
Going On Atkins...want to join me.

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Mar 6, 2005
I am posting this a welcome to those who want to do it with me.
I am starting Atkins tomorrow, I would have started today but I need to hit the store first. I am going to go no carb.
I am hoping and praying that I have the will power to do this. I know that Atikins has some huge fan and detractors. However I have watched my father lose about 80lbs total, and my Aunt lost 120.
Those numbers are hard to ingnore and high protein doesn’t have to mean higher in fat. I will still watch the portions and all that jazz. Personally I know I do better when I work with others. If anyone wants to do this with me please PM me and/or post here. I want to lose 63lbs in all. I think I would like to lose between 15-20 by the time I leave for the Fall semester. I know in my heart I can do it if I can find the will power to stay on Atkins.
Please dont PM me about how unhealthy it is I have spoken to two doctors and a nutrionist and they all think this is a good decision for me and that it will improve my health.


Oct 30, 2002
My two cents is just that the Atkins diet is hard to sustain long term...aka you can''t go no carb forever. It''s good for weight loss but sustaining, alot of people I know that have tried it can''t stick with it past a few months.

I think that something like the Zone, aka it''s something like the daily meals are 20% carbs, 30% fat and 50% protein or something which Jennifer Aniston and other celebs do is better for a long-term eating plan...

Thing to remember is that when you change eating habits you should be doing it for long-term or else you will yo-yo up and down because you get cravings when you deny yourself something completely!

I did something in the middle where I cut back on fat and carbs and upped the protein and when I do eat carbs they more natural carbs like veggies and the like rather than breads etc..and have seen really positive changes in my mid-section which is huge for carb storage.

Anyhow just my two cents...I think those ''extreme'' diets where you have to cut back to almost nothing for a food group is very hard on you long-term and people who lose 60 lbs sometimes gain back 20 or 30 when they reach their ideal weight and can''t sustain etc. See what your DR or nutritionist thinks about something like the Zone?


Oct 30, 2002
Oh all that said, good luck, whatever you decide to do!! It''s hard to change eating habits and stick with it...if you can add some exercise in (if you have not already) to help with all that protein intake, even just walking, it does help if you do it religiously!


Oct 18, 2003
I agree with Mara...I tried Atkins 2 years ago and it was horrible...I had bad breath (from eating so much protein), was constipated (sorry but it's a big side effect), always irritable & miserable (my husband was running after me with a potato, begging me to eat it), and after 2 weeks of being this way I GAINED 3 lbs, instead of losing.

What worked for me was more of the South Beach Diet... Overall moderation and lots of lean meats and fish with veggies and good carbs, like whole grains and beans. Much less extreme. And exercise is a must.

The best diet IMO is Weight Watchers, especially if you use your calories on fruits, veggies and lean meats with some good carbs annd fiber. My mom had lost 40 lbs in the last year doing this and she even gets to save "points" for the weekend so she can have a splurge one in a while and not fail.

Also, there is NO CHEATING on Atkins whatsoever--One bite of pasta literally ruins the delcate biochemical process you force your body into by depriving it of carbs (ketosis, I think)) and you won't lose any weight for an entire week.

If you put your mind to it, you will probably lose weight and I think it can be healthy if you avoid gorging on high-fat foods all the time just because you can have them... But in order to sustain long-term weight loss, you need a permanent lifestyle change and Atkins has proven to be too extreme for many people to sustain over the long haul (which is why its popularity has been on the decline).

If you find you hate it, there are the other alternatives above.
Good luck!


Mar 10, 2005
Date: 7/24/2005 4:20:09 PM
Please dont PM me about how unhealthy it is I have spoken to two doctors and a nutrionist and they all think this is a good decision for me and that it will improve my health.

Matadora...Atkins isn't my thing, but I'm glad to hear that you discussed this plan with a nutritionist and 2 doctors before going on it!!! If they feel it's appropriate for you and they are willing to monitor you during this venture, then more power to you!! Good luck and let us know how you do!!!


Oct 30, 2002
Yes the SBD is another one that is more about moderation like the Zone...I have friends who really liked it as well. One of my girlfriends also did WW and lost about 20 lbs in 2 months on it with workout as well. She finds it easy to follow. My dad who is a cyclist and marathoner also follows WW to keep his weight at a good level and he has done it for a few years now...he likes that he can ''waste'' his points or use them wisely depending on how he feels. He LOVES chips, so no carbs would not work for him!

