
Have you ever called for a wellness check?

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Date: 10/12/2009 10:24:23 PM
Author: SanDiegoLady

Date: 10/12/2009 7:24:11 PM
Author: Italiahaircolor
I called to non-emergency number...the desk officer said they would send an officer out and thanked me. That was it. They took my name and number, but they didn''t say if they''d call to follow up--and I forgot to ask. Is that something they do?

Otherwise...all the lights are still burning, and there is nothing going on beside a few renegade cats roaming about.

Thank you all...I feel better having called, I do worry that if something was terribly wrong no one would know. I''m not some crazy peeping Tom, I promise, but I just noticed this as off.
Yes.. its exactly what we do. You haven''t done anything wrong.. Hugs..
They haven''t called me back I don''t know if they will, I called them about 4 hours ago . I can''t see her front entry, so I don''t know if an officer come by yet...I asked my other neighbor (her direct neighbor) if she''s noticed anything...and she kind of tilted her head as if implying what do you mean and then said "no!".

I am going to go to bed soon, so hopefully something tomorrow will pop up...
I would love to have you as my neighbour!

I think you did the right thing. Lets hope your neighbour is okay.
Two weeks I attended the funeral of a former colleague who had been dead for 8 days before someone decided to investigate what was happening. Personally I would much rather someone ''bothered'' me to find out if I was okay that left me dying. I think you have done totally the right thing and I would never hesitate to check on any of my neighbours if it appeared something was wrong.
I hope everything is ok.
You definitely did the right thing. I hope you get some news - and I would hope that my neighbors would care enough to check on me if they thought something was amiss!
Im glad you called.She has a good friend in you!
Any news?

How is your neighbor?

Lets start with the "good news"...the lights are off. However in the daylight I can still see the milk and other food items on the counter but no cats running amuck. But, at least the lights off which lets me know that someone was probably inside.

The bad news? I still haven't seen her. And I haven't been called by the police I will call them this evening once I get home.

That's all I know at this point. But thank you, thank you SDL, I am going to ask for the number when I call back--they didn't give me anything during my "wellness check call"--they just took my information and told me they would look into it.

ETA: I did work from home again (unplanned) to see if anything came up...but I had to run some errands, do you think it's okay if I wait till I get home to call--or should I call right now?
Since they knew to go check and the lights are off (and cats not running around), you could probably wait until you get home. Sounds like someone went in.

Hopefully she is okay.
You''re a good neighbor, italia! I''m glad you called for the wellness check and the lights are off. At least that''s a sign that someone has been in the house. Hope the neighbor is ok.
Date: 10/13/2009 9:26:32 PM
Author: SanDiegoLady
Date: 10/13/2009 5:47:32 PM

Author: Italiahaircolor


Lets start with the ''good news''...the lights are off. However in the daylight I can still see the milk and other food items on the counter but no cats running amuck. But, at least the lights off which lets me know that someone was probably inside.

The bad news? I still haven''t seen her. And I haven''t been called by the police I will call them this evening once I get home.

That''s all I know at this point. But thank you, thank you SDL, I am going to ask for the number when I call back--they didn''t give me anything during my ''wellness check call''--they just took my information and told me they would look into it.

ETA: I did work from home again (unplanned) to see if anything came up...but I had to run some errands, do you think it''s okay if I wait till I get home to call--or should I call right now?

You can call the non-emergency number whenever you feel the need to do so. I would want to know she''s ok. Just remember to tell them you were the reporting party from yesterday but wanted to make sure she was ok because you still have not seen her. Gosh maybe they need to make sure she isn''t 5150..

SDL, what''s 5150?
Date: 10/14/2009 8:07:27 AM
Author: Hudson_Hawk

Date: 10/13/2009 9:26:32 PM
Author: SanDiegoLady

Date: 10/13/2009 5:47:32 PM

Author: Italiahaircolor


Lets start with the ''good news''...the lights are off. However in the daylight I can still see the milk and other food items on the counter but no cats running amuck. But, at least the lights off which lets me know that someone was probably inside.

The bad news? I still haven''t seen her. And I haven''t been called by the police I will call them this evening once I get home.

