
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 14th July till 20th July

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Feb 27, 2007
Linda, thank you for the kind words and support. Today I had on my size 10 dockers and I still can''t believe that person in the window is me. If I can help inspire one person to do what I did; it would be awesome.


Mar 20, 2003
Amanda.rx, they have the EatingWell cookbooks on Amazon.

EatingWell Serves Two
Healthy in a Hurry
I''d like to get this one too. The Essential EatingWell Cookbook

Thing2of2, hello! Oooh, coke, I used to drink that every day. I called it the "elixir of life." But I discovered it was affecting my blood sugar and making me crash, so sadly I had to break the habit.

Marcyc, I would LOVE to read about your success or see it on tv! But of course, who knows how they pick stories to pursue. But I know how inspirational your story is!

Today was going to be a rest day, but my body said, "Please take me for a run," so I did. With no rain or cloud cover (sigh) and since it was a "bonus" run, I didn''t pressure myself to go very far. I ran 2 and 2/3 miles and feel pretty good.

I finally feel like I''m back in my groove. I''m back down to my normal weight and feel energetic.

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
Hi everyone

It is beautiful out today, Mazie and I are going for a long walk.

Skippy: Where has Ellen been? She usually pops in here every so often, I miss her

Marcy: I so hope your story gets published. You are such an inspiration. I have my fingers crossed.

Rod: I am so glad your job is going well, Charlie''s too.

Hi Phoenixgirl: Sounds like you had a great run, good for you and I am happy you are feeling energetic again.

Hi to everyone else and have a wonderful day.



Nov 29, 2004
Greetings everyone I''ve been kind of MIA this week. Anyway I had my PT after work today b/c my regular day and my backup day both had conflicts, and my trainer is going to be on vacation next week so I really needed it. Also a coworker that is now at a different office comes to our gym once a week to train with my trainer, so she and I did a partner session. Before my session I weighed in and my trainer took all my had been two months since the last time and while I''ve definitely noticed positive changes with my body it was great to see it on paper. One area that did go up instead of down was the body fat on my belly, but I think thats probably due to poor nutrition lately...since DH has been working crazy hours its been hard to plan meals for dinner not knowing when he''ll be home and I don''t like cooking for one, so its either pasta or take out. Fortunately his project is winding down so next week I should back on a regular dinner routine.


Mar 26, 2006
Hello!!! Just back from three days in Saugatuck, MI, with my best friend from law school, his partner, and one other dear friend. I tried to watch what I was eating to some degree, but the reality is I more controlled quantity than quality in many instances. The only real exercise I got was that we spent some time floating (I can''t even in good conscious call it swimming!) in Lake Michigan, and yesterday before dinner we "hiked to the top of Mount Baldhead"... which consisted of climbing up a LONG flight of stairs. 282 stairs to be exact. I only stopped once, about 75% of the way up, so my friend could take a picture. We did rest at the top (obviously!) and then we went back down. Climbing Mt. Baldhead, LOL!

Anyway, I''ve been trying desperately to get to the gym for the past four hours now, so hopefully this phone call I''m waiting on will happen SOON so I can go!

Will be back later.


Nov 24, 2006
Linda, I am not sure what Ellen is up too so hopefully we will see her soon, when she isn't around she is missed for sure.

Surprise suprise, I mad spinach lasagna again since I have been on this nutty spinach kick. Nothing too exciting here I ate w/in my calorie range! Have a great evening friends, don't work too hard


Jun 20, 2008
Hello everybody!

I managed to resist ice cream today (and I wanted it SOOOOOO bad) - I had fatfree yogurt instead. I also ate very healthy today!
I didn''t go to the gym b/c I got a new phone & was obsessed with playing with it. Oh well... the excitement burned a few calories!

Marcy- WOW! I''d love to see your story get published too- that would be wonderful!


