
Has anyone else sold of Granny’s estate jewelry?


Jun 8, 2008
I do not have to like people just before they happen to be family.

I am very sorry for all you have gone through @dk168 and it is a credit to you and who you are for having come through it all as such an amazing human being. (((Hugs))).


Jul 7, 2013
I forgot to mention that my grandmother did give me a ring with a blue stone in it.

It has surface abrasions, and I have not had the stone tested to confirm what it is as I doubt if it would be worth anything as she had never given me anything of value as mentioned already. It is a kind of blue that I like, and may re-set it one day (it has been take out of its original simple setting) as a momento.

She had also given me an old pearl necklace that was in a very sorry state, very yellow, dirty with bad surfaces, which was confirmed to be early cultured pearls not worth anything by a late self-taught pearl expert.

The money from her will helped to pay towards my first car, and I lent a sizable chunk of that to my sister when she needed it for her business as my mum asked me to do that. It was one-twelve of the price of my bachelor flat at the time in the early 90s.

I do not expect to see a penny back as I fell out and ex-communicated her back in 2002. I am on the moral high ground as she owes me a favour to this day!

DK :))


Jul 7, 2013
I am very sorry for all you have gone through @dk168 and it is a credit to you and who you are for having come through it all as such an amazing human being. (((Hugs))).

Thanks for the kind words. I have a dark side, trust me on that!

DK :))


Jun 8, 2008
Thanks for the kind words. I have a dark side, trust me on that!

DK :))

Well, truth be told most of us do. And wouldn't we be boring if we were all sunshine and roses?:sun: LOL. And bwahaha. :devil:


Jul 13, 2007
Count me in as another one who had an awful, cruel grandmother. Sucks to be the least liked, yet most successful grandkid. I lost out on an inheritance as well. When my second daughter was born, she said to my DH "Oh I'm so sorry! I know you wanted a boy!". ??? She lived to 98. All the mean ones do.


Jul 14, 2020
@missy - such a kind message, thank-you so much.
I have always valued the people I have lost so much that the items or money were easy to let go of in comparison.
It seems like useless wasted energy to care about money and things when we have so little control over our own future or how long we are here to enjoy it.
My father died when he was 46 - and I just turned 44 - so I’m not someone to hold grudges or make long term plans.
I appreciate what I do have and that I do have a future with my partner that is secure. His family in Portugal have always been wonderful to me and treated me as family from the moment they meant me even when they can’t understand a word I’m saying nor me them.
While my family was pretending to be rich people we have always lived within our means - refusing to use credit cards and saving cash for all our holidays.
@Bron357 is correct - karma is going full circle and the people that were greedy and decided to live above their means and spend money that wasn’t there’s are now struggling much more then we ever had and don’t have a back up plan.
We may not own our own home and drive a 10yr old car.... but we also don’t ever expect a hand out or ask for help.
min turn the universe sorts us out and wonderful things and opportunities come to us without us trying too hard (which really makes my family resent me more). Life is like that.

Even my partners parents have *effed* us over. They took our rent free house (looooong story) and we had to move out with our daughter before she turned 1.
We now pay expensive rent and they live for free and take holidays every year and buy expensive cars etc.

I have learnt that having people is a bad energy that eats away at you.
I need to forgive people in order for me to be at peace.
We have known for a long time that the only people that are going to care about the three of us are the three of us.
Eventually his parents will pass away and everything they have will go to y partner and or my daughter so the rest is just water in the stream.

I’ve had lots of bad stuff happen but I could list all day the awesome things so it’s relative;)2


Jan 14, 2003
I’m sorry that this happened to you. My grandmother (paternal) loves me so much but has absolutely nothing to give. She also has 8 living children so I can see her items going to them first before ever reaching me and that’s perfectly fine.
My mother sounds like your grandmother. I can see this happening with her grandchildren. It’s already happening now while she is alive but luckily we are able to provide everything for our kids and don’t need her. I would hate for my kids to feel like they are the unloved grandchildren.

I agree with some posters who said that it would have been nice if the grandchildren who received more could have given you something.

I hope you get lots of bids on the auctions!


Feb 24, 2017
Ugh, she sounds like a thoroughly awful woman.

I hope the ‘gaudy baubles’ bring in enough money so you can buy something really nice for yourself, or at least enough to have a little treat.

I didn’t know my grandparents, my maternal grandparents died before I was born, I met my paternal grandfather when I was 6 months old, so don’t remember him, and my maternal grandmother ran off and left my father when he was a small child. She must’ve know he was going to grow up to be a thoroughly detestable person.

I’m happy to say that everything we have, has been purely as a result of our own hard work, we got nothing from my parents, and DH’s inheritance from his mother was given straight to DS.

When we had male dogs, we always said we had a son and heir, and a hairy son :lol: We’ve already given DS quite a lot, as it’s helped him now when he needs it, rather than wait till we’re dead and gone.
Apr 22, 2020
I’m sorry you had to go through that with someone so miserable. What’s really awful is that a person like that can just poison things for an entire family and ruin relationships. I don’t know if your cousins/family are nice people or not but if they are, I hope you can have a relationship with them and not have it ruined by your grandmother’s bitterness.


