
Happy Birthday to me! Pink Tiffany swing band!


May 6, 2008
pandabee|1392217039|3613534 said:
Great find! You can really tell a difference in color after it was cleaned!! Makes for a good PSA to keep your darn rings clean everyone (although I am obviously preaching to the choir here lol)

No kidding! When I first received the ring, I thought it was fake because the sapphires were so dark (not at all like the ones I'd seen in the Tiffany store), and I saw some black spots in a few of the stones. Turns out it was just dirt build-up, so once it was all cleaned up, I felt like I had a brand new ring! I honestly was surprised Dover hadn't bothered to clean it before trying to sell it. That's probably why it sat forever on their site. I remember initially seeing the photos of the piece and thinking it looked really shabby.


Jan 24, 2013
Happy Birthday!!
So bright and pretty!!!
:oops: Now ~ I'm off the scrub my pink sapphire & diamond band. I recall it really does sparkle when clean!


Jul 7, 2004
jill_s|1392231094|3613691 said:
ame|1392214942|3613512 said:
Great find!!!!

And Frontenac was swell to clean that up for you!!! It looks fantastic! I keep hoping I'll bump into you somewhere... ;-)

PS--we ended up having to find a new basement guy, M just fell off the damn planet one day.

Bryan, my SA at Frontenac, is fantastic and always takes good care of me. I really, really like him. I do have to admit that I felt really guilty taking this piece in there, because I didn't purchase it from him. But I was shocked at how much better it looked after I got it cleaned up!

I know, I keep thinking that I'll run into you somewhere! With your unmistakeable red hair, I'm sure to recognize you if I see you! We live in the mid-county area, where are you? And sorry about the basement mishap, we had a great experience with him, but he is a one-man shop so maybe it was just a bad time?
He did a great job when we first started. The water just found new and interesting ways in. So we needed a full system, and he kept saying "Ok Ill be over tomorrow" and then never showed up. He stood us up 4 times, and eventually we were like forget it, he's buried or doesn't need the work. So my aunt and uncle used Foundation Doctor and they did a great job and my aunt and uncle were thrilled (and still are), so we called them, and they came out to give us a bid, found a few cracks that were never tended to by M and the bid was really reasonable. They also worked with our plumber to make sure that we could get a rough in done too, and they did the extra concrete work at no extra cost. The system works great, LOOKS great, and they left not a speck of dirt in our basement. We were totally blown away. M has never once contacted us back, FD called us back immediately and worked with OUR schedule.

Maybe one day I'll run into you at that store...I know of Bryan as well, I keep meaning to go back and see him about some business gifts...and have YET to make it there. I wanted to drag DH there to look at the Soleste wedding band, and then go to Flemings or Kreis' or something but he refuses to indulge that little adventure. Except for the food part. I am just south of 44 closer to the city. But I go to the two malls with Nordstrom A LOT so I guess I am in midcounty a decent amount.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Beautiful rings!!... :love: :appl:
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