Dec 28, 2005
Hey......It was an unbelievably long day. I arrived at work again at 7:45 and didn''t walk out of the office until 6:30. I was so tired that I just wound up going home. I couldn''t handle starting a workout at 7PM that would have lasted till at least 9:30, then coming home. So, Charlie made a meatloaf and steamed broccoli for dinner and then I did some more work. I will not miss the gym tomorrow night, no matter what time I leave work.

Marcy, I''m so pleased to see you submitted your incredible shrinking woman story. I''ll be floored if it doesn''t land you in a magazine or on Oprah. That would be ''uber uber'' cool for sure. No one deserves it more than you! And like Linda said, you did it all on our own!!

Yay for another spinach lasgna Skippy. I''m sure if you make one and pack it in dry ice, it would be safe to travel to Tampa!! ahem....hint hint

Congrats on hitting the gym Amanda and your dinner sounded really good too!

Good for you for being healthy thing. Sorry school is kicking your butt.

Good for you listening to your body phoneix and going for a run!

Yay for a beautiful day Linda. Lord knows you all deserve some smoke free beauty out there!!

Yay for good progress on your measurements from working out Apple!! Hopefully, DH''s crazy hours won''t last and you''ll be able to get back on track foodwise.

DeeJay, I''m sure floating in Lake Michigan burned at least a calorie or two.......LOL I''m glad you had a nice time. truly sleepy and will be heading off to bed. When I get home tomorrow night after my workout, I''ll try to check in then. Sleep well everyone.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. I spent most of my evening at the mall. I am embarrassed to admit I brought home some created tanzanite before reading the fine print. I took a green garnet in to be mounted in a solitaire setting so I can wear it with an enhancer I have. I also turned in a ring to be sized. I noticed a bracelet in their case that looked identical in color to the Kentucky Blue sapphire ring I recently had made. I asked if it was created sapphire and the girl said she’d see what the tag says. She started to pull it out and we both “see” the tag and think it says “tanzanite”. The color matches my ring great. She gives me an unbelievable price on it (for tanzanite) so I ask if it’s created and she says no so I buy it. I get home, start to take care of everything and see it says “lite” at the end not “nite”. That explains it – they are created. Well, I take myself and bracelet right back to the mall to return it and the girl can’t get her credit card machine to issue my debit card a credit. She ends up charging me the same thing again as a credit. Then their machine locks up on her. So anyway I will be out there tomorrow when the managers are there to get my double credit issued. Aaak! I know them all by name so I am sure I’ll get my credit but it’s still kind of making me nervous having two $281 charges on my debit card for NOTHING. You’d think I’d know better than to find great looking tanzanite for that price. That will teach me not to check things over closely with my glasses on.
Phoenix Girl, I am glad you had a nice run today. I know you enjoy running. Thanks for the kind words. I doubt anything will come of my stories in fact I already have thought of a ton of things I wished I’d said but oh well. I should just start on my book.

Linda, I hope you and Mazie had a lovely walk today. Thanks for keeping your fingers crossed for me. I was asking the girls at work today what I should wear on Oprah. LOL.
Appletini, that is great to see the numbers and results from all your hard work and training.
DeeJay, glad to hear you had fun and climbed Mt. Baldhead.
Skippy, you are quite the lasagna cook these days. I think I will make us a batch soon.
Amanda, have your tried slow churned ice cream? It is quite yummy. I had some frozen yogurt at the mall tonight and enjoyed it very much. I would be very excited to see my story published somewhere.
Rod, sorry to hear you had such a long day at work. Charlie’s dinner sounds great though and certainly was a nice way to spend the evening. One of the things I thought about today was I didn’t really emphasize I did it all myself but I think it still comes across based on I count calories and what I eat during the day. I can always revise my story and send it other places as well. If I do end up on Oprah I will certainly tell her about our HLT / Diamond group.

I picked up a 400 photo album tonight so I am going to start getting our photos in order from our trip.
Have a great Thursday.



Apr 30, 2005
Marcy, WTG on submitting your stories, I really am excited for you!!!


Mar 20, 2003
Marcy, that''s too funny about the "tanzalite!" I hope your credits go smoothly. And I''ll look forward to reading your book one day (should you choose to write one)!

