
Has Anyone Heard From Daniel M?

I'm sorry that any of you guys get caught up with this dude, and I hate seeing this yet again.

This guy has a history of doing this. I don't know why, I don't know his story, but I've seen this too many times out of him. This is now 3/4 th time now?

Price should not be the only indicator and sometimes the product isn't either.

If you read time and time again about someone being ghosted by a vendor, or mistreated by a vendor, and its happening in cyclical fashion, thats not a good vendor.
So Dan ended up really coming through for me. A day or two after my last update, I asked him for an update, and the very next day he had CADs for me. Within two weeks after that, the piece was ready and shipped out.

It’s gorgeous and I love it and I will share pics in the goodies thread just as soon as I figure out where my three year old put my jewelry box. :wall:
@rosethorn I'm so glad to hear that, truly!

For me the communication has been there and has been pretty prompt lately which is the main thing. For me if that's not there, it makes waiting months and months so so much worse and makes the situation entirely unacceptable.

I personally am going to stop talking about my experience publicly after this post, but others please feel free to use this thread as intended. I'm just wanting to move on and put it behind me. Although If anyone wants to talk one on one about my experience or yours, please feel free to get ahold of me on IG.

For me, the experience has really come down to the fact that while it has been really worrisome at times and wholly unpleasant....due to the more personal friendship we've built I was not willing to quickly throw it away. That's the simplest reasoning.

Now am I still waiting on the projects? Yes - & that might be totally not okay for some or even most people, but for me I'm obviously patient and I'm just not willing to move on from having him as my jeweler as the cost, quality, and seller/client friendship I've built, (including being emotionally invested in his family) is worth more than this minor hiccup, however inconvenient and unprofessional it was. & Yes it was unprofessional. I don't want to make any excuses for his unprofessionalism.

Now does this mean that I'll always "stick it out"? No. But I do believe in letting people make mistakes. Humans will human. I reserve the right to change my mind at any point, and maybe I will in the future. It's all about whether the good that comes from working with him outweighs the bad, and right now it does.

I hope that clarifies my feelings on the subject, not that it's needed but it is my thread, so I wanted to conclude my experience. I also really hope that communication and production is swift for all! Especially those who have been waiting for 6+ months, I hope that you finally get some sort of resolution. May you find peace in your decision, after asking yourself "Is this worth it?"

Sometimes it is.
Sometimes it isnt.

& Sometimes it was but is not anymore and that's okay too.

@LemonMoonLex -- I just reread your opening post and this last post of yours -- as you state, you are willing to continue to overlook his unprofessionalism and to pay him for it -- personally if I were working with someone I considered a friend, I would expect timely completion at the least -- I won't wish you luck with your projects because that's not what you're looking for -- but I do hope the seller/client friendship and/or emotional investment in his family you mention is truly worth what you are giving up as a consumer and a human being, i.e., reasonable expectation that your projects and your client status warrant timely and satisfactory completion.
@LemonMoonLex -- I just reread your opening post and this last post of yours -- as you state, you are willing to continue to overlook his unprofessionalism and to pay him for it -- personally if I were working with someone I considered a friend, I would expect timely completion at the least -- I won't wish you luck with your projects because that's not what you're looking for -- but I do hope the seller/client friendship and/or emotional investment in his family you mention is truly worth what you are giving up as a consumer and a human being, i.e., reasonable expectation that your projects and your client status warrant timely and satisfactory completion.

Exactly why I won't be commenting further on this experience.

Your judgement is unwanted and unnecessary. My decision to stay working with Daniel is a personal one and is a decision each person needs to make for themselves. Please spread your negativity elsewhere.
Well, it's been almost a year now and he has two of my stones. Last communication was December 19: :x2:x2:x2:x2
"I know you have heard this in the past but I am wrapping the designs up. You won’t have to ask again.. Thank you again for your understanding.

I'm SO bummed about this! I'm going to have to ask for my stones back at this point. I just sent him a message and hopefully he will respond and get the work done!
@LemonMoonLex -- I just reread your opening post and this last post of yours -- as you state, you are willing to continue to overlook his unprofessionalism and to pay him for it -- personally if I were working with someone I considered a friend, I would expect timely completion at the least -- I won't wish you luck with your projects because that's not what you're looking for -- but I do hope the seller/client friendship and/or emotional investment in his family you mention is truly worth what you are giving up as a consumer and a human being, i.e., reasonable expectation that your projects and your client status warrant timely and satisfactory completion.

Yeesh. We all have different tolerances to certain behaviors. Reading this thread has helped me understand that Daniel M is not someone who I could trust with any more projects, but that doesn’t mean I need to admonish someone who continues to work with him.

