief to me. Wedding #3 though - there's pretty much no hope. The bride told me that her sis will be picking out the dresses and not only am I a completely different body type, but I'm not really a fan of the sister's style to begin with. But, after this run of weddings, almost all of my BFFs will be married, so I should be able to escape the bridesmaid thing relatively viking-look free :) Keep up the great work you're doing!!

White Orchid - Enjoy the holiday!! :)


Dec 31, 2008
Lorelei- I'm excited about your elyptical, they are an awesome work out, and really easy on the joints!

Babysteps, the champagne sounds yummy, as it is always good to reward yourself w/ a low cal alternative!

bee*- I'm glad you enjoyed your hen night, it sounds like a lot of fun!!!! spin AND step class! Wow, you are in for self torture... spin class always makes me wobbly kneed, and I always have a hard time just walking down the stairs after I'm done, let alone going up and down in step class! That is really awesome! Claps in a circle!

white orchid - it is always fun to change the setting on the elyptical, as different settings can totally rev up a workout. Level 5 is still nothing to sneeze at! Amazing that it now seems too slow! CONGRATS ON THE 2 POUNDS that is AWESOME!!!

Dee*Jay - great job w/ your running! kuddos!

Rod- lifting weights and building strength is nothing to sneeze at. I love compound strength workouts, because I get just as much done, but in less time! Plus all the great benefits that go with it! Building muscle strengthens bones and your connective tissues, which are the most common injuries that occur during aerobic activity! (Overuse injuries)

Canuk-gal- I hope you had a lovely weekend and a nice run. Xmas is December 25th in Canada, right?

marcyc- your muffins sound yummy, and what a fun low-cal snack to have! I'm envious of your EC!

skippy - walking with friends is such a fun activity, and your dinner sounded YUMMERS!!!

elmorton- yeah, summer baseball and beers in my weakness too... but sounds like you had a fun time! Also, I love CHILLI's!!! The soup gets me everytime (and the chips and salsa
) your weekend sounded fun though, great job on being satisfied w/ a few sips, I personally have such a hard time resisting any more ANYTHING, after a couple bites... so that is really AMAZING!!!

Inlaws in town this weekend, Holy over-eating batman! I think I had 1,500-2,000 calories a day OVER my alloted calories. Wow, why is it that celebrations are really focused around FOOD and Drink??? CRAZY! DH graduated w/ his MBA on saturday, so we basically went out for every meal, and had drinks at every turn. Usually DH and I don't eat that much, so we both are feeling tight in the pants today. Though he did a triathlon on Sunday, and I just watched... and I obviously didn't burn that many calories watching either. Actually, I had to play back burner this weekend to my running/working out... entertaining and having guests over really messed with my routine. So I just sighed and said, somedays you just need to recover and rest, as resting is just as important as the building process. (The tough part was I REALLY REALLY wanted to run sunday morning, but DH and I had to get up and prepare for his triathlon at 4am. I was going to go out to run, before everyone else woke up, but it was too dark, and for safety reasons, I decided against it. Since my DH couldn't run with me...) So that is me just complaining... I did redeem myself by getting up this morning and go for a quick 30 min run before work. During my run, I was thinking about how I was going to be able to fit in my workouts, and eat better during this week and the next two weekends when we'll be traveling and also entertaining. Though my run was almost 2 min/mile slower than usual because it was 15* hotter this morning and because of all the extra salt and bad food this weekend. Wow, the old saying, you run what you ate is soo true! I think I felt the margaritas coming out of me...

Anywho, wish you ladies the best this week!!!


Jun 24, 2005
Happy Monday everyone! It is a particularly happy Monday for me as it''s the start of summer hours at work in which we come in early every day, but get to have half day Fridays! I look forward to this every year and even though I hate waking up early, it is worth it for the extra time on Friday afternoon. Too bad it''s barely reaching 60 here today and not feeling like summer much.

Lorelei - good idea to mix it up a bit. I know I have to keep myself from running too much that I ignore my other weight training workouts. B/C of my running plan, I really haven''t had time to do strengh training and I can tell everything is just a bit looser on my body. I will be resuming a more balanced schedule though next week and am quite happy about that!