OK, so I think today is my rest day, given that yesterday I ran instead of taking a break and last night I drank too much rose Malbec. Our friend who is moving to England on Saturday had mentioned having dinner with us either Wednesday (last night) or Friday, but then we made plans to have a little going away dinner Friday for her with some other mutual friends. And I was pretty sure she had said Wed. or Fri, so I figured we were off for last night. Then she showed up on our porch with a bottle of wine, and yadda yadda yadda . . . I drank too much.

The maids come today, so I am camped out in the basement to be out of their way. They can come any time between 9 and 5, so I was figuring I would go to the mall and buy a shower present I need for Saturday when they get here, but I think I''ll go in a few minutes either way. I shouldn''t feel like I need to be out of the house when they''re here, although I confess to feeling a little awkward when they come and I''m on break, like why do I need maids to clean my house when I am not working for a couple of months? For my sanity''s sake, that''s why! Hee hee.

I''m meeting some friends for a girls'' night out tonight. I''ll try not to let it be a repeat of last night.


Mar 19, 2007
Morning everyone! Been out of town this week but I''m back today. Didn''t do a single solitary exercise this whole week (until this morning) and thus suffered through a sad little 2 miles on the Treddy O'' Doom at the gym today. Consistency is important. Egads.

Lor, I used to do some of the Firm workouts that PG is referring to, years ago. They are not easy! I did the series that required the "Fanny Lifter" (two stacking steps) and the weights. They guarantee results but I never saw any because I could never get through the whole thing. I used to try to do "Standing Legs" and just couldn''t handle. That''s not to say you wouldn''t do better, I am fairly wimpy. HA!

Hey Skippy, I am snacky all the time. I think I''m snackier at work though, because I know there''s a company store downstairs wherein I can go snag a quick bag of chips or chocolate bar. Wish they''d do away with the snack machines and the store. The CALLS TO ME!!!


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 7/17/2008 10:27:48 AM
Author: Julianna
Morning everyone! Been out of town this week but I'm back today. Didn't do a single solitary exercise this whole week (until this morning) and thus suffered through a sad little 2 miles on the Treddy O' Doom at the gym today. Consistency is important. Egads.

Lor, I used to do some of the Firm workouts that PG is referring to, years ago. They are not easy! I did the series that required the 'Fanny Lifter' (two stacking steps) and the weights. They guarantee results but I never saw any because I could never get through the whole thing. I used to try to do 'Standing Legs' and just couldn't handle. That's not to say you wouldn't do better, I am fairly wimpy. HA!

Hey Skippy, I am snacky all the time. I think I'm snackier at work though, because I know there's a company store downstairs wherein I can go snag a quick bag of chips or chocolate bar. Wish they'd do away with the snack machines and the store. The CALLS TO ME!!!
LOL! You can't be as bad as me, I start whimpering at the drop of a hat when working out if it gets a bit tough!


Mar 19, 2007
Date: 7/17/2008 10:18:30 AM
Author: phoenixgirl

OK, so I think today is my rest day, given that yesterday I ran instead of taking a break and last night I drank too much rose Malbec. Our friend who is moving to England on Saturday had mentioned having dinner with us either Wednesday (last night) or Friday, but then we made plans to have a little going away dinner Friday for her with some other mutual friends. And I was pretty sure she had said Wed. or Fri, so I figured we were off for last night. Then she showed up on our porch with a bottle of wine, and yadda yadda yadda . . . I drank too much.

Elaine: Yeah. I met this lawyer, we went out to dinner, I had the lobster bisque, we went back to my place, yadda yadda yadda, I never heard from him again.

Jerry: But you yadda yadda''d over the best part.

Elaine: No, I mentioned the bisque.



Mar 20, 2003
The Firm workouts are definitely tough, but that''s what''s nice about doing them in the privacy of your own home. If you need to pause the DVD, wipe off sweat, lie prostrate on the couch . . . . no one will see you!


