
Good deal on this 2carat diamond?


Jan 3, 2016
Ok so I have been searching for a diamond for a little while now and have been focused on cut quality. Well, to add to my confusion a friend of mine has presented me with thoughts of purchasing her diamond. It is slightly more than I have been looking dollar wise but is also much bigger than I could afford. My question this diamond one that you would consider a good deal even though the cut quality isn't hearts and arrows or perfect. I'll give you the specifics...

GIA certified
Appraised at $19,625 (insurance value)
2.01 carat
H color
SI2 clarity
Medium blue Fluorescence
58% table
34 crown Angle
41.2 pavilion Angle
61.2 depth
Very thin to very thick girdle 3% (makes me a little nervous)
Very good cut
Very good Sym
Very good polish
The ring is set in platinum with an additional .50carat worth of diamonds all vs2 quality and f color for a total carat weight of 2.52carats. The accompanying wedding band is an additional .65carat with the same quality vs2 f diamonds at an appraised value of $2762.

She is asking a total of $9000. On the HCA is scored Very Goods across the board. At a 3.1 I think. I have been searching for a really well cut diamond but the most I was getting was a 1.2ish carat. I would love larger. I guess I would love opinions on if you were in my shoes would you feel this is a great deal and would probably not otherwise be able to afford so much diamond (2carat is like a dream diamond to me). Or would you go with the lower carat size and exceptional cut quality and walk away from this? I will attach a picture of the ring and diamond. Also, I might take the diamond out of the setting and reset it into a new setting. I don't know that the setting is my style. I would be purchasing based on the center 2.0carat diamond.



Aug 18, 2013
Hi Gnoble :)

So long as you don't mind a 'not perfect' cut, at that price - I'd snap that baby up in a heartbeat! Does it have any visible inclusions? That's what would be the deal-breaker for me - not the cut. If a better cut was within your budget, I'd say to go in that direction. But since it isn't, and since size is what you're looking for, so long as the inclusions don't bother you, I'd be thrilled with this purchase. Recutting might also be an option, with very minimal loss of size.

Just my 2c - good luck!


Apr 10, 2015
Is it eye clean?

The proportions aren't too bad and maybe you could have the pavilion recut but it would go under the 2ct. I'd be concerned with some light leakage particularly under the table. Comparable diamonds seem to be going for around $13k so it is a good deal. If you must have a 2ct stone then it is worth considering but most here would probably opt for a smaller size with ideal proportions.


Jan 3, 2016
Thanks Mrs. Blop! I have been looking more in the 1.25 range and well cut but not a chance could I afford a 2carat! I need to have her bring me the ring to look at. We had discussed it tonight while I was doing her nails and it got me thinking. She said she had all the paperwork and would send it to me which she did. So visible inclusions remain to be seen. I'm hoping it's eye clean! Thank you for your thoughts! I'm seriously considering it. It's not perfection but does seem fairly good for the price.


Jan 3, 2016
Where do you begin having a diamond recut? And how much loss are we talking. Also any idea on cost for something like that?


Oct 24, 2012
Gnoble|1453435866|3979524 said:
Where do you begin having a diamond recut? And how much loss are we talking. Also any idea on cost for something like that?

Contact Brian Gavin Diamonds. They can give your more info. Can't really speculate on how much you would lose. Only the cutter could do that.


Mar 19, 2014
At SI2, you better check with the cutter before you purchase the stone with recut in mind.


Nov 22, 2014
I would look at the ring in different lights, and I'd like it, I'd buy it. Size is the most obvious thing with diamonds, "normal" people don't notice inclusions if they are not really really obvious and they definitely will not notice the cut. I have a H&A AGS000 and I sure appreciate the perfection, but just last night I viewed a friend's horribly cut diamond (practically no crown) with a loupe and I still thought it was a pretty ring and a pretty diamond.


Mar 25, 2010
If it were me, I'd go to Staples/Office Depot and buy a 10x loupe and bring that with me to thoroughly inspect the diamond. At that price, I'd probably buy it if it sparkled well, didn't look hazy from the fluor and was eye-clean.