Skippy - last week''s thread you asked why that article suggested not doing intervals. My best guess that I can make is since you are a beginner they want you to focus on just getting the mileage in and not going for a specific pace or getting faster just yet. If you look at the intermediate and advanced plans in that same article, they have some serious intervals every week. I am going to start doing some intervals soon, but I am glad to have 13 weeks of building up muscles/tendons before I attempt that!

Babysteps - your trainer workouts sound intense! Love it!

Bee* - glad you had a great time at your hen party - I have no doubt you will bounce right back to your routine this morning!

White Orchid - whooo on a day of relaxing, we all need those!

Elmorton - you had a very busy weekend and it sounsd like tons of fun! Great progress on the treadmill! I used to feel a bit lightheaded after running too, and I found that something with sugar in it usually made me feel better really quickly (ie an orange or a gatorade of some sort). Be careful though and don''t push too hard!

tlh - you are a trooper and great supporter for getting up at 4am for your hubbies triathalon. Do you run by yourself during daylight hours? I don''t mind running by myself, but I always have that nagging feeling that something could happen to me and then I''d be alone. I never go far from the house and always have some sort of id on me and most times my phone. My dad just ordered me a RoadID too which attaches to my shoe so I don''t have to bring my license with me anything. I guess maybe I''m a bit paranoid :).

As for me, I definitely overdid it this weekend in terms of food, drinks and lack of sleep. I felt pretty out of it yesterday, but am feeling more normal today. I am supposed to run 3.25 miles today, but unfortunately I won''t be able to as I have a dinner with co-workers and it''ll be dark/the gym will be closed by the time I get home. But I am planning to do the 30 day shred tonight after dinner to at least fit a workout in! I have been having trouble staying asleep at night the past week, so I really hope that improves this week!

Have a great day everyone!!!


Nov 29, 2004
DH and I had a fabulous anniversary trip in Savannah. Since Savannah is a walking city I got some exercise without actually exercised b/c we did so much walking around town. I went to my TBT class today at lunch and am hoping to squeeze in a walk/jog this evening before my girlfriends come over to watch the bachelorette. I won''t have a chance to exercise tomorrow.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Sorry I have been MIA lately. The good news is going through personal drama really slows down the appetite! I think I lost a couple lbs from stress alone. I am finally getting back to the gym routine tonight. My workout buddy is out of town this week so it will be harder to be stay motivated! But I can do it. I am going to take T on a walk after she eats her lunch. Hope everyone is doing well.


Dec 31, 2008
Danielle ~ I AM SOO JEALOUS! It was 80* during this morning''s run and will be 107* by this afternoon. BLEH! I hate AZ summer''s! 60* is nice running weather though so that is awesome, but I agree, doesn''t feel too summery though. I also know what you mean about when training it is easy to forget the other aspects, like weight-strength training. I hate how soft I get on some places, but man, one thing I love about running is how it tones up and gives rock hard abs... well underneath my soft tummy is a killer 6 pack!
I''d just recommend doing a few set of compound movements during commercials, lunges, pushups, the plank
, and wall sits are a few of my favorites... and just doing them during the commercial break of my fave tv shows a few days a week, really help me feel not so bad about not hitting the gym when my running starts taking up A LOT of time.

Thanks for calling me a supporter, I can''t say I''m THAT great though, since I normally get up at 5 to run... but I''ll take it where I can get it!
I''ll run alone during the daylight hours, depending on the length of my run... anything under 8 or 10 miles, I''ll do alone. Anything more than that and I''ll either run to the gym, and hit a treadmill and run back, or wait until the DH will run with me. If it is the summer, and I have to leave SUPER early due to the heat, I''ll usually run on the treadmill, but I try to be careful not to do too much of this because of the belt movement mechanism throws off street form. I too get really paranoid about my safety, and I live in a nice area- but you can never be too careful. However tri season and marathon season are during different times of the year... so when I''m in full fledged marathon training, my DH is running with me. As far as tonight is concerned....If you live in a residential neighborhood you could drive the block in your neighborhood to measure out either a 1/4 mile or 1/2 mile and run it in a repeated loop - or just skip it. IF you have to miss a short run, it isn''t that big of a deal, as it can provide some nice rest and recovery for your body - just don''t miss your long runs. The thing is, if you are training, just dont do JUNK MILES to make up for it... just miss the day. Junk miles are the quickest way to an overuse injury. Knock out that 30 day shred!!!! and have fun during your dinner!