The other thing that bothers me about something like the Atkins is that I like to eat veggies and things and they are GOOD for you even though they have carbs. How much meat and cheese can one person eat? I tried Atkins for all of a week last year and it grossed me out after a few days. Then my trainer told me that I should actually be eating things like fruits and veggies as snacks before I do an intense workout because protein doesn''t do much for energy level when I need it..protein helps repair muscles after workouts etc but you can use some natural sugar and carbs from something like grapes or fruits if you are going to work out, you will burn it off faster than anything else.

Anyway...I just have learned what I can and can''t do and what makes sense for long-term and something extreme whether it be NO FAT or NO CARBS or whatever just doesn''t work for me. I have to have moderation..and I think it makes sense in all aspects of your life (even diamonds!!)

Buena Girl

Feb 25, 2004
I wish you well and hope you achieve your goals!! There are probably some Atkins forums on the web. Might be a good place to find others who are about to start or have started this diet recently.


Dec 15, 2004
I've actually seen the Atkins diet go both ways on people....however, everyone I know that actually lost weight, gained pretty much all of it back when they stopped. If you've already consulted a nutritionist, might be good to sit and work on changing eating habits in a way that isnt necissarily a fad diet. My aunt lost about 100 pounds just from working with a nutritionist and cut out all sodas and moderate changes in what she bought. She still eats pastas, potatos, cookies, cakes, tons of stuff, and switched her sodas for sparkling waters, but it was finding the right balance that was important. I think the phrase diet is decieving and usually perceived as a short term thing, but it isnt, it needs to be life long changes that you're willing to make.

My mom works at Kraft, which makes the South Beach Diet food and so my house is filled with the calendars and cookbooks she's worked on, she's never done the diet, but a lot of her co-workers have and they LOVE it. I don't know much about it, but the food looks good in the pictures

ETA: That wasnt meant to be a plug for Kraft or South Beach, lol, its just that's why I've heard a lot of good things about it. They didn't come up with the diet, they just are the contractors that produce the food under that doctors diet label. A lot of her coworkers probably started doing it because of the connection to the food, but my mom has yet to hear a negative thing. We just have the calendars and cookbooks because she works on the pictures for them.


Mar 6, 2005
I have asked my DR about SOuth Beach and the Zone he did not think either was a good choice and he doesn thtink the Zone is good at all becuase it is so easy to look at % and not get what you body needs at all. As for exercise I do, I swim daily and I am on the eleptical machine four -7 times a week and i lift weights. I stopped posting that doesnt mean I stopped doing. While I appreciate the feedback I wish ya'll had read my first post all the way to the end....

ETA: I guess i hsould have said please dont post information about other diets you think would be better for me or how you dont like this one. I have to listen to the doctors about my health. They are after all medical doctors.


Oct 30, 2002
Date: 7/24/2005 5:04:16 PM
Author: Matatora
I have asked my DR about SOuth Beach and the Zone he did not think either was a good choice and he doesn thtink the Zone is good at all becuase it is so easy to look at % and not get what you body needs at all. As for exercise I do, I swim daily and I am on the eleptical machine four -7 times a week and i lift weights. I stopped posting that doesnt mean I stopped doing. While I appreciate the feedback I wish ya'll had read my first post all the way to the end....
For what it is worth, I read your first post all the way to the end. You said don't PM with comments about how unhealthy it is. No one did that. In fact, all that is going on here is some discussion on the merits of various diets. Do whatever you feel works for you. People are just throwing out other comments and ideas...public forums are a beautiful thing aren't they?

Personally I find it hard to believe that something like Atkins which gives you NO carbs which your body actually does need, would be more highly recommended by a DOCTOR than a Zone or SBD which talks more about moderation and REAL lifestyle changes, and is closer to the nutritional chart for daily values. Maybe I am missing something. It's been known to happen.