Aug 18, 2013
Gnoble|1453435866|3979524 said:
Where do you begin having a diamond recut? And how much loss are we talking. Also any idea on cost for something like that?

Hi Gnoble :)

I've had a recut done by BGD and I didn't lose any diameter at all. But that was because of the shape at which my diamond originally started. All diamonds are different, so you'd really need to have the cutter look at it to give you an idea. BGD can normally give some indication of how much size you'd lose before they cut it (it's not exact, but at least it's some idea), so that reassuring. And yes, as thecat said, the placement of the inclusions can be a problem on an SI2 stone when it comes to recutting. On the other hand, you might like it just the way it is!

Either way - good luck and let us know!


Oct 2, 2014
Hi Gnoble,

The set sounds like a steal. Does it include the wedding band? I'm assuming it does. You could use all those side stones for another project.

As regards the stone, it's great that you can see it before you buy. If you buy with your eyes and not the paper, and you do like the stone, then it's bargain of the century. IF you like it, that is.

With regards to a re-cut, somewhere on here I've heard that a ballpark figure for Brian Gavin is $300 per carat. That is just ballpark, mind, and also it might have gone up since I read that figure. It will depend on many variables and it's always possible that the stone is not a candidate for re-cutting anyway. Sometimes the inclusions can make the stone vulnerable to shattering, depending on the type of inclusions and where they're placed. I'm assuming that the stone owner takes on the risk, too, so if something happens to the stone, the cutter isn't liable. Having said all that, the stone would be in extremely safe hands with Brian Gavin. I just wanted you to know that it's probably not the best idea to buy it if you don't really like it the way it is now, thinking that you can definitely get it re-cut. I think Brian assesses each diamond individually.

BUT, if a re-cut is possible then you could end up with a totally amazeballs large stone for an unbelievable price! Other re-cuts I've seen on here don't seem to lose much weight at all, maybe 10-20 points, but again every stone is different. As long as you like the stone in its current form, you could always save the idea of the re-cut for further down the road, depending on how many funds are available for this project right now.

Good luck with your decision! What a lovely dilemma! :dance:


Jan 3, 2016
Haha...I like that, "what a lovely dilemma". I have seen this set a while ago but wasn't looking at it to buy it at the time lol. So I do need to look a bit closer. The trick is going to be for me to look at the stone and judge it as the stone and not at the paper. I have sort of been trained to only want the best, however, this is a different situation all together. The thought of being able to own a 2carat diamond at way less the cost is definitely an exciting thought! Also, Yes, the wedding band comes with it. I thought the same thing, perhaps I could use what's there and customize something new. Thank you all for your opinions!! I'll keep you posted!


Jan 3, 2016
I have reached out to BGD and it is $350/carat. I will need to send the diamond to them to see if it's a candidate. The owner of the diamond will be dropping it off to me Thursday so I can look at it closer. If I love it, I might purchase it based on what I see now and send it in to see what my options are after. I don't think the cost of a recut is that much for what the after amazingness could be! Thanks again for your suggestions!


Oct 2, 2014
Any updates, Gnoble? This is potentially a very exciting project! :appl:


May 1, 2007
It gets a 3.1 on the HCA, all 'very goods' and 'worth buying if the price is right'. Which it sounds like it may well be for you. Interested to hear what you think of it after spending some time with it!


Jan 3, 2016
She's bringing me the ring Thursday so I can take a closer look at it. I did hear back from Brian Gavin and they said it was a candidate for recut it would end up being around 1.8-1.9. He cannot tell due to no plot of it would be considered a Brian Gavin diamond at the end. They need more info. I guess I need to price out a 1.8-1.9 in an excellent cut to compare. I'm still considering it I just need to get it to see if there are visible inclusions. That will be the deal breaker for me. I would rather buy an eye clean smaller diamond. I'll keep you all posted!


