
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 14th July till 20th July

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Aug 17, 2005
Hello LHers!

I've been MIA from here for WAY TOO LONG. I think i last posted in October after my France trip...

Fast-foward to 2008. The last 6 months have been a whirlwind for me. I was in serious job-hunting mode after the new year, and landed a great gig! I started my new job in March and have been in training mode. I think i'm starting to "get it".

A couple of cool things about my new job- I'm no longer a road warrior. I perhaps travel 1x a month- quite a shift from 4x a month at my old gig. AND, our new offices (we moved in late May) are in a office/retail center that includes a 24hr Fitness location! I've begun working out again, although not regularly until just this week. I went 4 times, which is HUGE for me. Yep, it's a drag to get up early (6a)- but it's not that much different that when i used to awake for my old job (6:30a). This is because i no longer have an hour+ commute! Yep, the other cool thing about my new job. I now have a 20 minute commute.

Anyway, I'm back on here because I do want to work on once again incorporating exersise and healthy eating into my lifestyle. I have about 25lbs to lose (the same as before), and am taking it 5 lbs at a time. Baby steps!

I have no excuses now because of the job, but I do need encouragement. That's what I LOVE about this forum. Ya'll are such an inspiration, and I hope to contribute and give back to the group.

A special shout-out to Marcy for reaching your goal. Way to go!


Mar 26, 2006

Happy Friday all! Today, I'm thrilled to report, was MUCH better than yesterday. I planned on working out in the morning and then picking up my client for her final walk-through and closing. The instant I got myself strapped into my workout bra an agent called and said her client was going to make an offer on one of my listings but she needed the disclosures. Of course I offered to fax or email them to her, but the power was out in her office so I had to jump in the car and physically take them to her. Workout right out the window. Then, during the 5 minutes my client and I took to do her final walk though my car was towed, so I put my client in a cab to get to her closing and I went off in search of the city impound yard. When I finally got there I was cracking jokes with the guys behind the counter, and one of them said, "Ma'am, you're in an awfully good mood for someone who just had her car towed," and I said, "Honey, I park illegally over a thousand time a year and this is the first time you got me. I owe you one!" The closing was successful though, so it was a good day in all, even though I didn't get to the gym.

Now for today's lesson: Do not wear new underwear to the gym without knowing how they behave first. Let's just say that after 30 mins on the elliptical it would pretty much take an archeological dig to get this thong out of my... um... you know... and after an additional 30 mins on the treadmill they have simply become a permanent part of my body. I can just imagine my next annual ob-gyn visit:

Doctor: "No, dear, you actually need to remove your underwear for this."
Me: "I've been trying for 7 months now!!!"

Well this post turned out to be very "life" related and not very "health" related -- sorry about that!

Rod, I'm THRILLED to hear about your brother!

Charger, welcome back!

Vespergirl, what is this magic 5 factor workout?!

Appletini, good for you on the walk/jog!

Miscka, absolutely allow yourself a little treat on the weekends. We all need something to look forward to.

Skippy, I'm jealous of your peaches! I haven't had a really good one yet this year.

Julianna, LOL on the "climb"!

Marcy, OMG - Rolax! Hysterical!!

Appletini, those are some great tips!

PG, ooh, I love a good Malbec!

Lorelei, our weather is slightly pants right now (hot and humid) so I hope you're doing better than we are.

Amanda, I totally understand the obsession with your new phone. You should have seen me when I first got my Crackberry. Totally engrossed!

Linda, hope you and Mazie had a nice walk!

Something, good for you and the 16 lbs!!



Dec 28, 2005
I had written my usual long daily confessional and wham.......lost it. And it was clever too, if I don't say so myself. I just don't have the energy to retype it. So, in a nutshell........

"Uber" long day.......
No gym, too tired
Charlie worked tonight
Rod had two slices of indulgent, fat dripping, carbohydrate ladden, pepperoni/mushroom pizza (for a mere $4, mind you)
People had to wonder who the weirdo was eating his pizza and moaning in exstasy over two stupid slices!!
Sat under the oak and enjoyed a cup of decaf
Came home and did some more work
Charlie's not working tomorrow, so we get a real weekend together
Planning on seeing Mama Mia, which we can't wait to see!

Wow, maybe I should summarize my day like that more often!

Thanks Marcy!!
You too Skippy. OK.....I'll just have to come to NM, to get my spinach lasagna!!

Your daily post was simply too funny DeeJay! Thanks for giving us a good laugh at your own expense (pun intended!)
Good for you doing the stairmaster Julianna and thank you about my brother as well!
Miscka, I'm jealous that you already saw the Dark Knight. I hear it's fantastic and is a must see for us as well!
Yay for your jog/walk Apple!
Vesper, I don't know if you know who Toni Little is (he works out in our gym), but he would say......"You Can Do It!!"
Great to see you Charger, and congrats on the new less travel intensive job! (since you were last here, Charlie and I were both laid off, had a nice 5 month vacation) and just recently went back to work!