Mar 6, 2005
You may want to talk to your DR about what is best for you. Mine knows me and my body. You didnt qoute my whole post. My doctors know me and my body type. Also diffrent people need diffrent things. The 100% no carb is only for 10 days...not forever. I have found that there is a lot more misinformation about Atkins on the web then I would have thought. Again JMO
Date: 7/24/2005 5:09:24 PM
Author: Mara

Date: 7/24/2005 5:04:16 PM
Author: Matatora
I have asked my DR about SOuth Beach and the Zone he did not think either was a good choice and he doesn thtink the Zone is good at all becuase it is so easy to look at % and not get what you body needs at all. As for exercise I do, I swim daily and I am on the eleptical machine four -7 times a week and i lift weights. I stopped posting that doesnt mean I stopped doing. While I appreciate the feedback I wish ya''ll had read my first post all the way to the end....
For what it is worth, I read your first post all the way to the end. You said don''t PM with comments about how unhealthy it is. No one did that. In fact, all that is going on here is some discussion on the merits of various diets. Do whatever you feel works for you. People are just throwing out other comments and ideas...public forums are a beautiful thing aren''t they?

Personally I find it hard to believe that something like Atkins which gives you NO carbs which your body actually does need, would be more highly recommended by a DOCTOR than a Zone or SBD which talks more about moderation and REAL lifestyle changes, and is closer to the nutritional chart for daily values. Maybe I am missing something. It''s been known to happen.


Oct 30, 2002
How fun about the Kraft connection, Blue!! Life long changes are important.

Mata, I already know what works for me, I've been doing it for a while now, I just stepped it up a few months ago and lost my over-winter 10lbs. Yay! It took me a while to figure it all out, that includes excercise...some bulk me up and some lean me out.

Good luck!


Dec 15, 2004
Date: 7/24/2005 5:15:24 PM
Author: Matatora
You may want to talk to your DR about what is best for you. Mine knows me and my body. You didnt qoute my whole post. My doctors know me and my body type. Also diffrent people need diffrent things. The 100% no carb is only for 10 days...not forever. I have found that there is a lot more misinformation about Atkins on the web then I would have thought. Again JMO

I''m sure there is a lot of faulty info floating around, I''ve never researched the diet or things about it because I know it does emphasize meats and I think most meat & seafood is gross, I was just commenting on the experiences my friends & family have had with Atkins and what ended up working for them.

That''s good that you''ve got your drs involved, and its totally true that you need to find what works for your own body and lifestyle, and your doctors know about that more than we do, obviously. So good luck


Jun 8, 2005
Good luck Mata! The Atkins shakes Chocolate Royale are really yummy! There are also some candy bars, I think that they are carb-o-lite or something and they taste like real chocolate. They are great for cravings. I wish you the best of luck, I can''t do it because well honestly I have no willpower and secondly I work out too much and my body gets too weak if I don''t eat carbs. I have seen wonderful results of people that I know that have done Atkins. I think that some diets are not good for all, but it was wise to go to your doctor before starting it because he/she has probably done blood work and other tests and knows that it would work for your body, it also says something that two family members did it and were ok with it (genetically speaking).

Oh and one other great snack is raw almonds, I know you aren''t supposed to eat nuts for two weeks or something, but when I did Atkins for about, hmmm 10 days I ate them anyways and was told that in the raw state your body can''t really digest them so they don''t really give your body carbs.

I would like to lose about 10-15lbs. but I''m not really doing anything food wise to help with that goal, plus it''s hard to tell because I know I have gained muscle and probably lost fat, I also don''t have a scale, I''m going to have to rely on my skinny jeans!

Also I don''t know if you have one or not but Ronco Rotisseries are excellent for cooking and even more so for Atkins because the fat drips to the bottom of the rotisserie and the meat comes out unbelievable and you can also steam veggies in there with the meat or by themselves. I thought they were kind of hokey from seeing those infomercials, but my fiance worked for someone that sold them and she gave us one for Christmas and now we use it for almost everything we cook.



Nov 17, 2004
Well, here''s my doctor-to-be opinion-

While I largely agree w/ what Mara has said, I do disagree that Atkins is "no carb." Atkins **DOES** allow vegatables (and more limited fruits). I don''t understand why everyone has this bizarre misconception that it is only meat and cheese. You''re right; no one could sustain that long term. However, veggies are SO important for a low carb lifestyle. I''m sure Matatora knows this, having a father who has been very successful on the plan. The first couple weeks will be the most restrictive while you detox, but after that you can modify and tweak low-carbing to fit you.