Dec 3, 2011
Gnoble|1453813798|3981645 said:
She's bringing me the ring Thursday so I can take a closer look at it. I did hear back from Brian Gavin and they said it was a candidate for recut it would end up being around 1.8-1.9. He cannot tell due to no plot of it would be considered a Brian Gavin diamond at the end. They need more info. I guess I need to price out a 1.8-1.9 in an excellent cut to compare. I'm still considering it I just need to get it to see if there are visible inclusions. That will be the deal breaker for me. I would rather buy an eye clean smaller diamond. I'll keep you all posted!

That's an awesome deal, Gnoble! I agree with the others that a recut would totally be worth it -- especially since you'd been looking at much smaller diamonds anyway... Best of both worlds at a great price! I'm excited to see the end result! Keep us updated! :wavey:


Jan 3, 2016
Ok everyone, I have the diamond set in hand...or should I say on hand (pun intended). It's not what I would describe as eye clean, as there are definitely a few inclusions you can see. There are a couple of crystals that can be seen from the underside of the diamond and one teeny tiny one face up that you have to try very hard to see. There is a decent size feather in the pavilion in what GIA described as the Bezal of the diamond? Not sure if she want a Bezal facet or what? The diamond is very pretty to me. Of course although I have done lots of research on diamonds and understand all the minute details that goes into them I also have an untrained eye to be able to really tell without looking side by side whether a diamond is really a pretty diamond or could be better. As you all recommended I have to use my eyes to judge this one and not the paperwork ;-). I am going to post the best pictures I cod get. I had to use zoom on my phone which doesn't always do the best job. I think I could live with the inclusions as unless you're looking under the diamond you're not going to see and really unless you get right up on the diamond altogether nothing jumps out at you. There is a lot of diamonds in the set! It's 3.5 total carats of diamonds. It's a pretty set but I'm not a lover of a baguette style diamond. I would most likely reset the stone. I'm not sure if that feather ruins my chances of recut, but I'm kinda thinking so :(. The diamond is however in its own rights very pretty. Ok...enough rambling...opinions?






Jan 3, 2016
One more of the set on my hand. This sucker is pure platinum and it's heavy! I'm wondering what the platinum wod be worth if I reworked the ring into another setting. I could put the value towards the new setting.



Feb 14, 2014
Me likey. I'm a sucker for preloved deals (and not retail prices)!


Jan 11, 2006
I think it is very pretty and a very nice price. But the dealbreaker for me would be if the feather (crack) is the primary inclusion in an SI2. Is the feather listed first of the inclusions on the report?

You cannot reuse the platinum. It would be sold as scrap which might get you a few hundred dollars. Using the current settings is getting the most for your money. They are not worth much in this deal.


Apr 19, 2004
diamondseeker2006|1454082977|3983562 said:
I think it is very pretty and a very nice price. But the dealbreaker for me would be if the feather (crack) is the primary inclusion in an SI2. Is the feather listed first of the inclusions on the report?

You cannot reuse the platinum. It would be sold as scrap which might get you a few hundred dollars. Using the current settings is getting the most for your money. They are not worth much in this deal.

I am inclined to agree with DS.

I look at it this way--she is asking 9K. This might be over your initial budget, however you seem to be seriously considering this. If that is the case--that 9K is after all reachable for you--I'd call IDJ tell them you have a strict budget (9K) and to find you the cleanest, largest, H SI2 possible. You might be pleasant surprised. And inquire after any trade up type policy.

Or you could stick to your original plan and get the 1.2 ctw, and go with a vendor who has an excellent trade up policy. Your 2 carat goal might be a 5 or 10 anniversary upgrade.

I believe the adage--"a deal is never a deal unless you get what you really want"--is apropos here.



Jan 3, 2016
I'm not going to lie, the feather makes me nervous. It might be the deal breaker. I was trying to see what my options were if it all falls into place I would buy it, if not, no harm no foul I move on. Back to some of the other options I was looking into. I have been working with GOG and have some nice options there. I even started considering the August Vintage cut which is very appealing. Im simply trying to check all options before forming over a bunch of money and wishing I had done something else. I would have been nuts to not at least explore this deal. Brian Gavin got back in touch with me but seems at this point to want to direct me more towards their current inventory as opposed to a recut. i really appreciate everyone's feedback and yes, I have thought about jumping in at $9k and seeing what I can get. I honestly don't think I'm going to get much more than I have been looking at though. Price per carat is at a premium over that magic carat.