OK......Rod out. Charlie just got home and I'm going to go sit with him and Sakai!

Rod is sleeping in till he can't sleep anymore tomorrow!

Sleep well everyone.


Mar 26, 2006
Date: 7/18/2008 10:13:25 PM
Author: Rod
I had written my usual long daily confessional and wham.......lost it. And it was clever too, if I don''t say so myself. I just don''t have the energy to retype it. So, in a nutshell........

''Uber'' long day.......
No gym, too tired
Charlie worked tonight
Rod had two slices of indulgent, fat dripping, carbohydrate ladden, pepperoni/mushroom pizza (for a mere $4, mind you)
People had to wonder who the weirdo was eating his pizza and moaning in exstasy over two stupid slices!!
Sat under the oak and enjoyed a cup of decaf
Came home and did some more work
Charlie''s not working tomorrow, so we get a real weekend together
Planning on seeing Mama Mia, which we can''t wait to see!

Wow, maybe I should summarize my day like that more often!

Thanks Marcy!!
You too Skippy. OK.....I''ll just have to come to NM, to get my spinach lasagna!!

Your daily post was simply too funny DeeJay! Thanks for giving us a good laugh at your own expense (pun intended!)
Good for you doing the stairmaster Julianna and thank you about my brother as well!
Miscka, I''m jealous that you already saw the Dark Knight. I hear it''s fantastic and is a must see for us as well!
Yay for your jog/walk Apple!
Vesper, I don''t know if you know who Toni Little is (he works out in our gym), but he would say......''You Can Do It!!''
Great to see you Charger, and congrats on the new less travel intensive job! (since you were last here, Charlie and I were both laid off, had a nice 5 month vacation) and just recently went back to work!

OK......Rod out. Charlie just got home and I''m going to go sit with him and Sakai!

Rod is sleeping in till he can''t sleep anymore tomorrow!

Sleep well everyone.
That should probably be "my own EXPANSE" -- have you seen the size of my a$$ lately?!?


Jun 20, 2008
I''m so embarassed to admit this:

I totally fell off of the horse today! Here''s my confession- *sigh* I had a bisquit at breakfast, the coffee cake during the day, and for dinner I had a chilli/cheese hotdog, tater tots, and an ice cream Sunday... and the last day I went to the gym was Tuesday.

Kudos to the rest of you for staying on the horse. I''ll try and start over tomorrow.


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 7/18/2008 9:09:59 AM
Author: Julianna
Morning everyone! It's Friday and that means Stairmaster day! Today I climbed quite a few of those treehouses from Lord of the Rings that the elves live in.
Glad that's over.

Lor: You and I are equally wimpy, it seems. I am a fab rationalizer, too, in the vein of: Ok I'm going to run for ten more minutes. Ten more minutes....ok seven minutes because that leaves time to shave my legs in the shower....ok five minutes because I did so well yesterday. I deserve an easier day today. Ok I'm stopping now, heck with it. *steps off treddy in shame*

marcyc: That's ok about the tanzalite. Live and learn, yes? As long as your money gets put back in order correctly, you can just chalk it up to experience. Also, Rolax! Hee hee!
Sorry about your crappy sleep, I have a lot of really bad dreams too. Sometimes they're so bad that I'd rather not go back to sleep.

phoenix: Well, I've got the lying prostrate part down pat... You're right about the privacy. I learned Pilates at home before I tried it at the gym, and it helped me alot with the awkwardness of a new class.

Skippers: I LOVE the chocolate Fiber One bar. It really is good! It actually tastes better and has a better texture than most of the bad-for-you granola bars. And the apple one is great too. My body unfortunately does not... *ahem*...handle that form of fiber very well, though, so there's a price to pay for that delicious healthiness. Also, I'm so jealous that you are going to see The Dark Knight! I need to find someone to go with, or I might end up in there alone. One way or the other, I'm seeing that movie! And soon!

Rod: Fantastic news about your brother! I hope his treatment is painless and well-executed and his recovery is quick.
Jules, you crack me up!!!

Great news about your brother Rod!

Dee - I am crying!!!