@LemonMoonLex has been very transparent about her difficulties, is aware of other people’s very real issues, and it’s a personal choice if she continues to work him. She’s not pressuring anyone else to be as patient with him.

Let’s not throw stones at one another for working with vendors we may not have liked/wouldn’t work with. Transparency here is what’s key. No one in this thread has false illusions about the risks of working with Daniel M anymore, and I expect that most of us won’t consider working with him again.

Let’s also hope that newbies read this thread first to make an informed choice about the risks.
Exactly why I won't be commenting further on this experience.

Your judgement is unwanted and unnecessary. My decision to stay working with Daniel is a personal one and is a decision each person needs to make for themselves. Please spread your negativity elsewhere.

I am sincerely sorry you feel that way. However, you created this thread. If you didn't want judgment and if you wanted your decision to remain personal, you should have kept it to yourself.

My reply was based entirely on the information you presented; as such, it was factually correct and indeed can be read as negative since the facts themselves are negative.

My reply actually respected your decision and I specifically commented that I hoped the trade-off was worth it to you -- that to me is positive. I am sorry you don't take it that way.
My message to him was kind of mom-ish. :lol-2:

" I am extremely disappointed... If you can't complete the puffy heart design, you should say so. The tanzanite idea isn't complicated. I need you to complete the CADs for these ... I've been extremely patient, but this is getting ridiculous. I need to know you will do the work...."

I am SO easygoing with jewelers. I tend to trust them, their instincts and talents. I don't ask a lot of questions and I never make demands. We'll see what happens...
Okay, updating this thread because Dan has had a peridot and two old rings of mine since last fall. I haven't heard from him since Dec. Last week I messaged him thu Etsy, saying show me a CAD or send the whole works back, no harm no foul. No reply at all. Does anyone know a good reason for this? I don't want to complain to Etsy , he's done some great work for me. But sheesh. Enlighten me.
Okay, updating this thread because Dan has had a peridot and two old rings of mine since last fall. I haven't heard from him since Dec. Last week I messaged him thu Etsy, saying show me a CAD or send the whole works back, no harm no foul. No reply at all. Does anyone know a good reason for this? I don't want to complain to Etsy , he's done some great work for me. But sheesh. Enlighten me.

That’s awful. I’m so sorry.

This reinforces for me that people don’t change. For him to not even reply to you. Not ok.

If you paid anything I’d reverse those charges.
For the possession of your stones I would take whatever measures necessary. If contacting Etsy would help I would do that

I’m so sorry and hope you can get your peridot and rings back
missy, thank you for this. It's disheartening since I've worked with him before and really liked him. But crimonitly, just throw my stuff in a padded mailer and send it back. I'll reach out one more time, then I contact Etsy.
missy, thank you for this. It's disheartening since I've worked with him before and really liked him. But crimonitly, just throw my stuff in a padded mailer and send it back. I'll reach out one more time, then I contact Etsy.

oh wow, I would not be happy and would be stressed. hope you find resolution
Thank you, it's gnawing at me. Two rings barely worth $100 a piece but a lovely peridot given to me by Mr. Car Parts. I'd like to have it back.
Thank you, it's gnawing at me. Two rings barely worth $100 a piece but a lovely peridot given to me by Mr. Car Parts. I'd like to have it back.

yeah I would have to message one more time asking for it back then contact etsy if that is the platform you went through or escalate it some other way. I would be even more stressed if it were something sentimental and not likely to handle it well. please update us what happens
He responded, will mail my stuff tomorrow. He's been dealing with family health problems.
When I get my items back, I'm going to post a nice story about him. He was truly kind to me.
Sorry to say I am now having a similar issue. :(
I'm sorry you're in this situation. My pendant took close to 11 months, I'd let it go, then periodically I'd contact him thru Etsy, saying, please, don't make me open a case. Anyway, I have it now, never doubted that I would, but it's a trying experience. I really like hibrooch-8.7.23.jpgm but he has a lot goin' on.
I'm sorry you're in this situation. My pendant took close to 11 months, I'd let it go, then periodically I'd contact him thru Etsy, saying, please, don't make me open a case. Anyway, I have it now, never doubted that I would, but it's a trying experience. I really like hibrooch-8.7.23.jpgm but he has a lot goin' on.