Nov 29, 2004

I came up with an alternative recipe last night to Ellie''s maple mustard chicken thighs...I''m calling it "Herb Mustard ChickenThighs" but it was really tasty and had a great crust and lots of flavor. I usually don''t get excited about chicken for a weeknight meal but this was so good...

bone-in skinless chicken thighs (you have to pull off the skin, and they are kind of small so 2 per person)

season with salt and pepper

coat each thigh with a small squirt of dijon mustard 1/2 tsp or so

sprinkle italian seasoning on top and blend in

bake at 375 for 45-50 minutes


Apr 9, 2007
Hi everyone! Not a whole lot going on here. I went out to eat at a pizza place with my cousin last night. I had the mega veggie-almost no cheese and STACKED with veggies. It was great! I only ate half of my small pizza so I felt OK about it.

This heat is driving me nuts!!! I just want some ice cream! LOL. I decided that I am cutting out sweets during the week, but allowing a little treat on the weekends.

I am struggling a little lately with feeling like I am just not eating well enough. I really really want to continue to eat well and feel as good about myself as I have been, but for some reason I have just hit a slump. Any advice?


Jul 22, 2007
Hello, all!

I''ve missed you! My internet has been down for a week.

I hope all is well, sorry I don''t have time to catch up with posts right now. If anything major has gone on since around last Thursday, please let me know!

Update: now down 16 lbs!! (I can''t really take much credit, though. I have PCOS which fights insulin production. I recently went on the pill to regulate my hormones and stop fighting the insulin, so now the weight is just coming right off! yay, me!!) I picked up a new (to me) car on Friday. My blazer''s radiator went out and it''s such a gas hog, we decided it was time to get a family car. So, I got a Dodge Intrepid. It''s in really great shape, has low miles, and gets 28 miles to the gallon! JT calls it "JT''s new car". It''s so cute! That''s about all for now.

Have a great day, I''ll try to check in later!


Nov 29, 2004
I got an email from self about readers best tips to make more time for yourself, several of these are a good fit with HLT so I''m sharing them with you...

Mastermind your Menus
Keep a seven-day planner on the refrigerator to map out your family''s dinners. Make a grocery list to match, which saves money (because you don''t overshop), prevents you from buying junk food and keeps you eating healthfully (by not ordering in).
*I do this and its really helpful for me.

Unwind at Night
Instead of lying in bed and thinking of all the things that I must do tomorrow, I think of things that I accomplished today. It helps to end the day on a positive note.

Save for new Styles
To help motivate me to stay in shape and avoid fast food, I pay myself for each time I exercise or eat healthier. I give myself a few dollars for every workout (more for harder ones), and when I skip junk food, I put the cash I would have spent into my fund. This way, I have money to spend on clothes to fit my new, slimmer body, plus more incentive to keep working out!

Fit in Fitness
Watching TV? Do 10 push-ups. Waiting in line? Try calf raises. I do a little here and there. A calorie burned is a calorie burned!

Tune into Sweat
I rent a DVD and watch it only while using my StairClimber or treadmill. I''ll do 30 to 45 minutes at a time until I''ve finished the movie. If it''s a great flick, I go longer than I set out to or work out more frequently. It motivates me to exercise, and I see new movies without feeling guilty for being a couch potato!

Freeze Fruit
At my house, there are always those last few berries, grapes or bananas that we don''t eat before I buy new produce. Instead of tossing them, I chop and store them all in freezer bags, so I''m ready to make fruit smoothies anytime. Doing this also cuts down on waste.

Prepack Snacks
To save time and ensure I always have healthy bites on hand, I take an hour on the weekend to fill small bags with almonds, trail mix and dried fruit. I put the bags in a bowl in the kitchen so they''re ready when hunger strikes.

Create a Cookbook
I love to make recipes I find online, so I bought a binder and put copies of all my recipes inside in plastic sleeves. I organized it by meal, so it''s easy to find what I need, and the sleeves protect pages from any cooking messes.
*I do this one too! Also check out to make a "professional" one.