Amanda - don't worry, tomorrow is a new day!
Hi all


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone!
Marty got home last night.
His entire family (except on sister) is in town for his grandma’s birthday party so we’ll be busy with them. Also, Cheyenne Frontier Days is going on this week so we have plenty of things to entertain them with. Eating, well that will be another thing. Last night we had pizza (I ate 2 small pieces). They usually offer me wine which sometimes I accept. At least my in-laws are trying to lose weight so they stocked up on slow churned ice cream and 100 calorie snack packs. That will help.
I also need to get new tires for my car. I noticed the tread is pretty bare to non-existent on the front tires and since Marty feels the “need for speed” I’d rather have some new tires. I see I can get them for $289 on sale at Sears. Woo hoo. There goes my new bracelet. Rats.
Skippy, I did not get to bed early Thursday night nor last night but I did manage to go back to sleep this morning after Marty left for golf. I am not tired today. Yippee!!
Julianna, yay for stairmaster day. I need to get on the treadmill sometime this weekend. I know what you mean about really bad dreams. They are no fun. I hope you get to see Dark Knight soon. I hope we work it in this weekend sometime.
Miscka, glad to hear you enjoyed the movie. It must be pretty powerful to keep you awake so long. The movie that kept me going was The Departed - there was certainly no happy ending there.
Appletini, that’s living working and working out at home.
Vespergirl, it sounds like you have a busy workout schedule for the week. Good luck!
ChargerGirl, good to see you here again. Congratulations on landing a great new job. Good plan to work on 5 pounds at a time and that is awesome to be working out at the gym. Thanks for being excited for me.
DeeJay, I love reading your posts. That’s a great attitude to have about getting towed. I am sure the guy at the city found you quite delightful after dealing with cranky and angry people all the time. LOL at your thong story. Marty did go to a watch show in Phoenix yesterday and I asked him if they had any deals on Rolax.
Rod, rats for losing your witty post. I too was thoroughly enjoying my 2 pieces of pizza. I thought of having a third put was already full so I quit.
Amanda, no worries about falling off the horse (I literally did that once and was just getting teased about it a few weeks ago). But seriously, the important thing is you dust yourself off and go right back on track.
Hi Lorelei! I hope you are having some non-pants weather. It’s bright and sunny here today.
Well, I will post when I can. I’ll be busy with the family this week. They are truly fun people though so other than eating it will be fun. Okay the eating will be fun to do but bad for me.



Sep 16, 2007
Hey guys,
Sorry for joining the weekly thread so late, I''m working full-time and I sometimes forget to check into this thread. I''ll be a new contributor to this thread, but I promise not to abandon it! It''ll be great motivation for me to know that I have all you lovely ladies to look up to! I''ve been slowly easing into a "Healthier Lifestyle," but it hasn''t been easy. A little background info: I am 25 and want to lose about 25 lbs...I don''t think I am really overweight but I am about 25lbs heavier than I was my freshman year of college (2001) so it is my last reference goal weight. Since starting my job I can really tell my metabolism has crashed because I basically sit at a cubicle and do legal research for 8 hours a day. I''ve been running on the treadmill and using my free weights at home to compensate, but it''s really not the same as being active all day because for those 8 hours I can actually feel the sluggishness of my body (I know you all can relate).

Because I live alone and will be a full-time law student with a part-time job during the school year, I was wondering if any of you could maybe point me towards some sort of "QUICK Healthy" recipes thread. I only cook for myself, so I don''t want to spend a lot of money buying different ingredients everyday or spending more than 30 mins. per meal. I usually just pack a sandwich and fruit for lunch so there''s no problem there, it''s the dinner that gets me because I am always tempted to microwave something (I know, I know) or order in (I know, I know).

Also, do you guys have any treadmill workouts concentrated on fat burning? I have a pretty nice treadmill and would like to make my investment pay off! I''ve been doing a short warm-up, fast walk, jog, run pyramid - does anyone have specific setting plans I can use to program my treadmill? i.e. 2 min at x mph at x incline and so on and so forth.

Thanks for reading this long post! I hope to be of some help and support to you guys as well - I always love reading your posts in other parts of PS so participating in this one will be fun!


Apr 30, 2005
Hi Indy and welcome to the thread!

I do have some fat bludgeoning techniques that I use on my treddy, I will be back in a bit and give you some examples.


Sep 16, 2007
Date: 7/19/2008 3:37:33 PM
Author: Lorelei
Hi Indy and welcome to the thread!

I do have some fat bludgeoning techniques that I use on my treddy, I will be back in a bit and give you some examples.
Thanks so much! This is a great support thread and I love that it takes a holistic approach to weight loss rather than just diet or exercise or using pills. Most of the recent articles I have read about maximizing fat burning on a treadmill says that the pyramid technique is a good one, or to jog then sprint then jog, etc. but I would love a more structured example to use as a template for myself.


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 7/19/2008 3:44:52 PM
Author: IndyGirl22

Date: 7/19/2008 3:37:33 PM
Author: Lorelei
Hi Indy and welcome to the thread!

I do have some fat bludgeoning techniques that I use on my treddy, I will be back in a bit and give you some examples.
Thanks so much! This is a great support thread and I love that it takes a holistic approach to weight loss rather than just diet or exercise or using pills. Most of the recent articles I have read about maximizing fat burning on a treadmill says that the pyramid technique is a good one, or to jog then sprint then jog, etc. but I would love a more structured example to use as a template for myself.
Thanks Indy! This IS a great support thread, and we all think of it as a lifelong journey so we can improve our fitness and health, try to aim for a healthy weight etc, but we also believe that being too strict and hard on ourselves can be self defeating. So if we fall off the wagon, we have learned to look at the bigger picture, dust ourselves off and climb back on - tomorrow is another day!