NOTHING works for everyone. Jenn posted that Atkins actually made her gain weight! However, I know that I am personally more sensitive to carbs. When I started college, after being a figure skater, I noticed I was becoming more flabby and losing muscle- with all of that late night college eating... well I was not happy! So I first decided to cut out sugar, and upon doing a bit of research, decided to try Atkins for a bit. I was 19 at the time, just finished my freshman year of college. I have never done a particularly strict form of Atkins though, except when I feel myself getting a bit bloated and know that I am eating a bit too much on the carby side- drops the water wait quickly!

Matatora- If you think you have a problem with carbs (I knew I did!), then I think this is something you should definitely give a REAL try. But, you DO have to stick to the program for it to work. I am not losing weight now, just maintaining happily at a muscular ~105. I never eat a ton of carbs like I used to. But I do get plenty of whole grains- breads, cereals. I eat better than ANYONE that I know- believe me, my body is missing nothing from its lack of nutrient white garbage food. I am not a pasta or rice girl, so that was never a problem for me. Once in a while, I will splurge on the real thing. For example, there is an amazing gelato place here that is absolutely worth it- or my fav pizza when I go home. I don''t feel that my lifestyle is cramped by how I eat at all. My friends and family know I don''t eat "white crap" and they all always say they wish they had the will power to do it. I know I value a healthy fit body much more than I will ever value stuffing myself with crappy food. But that is MY body. Some people can eat two bags of chips a day and not gain weight- but that doesn''t mean they are healthy either.

If you have success with this more strict form of low carb, I think a more South Beach diet is a good direction to move when you''re comfortable with how you''re eating and losing.

This is something I''ve spent a lot of time researching personally, as well as something that I continue to live everyday. So I won''t be starting with you really, but you''re more than welcome to PM me anytime!! (you can help keep me on track too
) Between your exercise and eating well, you''re bound to be successful though. Good luck!


Feb 4, 2005
I think talking to your Dr and getting his/her advice is truly the best thing & having spoken to Matatora about the issues of weight loss, healthy weight maintence & exercise I know she takes health & health-related issues very seriously. I have a cousin in his 30''s who lost over 75 lbs three years ago on atkins & has maintained it very well. and I know people who did very well on south beach. I lost over 40 lbs on WW once upon a time. What works is commitment, control & common-sense in all areas of weight loss & well being.

Since my compulsive overeating won''t work well with any diet or plan if I fail to control my portions & control, I will be re-commiting myself as a "weight-loss buddy" to Matatora and anyone else who wish to join us. I''ll be leaning towards an eating plan that is lower in carbs anyway so maybe we can still share some menu plans.

And I will always be able to relate to weight loss struggles, no matter what plan or road anyone chooses to take.


Jul 12, 2004
FI did atkins.. he lost tons of weight really really fast.. but his breath smelled like nail polish remover (this is a known side effect).. and then when he stopped he probably gained back twice what he lost. I think its good if you want to lose weight quick, but you have to be prepared to not keep it off. I also just couldn''t ever do it.. I love Carbs WAY TOO MUCH!


Oct 30, 2002
I love veggies!! Even more so than when I was a kid. Steamed broccoli and cauliflower are my faves with a small pat of butter. Isn't it funny how your tastes change as you get older?? Thanks for the update icekid re: being allowed to have healthy carbs at some point...I would never make it on NO CARBS esp since I try to stay pretty active and find when I don't have carbs then my energy level really drops.


Oct 21, 2004
Good luck with your diet Matatora:

If you lose weight and maintain that loss, then it is a good diet for you.



Apr 6, 2005

First thing I have to say is Atkins is not "No Carb". Carbs are allowed and once you make it past the induction period which is very stict you can eventually add back in some grains, etc. It is also not just a "Meat" program. Veggies are very important and you are also allowed fruits in moderation. My husband and I have been on Atkins for almost 3 years now and lost significant amounts of weight and have kept it off. The reason we have kept it off is because we made a committment to this program as a "Life-style" . We never once considered it a diet. Just like any other diet once you start Atkins and you go off of it and go back to your old eating habits, you will gain the weight back. Same thing goes for Weight Watchers or whatever program you are on. We have found that the people that are very successful on Atkins have fully changed how they eat and have no intentions of going back to old ways. I agree whole heartedly that Atkins is not for everyone. In the induction period when you are ridding the body of toxins, etc. it''s tough. Once you are through induction, however, I can''t begin to explain how great you feel. I will caution you though, you simply can''t cheat. It''s as simple as that. And if you are the type that needs to cheat then I would say that Atkins is really not for you. Also, the South Beach diet is pretty much the same program as Atkins in it''s maintenance stage. South Beach doesn''t start off with an induction portion. Please feel free to pm me if you have any questions or would like to know a good web site for Low carb followers.


