
Hand Shots Micheal B Lace with AGS0 Princess

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Jul 20, 2005

Oh the adventure continues.

In this post you will see pics of the ring and the disaster I had when I picked it up. Well On Friday night I left to meet my GF in NY at my parents with plans to propose on Saturday Morning. Well my car broke down 45 miles North of Baltimore. Waited 2 hours for a tow truck (First company my insurance company sent pulled a no show). By the time I get towed to a garage it was 8:30. Had to take a Cab to BWI Airport and get a rental. Finally made it to NY at 2am. I had plans to propose at Jones Beach on Saturday Morning. Woke up saturday and it was raining and miserable out. Then at 10am the sun came out and it turned beautifull. Hurried off to the beach. Proposed down by the water she said yes. Then went out to dinner at One if by land Two if by sea in the West Village. (Highly recommend).

Well below you will see hand pics. What a trying past couple of days but well worth it. On Wed I take her away for a surprise little vacation.

E-ring 010-1.jpg

E-ring 007-1.jpg

E-ring 009-1.jpg
Oh tareyton, you''ve had quite a bit of bad luck but it was all worth it in the end!!! It looks gorgeous on her hand. Congratulations on your engagement!!

Oh, I love One if by Land--very romantic and the perfect place to celebrate this joyous occasion!!
Atleast you will always have an excellent proposal story.
What a situation!

The ring looks stunning.
Oh wow, the pics are great!!! Congratulations!!!!
~~Tareyton, that''s too bad that you locked your keys and cell in the car!!!
Well, at least you still had the ring!!! Love the hand pics!!! Congrats!!!!!
Hey Tareyton,

The ring looks stunning on her finger. Does she yet have any idea about all the work you put into this project? Make sure to tell her how careful you were about finding just the right diamond and setting. Telling her your saga should be pretty convincing that she is THE person you are devoted to making happy!

Sorry to hear about your latest car troubles and the bad weather almost throwing a wrench in your proposal plans. But from the looks of the photos everything worked out great! And thanks for the restaurant recommendation.
Kind regards,
Bill Scherlag
Congratulations! They are truly beautiful rings and the engagement ring looks wonderful on your fiancée! I read about your locking yourself out of your car...and I read the above. Did you write more about the proposal somewhere? Maybe what will always stay with you is your car trouble :-). Well...they say, "Bad dress rehearsal, good performance". Maybe your story will be, "Hard proposal, easy wedding"!

Deb looks fabulous on her. Was she surpised? What was her reaction to the ring? I''m so happy she''s finally wearing it and your little trip sounds wonderful too.
Congratulations! I AD
RE that setting!!! The ring looks absoultely stunning!

Congratulations again!!!
Ok here is the proposal story. I was nervous, really Nervous. If you are from NY you know that it has rained here for about 12 days straight. So when we got to Jones Beach everything was flooded. Anyone familiar with the Golf course? Well it is now a new lake large enough for the Coast Guard to Patrol. It took about 20 minutes to find a route so that we could get down by the water. We get down their and start walking. I keep on looking around trying to see if other people are around etc... Finally I just say to myself there is no one in sight I just need to get this over with. So I stop kiss her say something about how much I love her then she asks me "Why are you acting so weird" It was then I pulled the ring out got down on one knee. I don''t remember the rest she said I actually put the ring on her finger before I asked. Neither of us really remember the exact words that I used. She also said I looked confused about which hand was her left so she jammed her left hand out in front of me and spread her fingers apart. Anyway she said yes then we sat down and talked for a while and I filled her in on the plans for the rest of the week. She was stunned that I arranged ahead of time with her boss to have wed-Fri off. I am taking her away but it is a secret as to where.

After leaving the beach we went back to my parents relaxed called everyone and then went out to dinner. The restaurant One if By land Two if by Sea on Barrow St in the West Village was great. The Hostess congratulated her (I notified them ahead of time) and she stared at her ring for what seemed like a full minute. My brother new we were going there and he bought us a bottle of wine ahead of time and had it delivered by the waiter along with a card as soon as we were seated.

After dinner we meet up with a friend of hers at the bar next door. Then we took the LIRR back to LI and I crashed. After all the stress and lots of wine I passed out on the train.

Then Sunday morning my parents returned home (they were at their condo in SC) the four of us went out for lunch and then she returned to Boston. I meet her in Boston Tuesday night and we go on our vacation.

Then today my mom and dad gave me a gold Baume and Mercier watch that my mom gave to my dad when they got engaged. My dad can''t wear it anymore because the band is not adjustable. It has my initials on the back (I am named after my dad) and the date they got engaged which happens to be only 8 days difference from the date I got engaged, but 35 years ago.

Today she has been calling me every 10 minutes about something. SO and so saw the ring or we have to check this place out to get married at. Man when do things calm down!!! My mom is even driving me crazy with all kinds of stuff completly out of my comfort area, China silver. I just want to go play golf or get lost in Home Depot.
It''s beautiful!!
Can''t go wrong with Michael B.
Thank you so much for taking the time to fill us in on the proposal, tareyton! You are the most thoughtful man! You must have been exhausted after making all those arrangements! I hope that your fiancée and the other women in her life and yours will now take over and leave you out of any decisions in which you do not wish to be a part!

Again, I congratulate you!

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