Here is an example of a typical treddy workout for me.

1 - 7 minutes - warm up, medium pace, incline 1 then increase to 3.
7 - 10 minutes - medium pace - incline 3.
10 - 15 minutes - slightly challenging pace - incline 6

Then I alternate for the rest of the workout 3 minutes at a fairly challenging to challenging pace - incline 10 to 15, then 3 minutes at a slower pace back at incline 3 to 5. In this way it keeps it interesting and it really helps with fat burning. You can adjust this as you feel comfortable. The inclines can be a really effective way to increase fitness and to burn fat, so I would make sure to use them if you can. I tend to average 45 minutes, but will sometimes go for an hour. Or even if you only have 20 minutes, a fast intense workout can still be very effective.


Sep 16, 2007
Date: 7/19/2008 4:02:03 PM
Author: Lorelei

Thanks Indy! This IS a great support thread, and we all think of it as a lifelong journey so we can improve our fitness and health, try to aim for a healthy weight etc, but we also believe that being too strict and hard on ourselves can be self defeating. So if we fall off the wagon, we have learned to look at the bigger picture, dust ourselves off and climb back on - tomorrow is another day!

Here is an example of a typical treddy workout for me.

1 - 7 minutes - warm up, medium pace, incline 1 then increase to 3.
7 - 10 minutes - medium pace - incline 3.
10 - 15 minutes - slightly challenging pace - incline 6

Then I alternate for the rest of the workout 3 minutes at a fairly challenging to challenging pace - incline 10 to 15, then 3 minutes at a slower pace back at incline 3 to 5. In this way it keeps it interesting and it really helps with fat burning. You can adjust this as you feel comfortable. The inclines can be a really effective way to increase fitness and to burn fat, so I would make sure to use them if you can. I tend to average 45 minutes, but will sometimes go for an hour. Or even if you only have 20 minutes, a fast intense workout can still be very effective.
Thanks! I will try this method today...I''ve been trying to use the treadmill twice a day, but working from 8-5 everyday kind of puts a damper in it because I am NOT a morning person who can wake up at 5 and run!
I''ve been trying to be good about not eating junk food...any tips on the quick meals?


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 7/19/2008 4:15:46 PM
Author: IndyGirl22

Date: 7/19/2008 4:02:03 PM
Author: Lorelei

Thanks Indy! This IS a great support thread, and we all think of it as a lifelong journey so we can improve our fitness and health, try to aim for a healthy weight etc, but we also believe that being too strict and hard on ourselves can be self defeating. So if we fall off the wagon, we have learned to look at the bigger picture, dust ourselves off and climb back on - tomorrow is another day!

Here is an example of a typical treddy workout for me.

1 - 7 minutes - warm up, medium pace, incline 1 then increase to 3.
7 - 10 minutes - medium pace - incline 3.
10 - 15 minutes - slightly challenging pace - incline 6

Then I alternate for the rest of the workout 3 minutes at a fairly challenging to challenging pace - incline 10 to 15, then 3 minutes at a slower pace back at incline 3 to 5. In this way it keeps it interesting and it really helps with fat burning. You can adjust this as you feel comfortable. The inclines can be a really effective way to increase fitness and to burn fat, so I would make sure to use them if you can. I tend to average 45 minutes, but will sometimes go for an hour. Or even if you only have 20 minutes, a fast intense workout can still be very effective.
Thanks! I will try this method today...I've been trying to use the treadmill twice a day, but working from 8-5 everyday kind of puts a damper in it because I am NOT a morning person who can wake up at 5 and run!
I've been trying to be good about not eating junk food...any tips on the quick meals?
LOL! I am SO not a morning person for working out either, so I do mine in the evening usually! Ok quick meals....

I think there are some threads around somewhere with healthy recipes, I will have a look in a minute.

I will often have an omelette with baked beans, that is superfast to cook and filling, plus plenty of protein. Another thing I do, is to set aside an afternoon or evening every few weeks and make big batches of things like spaghetti sauce, chili, stew etc. I then put into individual portions and freeze, then that makes a quick meal, all you need to do is defrost and reheat, cook the rice or pasta or whatever you are having, and dinner is done.

Here you go -


Sep 16, 2007
Date: 7/19/2008 4:21:27 PM
Author: Lorelei

LOL! I am SO not a morning person for working out either, so I do mine in the evening usually! Ok quick meals....

I think there are some threads around somewhere with healthy recipes, I will have a look in a minute.

I will often have an omelette with baked beans, that is superfast to cook and filling, plus plenty of protein. Another thing I do, is to set aside an afternoon or evening every few weeks and make big batches of things like spaghetti sauce, chili, stew etc. I then put into individual portions and freeze, then that makes a quick meal, all you need to do is defrost and reheat, cook the rice or pasta or whatever you are having, and dinner is done.