Dec 31, 2008
appletini- so glad the unintentional workouts were so effective! Hope you get your jog in, and have fun w/ your girlfriends!!

Tacori- sorry to hear about the stress and drama, but good thing it is resulting in weight loss and not the other thing! (stress makes me ++++) I''m sorry your workout buddy won''t be there, when I have to work out on my own I buy a new song for my Ipod to boogie to... and I sing along, like move my mouth, sure people think I''m crazy, but it helps me to gage my effort w/o someone to talk to.


May 14, 2006
Evening everyone! I did my hour work out, spin and step! Think the hangover kicked in during spin-I felt dodgy! So much so that the girl next to me asked did I need to get off the bike and get air
I didn''t think I looked that bad! Haven''t eaten much today as I''m not hungry at all after all the food on Saturday/Sunday. Hope you all had a great day!

White Orchid-enjoy the holiday! Thank you!

El-that''s hilarious that you drove to the wrong town! Brilliant!!! It sounds like you are doing amazingly well! Go El!!

Thanks tlh-I''m shattered now after it all. Congrats to you hubbie and I hope you enjoyed all the food at the weekend. It would be so cool if we could burn calories watching others exercise!

Danielle-thank you! Yay for half day friday!

appletini-glad you had a good weekend!

Tacori-hope everything is ok.

Talk to you all tomorrow morning!


Dec 31, 2008
bee* - So true! If it doesn''t burn calories, watching the bikes zoom past could give whiplash! HA! I am soo impressed w/ your step and cycle workout. That is really AWESOME. You must have some killer calves and quads!


Nov 24, 2006
Great posts; yay for all the great workouts!!!
Agh, so i had to go to Target but I needed one thing and and a few other items. Well I remembered the Other items but not the specific thing I did need; I should have made a list.

Well I had plans to get up and jog but I kept waking up every few hours so I will go jogging this evening; I am just hoping it isn't too hot. If it is I will just jog my block so I can get walk between. hehe The weather person says it is suppose to cool off mid week so I hope they are right!

LORELEI, wooo for your runs!!! Yay for a new elliptical; I bet you are excited to try that out too! Great opening thanks!!! The little tortoise says hi!

BABYSTEPS, I agree when it is cold it is the best sleeping condition. hehe It was sort of hot last night, boo; I need to find a quiet fan. Thanks! Yay for working out and eating healthy!

BEE, sounds like you had a great weekend. off to check out pics, yippeeee! Yay for step

WHITE, happy Victoria day!

ELMORTON, woohooo for a fantastic weekend, sounds like so many fun things you did! Yay for running, awesome girl!

TLH, thanks for all your wonderful encouraging posts!!! You are awesome woman! hehe Congrats to your dh that is awesome on the MBA
and a triathalon!!! Yay for a run this morning!

DANIELLE, yay for half day Fridays. I will send a little heat over if you send some cold. hehe Oh thanks, that makes sense on the intervals; I won't be going to those classes, I loved them though. Yay for running!

APPLE, yay for Savannah!!! Was it warm out there?

TACORI, good to see you friend, enjoy the gym and walk!


Nov 29, 2004
Skippy, It was a little warm, but similar to Houston weather so I was prepared for it. Although it did rain a little on Fri afternoon so I had to chi my hair 3 times that day.


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 5/18/2009 5:55:32 PM
Author: appletini
Skippy, It was a little warm, but similar to Houston weather so I was prepared for it. Although it did rain a little on Fri afternoon so I had to chi my hair 3 times that day.
Did you get to eat at the Lady and sons? Glad you had a great time; I love all the spanish moss on the trees and cobble stone roads. It is so pretty! What a nice way to spend your anniversary, Happy Anni!!!


