
Have you changed your ering-more than once?

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Jul 13, 2005
Have you changed the setting on your ering? I have. And I want to do it again.
Am I too picky? Maybe. But, if you don''t LOVE it, what''s the point, right? (I guess I''m looking for support!)

I''ll try to get a picture of my current ring because I need your help.

I have had 4 different settings (if you count the presentation setting) and still am not happy!

I thought that I wanted platinum(this was before it was SO popular) and then decided I didn''t like it because everything else I had is gold. THEN, I had it set into a tension setting, which I didn''t like, to take the pressure off of the decision, I had it prong set into a wider comfort fit band, knowing that later I would shop again. Well...last year I found what I thought was the perfect setting, had my diamond set and didn''t love it. What I discovered was that the band is too narrow for my finger(of course, when I bought it I couldn''t get it over my knuckle so couldn''t really tell) and also, having the diamonds in this setting actually detracts from the center stone to where it''s not as stunning. I''m looking for a Ruby to set in this setting (for a RHR) after I have my diamond reset.

Now to my question. What do you think is the most flattering basic style of solitaire? I want something with some substance, since I have long fingers(so it needs to be wider) and wear a size 7. Also, I want the diamond to stand out, you know "wow!" (like....isn''t that big?!)

That''s why I have been reading this forum, looking at the rings and reading your experiences.

Any suggestions? I CANNOT do this another time after husband will think I''m insane! This has to be the final change, the pressure is on! Also, we don''t really have a good jeweler for me to go to, the local one doesn''t have anything with this large of a stone in it to look at (imagine that! It''s not even that big) They keep telling me that they can custom make something for me, but what if I don''t like it?! What is the chance of that? ha

By the way, my wedding band is a channel set .5 carat(total weight) princess cut 8 stones(which I can NEVER change according to hubby, it''s a sentimental thing) I don''t mind if the ering doesn''t fit flush with the band, in fact I prefer that they don''t.

Thanks for your help!


Feb 8, 2003
Maybe you could drive to Seattle or Bellevue and check out some jewelers there who carry larger stones just to get an idea of what other styles would look like with your size of stone???

I have no idea what to recommend to you as far as ring styles go, but I do think that even if you do find a setting you like, that possibly you should wait on purchasing the ring for at least a month or two and then try on the ones you like again a few times before buying. Many people here have switched settings around a few times, and I think at some point, you've just got to step back and wait rather than impulsively picking out yet another setting.


Dec 7, 2003
Have you checked out the "Show Me the Ring" forum thread full of the engagement rings? That might give you an idea of which type of solitaire you like the best.


Jul 13, 2005
Yes, I have been watching that eye-candy and WOW, there is some beautiful stuff there!
I guess I''m going to have to just make a trip up North to Seattle to check into a jeweler that isn''t just your average mall-type since I can''t find one here. For me, I think I need be able to try it on to make sure. It''s funny how different something can look when you actually get it on your finger and have the stone set, so I need to see the setting with the stone in.

I have seen the trellis setting, which I like, but would prefer not to have that bar across the stone, and a cathedral-type setting would be nice if it was a wide enough band and I would like a comfort type fit.

Has anybody had experience with ordering a setting from one of the preferred online stores and then returning it if you don''t like it?

The other challenge is that my wedding band is 14K gold, and a lot of these only come in platinum or 18K so I would need to special order something in 14K to match, don''t you think?


May 16, 2003
I think MichelleCarmen's suggestion is a good one. I am on my 4th setting, and still tend to dink around with it. I don't believe that this is my final setting, but I know DH is tired of me making changes, so I'm going with it for now. Part of my problem is that there are so many great choices, so it depends on my mood, and part is translating what I see to what it looks like on my hand, with my stone, in my lifestyle. I found a jeweler near me who carries larger stones and lots of settings, so I figure I will go there and try on everything in sight before my next change.


Nov 18, 2004
I''m on my 4th, but it''s the final one.


Jan 30, 2005
O.k. first off. I LOVE you''re avatar. As you can tell by my log in name I am a true wtnlvr
. How old is he/she??