Oct 30, 2002
Catmom, as someone who is well-versed in Atkins...if the SBD is basically the same diet in the maintenance stage...then is the only difference the induction period of just no carbs for what, 2 weeks? Or just the rate as to how you add carbs back in? If so, what is the thought process behind one cutting out carbs then adding them back in and one just advising moderation if they are similar in maintenace stage? Is one supposed to be better than the other?


Mar 15, 2004
Congrats on taking this step! I wish you success!!!
I'm not an Atkins gal b/c my problem is moderation. Although carbs are my trigger foods. My mother is now teeny tiny after being diagnosed with diabetes...she insisted on controlling it with diet and she's doing great. It's a modiied atkins...low in nasty carbs and sugar....but if Atkins helps you lose the weight and/or is a jump start...congrats!


Nov 18, 2004
Good luck on the Atkins, just know that all carbs aren''t bad, you do need veggies, etc... My friends husband lost a lot of weight on it, but it''s not a long term diet. I think the best thing is to use common sense. Cut out the carbs and then gradually add them back into your diet. Good luck and let us know how it goes. The first week is gonna be tough, but after that it gets easier.


Oct 18, 2003
Date: 7/24/2005 6:45:43 PM
Author: MelissaSue
FI did atkins.. he lost tons of weight really really fast.. but his breath smelled like nail polish remover (this is a known side effect).. and then when he stopped he probably gained back twice what he lost. I think its good if you want to lose weight quick, but you have to be prepared to not keep it off. I also just couldn't ever do it.. I love Carbs WAY TOO MUCH!
Perosnally, I just could no live with this-OMG...I'd be all dressed up for work in a RL suit, good jewelry, nails manicured, hair done, make-up on, and I would open my mouth and this foul odor came out...UGH. NO WAY.
And mints won't do anything after 5 minutes...the odor is from deep within because of the diet. Also, make sure you buy sugar free mints and gum with Atkins'approved artificial really have to read the book.
Matatora, did you ask your doctor about the breath thing? I'd be curoius about what can be done...I can't imagine people living with this long term.

I stuck it out for a month and just couldn't deal with it. Not worth it to lose 20 lbs...and I gained on it, then lost nothing the last 2 weeks. Both my primary and OB/Gyn were not enthused about Atkins at all...they advocated a diet low in saturated fats, high in veggies, moderate in fruits and lean protein, with occasional treats like a bowl of spaghetti with meatballs (I don't have a sweet tooth, so for me, this is my heaven!). Portion control & exercise are key and both sugg. WW to me as the ideal weight control program.

I think different things work for different people. If your doctor feels this might be good for you, then give it your all. You can eat many vegetables after the first 2 weeks, but these initial 2 weeks are tough--2 cups of salad greens is NOT a lot, lol. Stay strong and give it a chance. I hope it works out!


Apr 6, 2005

Date: 7/24/2005 7:28:54 PM
Author: Mara
Catmom, as someone who is well-versed in Atkins...if the SBD is basically the same diet in the maintenance stage...then is the only difference the induction period of just no carbs for what, 2 weeks? Or just the rate as to how you add carbs back in? If so, what is the thought process behind one cutting out carbs then adding them back in and one just advising moderation if they are similar in maintenace stage? Is one supposed to be better than the other?

Hi Mara,

The induction period is only the first phase. It''s how you get the process going. It is supposed to only be for 2 weeks, however many people that have a lot of weight to lose keep on induction for quite a while. That''s not really recommended though. During this period you are supposed to eat a maximum of 20 approved carbs per day and yes, you eat veggies during this time! What''s happening during these 2 weeks is that you are actually changing your body chemistry. You are changing your body from having a carbohydrate burning metabolism [which is what is burned first] to a fat burning metabolism. This period allows you to stabilize your blood sugar, no "spikes" during the day like you get when eating tons of carbs. Once your blood sugar is stabilized it helps control cravings. It is also a "withdrawal" period and yes you do go through sugar withdrawal and it is not pretty. You would be amazed, however, how much better you feel once the sugar levels have left your body. It is absolutely imperative that you do not cheat during this period otherwise you will never change your chemistry or rid yourself of cravings. In South Beach you are cutting the number of carbs you eat but you never really change your body chemistry. That''s not to say that you can''t lose weight on South Beach. Many people are very successful on just "cutting the carbs". I think Atkins helps more when you are a food/sugar addict so to speak.