Here you go -
Haha, I tried to wake up early and run the other day but my will power just wasn''t that high, as I am the kind of person who will squeeze in an extra 30 SECONDS of sleep right up until the alarm clock goes off after the third snooze cycle.
The omelet idea is great - I can definitely make some eggs pretty quickly. I am trying really hard to control my portions, which is very hard for me to do at restaurants because I was brought up in a "clean-your-plate-there-are-starving-children-in-(insert country here)" household. I really think part of the obesity epidemic in this country is due to the portion sizes at restaurants - why can''t they serve lunch portions at dinner?
Thanks for the thread links - that one started by Mara will be my nighttime reading tonight to plan my grocery list and weekly meals. I would love to memorize some healthy recipes now before I have a family so by the time I have a family it will be second nature.


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 7/19/2008 4:41:55 PM
Author: IndyGirl22

Date: 7/19/2008 4:21:27 PM
Author: Lorelei

LOL! I am SO not a morning person for working out either, so I do mine in the evening usually! Ok quick meals....

I think there are some threads around somewhere with healthy recipes, I will have a look in a minute.

I will often have an omelette with baked beans, that is superfast to cook and filling, plus plenty of protein. Another thing I do, is to set aside an afternoon or evening every few weeks and make big batches of things like spaghetti sauce, chili, stew etc. I then put into individual portions and freeze, then that makes a quick meal, all you need to do is defrost and reheat, cook the rice or pasta or whatever you are having, and dinner is done.

Here you go -
Haha, I tried to wake up early and run the other day but my will power just wasn't that high, as I am the kind of person who will squeeze in an extra 30 SECONDS of sleep right up until the alarm clock goes off after the third snooze cycle.
The omelet idea is great - I can definitely make some eggs pretty quickly. I am trying really hard to control my portions, which is very hard for me to do at restaurants because I was brought up in a 'clean-your-plate-there-are-starving-children-in-(insert country here)' household. I really think part of the obesity epidemic in this country is due to the portion sizes at restaurants - why can't they serve lunch portions at dinner?
Thanks for the thread links - that one started by Mara will be my nighttime reading tonight to plan my grocery list and weekly meals. I would love to memorize some healthy recipes now before I have a family so by the time I have a family it will be second nature.
Hehehe! I HATE getting up in the morning too, I often have trouble falling asleep, I am a ' morning sleeper' so sometimes it is painful having to get up....

You are most welcome for the links, soon you will build up a repertoire of healthy meals! I am not a plate cleaner as I get full pretty quickly, I am more of a grazer, so I try to eat a few times a day.


Dec 28, 2005
We had a fun Saturday. We realized it was the first Saturday in over 3 weeks we've had together. We had breakfast on the terrace, followed by lunch at our favorite little deli, had my car washed (it as so dirty) then we enjoyed coffee under the oak. We wound up meeting friends at the movies and saw Mamma Mia, which if you're an Abba fan (I am big time) and you love Meryl Streep (duh, who doesn't?), then you'll love this movie. It's just a feel good fun, wholesome movie with a lot of great music. The only negative for me, was Pierce Brosnan. Don't get me wrong, he is a very handsome man. But he just happens to not be able to sing. So I'm not sure why someone would cast him in a role in which he has to sing a lot? Otherwise, it was just a lot of fun. Then we all went to favorite sushi place #1 for dinner, and then coffee at Sbucks. Charlie's off tomorrow too, and we're planning a very normal Sunday, including a nice long workout at the gym in the afternoon.

Just pick yourself back up, dust yourself off and get right back on the wagon Amanda. We've all fallen off. But, we all get back on and you will too!

I'm glad Marty made it home safely Marcy. Sorry you have to spend your bracelet money on tires. But, good safe tires are worth so much. Have fun with the family this weekend!

ROTFL (rolling on the floor laughing) DeeJay about the expanse joke. I've seen your A$$ (clothed - LOL) and there's nothing exPANsive about it in the least!!

Welcome Indy! I hope you benefit from our healthy family here! Look's like our fabulous Lorelei has given you some great advice and some great quick healthy meals too! I am not a morning person in anyway shape or form, so I'm with you on that front. That's why I work out at night after work, or during the afternoons on weekends.......

Hey Lorelei!!

Hope you all had a very nice Saturday and are looking forward to a great Sunday!