Put Gear on Standby
To keep myself on track with exercise, I get everything ready the night before. I put my gym bag for the next day in my car. No excuses. All I have to do is go!
*I have a locker at the gym, and pack my bag for the number of days I plan to workout, that way I always have my clothes.

Go for a Stroll
Take a short walk on your lunch break. It allows you to remove yourself from stress at work, and you get a little exercise!



Nov 24, 2006
Date: 7/17/2008 5:22:48 PM
Author: appletini
I got an email from self about readers best tips to make more time for yourself, several of these are a good fit with HLT so I''m sharing them with you...

Thanks Appletini, I love these little tibits of good healthy info! Thanks for the recipe too


Nov 24, 2006
Good evening friends! Tonight my cousin and I will be doing our usual walk.
It is spinach lasagna leftovers tonight.
I had a couple of delicious peaches today and a banana, 2 cheese sticks, a nice salad and toast with egg whites.

Tomorrow hubby and I are going to go see the Dark Night; I have been looking forward to this!!!! Hope everyone has a wonderful Evening

PHX - I will look for the EatingWell at Costco, hopefully they have it!

ROD- hope you had an awesome workout today and didn't work too hard. Is it leftover meatloaf? YUM!

MARCY - hope you find a tanzanite! I saw a beautiful pink sapphire the other day, so many pretty colored stones out there! hehe

JULIANNA - Good to see you back! Yay for working out now that you are back! I got over the snack attack, but just wait it will hit me this weekend!! Have you tried the Fiber One Bar's for the chocolate craving? They are yummy! Step away from the vending machines. hehe
Your yadda yadda post was FUNNY! LOL

LORELEI - Hello friend!

APPLETINI - I will need to try that recipe; thanks!

MISCKA - Good for you getting a veggie pizza! Can you go for frozen yogurt or sorbet? Fresh summer fruits are very yummy; go buy some peaches, cherry's, strawberry's or grapes, yum!!!

Yay for the new car!

Bee KIMI, & Monarch we miss you!!!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. I am glad Friday is almost here. I didn’t sleep well last night. I either heard something fall in the house about 1:30 or something fell in my dream and woke me up. I wandered the house looking for something but never did find anything out of place. Then about 3:30 I had a dream Marty fell and got hurt. I ate nights like that.
I didn’t have a chance to tell Marty last night about the tanzalite fiasco so I emailed him this morning. He said it was the funniest thing he’d heard all week. He said it was like him bringing home a Rolax.
Lorelei, thanks for being excited for me.
Phoenix Girl, I did get copies of my credits – I’ll watch my checking account for them though. I do plan on starting my book soon. I thought of you and Amanda today about sugar. I had a few of my cookies yesterday and some frozen yogurt last night and was wondering if sugar could have given me crazy dreams. Have fun on your girls night out.
Julianna, yay for getting back on the treadmill.
Appletini, your chicken sounds great. Thanks for the great trips. I like keeping prepared snacks handy in a bowl.
Miscka, good idea to eat veggie pizza. Sometimes when I feel like I am out of sorts on eating I plan my meals and snacks for the week and make sure I write down everything I eat.
Somethingshiny, congratulations for being down 16 pounds.

Skippy, I am glad the peaches are starting to come in to season. I love fresh peaches. Enjoy your walk. I am not really looking for a tanzanite but I am still chuckling over my “find” last night.
Rod, we often post at the same time so hi and I hope you had a great day.
Take care.



Dec 28, 2005
Oy.......Another ''uber'' long day. But a good one. Sort of a repeat of yesterday, in that I got to work at 7:45, but did leave at 5:45 and headed directly to the gym, even though I was ''uber'' tired and could have just gone home and relaxed. But, since I hadn''t been to the gym since Monday night, I just couldn''t skip another night. I refuse to let my new job get in the way of my fitness goals. I just have to figure out how to balance them both. Even I was super tired, I got into my workout and the adrenaline rush hit and the endorphens released and I had a great workout. I will say that the trainers who advised me to cut back my workouts from 5 to 4 a week were right. Letting my muscles heal, is actually helping me stronger muscles. No Skippy, no left over meatload. Charlie got salads for both of us, so I had protein shake and a nice healthy salad for dinner. It was just what wanted!