I think the nicest basic solitaire type setting is a center stone with 2 sides like pears. Mine is a 1.5 RB with 2 (.5 each) sapphire sides. The stone looks big to me in this setting. I have it paired with a 5 stone asher band.



Nov 29, 2004
Date: 7/15/2005 8:27:16 PM
Author: baroque

The other challenge is that my wedding band is 14K gold, and a lot of these only come in platinum or 18K so I would need to special order something in 14K to match, don''t you think?

I found the same thing, e-rings come in 18K and wedding bands only ever seem to come in 14K. Fortunately, we got my wedding band first (in England) and we got 18K so it was easy to match the e-ring later. I''d be interested to hear from vendors why it''s so hard to match the two rings. My e-ring came from Mondera, it''s 18K, and yet Mondera only sell 14K wedding bands so you can''t get a matched set.

It''s all a conspiracy to make us buy platinum


Jul 13, 2005
Date: 7/15/2005 8:44:37 PM
Author: WTNLVR
O.k. first off. I LOVE you''re avatar. As you can tell by my log in name I am a true wtnlvr
. How old is he/she??

I think the nicest basic solitaire type setting is a center stone with 2 sides like pears. Mine is a 1.5 RB with 2 (.5 each) sapphire sides. The stone looks big to me in this setting. I have it paired with a 5 stone asher band.
My avatar is a puppy pic of my almost 3yr old Champion girl. We''ll have to chat about Wheaten''s off forum! Do you belong to the Wheaten-L? Wheaten''s are my obsession!

I LOVE your ring! Do you have a side view pic, or know what online vendor might have a pic of the setting? It''s a nice example too, because my stone is 1.5 RB also.

Yep, Cinnabar, the 14K vs 18K carat is a problem, the current setting being 18K is yet another reason I don''t love it. You''re lucky that your wedding ring is 18K, that made things much easier for you. I didn''t think that the difference in color was going to bother me when I got the setting, but it does. Unfortunately, since I didn''t stay with the original platinum choice, I have the 14K wedding band.....and that can''t be changed, not an option.


Jan 30, 2005
What is wheaten-L? I used to be on the really old AOL wheatie board but it doesn''t exist anymore and I can''t find anything similiar.

Anyway, try this site. My ring isn''t a basket setting it''s a standard 6 prong head. Standard issue and can probably be found almost anywhere. But this site is kinda cool. I also attached a pic of a setting similiar to mine. Mine has etching on all sides not just 2. May have to do this in 2 posts. Not too great at the attachment stuff.



Jan 30, 2005
Here is the side view of a ring similiar to mine. I never did get a good real pic of my ring.



Oct 30, 2002
i would venture to say that if you have changed out your setting numerous times in the past and still aren''t happy, this next change may not get you there either. preferences change and if i had a dime for every time i thought, wow my stone would look great in that setting, i would be rich. there are tons of settings out there that i like but in reality you have to choose ONE to wear and stick with it.

try on MANY settings before you decide. and then try on some more just in case. i have changed out my stone a few times but not my setting yet, for me that''s more of a serious undertaking if that makes sense...because a stone is a stone, it may get bigger or brighter or whatever, but the setting is a huge component of the ring and to me it requires ALOT of thought before changing a setting. maybe you should give this next change a very long while to gel in your mind with hopes that it would be the last one.


Jan 14, 2003
I changed my setting a few times as well.
First, when I had a smaller stone, I got the Vatche 3 stone truffle ring, then I changed that to the Vatche Royal Crown solitaire.

Then I upgraded my stone and decided to get Leon Mege to make me a simple solitaire.

One day, I was at BBB and found a beautiful setting made by Ritani and that is my setting currently.

So, two stones with two different settings each!

Prior to purchasing the Ritani, I waited about 6 months to make sure that I really liked it and kept going back to the stores that sold it to try it on.

I was able to return the Vatche truffle and I only lost 20% ($130) on the price of the setting and got a full refund on the side stones. I also sold the Royal Crown setting and the Leon Mege settings, so not all was lost.

I think the best ways to make a diamond look bigger are to have it bezel set and to have a thin band. Also, if the diamond is set higher, it will look bigger as well.

Like everyone suggesting, keep trying on different settings and take your time before you decide.
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