Sep 16, 2007
Date: 7/19/2008 11:01:35 PM
Author: Rod
We had a fun Saturday. We realized it was the first Saturday in over 3 weeks we''ve had together. We had breakfast on the terrace, followed by lunch at our favorite little deli, had my car washed (it as so dirty) then we enjoyed coffee under the oak. We wound up meeting friends at the movies and saw Mamma Mia, which if you''re an Abba fan (I am big time) and you love Meryl Streep (duh, who doesn''t?), then you''ll love this movie. It''s just a feel good fun, wholesome movie with a lot of great music. The only negative for me, was Pierce Brosnan. Don''t get me wrong, he is a very handsome man. But he just happens to not be able to sing. So I''m not sure why someone would cast him in a role in which he has to sing a lot? Otherwise, it was just a lot of fun. Then we all went to favorite sushi place #1 for dinner, and then coffee at Sbucks. Charlie''s off tomorrow too, and we''re planning a very normal Sunday, including a nice long workout at the gym in the afternoon.

Just pick yourself back up, dust yourself off and get right back on the wagon Amanda. We''ve all fallen off. But, we all get back on and you will too!

I''m glad Marty made it home safely Marcy. Sorry you have to spend your bracelet money on tires. But, good safe tires are worth so much. Have fun with the family this weekend!

ROTFL (rolling on the floor laughing) DeeJay about the expanse joke. I''ve seen your A$$ (clothed - LOL) and there''s nothing exPANsive about it in the least!!

Welcome Indy! I hope you benefit from our healthy family here! Look''s like our fabulous Lorelei has given you some great advice and some great quick healthy meals too! I am not a morning person in anyway shape or form, so I''m with you on that front. That''s why I work out at night after work, or during the afternoons on weekends.......

Hey Lorelei!!

Hope you all had a very nice Saturday and are looking forward to a great Sunday!
Thanks Rod! I''m glad you had a fun Saturday. I want to see Mamma Mia but my BF is strongly opposed, so I might have to trade him Dark Knight for it haha. Yeah, Lorelei has already been a HUGE help with the thread links and the treadmill schedule. The main problem I have with healthy meal recipes is that most of them take a long time (to me) and are made for more than one person. I guess I could make some of them and just eat them for a couple days though, that sounds like a good idea. I''m just a lazy cook unless I''m cooking for someone other than myself - then I can cook all day and be okay with it. Funny how that works out. I don''t know how my workout plan will go when school starts up again because I''ll have so much reading and homework, but I think this thread will keep me motivated. I do have a weight goal but I really just want to be back to where I used to be when I was more muscular and less...gelatinous...haha...


Feb 27, 2007
The birthday party for Marty’s grandmother went well. She had about 60 or more people show up. I got a lot of very nice compliments about the “new’ me.
We had some appetizers but I stayed away from them. I guess the assorted meatballs were good but these little puff balls they had were gross. The cake was delicious. I tried both a small piece of white and a piece of chocolate cake. Marty’s brother and sister only come visit every few years so the 3 of them spent some time in the bar visiting and having a drink. They ordered me a strawberry daiquiri to sip on so I wandered back and forth between the bar and the party working on my drink and helping out at the party. I found I don’t really like sweet drinks that well anymore. I gave the rest of my drink to my dad.
Tonight my MIL made grilled cheese sandwiches for supper. She did use the SL bread that is only 45 calories per slice but put 2 pieces of cheese and lots of butter on them. I know she’s had a tough day with all the party preparation so I just ate it and didn’t ask for a less fattening version for me. It’s so funny to watch what they eat for a normal serving. Both my in-laws are dieting but they don’t weigh things out so some of the portions are huge! They are doing pretty good with their diet though – my FIL has lost 20 pounds and my MIL has lost 7 pounds. They keep telling everyone I inspired them to lose weight.
Welcome IndyGirl! That’s great you have a treadmill you want to put to good use. Good luck on losing those 25 pounds. I also like to make big batches of things as Lorelei suggests and freeze them in those little disposable containers – you can microwave them and throw them away. I love easy cooking and no dishes. I used to be HORRID at playing snooze alarm but after I got the evil eye from Marty after we got married I quit that.
Lorelei, I am so not a morning person either. I like your treddie routine. I have only been on my treddie once since we got home but at the in-laws tonight I went for a long walk. I was getting cold setting on the deck and figured a walk would help warm me up and burn off a few of the extra calories I consumed today.
Rod, that’s great you and Charlie got to spend a Saturday together. We were talking tonight about going to a movie this weekend so maybe we will go see Mama Mia. I agree safe tires are worth a lot. My tires aren’t run of the mill and so we’ll have to order them in which could take up to 2 weeks. Rats.
Have a great Sunday!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Sunday all! I had an inspection at 9 this morning and a walk-though at 11 and my big quandry was that I wanted to work and out go the mall this afternoon, but there was no way to get it all in... so I GOT OUT OF BED AT 6:50 THIS MORNING and went to the gym.
My husband thought I was having some sort of real estate emergency because that was the only thing he could imagine that would get me moving at that hour. When I came out of the bathroom with my workout clothes on he about had a heart attack. I only got 51 mins on the elliptical in (600 cals) but I figured that had to be good enough. Now I'm home to eat a quick LC and then head out to the 'burbs. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 7/20/2008 12:45:23 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
Happy Sunday all! I had an inspection at 9 this morning and a walk-though at 11 and my big quandry was that I wanted to work and out go the mall this afternoon, but there was no way to get it all in... so I GOT OUT OF BED AT 6:50 THIS MORNING and went to the gym.
My husband thought I was having some sort of real estate emergency because that was the only thing he could imagine that would get me moving at that hour. When I came out of the bathroom with my workout clothes on he about had a heart attack. I only got 51 mins on the elliptical in (600 cals) but I figured that had to be good enough. Now I''m home to eat a quick LC and then head out to the ''burbs. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
Dee, you are on a roll - good for you!!!