Nov 29, 2004
Skippy, Actually we decided to skip the Lady and Sons and we''re glad we did b/c all of the other places we at at were fantastic. Plus some locals told us lady and sons isn''t worth the hype. We ate at The Shrimp Factory, Olde Pink House, Il Pasticcio, Noble Fare, and Ambrosia.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
I went. I sweated. I survived. I am looking for some good workout shorts...above the knee. I am short. Any ideas?

tlh, I go to classes so it isn''t SO bad going alone but you have no one to laugh with when you screw something up. I hate running. Wish I could do it but I am pathetic. I know what you mean about great muscles UNDER the flab. Haha.

bee*, sounds like you are doing great. Things were really bad but are slowing improving. Just a reminder that there are lots of detours, road bumps and wrong turns on this road of life

Skippy, hope you got your jog in!

apple, I have ALWAYS wanted to go to Savannah. I think it is a 5 hr drive for me.


Nov 24, 2006
Okay, I walked 1 mile and jogged 2 because it is lightning outside and came in. Oh well I wanted to walk one more mile but lightning scares me. I was so hungry today for some reason; I ate within my calories but I just was craving weird stuff. Have a good Monday all; I might just shut down my computer for tonight and read a book. eta: now the rain is coming down.

TACORI, woohooo for your workout!!! It sounds like a great workout!!! Target sometimes has some cute workout shorts?


Dec 28, 2005
Heya.........It was a typically looooong Monday at work, but a productive one. I had my chiro appointment at 6 and he feels I''m making good progress. The leg still hurts, but not as badly as it has hurt. I''m not Mr. Patient to be honest, so he has to keep reminding me that it can take a couple months to get over Sciatica. I met Charlie for sushi at 7 and have been doing work since we got home. I''m sorry for not saying hey to everyone individually, but I have more work to do for the night. Tomorrow''s an ''uber'' Tuesday as I plan to go to the gym immediately from work.

Enjoy the new elliptical Lorelei!! I''m hoping I can be back in the swing of ellipticisivn (sp!) soon!

Tacori, I''m sorry you''ve had a stressful time. I hope everythings going much better for you. Stress is the worst. You take care........

Marcy, my Mustang was not a nice car. It was grey with black vinyl seats that were ripped and in pretty poor shape. But, it was my first car and it did fine until I burned the clutch out......LOL

Again, hey to everyone. Have a great Tuesday!!


Feb 27, 2007

Hi everyone!I hope you had a great Monday.

I stayed in my calories today.The weekend was not so good.Today I had cereal and fresh fruit for breakfast, a 104 calorie muffin for my mid morning snack, a chicken sandwich with a 100 calorie bag of Fritos for lunch, letter cookies for my mid afternoon snack and a grilled hamburger and oven French fries for supper.I ate my raw veggies while the burgers cooked on the grill.Our treat was some low fat chocolate ice cream.

I also enjoyed looking at my new ring today.I’d best enjoy it I won’t be buying any new little beauties for a long time.

Lorelei, great opener.I am not generally motivated by summer clothes.I am so cold blooded there are only about 2 days of the year I think it’s warm enough to wear summer clothes.LOL.But of course I continue to stay motivated because that’s just what I do now; I work on watching my calories and taking the time to exercise.Today at work I walked a time card over to another building.The sun was out the day was gorgeous so I took the long way around building 3 got to building 2 then walked down the halls to the top of building 1 where I work.Then they called and said the time card I turned in needed an update so I walked it over there again.This time I walked around building 3 and 2 then to the door in building 1.It’s great to get in a few walks at work.

Babysteps, I love champagne.What is your favorite?Mine is really Asti Spumanti.My evening treat is usually low fat ice cream.

Bee, I am glad you had a great weekend.

White Orchid, I hope you had a nice, quiet day with a lovely walk.

Elmorton, you did have a wonderful and healthy weekend.Have fun trying out the boot camp class this week.I did post a few more photos of my EC in my SMTR thread.

Tlh, I love muffins so I buy the mixes and divide them up to get them to an agreeable calorie range for me.Congratulations to your DH for graduating.I am glad you didn’t go running in the dark.

Danielle, your weekend sounds like my usual weekend lately.I look forward to Monday so I can go back to my normal routine.

Appletini, I am delighted to hear you had a lovely time in Savannah and also go in a lot of walking.