Phase 2 of Atkins is OWL or Ongoing Weight Loss. Here is where you start adding in more carbs maybe up to as much as 30-40 per day. You just have to be careful not to add more than one item at a time and to monitor closely to make sure you are still losing weight. The last phase is Maintenance. Once you have lost your weight it''s time to maintain at your goal level. This could be anywhere from 25-90 or more of carbs per day depending upon how much you exercise and your metabolic resistance. What''s good about maintenance is that you allow yourself a 5 lb swing and if you find yourself at the top of your range you just switch back to OWL until the 5 lbs is off again. That way you never have more than 5 lbs to lose. When you are on maintenance you can also have that piece of birthday cake again [just not the whole cake] or eat the dressing at Thanksgiving. You just know that you have to go right back to OWL again until you are back to where you want to be. This is not a license to eat sweets every day or even every week. Just on those special occasions.

Again whether one chooses South Beach or Atkins one needs to look at it as a life style change and not as a diet. They are not short-term diets as much as people want to believe that. You may lose a ton of weight but as soon as you stop eating that way you will gain it all back and a lot of times even more weight on top of it.

Sorry for the ramble. There are just so many misconceptions out there about Atkins it''s enough to drive you crazy!


And PS not everyone gets the bad breath and if you drink the right amount of water it''s not a problem.



Sep 3, 2004
I did Atkins and lasted a whole 2 weeks. I love carbs! I did lose about 8-11 lbs in that time though. But afterwards, I couldn''t even look at another egg.

You might want to google atkins forums for support and meal ideas and inspiration. Good luck!!


Mar 6, 2005
Date: 7/24/2005 7:20:54 PM
Author: Catmom

First thing I have to say is Atkins is not ''No Carb''. Carbs are allowed and once you make it past the induction period which is very stict you can eventually add back in some grains, etc. It is also not just a ''Meat'' program. Veggies are very important and you are also allowed fruits in moderation. My husband and I have been on Atkins for almost 3 years now and lost significant amounts of weight and have kept it off. The reason we have kept it off is because we made a committment to this program as a ''Life-style'' . We never once considered it a diet. Just like any other diet once you start Atkins and you go off of it and go back to your old eating habits, you will gain the weight back. Same thing goes for Weight Watchers or whatever program you are on. We have found that the people that are very successful on Atkins have fully changed how they eat and have no intentions of going back to old ways. I agree whole heartedly that Atkins is not for everyone. In the induction period when you are ridding the body of toxins, etc. it''s tough. Once you are through induction, however, I can''t begin to explain how great you feel. I will caution you though, you simply can''t cheat. It''s as simple as that. And if you are the type that needs to cheat then I would say that Atkins is really not for you. Also, the South Beach diet is pretty much the same program as Atkins in it''s maintenance stage. South Beach doesn''t start off with an induction portion. Please feel free to pm me if you have any questions or would like to know a good web site for Low carb followers.
Sorry, I meant for the first 6 days...that is what my Dr told me so that is what I am sticking to. He may have put me on a modified Atkins and just called it Atkin I will ask him and let ya''ll know. Ickid was right I am allowed to have veggies (thank God) and fruit in a bit. But I am not allowed things like white bread or pasta or candy. I have done WW and I think it is a great program it didnt work for me but that doesnt mean it cant work well for others. My DR told me one of the diffences in SBD and Atkins was the portion sizes and that SBD were larger for certain things that I dont need. Again that doesnt mean it wont work for others I only asked him about what I need to do in order to be at a healthy weight. I did the Zone once and it made me pretty ill. I tried raw foods and ate carrots so often my skin began to turn orange (yes it really does happen). I have also been to Camp Shane, fat camp, and gained weight there. I know my body is not the norm and I am not trying to say that what has worked for my family will work for everyone. I am hoping however that it will work for me.
Yes I did ask about the breath thing...he laughed. Not everyone gets it but if I do they will talk to me about it then. I was told it was highly unlikely for me due to the amount of water I drink. I will be under the care of a MD, plus I live with an MD so I am pretty sure I will be okay. I just have to make it through the first 14 days. Please send my your prayers/good thoughts I am quite nervous and I am hoping with all my heart that I wil lose it this time.
If anyone wants to be my diet buddy (hugs to FFF) PM and we can set up a routine. I was posting a daily thread for a while but I realized maybe PSers didnt want to know how long I was on the machine and how many calories I burned. Thank you all for caring about my health though I am constantly amazed at how thoughtful the PS crowd is.