Weather is still pants by the way, I hear it is going to be a stinkin'' hot day where you are


Mar 26, 2006
Date: 7/20/2008 12:49:09 PM
Author: Lorelei

Date: 7/20/2008 12:45:23 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
Happy Sunday all! I had an inspection at 9 this morning and a walk-though at 11 and my big quandry was that I wanted to work and out go the mall this afternoon, but there was no way to get it all in... so I GOT OUT OF BED AT 6:50 THIS MORNING and went to the gym.
My husband thought I was having some sort of real estate emergency because that was the only thing he could imagine that would get me moving at that hour. When I came out of the bathroom with my workout clothes on he about had a heart attack. I only got 51 mins on the elliptical in (600 cals) but I figured that had to be good enough. Now I''m home to eat a quick LC and then head out to the ''burbs. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
Dee, you are on a roll - good for you!!!

Weather is still pants by the way, I hear it is going to be a stinkin'' hot day where you are
Yesterday was rather grim but today isn''t bad so far. Low eighties, but I can feel the humidity building...


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 7/20/2008 12:53:32 PM
Author: Dee*Jay

Date: 7/20/2008 12:49:09 PM
Author: Lorelei

Date: 7/20/2008 12:45:23 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
Happy Sunday all! I had an inspection at 9 this morning and a walk-though at 11 and my big quandry was that I wanted to work and out go the mall this afternoon, but there was no way to get it all in... so I GOT OUT OF BED AT 6:50 THIS MORNING and went to the gym.
My husband thought I was having some sort of real estate emergency because that was the only thing he could imagine that would get me moving at that hour. When I came out of the bathroom with my workout clothes on he about had a heart attack. I only got 51 mins on the elliptical in (600 cals) but I figured that had to be good enough. Now I''m home to eat a quick LC and then head out to the ''burbs. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
Dee, you are on a roll - good for you!!!

Weather is still pants by the way, I hear it is going to be a stinkin'' hot day where you are
Yesterday was rather grim but today isn''t bad so far. Low eighties, but I can feel the humidity building...


Sep 16, 2007
Thanks for the welcome marcyc! I''ve already lost about 8lbs in about two weeks so I think I am making rapid progress. Hopefully I don''t hit the "weight loss wall" anytime soon. The birthday party sounded like fun - it''s funny how you only get great birthday parties when you''re young or old - at least that''s how I think it is most of the time. That''s great about your in laws losing weight too, and probably is extra motivation for you to keep on.

Dee - oh my 6:50?! Great for you - THAT''s some real motivation. How long do you usually do on the elliptical? 51 mins/600 cal would be an amazing day for me!


Jul 22, 2007
Hi, all. Just a fly-by...zoom...

JT is getting sick AGAIN! Argh!! His appt with the specialist is in less than a month, but I don''t know how much more of this I can take.

So, workouts are going down hill while he doesn''t feel well. But, we''ve been doing a lot of walking lately. He walked nearly a mile! (I think that''s pretty good for a two and a half year old!) I think we''re going to the orchard this afternoon. So, we''ll walk a lot and take the wagon to eventually pull JT around. That''s been a surprisingly good workout for my arms. And, DH wants to go mini-golfing, which I''ve never done, but might be fun...

Nice to see you here, INDY!

Have a great day all!


Sep 16, 2007
Date: 7/20/2008 1:32:16 PM
Author: somethingshiny
Hi, all. Just a fly-by...zoom...

JT is getting sick AGAIN! Argh!! His appt with the specialist is in less than a month, but I don''t know how much more of this I can take.

So, workouts are going down hill while he doesn''t feel well. But, we''ve been doing a lot of walking lately. He walked nearly a mile! (I think that''s pretty good for a two and a half year old!) I think we''re going to the orchard this afternoon. So, we''ll walk a lot and take the wagon to eventually pull JT around. That''s been a surprisingly good workout for my arms. And, DH wants to go mini-golfing, which I''ve never done, but might be fun...

Nice to see you here, INDY!

Have a great day all!
Thanks somethingshiny! It sounds like you''re making the best of a bad situation with your little one. I think it''s great that you are promoting health with your child - there''s far too many parents who would rather turn on the TV than go for a walk with their children!
I love finding everyday things that give you a workout, so pulling JT in a wagon sounds great.