Tacori, I hope things are going better for you this week.I saw your lovely EC ring in the EC & Asscher’s thread.I love the sapphires with it.Yay for a great workout.

Skippy, I hate when I go to get something and bring home bags full of things but forgot what I went to get.We are cooling off by the weekend too but it was gorgeous here today.

Rod, I hate to hear it will take so long for your nerve to heal but it sounds like the chiropractor is really being helpful to you.I am not a patient person either but I work at it.We always have a soft spot in our hearts for our first cars.My mustang was very nice but sadly not a practical car for newlyweds in a climate where you could only drive the car in the summer hence that is why we bought a little front wheel drive wagon.

Take care.




Nov 29, 2004
I did my two-a-day. I went for a 30 min walk/jog routine when I got home. We had a slight front come in over the weekend so it was great to be outside. I won''t get to exercise again until Wed at lunch.


Dec 29, 2006
Good morning!

I haven''t been here in ages, and this is just a quick check in. I hope all is well with everyone.

I wanted to get a message to Rod that D. found a new job in Charlotte. It was a very quick process! He had spoken with 4 recruiters down there (one of them was your friend), and one of them was able to get D. an interview. They offered him a position late last week, and they''d like him to begin next week. So within 1 week of getting the offer, we have had to work out the details, get D. an apartment, rent a truck, and find movers to help us. We''re moving down there in a few days and then I''ll fly back home on Tuesday. I''m going to finish out the school year up here, and then look for a teaching position next year. If I don''t find one, I''ll stay up here with family and teach for one more year before trying again in NC for the 2001-11 school year. My head is spinning with all the things we need to focus on doing. I know that D. hasn''t had much time lately, so I don''t know if he''s gotten in touch with you to let you know. I''m sure he will though.

By the way, thanks Rod and Dee Jay for helping Tacori get in touch with me. Tacori, Princesss, D. and I met while we were down there, and we had a really good time. SO thank you for helping!


Jun 27, 2008
good morning! i know i didnt post much on the last thread, my apologizes. I have managed to still keep up with the elliptical everyday for 30 minutes (doing the weight loss routine). I''ve graduated this week to the stair stepper, and honestly thought i might die after 5 minutes. i was quite proud to make it to 30 - granted i did have ren and stimpy to get me through the remaining work out.

anyone have any suggestions to help maxamize the stair stepper? i am trying to focus on weightloss, and my thighs


Mar 13, 2008
Hey everyone I''m back from sunny warm FL! I didn''t get any yoga in but it was nice hanging out with family etc. My parents has a b-day party for Leena and I on Sunday. It was really nice all around. AND my cousin''s baby was born so we have a new member of the family!

Rod, I was in West Palm Beach. I connected in Tampa so I waved out of the airplane to you. Hope the chiro is helping your leg. Have an uber day.

Lorelei, fantastic post (as usual). I definitely need to reevaluate the fitness regimen. Sometimes you fall into a rut and don''t pay attention to things anymore. I''ve definitely stopped paying attention to my food intake, which is bad.

Beach, champagne sounds like a fantastic reward. I''m getting inspired to do the same. Mmmm. I can polish off a bottle of bubbly myself. Although I try not to do that....

Bee, glad you had a fun hen night. My sister is starting to plan mine :) We might do a lake house for the weekend. Or Sonoma Valley if the flights aren''t that expensive. Spin AND step class is quite intense! Good for you!

White Orchid, Man, I wish my boss would take Victoria day off! I was working a good 2-3 hours yesterday! I''m glad you enjoyed it.

Elmorton, Wow, you had a fantastic weekend! Good for you! Awesome you ran 2 miles! That''s a fantastic workout.

TLH, I''m glad you had a good weekend with the in-laws in town. Sorry you went over on the calories, but sounds like you do a lot of serious running. I''m sure you''ll make up for it! I agree with you, it''s most important to stay safe while running. I''m super impressed that you do such high mileage. I used to HATE running. Then last summer I was training for a tri, and did a lot of running since that was my weakest link. Now I tolerate it. I''m trying to work myself up to doing 12-15 miles a week. So far I haven''t. Have you done any tri''s?

