
haunted houses and children

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May 5, 2005
ok, so I just came back from a fund raising haunted house. There was one for the little kids and one for the older kids and adults.

While there, I saw a little boy, maybe 4 years old, carried into the haunted house against his wishes by his laughing parents, telling him it's no big deal and not to be scared. Then they made him go through again a second time, while he screamed at the entrance that time going in because he knew it was scary.

I also saw a pair of parents try to make their maybe 9 year old girl feel bad for not going in with them. She was cowering in a corner and upset refusing to go in. I told her she could stay outside with me until they got out (I was working the admission booth), and she did that, but her parents were unhappy about her not going in. I think they thought she was being too fearful and she should just get over it. I felt so bad for her - why should she be forced to go into something like that? And then they really made her feel like a coward.

What in the world is wrong with people? Am I overreacting, or is that just wrong? I mean, isn't the idea of a haunted house supposed to be scary but also fun and something you actually WANT to go into? Are they trying to toughen up their kids by having them scared and frightened? It may have the opposite effect on them and make them even more fearful and give them nightmares.

What age is too young for a haunted house? I think it depends on each child.


Jul 22, 2007
I think age is entirely dependent upon each individual child. I think forcing anyone to go through is flat out wrong. How could you make your scared child go in?? My 3.5 yr old is scared to walk past the Walmart costumes let alone go thru a haunted house! By forcing the children in or making them feel inadequate for not attending, they are increasing the child''s fear.




Jun 7, 2007
I think it''s wrong to force anyone to go into a haunted house. My sister and I went with our parents many years ago - I was probably in junior high - and it was awful for me. I''ve not gone to one since and I''ve been picked on so much about it over the years. I just don''t think it''s fun. At all. I don''t like feeling like I''m trapped and can''t get out, I don''t like people touching me or jumping out at me and I hate clowns. They scare me. I''m 27 years old so I realize it''s irrational to feel this way but I do.

My DH likes to go to haunted houses and so does my sister so they will usually go together once a year. I have a 15 month old son and when he''s old enough he can go with DH but I''ve already said that I''m not going. No way no how.


Mar 6, 2006
Date: 10/24/2009 9:30:07 PM
ok, so I just came back from a fund raising haunted house. There was one for the little kids and one for the older kids and adults.

While there, I saw a little boy, maybe 4 years old, carried into the haunted house against his wishes by his laughing parents, telling him it''s no big deal and not to be scared. Then they made him go through again a second time, while he screamed at the entrance that time going in because he knew it was scary.

I also saw a pair of parents try to make their maybe 9 year old girl feel bad for not going in with them. She was cowering in a corner and upset refusing to go in. I told her she could stay outside with me until they got out (I was working the admission booth), and she did that, but her parents were unhappy about her not going in. I think they thought she was being too fearful and she should just get over it. I felt so bad for her - why should she be forced to go into something like that? And then they really made her feel like a coward.

What in the world is wrong with people? Am I overreacting, or is that just wrong? I mean, isn''t the idea of a haunted house supposed to be scary but also fun and something you actually WANT to go into? Are they trying to toughen up their kids by having them scared and frightened? It may have the opposite effect on them and make them even more fearful and give them nightmares.

What age is too young for a haunted house? I think it depends on each child.
No, you are not overreacting at all. Those parents are SERIOUSLY selfish and childish and putting themselves and their desire to go into the haunted house over their children''s fears . Those poor kids that are forced to go in wil lhave some serious nightmares. I feel bad for those kids
I can''t imagine forcing my kids to see a haunted house against their wishes. As for proper age, I think it depends on the child and their comfort level. I''m 40 and I dont'' like haunted houses. Maybe I''m not old enough :)


Jul 20, 2008
I don''t think it is fair. This reminds me of something though. I know that before I was living with DH that I was more scared of stuff. Being alone in a bedroom after seeing scary things is much worse than sleeping with someone beside you. I noticed that after having a sleeping partner I wasn''t afraid to watch scary movies at night anymore. These parents just arent thinking. They are kids and everything seems bigger and scarier and then they have to go home and go to bed alone in a dark room.
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