Jan 22, 2014
In my family, my sister is the favourite with my mother and it has galled me over the years to see various pieces of her jewellery be gifted to my sister. Mums choice of course but it still stings especially as my sister lives overseas (with regular paid for visits back to Australia) in a nice house (with a hefty deposit from mum). I think that was why I made it a priority to create my own fabulous jewellery collection.
Our family had a huge drama over Grandmas ruby ring. Everyone wanted it, everyone assumed it was worth a small fortune. It wasn’t because somewhere along the way (grandmas brother had a severe gambling habit and over the decades he had basically sold off all the family jewels) the gemstones were replaced with red glass. Gosh, it was so ugly, the fighting over everything. Ugh.
interestingly my DD is the grandchild apple of my mother’s eye. My mother loves telling people about her accomplishments. My mother has a beautiful pair of sapphire and diamond earrings that my sister has been salivating over for years. They are stunningly beautiful.
DD is somewhat wary and reserved with my mother, she has witnessed the favoritism shown to my sister. DD has no interest in jewellery, none. However, much to my surprise when offered “something special for achieving such excellent academic results” she asked for the sapphire and diamond earrings! Mother hesitated and then said “of course”. Not as yet but it’s in the Will, well, did my sister explode or what.
i asked DD why she asked for the earrings, because you want them she said.
go girl!

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
In my family, my sister is the favourite with my mother and it has galled me over the years to see various pieces of her jewellery be gifted to my sister. Mums choice of course but it still stings especially as my sister lives overseas (with regular paid for visits back to Australia) in a nice house (with a hefty deposit from mum). I think that was why I made it a priority to create my own fabulous jewellery collection.
Our family had a huge drama over Grandmas ruby ring. Everyone wanted it, everyone assumed it was worth a small fortune. It wasn’t because somewhere along the way (grandmas brother had a severe gambling habit and over the decades he had basically sold off all the family jewels) the gemstones were replaced with red glass. Gosh, it was so ugly, the fighting over everything. Ugh.
interestingly my DD is the grandchild apple of my mother’s eye. My mother loves telling people about her accomplishments. My mother has a beautiful pair of sapphire and diamond earrings that my sister has been salivating over for years. They are stunningly beautiful.
DD is somewhat wary and reserved with my mother, she has witnessed the favoritism shown to my sister. DD has no interest in jewellery, none. However, much to my surprise when offered “something special for achieving such excellent academic results” she asked for the sapphire and diamond earrings! Mother hesitated and then said “of course”. Not as yet but it’s in the Will, well, did my sister explode or what.
i asked DD why she asked for the earrings, because you want them she said.
go girl!

Goodness me - your sister is a grown up woman
Why doesn't she save up and buy her own
Love the story of the ruby ring
My mother wisely left a list with the laywer, while monetarily the jewlery wasn't an equal split, sentiment wise it was and i try to beleave that
But i know i wasted some of my inheritance down at the mall jewler trying to compensate because my sister got the two biggest and most valuable rings
Still i treasure my grandma's ER and mum's eternity given to her by dad when i was born
From a purley sentimental perspective these is no argument and my neice will inherit the lot as i have no children


Oct 4, 2020
I will add your grandma Aves to the ever increasing list of my thoughts and prayers
Please get well grandma Aves

Thank you so much!!! She is the toughest lady I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. She grew up on a farm with no running water or electricity, gave birth to all 4 of her children at home with no help, her husband (my bapa) was in the navy out at sea constantly, shes had more surgeries and broken bones than you could write on multiple pages, doctors have done crazy things to her (left scalpel in her abdomen after a surgery and she had it in there for months while running a whole farm and raising kids) broke her neck at 90 something and it never phased her and so many other things...just an amazingly tough lady!!! She should have a biography made because it would be amazing. She is 97 I believe now?

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Thank you so much!!! She is the toughest lady I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. She grew up on a farm with no running water or electricity, gave birth to all 4 of her children at home with no help, her husband (my bapa) was in the navy out at sea constantly, shes had more surgeries and broken bones than you could write on multiple pages, doctors have done crazy things to her (left scalpel in her abdomen after a surgery and she had it in there for months while running a whole farm and raising kids) broke her neck at 90 something and it never phased her and so many other things...just an amazingly tough lady!!! She should have a biography made because it would be amazing. She is 97 I believe now?

They certainly made them tough back then !
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Oct 24, 2012
Oh my goodness! My cousins were also able to claw away at all kinds of things when she was alive including properties. They all had their college tuition paid for, big weddings, down payments on houses. When my brother and I graduated from high school, she gave us each a $100 bill and that’s all she ever gave us.

I was lucky to have one set of wonderful, adoring, very involved grandparents. They were working class poor and didn’t have a lot of extra to go around, but that Grandma split up her few treasured things and attached a letter to each one explaining why they were important to her. She left her wedding jewelry, a Sarah Coventry broach and earring set from a catalog and a 14k heart compact that my Grandpa has given her for their first Valentine’s to me. They aren’t worth much of anything monetarily, but if my house were on fire, they would be something that I’d grab on my way out the door. She also left each of her grandchildren a few thousand dollars with the instruction to go on a trip that they’d always wanted to go on, since she and my Grandpa never really had the extra money to travel.