Danielle, Hooray for half Fridays! Totally worth it in the summer when the weather''s nice. You can get in some wonderful bike rides on those Fridays. Good luck on the race this weekend :)

Apple, glad you had a nice trip down to Savannah. I think I want to take my parents to that for a family vacation. I need to check with my sister and see what she thinks. I keep hearing such nice things about Savannah, and my folks are in S. Florida so it''s not a far trip for them.

Tacori, hugs to you about the drama. But hooray for the good work out.

Skip, I''m totally like that when I go to Target too! Or I walk out spending over $100 when I just ran in there to get cough syrup!
Glad the running is going well :) I''m scared of lightning in FL. They have some CRAZY lightening storms down there!

Marcy, I need to find this thread about your ring!!!! Thanks for the compliment on my asscher. My FI picked the diamond out so I can claim no credit. I did pick out the setting and I LOVE it.

Zoe, I saw your hubby got the job in your Hangout thread! So happy & exciting! Sounds like your''e going to be SUPER busy for the next few weeks. Hugs! Remember to get you sleep! It does no good for you to deprive yourself of that!

Jcarly, awesome on the elliptical every day. I don''t have any tips on the stepper because I usually avoid that like the plague. I''m a big wimp, so that makes your stepper foray SUPER impressive.

I have my interview at 3PM today. I need to do a mock presentation, so I"m hoping it''ll go well. Then sis and I might do roll your own sushi for dinner. My brother''s friend caught some Mahi on Saturday and we brought it back up with us. I might stop off at a fishmonger and pick up some tuna or salmon or something to add variety to the sushi.


Dec 31, 2008
Tacori- omg! actually working out in the group classes w/o your buddy sucks worse than just going at it alone, imo... man, I was always screwing up in my classes, and it is fun to laugh at yourself w/ a buddy, (laughter burns 10-40 calories every 15 mins!), but man I hate it when stranger stare at me like I just sniffed some glue or something! It depends on how much you like your legs to what shorts I''d recommend... I''m short too, and I really like running long distances in compression shorts, or biker shorts.. (they make it less obvious that my thighs are jiggling), and then for shorter runs when I don''t care I like the runner shorts w/ the net underneath that are 2 1/2" inseam, but they make me a little self conscious... so maybe an in between jobby? I''ve even seen running skorts that my BFF swears by! and they are SUPER CUTE!!! Also I agree w/ skippy, Target does have some cute stuff!!!

Skippy - awesome job getting out there for 3 miles!!! Lightning scares me too! I think that is why races put the BOOM Rule into effect. (Basically if you see lightning or hear thunder, the race is cancelled. They won''t cancel a race for rain... I ran a marathon in a downpour, and man, that STUNK, but not as bad as if they cancelled it!) Plus sometimes you just need to follow your body''s cravings, as it can sometimes lead you to vitamin and mineral difficiencies... I must be having a cake deficiency right now, because YUM!
Great job staying w/n your calories!!!!

Rod- I''m glad to read you are progressing! Sciatica is horrible, my DH had to go through treatment for months, BUT, the good news is, once he got over that and took the time so it healed properly it hasn''t been a problem since. So I wish you the same results. I hope sushi was fun, and I wish you the best workout at the gym! Might be fun to focus on the arms and upper back? (depending on your sciatica...)

Marcy- FANTASTIC job w/ the eating (that is the hardest part for me)! SOUNDS DELICIOUS!!! I tried the muffin thing, only to find out that I don''t have a muffin pan! I had it before the move, and now... WHAT! so I made like a muffin - cake? I dont know what it was - my DH was laughing at me for awhile... it looked like a blueberry pancake... . I love taking walks around work too! It is a great way to stretch the legs after sitting at a computer all day!

appletini- 2 adays! Yeah, summer is 2aday season out here because of the heat! I''m glad I''m not alone in my self torture!
The best part of a 2aday is the calorie spike after the workout happens TWICE! WHOOP WHOOP! Way to go! I''m glad you got your WORKOUTS in, that is fantastic!!!