Jan 3, 2016
I took the diamond to a local jeweler to have it evaluates. The feather we are seeing in the pavilion is actually just a reflection from the actual feather above. He said it looks like a well cut diamond which hides all the flaws well. He did say all in all it is a good deal if I decided on it. I could get about $750 or so for the platinum in the ring and we would reset the smaller diamonds into a band to go with it. I will say there was no inscription on the girdle with the GIA certificate number. Also, the original paperwork shows one GIA number and then their is a photocopy of the GIA certificate which has a different number on it. I'm not so confident the two go together. I will say when he measured the diamond it did have the same measurements. Not to say it still can't be a good diamond but it would make me feel better being certified. I guess if I really wanted to I could send it in to GIA to be certified but I don't know what that process is. I also have convinced my poor husband who should be deemed as a saint once I finally able to decide on a diamond to take a road trip to Good Old Gold to see in person the choices there. I'm in NC they are on NY so it would be a fun, but worth while road trip. I know I could have bigger choices to make in life but man is this stressful. Lol.


Jun 23, 2005
It is a lot of diamond and platinum for $9k. It is pretty and certainly presents well but none of that matters if you are not crazy about it. To get a 2 ct. diamond you would certainly be well beyond the price for this whole set but it really boils down to what you are looking for in a diamond or a set of rings.

As DS always says, a deal is only a deal if you are getting what you really want!

Just as an example of a super ideal stone - and it is two clarity grades above this one and that is significant in price:

So that gives you an idea of what you are looking at vs. a super ideal cut stone - and that's only the stone - no setting!


Jan 3, 2016
Yeah, I mean the only way I would get 2carats is to go this route. Even buying a similar stone, just the stone, would be at least $13k or more. I think I'm trying to decide whether 2carats is what I really want or if I feel like it could be to big? I know, crazy talk right?!? To big. I don't know, is there such a thing? Haha.


Jun 23, 2005
Size is sometimes difficult to judge in a setting like that which has a certain amount of substance all on its own. If just the stone were in a solitaire setting, you probably wouldn't think it was too big.

It looks nice on the hand though - certainly not over the top and surely blingy!!


Jan 3, 2016
Adding a monkey wrench into this! I offered her $8000 because of all the reworking I would need to do and she said she would take it. I haven't committed yet. Omg I'm losing my mind over this process. I feel I would be insane to walk away from this but I don't want to sacrifice making a bad decision choosing carat above cut. It does have a nice cut, but not perfect. I have been looking at perfect stones. But I'm looking at spending $8000 on a perfect stone at 1-1.25carats over a well cut stone that's 2carats. Ugh. I'm so confused and stressed. I have to keep in mind there is value within this ring with diamonds and platinum as well. Literally pulling my hair out.


Jan 3, 2016
Ok all of my lovely pricescope peeps.... I think I have made a decision! I am going with this 2 carat sparkler! I simply cannot walk away. I have a local jeweler who had looked at it under the microscope and said that it's a great stone for the money! The thing is blinding in any lighting. Is it perfect? No but it's so much more than anything I could dre and afford. It's something I would have had to wait another 20 yrs possibly to put on my finger. I'm going to love it as is. No recut needed. It's perfect the way it is! I'm going to stop obsessing over perfection and start embracing the fact that I am going to own a 2carat diamond I can design into a dream ring!!!! I'm excited. Nervous but excited! Thank you all for your help! I will post pictures of the finished product when it's all done!


Jan 11, 2006
Congratulations! The great thing about it is, when you get a great price like that, you probably can get most of your money out of it if you later decide to resell it! So not too much risk involved once you found out the feather wasn't bad!
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