They were incredibly sweet people and having a relationship with them was worth so much more than any inheritance I missed out on with the other set of grandparents.

That is such a lovely sentiment, and to receive letters explaining why she loved a piece and instructions to go on a trip? How wonderful and thoughtful she was. I'm sorry your other grandma was so unhappy. I agree wholeheartedly with @monarch64 's comment about it being her issue, and not yours. I hope you can get something you really enjoy from the eBay proceeds.


Jun 8, 2008
I will add your grandma Aves to the ever increasing list of my thoughts and prayers
Please get well grandma Aves

@Jridge682 add me to the well wishes for your sweet grandma Aves. Keeping her in my thoughts and prayers. May she have a full recovery. ❤️


Oct 4, 2020
@Jridge682 add me to the well wishes for your sweet grandma Aves. Keeping her in my thoughts and prayers. May she have a full recovery. ❤

Thank you so much Missy!!!


Nov 7, 2004
No words. I'm sorry that your granny was mean to you! So unnecessary. Of my two grandmothers, one, my uncle became power of attorney had the will changed so that he inherited everything cutting out my mother and uncle. And then sold everything in the house, including a beautiful portrait of my grandmother that my grandfather painted. We have no idea what happened to it. Uncle did give my mother her costume jewelry, but not before going through it and jumbling it all together, breaking alot of it. So I do have a couple pieces.
My other grandmother was strict but a softie on the inside. I remember her confiding in me, "don't tell the others, but you are my favorite" which of course made me feel special. When she died and we were telling stories we found out she told ALL the grandkids that! When we were kids she had crocheted each of her grandkids a blanket for our beds. After she died, we found a whole linen closet of beautiful all different pattern blankets she had crocheted. So whatever grandkid (and some great grandkids) wanted a blanket, could pick one out. Where was her treasure? In the hearts of all the grandkids she influenced by helping raise them to be good people.


Nov 21, 2013
I will add your grandma Aves to the ever increasing list of my thoughts and prayers
Please get well grandma Aves

Thinking of your grandma and wishing her a speedy recovery <3
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Jul 17, 2008
Count me in as another one who had an awful, cruel grandmother. Sucks to be the least liked, yet most successful grandkid. I lost out on an inheritance as well. When my second daughter was born, she said to my DH "Oh I'm so sorry! I know you wanted a boy!". ??? She lived to 98. All the mean ones do.

Oh no! I am Grammie to three and 1/2 sweet little children. No one is the favorite or the unloved. I adore them all equally (really). I just can’t understand why anyone could be cruel. Or mean. Does this mean I die young? :confused2:


Aug 12, 2005
Oh no! I am Grammie to three and 1/2 sweet little children. No one is the favorite or the unloved. I adore them all equally (really). I just can’t understand why anyone could be cruel. Or mean. Does this mean I die young? :confused2:

NO!!! My grandmother was the best and she died at 95! "Only the good die young" is simply a Billy Joel song and need not be taken seriously.


Jan 9, 2015
Oh no! I am Grammie to three and 1/2 sweet little children. No one is the favorite or the unloved. I adore them all equally (really). I just can’t understand why anyone could be cruel. Or mean. Does this mean I die young? :confused2:

No! My wonderful and sweet grandmother lived happily and healthily to 99 3/4 ( Can you sense we were preparing the big bash secretly?) . She died surrounded by her kids in her own bed.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Oh no! I am Grammie to three and 1/2 sweet little children. No one is the favorite or the unloved. I adore them all equally (really). I just can’t understand why anyone could be cruel. Or mean. Does this mean I die young? :confused2:

You will die (after a good long happy life) surrounded by people who love you

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
I don't think I've ever heard a worse Granny story. Urgh, that must gave been difficult for you growing up - what a strange & spiteful woman!

Here's hoping a few of the ebay items turn out to be very coveted, so you can get a nice little pot together and make something special & just for you.


Nov 7, 2004
the grandmother I was talking about (my yiayia) died at 92 1/2 and we all felt she died too young.


Apr 13, 2018
I know the following opinion wasn't asked for but I thought I'd share what I personally have come to believe, or at least believe that it holds the highest probability as far as afterlife's go:

I have become a believer in the afterlife and more importantly in reincarnation. I think that we must bind certain ties left unloose from hundreds to hundreds of thousands of past life's & if we don't do so we must come back again to get it right.

I guarantee that if my suspicion is true (we don't know for certain although my own firsthand experiences are the only ones that paint this view) that the moment she passed and found herself on the other side it came rushing to her like a bad hangover & she thought "Oh god, my path was so clear, why did I do that? In my last breath I scorned my own blood? Oh dear...."

It's almost comedic as I write it but it's what I personally believe. I think on the other side we take a review of our lives and the mistakes and victories we made and then eventually form a plan for reentry.
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