It’s very beautiful! What are the stones?
The peridot is from Finewater Gems. I told Dan that I spend 15 hours a week mowing in the summer, please make me a brooch that reminds me of the green earth and blue sky. He sourced the topaz, made it a brooch and a pendant.
I know he doesn't live on his Etsy work, he's a bench for other jewelers, maybe a large company. He's done other things for me and I love all of it and I think he's a very decent person, but boy, the wait and the wondering.
Care to share what you're waiting for?
Sorry to say I am now having a similar issue. :(

I am, too. You'd think I'd have learned from my last two rounds with him, but no. So here I am waiting since March. He's posting sales on etsy, so I know he's notified of my messages. It really makes me angry!
I love what he's made for me in the past, and it's hard to find a quality vendor who is reasonably priced, but geez it's frustrating!
I am, too. You'd think I'd have learned from my last two rounds with him, but no. So here I am waiting since March. He's posting sales on etsy, so I know he's notified of my messages. It really makes me angry!
I love what he's made for me in the past, and it's hard to find a quality vendor who is reasonably priced, but geez it's frustrating!

Did you eventually get the stuff that you were talking about earlier in the thread in Feb?

It’s happening to me now too btw. I know someone else who has been waiting over a year (maybe more) and has yet to get a drawing.

I know he has serious family stressors. But it’s still not right.
Always got my jewelry, on time or delayed.
Yeah he has a stone from Alex Park that I paid $2000 for plus a bunch of stones I got from Loose Grown. Probably has $3000 worth of my stuff. Wish he’d just say he was too busy right now. I prefer to keep my stuff until he’s able to do the project. He’s ignoring all my messages on Etsy.
Yeah he has a stone from Alex Park that I paid $2000 for plus a bunch of stones I got from Loose Grown. Probably has $3000 worth of my stuff. Wish he’d just say he was too busy right now. I prefer to keep my stuff until he’s able to do the project. He’s ignoring all my messages on Etsy.

I just wouldn’t be able to deal with this. Someone having my stones and not responding to communication. I’m sure you are handling this better than I would.
Three years ago I mailed Dan the most expensive diamond I've ever bought (okay, 6K, not much by PS standards) to be set in a ring. It disappeared from any tracking, took almost a month to go from Wisc. to Mass. I almost lost my tiny little mind. Turns out it was stuck in Milwaukee for 2 weeks. Dan sort of took my hand thru this whole ordeal. He could have said, Nothing I can do, not my problem.
I really like the ring but I also like what Jax172 said, keep my stuff until he's able to work on it.
The peridot is from Finewater Gems. I told Dan that I spend 15 hours a week mowing in the summer, please make me a brooch that reminds me of the green earth and blue sky. He sourced the topaz, made it a brooch and a pendant.
I know he doesn't live on his Etsy work, he's a bench for other jewelers, maybe a large company. He's done other things for me and I love all of it and I think he's a very decent person, but boy, the wait and the wondering.
Care to share what you're waiting for?

Hi, thanks for the info on your lovely pendant, Finewater gems is special! I’ve recently been interested in Peridot after seeing it used in a lot of American Art Nouveau pieces. The symbolism of the pendant is so cool. I’d love to see more/closeups.

Re my projects: I’m actually someone Dan ghosted after acting interested in my project. I messaged him via Etsy and he immediately responded and told me to email him my project specs. After I emailed him he didn’t reply and didn’t reply to my IMs in Etsy. I realize he’s busy with a long waiting list. I modified my project specs and told him he was welcome to modify further because I’d be flexible, but he didn’t want to respond. I understand if things aren’t a good fit, and I’m okay with artists being artists so I never wanted to complain about that here.

My problem is that it takes me a long time to get up the courage to move forward and then I get stalled by stuff like not hearing back for a long time or getting ghosted by a vendor. I get skittish.

My current 2 setting needs I’m sitting on a Myanmar spinel (included, imperfect but “Burma ruby” color) and an old cut diamond which I’ve been thinking about setting for years. I wanted a “tu et moi” setting in yellow gold, with the diamond set into white basket, spinel in yellow. I also have an Ottu sapphire (a really odd stone) that needs a white metal filigree setting.

My specific hope is modest cost! And I’m terrified of having my stones get lost in the mail, which has happened to me when buying eBay pieces TWICE. like no one at the post office knows where my package is! To their credit, they’ve always found the package with some time and effort on my part. Sigh.
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David Klass did my moi et toi at a very reasonable cost, and it happened quickly. Diamond and garnet "Evan" was JOTW, can't remember when. I had him do the band in silver, being easier to adjust for size, and cheaper.Evan.byDK.12.2022.jpg2.jpg
David Klass did my moi et toi at a very reasonable cost, and it happened quickly. Diamond and garnet "Evan" was JOTW, can't remember when. I had him do the band in silver, being easier to adjust for size, and cheaper.Evan.byDK.12.2022.jpg2.jpg

Thank you for sharing this! Wow, I love your design and look at that high crowned cut on your garnet (I’ll find your JOTW post now). DKJ seems totally my style, I just love that they “work with you” on just about everything.