One interesting note from my day. I''m working with a candidate in New York, NY., on a technical assignment, and we were talking today about what we''d do if we really could and he mentioned that when he graduated from college, he was hired by the GIA to become a diamond grader. So, he''s a graduate of GIA and really loved it, but just couldn''t really find a path towards the right level career.

But the best news of the day came from my brother. He finally had the procedure to determine what was going on in his intestines and he is cancer free!! He still has a bad infection from the e-Coli, but it''s not cancer. It is diverticulitis, which is highly treatable. We''re all so grateful. Thanks to everyone for keeping him in their prayers!

Charlie has to work tomorrow night. Bummer. So, no sushi, froyo and coffee like we always do on Fridays. I don''t know what I''ll do instead. I''m thinking of going to the gym and not going on Saturday, but we''ll see how much energy I have after work tomorrow.

Sorry about the Tanzalite experience Marcy. It goes to prove that old saying......."If something appears to be too good to be true, it probably is too good to be true!" I''m sure they''ll credit your money back pronto, but it''s the aggravation of having to go through it to begin with.

Hey phoenix, I don''t blame you for continuing to have a cleaning service. We still kept ours while we were unemployed. I know we could have cleaned our place ourselves, but for me it was just one more thing to remind me of our situation and I just wasn''t willing to go there. I hope you had fun at girls night out.

Hey Julianna! Two miles on the Treddy O'' Doom is better than no miles!! Loved the yadda yadda skit!!

Thanks for the healty tips Apple! BTW, I''ve made a similar dish with boneless skinless chicken thighs and really enjoy it. I also do a microwave chicken and rice dish with chicken thighs (not boneless though). It''s so simple and good:

One cup of your favorite rice (Uncle Bens work''s really well for this)
One cup of cihicken broth
4 large chcken thighs
In large caserole dish add chicken broth and rice
Place chicken thighs on top of broth rice mixture
Season with favorite seasonings (we use season salt, season pepper and garlic)
Cover caserole dish and microwave on high for 10 minutes
Let rest for 3 - 5 minutes
Cook on high for another 7 - 10 minutes, depending on size of thighs
Let rest 3 - 5 minutes

Miscka, you might want to hire a nutritionist to help you with your eating.

YAY for being down 16 pounds SS!!!!!!! Glad you''re internet connection is back and you''re OK!

I''m still waiting for my Spinach Lasagna Skippy!!! It''s usually better the second day for sure. I hope you enjoyed your waok with your cousin. No leftover meatloaf for me tonight. I had a nice healthy salad instead!

Ok......enough blathering from me. It''s now after 11 and I have to get some sleep.

CYA tomorrow!


Feb 27, 2007
Rod, I am so relieved to hear your brother is cancer free. I hope he has a speedy recovery now that they know what they are treating.


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 7/17/2008 11:27:39 PM
Author: marcyc
Rod, I am so relieved to hear your brother is cancer free. I hope he has a speedy recovery now that they know what they are treating.
Rod, me too; I was just thinking about him today!!! Great news; what a relief!!!
Sending some lasagna your way, or should I make you come visit for a piece. hehe, hmmm. . . maybe that is what i will do so you can visit

Marcy, sweet dreams sweetie; I hope you get to go to bed early!


Mar 19, 2007
Morning everyone! It''s Friday and that means Stairmaster day! Today I climbed quite a few of those treehouses from Lord of the Rings that the elves live in.
Glad that''s over.