Nov 24, 2006
Hi there friends! It is pants weather out here; it has been this way for a couple of weeks! I am not use to the humidity. hehe I have been super lazy about working out! I will go for a walk tonight since I can''t be too lazy for too long.

Yesterday, hubby wanted a dessert and so we went to this one bakery that is huge all over the city; well we won''t be going back! It tasted like they made each thing with one stick of butter; I could only take a couple of bites of my bread pudding and then I felt ill and saw w/hubby. I guess I am a berry''s and frozen yogurt kind of gal

SS, I hope JT feels better soon, poor little guy! Don''t worry about making your son walk my nephew walks a mile too. hehe You will get a good workout and have fun at mini golf; I love mini golf! We live by a big golf course over here and people talk about golf and then they ask me if I golf since everyone does and I say well I can do mini golf. hehehe

DeeJay, wooo hooo for all the workouts!

Lorelei, sorry it is pants, it is pantsaroni''s here too!

Rod, glad you had pizza the other day! I think pizza comes from heaven; it is just so dan good. hehe

Amanda, have you tried the slow churn ice cream? Lots of the people here love it and it is half the fat and sugar. hehe Glad you on this thread, sweetie!

Marcy, you and Rod must have been dreaming pizza the night before. hehe Yum to Pizza and new tires! Kashi makes a good frozen pizza.

IndyGirl, welcome! Have you checked out this thread? Trader Joes sells stir fry veggies and you can throw shrimp in and ta da, a quick meal or whole wheat pasta and steamed broccoli. Yay for your walks!

Have a great evening all


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 7/20/2008 2:30:06 PM
Author: Skippy123
Lorelei, sorry it is pants, it is pantsaroni''s here too!


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 7/20/2008 2:39:28 PM
Author: Lorelei

Date: 7/20/2008 2:30:06 PM
Author: Skippy123
Lorelei, sorry it is pants, it is pantsaroni''s here too!
Glad you like the pantsaroni, I said it just for you darling! LOL


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Sunday!
I am working on laundry and school today. We are switching to a new platform to use with the internet classes at school so I have to completely copy and paste all my tests in there – for some reason they won’t import. Rats.
DeeJay, too funny your husband was so surprised by you being in your exercise clothes so early in the morning. Woo hoo for burning 600 calories bright and early today.
Lorelei, rats for still having pants weather. We are in the 90’s this week. My flowers are finally starting to grow and bloom.
IndyGirl, 8 pounds is 2 weeks is awesome. Congratulations!
Don’t worry about hitting a plateau though because I think they aren’t really bad things just an annoyance. I find I am losing inches then and that''s okay with me. It is nice that the in-laws are dieting but luckily I don’t need help staying motivated right now. I am so excited about reaching my goal that outside influences don’t even faze me right now. After all the relatives are gone I am going to start working on my next 5 pounds.
Somethingshiny, sorry to hear JT is sick again. Poor little guy. I am glad you are able to get out for some nice walks.
Skippy, sorry to hear your dessert wasn’t divine. Rats for pantsaroni (tee hee) weather there. It will probably be moving my way in a few days. I need to call around town tomorrow to see if anyone has my tires if not I will have to order them.
Well, I am off to start copying and pasting test 2.


Sep 16, 2007
Thanks Skippy! I already love this thread so I'll be checking in regularly. I've never been to Trader Joe's - I just looked it up and it looks like there are two locations about a half hour away from me so I'll have to make a trip to check it out. I'm all about quick and easy meals because I'm not motivated to spend a lot of time cooking for just myself. I have looked over just a few pages of that WWT recipes thread - most of it seems to be a bit time consuming but I haven't looked through all the pages yet so I'm sure I can modify some to my needs. I am also not a big baked goods eater so those muffins don't do much for me. I'm with ya' on the frozen yogurt thing though, especially the 98% fat free kinds. I found those Skinny Cow ice cream stick things the other day and they are really good. They are about 70 calories or so and are smaller portions. I've been trying to make subtle changes to my meals, like switching out my bread and pastas for whole grain versions, etc. too.

Marcyc - That's awesome that you have your motivation from within, I bet the success rate for those who have internal motivation is so much higher. It's more like YOU are THEIR motivation than the other way around - how great!

My biggest problem is keeping my metabolism high throughout the day when I'm just sitting in front of a computer for 8 hours! I feel so sluggish! I used to be so active all day when I was in undergrad with walking to class and having the student gym right there but it's been horrible since graduate school started...I guess that's why I'm trying to get back to my freshman year weight. I'm trying to stay away from the pills but I've heard some of them can kind of keep your metabolism up? Any opinions on this?

I must've missed this somewhere in an earlier thread, but what is "pants" weather? I live in Indiana and it's been very humid here, especially this year because it seems we can't get a week without some sort of rainstorm.
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