That''s all I know at this point. But thank you, thank you SDL, I am going to ask for the number when I call back--they didn''t give me anything during my ''wellness check call''--they just took my information and told me they would look into it.

ETA: I did work from home again (unplanned) to see if anything came up...but I had to run some errands, do you think it''s okay if I wait till I get home to call--or should I call right now?

You can call the non-emergency number whenever you feel the need to do so. I would want to know she''s ok. Just remember to tell them you were the reporting party from yesterday but wanted to make sure she was ok because you still have not seen her. Gosh maybe they need to make sure she isn''t 5150..

SDL, what''s 5150?
I think 5150 is police code for mentally/emotionally disturbed person.
Yup, that''s the police/fire code for crazy. In our house its the code we use when we dont want the kids to have access to something-as in ''you''re crazy if you think I''m letting you have/get/ or watch that''

Italia-what ever happened with your neighbor? Hope you post again and let us know.
Please post. I hope she''s ok!
Date: 10/14/2009 12:59:08 PM
Author: luv2sparkle
Yup, that''s the police/fire code for crazy. In our house its the code we use when we dont want the kids to have access to something-as in ''you''re crazy if you think I''m letting you have/get/ or watch that''

Italia-what ever happened with your neighbor? Hope you post again and let us know.
Crazy? Really? Sounds more like a person in CRISIS.

5150 Criteria
-Danger to self: The person must be an immediate threat to themselves, usually by being suicidal. Someone who is severely depressed and wishes to die would fall under this category (though they generally have to have expressed a plan to commit suicide and not just a wish to die).

-Danger to others: The person must be an immediate threat to someone else''s safety.

-Gravely disabled:
1. Adult (patients over 18 years of age): The person''s mental condition prevents him/her from being able to provide for food, clothing, and/or shelter, and there is no indication that anyone is willing or able to assist him/her in procuring these needs. This does not necessarily mean homeless, as a homeless person who is able to seek housing (even in a temporary shelter) when weather demands it would not fall under this category. Also, the mere lack of resources to provide food, clothing, or shelter is not dispositive; the inability must be caused by the psychiatric condition.
2. Minor (patients under 18 years of age): The person is unable to provide for his/her food, clothing, and/or shelter or to make appropriate use of them even if these are supplied directly—for example, a psychotic adolescent who refuses to eat because he/she believes his/her parents are poisoning them.

-Mental disorder: Though undefined by statute or regulation, this is generally taken to refer to a diagnosis listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Page 14 of the LA County LPS Designation Manual states that the initiator must be able to articulate behavioral symptoms of a mental disorder either temporary or prolonged
Of course your right House Cat, I was only using ''crazy'' as a general very broad phrase. Certainly didn''t mean to offend.
I didn''t realize when I wrote that how casual and flip that sounded. I''ve been a fire wife for too long. Certainly didn''t mean that as it sounded. My apologies. Certainly not meant to minimize the
seriousness or sadness involved in mental illness, or anyone in crisis.
Good news! I actually saw her today! Wandering her around her kitchen, at least she''s not dead on the floor!!
Date: 10/14/2009 9:49:33 PM
Author: Italiahaircolor
Good news! I actually saw her today! Wandering her around her kitchen, at least she''s not dead on the floor!!
Phew, so glad she''s ok....
Whew! I am sure that is a relief!
Great news, I am so glad she is okay
Great news, I am so glad she is okay
glad to hear your neighbor is ok! Italia is she elderly? Perhaps you could go introduce yourself? Maybe make an effort to try to get to know her better so you could be on phone call terms?

When I was very young, my grandparents leased out part of their property to an elderly woman. She came off as very private. She would do yard work but never wave or anything, and most of the time was inside. One day I snuck over to her yard to see her bird bath... She came outside to see what on earth I was doing in her yard. I ended up going over daily after that. It turned out she was just shy, and so I was I. We became great companions until she moved away to be closer to family in her oldest and sicker years. She was a fascinating little woman, who fed me cookies, loved daytime television, fine lace, and her dog.
What a are a good neighbor for checking on her.
Whew. So glad she''s ok!
You are a very good neighbor. Glad you say her alive.
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