ZOE- congrats to D on the job! I wish you the best!!!

jcarley- congrats on the movement up to the stairstepper... those things are KILLEr. I know when I work out at the gym, I''m always seeing the profootball players and even ref''s (my DH tells me, I don''t recognize those guys) at the gym working on the stairstepper next to me... so I know they have to be an AWESOME workout!
The trick I want to advise is it doesn''t matter how fast or slow you need to go, if you are using your ARMS on the bars, you are removing 20-60% of the workout from your legs (depending on how HARD you are holding those things..) So the trick is, if you find yourself holding the bars, slow it down. That will put all the focus on your thighs - esp the QUADS. (if you REALLY want your thighs to look good switch running and the stairstepper... Running works your back of the legs, stairstepper the front, and the bike the front...) GREAT JOB! The stairstepper is a much more difficult workout than the elyptical beause it works out completely different muscle groups... so it was harder because DIFFERENT -nonworked muscles were FIRING!

lliang_chi - your visit sounded really nice, I''m glad you enjoyed the time w/ the family even w/o squeezing a workout in... sometimes you just need to enjoy the time you have w/ loved ones when it is so limited. Wow, awesome on the tri''s! What distances do you do? Your running weekly mileage sounds phenom also, HUGE PROPS!! (I don''t do tri''s. I''m like WEIRD about riding the bike competitively, I just get scared of the cars! Just watching the tri this weekend, I saw 3 people take a spill because of stupid pedestrians walking in front of the bicyclists - and when the cycle swerved to miss the idiot, they fell... feet strapped in and everything. I just don''t know that I can handle that sort of power under my butt... those guys were going 30+ miles per hour, maybe even 40 down that hill!!!!! I have several girlfriends that do them, and my DH, and maybe they''ll wrangle me in since swimming and other CT including the stationary bike (my least favorite!!!) is part of my training, but I don''t is SUCH an individual sport... and EXPENSIVE! haha!) Good luck on your mock presentation, and I hope you enjoy your dinner.. sushi is YUM!

Today was good. I got up and did my 30 minute run. I even laced up my tennis shoes and DH and I walked 1/4 mile on the way to work when it started raining, so we turned around and ran back home! Got in the car to drive to work today. SUCH A DISAPPOINTMENT. I hate driving to work... but it beats showing up sopping wet in a possibly transparent dress!
I''ve gotten off the hook for lunch today too. WHOOHOO! I think I''ll have a protein shake to try to get my calories back on track. This weekend was CRAZY overeating! I''m glad it is dress season, helps me get away with hiding those extra pounds a little easier until I can work them off!



Jul 22, 2007
sorry I''ve been MIA again. I''m getting over bronchitis and still trying to work outside. I had to go to the dr twice. The first time I got 4 Rx''s, then I got a 5th on my follow-up. I feel a ton better, but I don''t like taking so much medicine. I feel a bit out of it. Okay, a LOT out of it.

Hope all is going well. I''ll try to catch up later. Maybe when I''ll remember what is going on.


Dec 31, 2008
somethingshiny - glad the medicine is working, hope you feel top notch soon!!!


May 14, 2006
Evening everyone! I did my hour of spin, a workout and an hour of tone class today. Absolutely shattered now but am really enjoying it all. Spaghetti is on the menu for dinner tonight so I can''t wait to heat the buzzer ring as I''m starving!

tlh-I hate my calves-they''re really big from horse-riding and I can never find boots to fit me.

Skippy-yay for getting out for jog/walk! What were you craving?

Tacori-yay for going to class! I''m no help on the shorts as I hate wearing them in the gym-my legs aren''t ready to be unleashed at the gym yet

Rod-yay for making good progress with the leg! Enjoy "uber" tuesday!!

Marcy-reading what you ate yesterday is making me hungry-it all sounds fab! Well done for staying within your calories!

hi appletini and zoe!

jcarly-well done on doing the elliptical daily! 30 mins is great!

lliang-dying to hear what you will do for your hen! That''s exciting! Glad you enjoyed FL!

tlh-yay for your run! A transparent dress would not be good in work!

something-sorry to hear you were sick!

Talk to you all tomorrow!


Oct 20, 2007
I hurt my foot last week so I haven''t been doing much besides sitting on my bum and eating cookies. I did go for a couple of short and slow walks. I''ll probably sit out this week (and maybe next week) as well. I really need to get my foot better before I start running or wearing the trainers again.
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