Apr 6, 2005

I wish you well on this journey. Stay strong during induction and take it one hour, one day at a time and pretty soon you will be through it. I won''t sugar coat [ha ha] it. Induction is tough and it is going through sugar withdrawal. You will feel pretty sick but if you can stay strong and make it through there will come a point when you will, I feel great. You will be amazed at the energy you have once the blood sugar spikes are gone. I was a total sugar, bread, and potato addict and I never thought I could give those up. Now though, I have no desire to eat them at all and once you get rid of the sugar in your body you will be amazed at how things actually taste. You can taste the natural sugars in foods again and many people that have cheated with sugary foods have reported that they have become very sick because it was "just so sweet". One thing to watch out for in everything you eat is the "hidden" carbs. Examples are you think you might be safe eating an omlette at an IHOP restaurant. Beware that they put pankcake batter in the omlettes to fluff them up. So in your omlette you are getting flour and sugar. Make sure to ask if they are made with plain eggs. Some restaurants sprinkle sugar on foods you would never imagine, including salads to make them taste better. This country is pretty disgusting in what it adds to foods in the name of making them taste better. It''s the hidden carbs that can hurt you.

I wish you well on losing weight.


Nov 19, 2004
Hey Matatora,

I wish you the very best on your diet, it seems as though you went through a lot trouble to find what will work for you. We''re all here to support you even if we aren''t going the Atkins route


Oct 30, 2002
Catmom what you say is so true re: foods being too sweet. I actually adore sugar, I put like 6 sugar packets in coffee, used to liberally drown my iced tea in it.

When I recommitted early this year to eating right after a winter of binging on pot pies and mac and cheese...I cut out sugar from my iced teas and the funny thing was that after a week of drinking them, I didn''t even miss it! Now I can''t even dream of putting sugar in iced teas whereas before seriously people would ask me ''want some iced tea with that sugar?!''. I used to drink 3-4 cokes a week. Now I have one when we go out to dinner about 1ce a week. I drink water the rest of the time or the black iced tea that comes in the bottles, love that stuff and it''s nice and strong. I realize now that I was trying to do with all the sugar in the iced teas was add some flavor, many of them are made too weak! I''m still a sucker for sugar in coffee but I have my 1.5 cups in the AM and that''s it.

Re: eating more low-carb...I have found that around here in the Bayarea, alot of places are more low-carb friendly. aka one of the small mom and pop places we go for breakfast will serve up any omelet with egg whites only and substitute the potatoes for fruit or something more healthy. I actually have 4 scrambled egg whites with a small sprinkling of cheese every AM during the week and have found that I really don''t even like egg-yolks when I do have a whole egg, it tastes so RICH. It''s like truffles.

Anyway, so it is definitely true that your tastes do change...and I have way less cravings than I used to. If I am hungry in the afternoon, we keep various stinky cheeses around and I eat a few thin slices of that or some sunflower seeds and am fine til dinner. Or fruit sometimes.

Sometimes I do get cravings for the heavy pastas or something, so we''ll go get it and then I will eat it and afterwards feel STUFFED and realize, wow that was good but I think that''s it for a while now! But at least by giving into some of my temptations when I feel them rather than sitting around thinking about them, I can realize that they aren''t all they were cracked up to be in my imagination. Sacrilege but even this weekend when I got Cold Stone, which I haven''t had in a few months, it was SO SWEET, I was kind of turned off 1/2way through and I got the smallest cup. I used to get the medium or large cup and be craving more when it was done.

Funny how your body can change. I just hope it stays this way, come winter I normally get more ''comfort food'' cravings than fruit and salads!
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