Lor: You and I are equally wimpy, it seems. I am a fab rationalizer, too, in the vein of: Ok I''m going to run for ten more minutes. Ten more minutes....ok seven minutes because that leaves time to shave my legs in the shower....ok five minutes because I did so well yesterday. I deserve an easier day today. Ok I''m stopping now, heck with it. *steps off treddy in shame*

marcyc: That''s ok about the tanzalite. Live and learn, yes? As long as your money gets put back in order correctly, you can just chalk it up to experience. Also, Rolax! Hee hee!
Sorry about your crappy sleep, I have a lot of really bad dreams too. Sometimes they''re so bad that I''d rather not go back to sleep.

phoenix: Well, I''ve got the lying prostrate part down pat... You''re right about the privacy. I learned Pilates at home before I tried it at the gym, and it helped me alot with the awkwardness of a new class.

Skippers: I LOVE the chocolate Fiber One bar. It really is good! It actually tastes better and has a better texture than most of the bad-for-you granola bars. And the apple one is great too. My body unfortunately does not... *ahem*...handle that form of fiber very well, though, so there''s a price to pay for that delicious healthiness. Also, I''m so jealous that you are going to see The Dark Knight! I need to find someone to go with, or I might end up in there alone. One way or the other, I''m seeing that movie! And soon!

Rod: Fantastic news about your brother! I hope his treatment is painless and well-executed and his recovery is quick.


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 7/18/2008 9:09:59 AM
Author: Julianna
Morning everyone! It's Friday and that means Stairmaster day! Today I climbed quite a few of those treehouses from Lord of the Rings that the elves live in.
Glad that's over.

: I LOVE the chocolate Fiber One bar. It really is good! It actually tastes better and has a better texture than most of the bad-for-you granola bars. And the apple one is great too. My body unfortunately does not... *ahem*...handle that form of fiber very well, though, so there's a price to pay for that delicious healthiness. Also, I'm so jealous that you are going to see The Dark Knight! I need to find someone to go with, or I might end up in there alone. One way or the other, I'm seeing that movie! And soon!
Julianna, I am counting down the hours to see it; I was reading the reviews this morning and both the viewers and reviewers love the Dark Knight! I keep making hubby watch and rewatch the trailer with me, eeeek, fun! You should go see; I will go with you!!! Yay for a workout!! Well, getting 25-20 grams of fiber is good for you. hehe


Apr 9, 2007
Date: 7/18/2008 9:26:00 AM
Author: Skippy123
Date: 7/18/2008 9:09:59 AM

Author: Julianna

Morning everyone! It''s Friday and that means Stairmaster day! Today I climbed quite a few of those treehouses from Lord of the Rings that the elves live in.
Glad that''s over.

: I LOVE the chocolate Fiber One bar. It really is good! It actually tastes better and has a better texture than most of the bad-for-you granola bars. And the apple one is great too. My body unfortunately does not... *ahem*...handle that form of fiber very well, though, so there''s a price to pay for that delicious healthiness. Also, I''m so jealous that you are going to see The Dark Knight! I need to find someone to go with, or I might end up in there alone. One way or the other, I''m seeing that movie! And soon!
Julianna, I am counting down the hours to see it; I was reading the reviews this morning and both the viewers and reviewers love the Dark Knight! I keep making hubby watch and rewatch the trailer with me, eeeek, fun! You should go see; I will go with you!!! Yay for a workout!! Well, getting 25-20 grams of fiber is good for you. hehe

I saw it last night!!!!! It was amazing. I was so worked up afterwards that I could not sleep, and it was 4am! The Joker was seriously creepy, so get ready! And Christian Bale- well


Nov 29, 2004
I''m working from home this afternoon so the first thing I did was my walk/jog when I came home at lunch.


Jan 29, 2007
I''ve never done great at the dieting thing, but I love to workout, and am trying to get back into it after a week or two of being lazy. This week I did pretty well:

Mon: Walk 4 miles pushing stroller
Tues: Walk 4 miles pushing stroller
Wed: nothing - too busy
Thurs: Walk 3 miles pushing stroller
Fri: Walk 3 miles pushing stroller - run 1 mile on treadmill - 25 pushups, 50 crunches, 25 plie squats

I really need to get back to doing my 5-Factor Workout. It worked so well for me last summer - I worked out 5 days a week 30 min. at a time, and lost 5 pounds and totally toned up. Maybe next week!
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