
Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alternative

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

gemgirl said:
soocool said:
Good morning ladies! It is wet here in upstate NY today. Coming home tomorrow night. sspending the day in Corning and going to the Corning Museum of Glass. Got the whole day and so why not and blow some glass of my own.

I want to share something with all of you who have fibromyalgia. I met a woman here who has fibro for at least 10 years. A few years ago she found another doctor who has put her on Antibiotic Protocol and since then she has never felt better. I wanted to share this with all of you so that you are informed about this treatment . She also told me about this site:
Just something that I wanted you all to know so that you can be an advocate in your own treatment.

Antibiotics may have worked on your friend because she had an underlying disorder causing the widespread body pain. There is Primary Fibromyalgia that either comes out of nowhere or developes from a prolonged stress, or comes about as a result of something like an accident or an injury; and then there's Secondary Fibromyalgia that happens for reasons outside of the most common causes.

I have an exceedingly rare form of Fibromyalgia, diagnosed fifteen years ago, but I've had it for at least two decades. I have "Fibromyalgia Secondary to PolyEndocrinopathy". PolyEndo is the failure of two or more endocrine systems. PolyEndo is the rare part, but in theory, since I have Thyroid disease, Adrenal disease and ovarian disease(Stein Leventhal syndrome), if all of these were treated with meds (which they are), my pain should have been reduced to a very tolerable or non-existant level. But that never happened for me.

Your friend is very lucky that whatever her underlying disorder was, it responded favorably to antibiotic therapy.

All that gobble-de-gook aside, how are you doing soocool?

Good grief, Gemgirl!! Nothing is ever straightforward with you. I wasn't aware of the complexity of your fibro. I want to wrap you up in warm blankets and make your pain go away. You are always in my thoughts and prayers. Please stay strong. I know you will. {{{{{Gemgirl}}}}}
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

ksinger said:
Hi all you great gals!! Thanks for the kind thoughts. :)

Well the doc was NOT a mean guy, thank goodness. I guess I was worrying unduly. Helpful, huh, worry? Right.

Anyway, while I perceived the doc to be a bit un-thorough, he was not dead-set against considering the diagnosis. I did take in a list of "issues", typed up. I think it helped? He read it, examined me - palpated 5 of the tender points (I have 12), I guess assuming they were bi-lateral, which they are. I guess those, with the other stuff, convinced him. But it's so odd to go to a doctor and TELL HIM what you think you have. I'd be the last one to say I'm supposed to be a mindless tabla rasa going in, I mean, often a patient does have a clue what's going on, but I still find it odd. I think he was pretty aware though that I knew quite a bit about what I was talking about.

Anyway...his diagnosis was fibro, with the usual caveats that there is no magic bullet. I knew that of course. We chatted meds and other stuff, and I suggested that I really need guidance by a trained PT in devising some reasonable exercise program, since no pain no gain is just more PAIN for me. He admitted that he didn't know any PTs who he considered to be really good at working with fibro patients, so finding one will be another task for me. :-\

So now it's just go forward. And right now it's off to the sleep study. I HATE sleeping anywhere but my own bed. :-\

Later guys!!

I'm sorry about the diagnosis, but glad that you know what your are dealing with. Do you have a protocol in place yet? If you want to talk about it, please message me. I promise that that I won't make you bring me a SHRUBBERRYYY :D
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

To Kaleigh and soocool~ I'm very grateful to have you on this thread. This a great group of women, who can help each other. We can also make each other laugh. I think this is the right combination of support and moving forward. I am very fond of everyone in this group :)
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

risingsun said:
gemgirl said:
soocool said:
Good morning ladies! It is wet here in upstate NY today. Coming home tomorrow night. sspending the day in Corning and going to the Corning Museum of Glass. Got the whole day and so why not and blow some glass of my own.

I want to share something with all of you who have fibromyalgia. I met a woman here who has fibro for at least 10 years. A few years ago she found another doctor who has put her on Antibiotic Protocol and since then she has never felt better. I wanted to share this with all of you so that you are informed about this treatment . She also told me about this site:
Just something that I wanted you all to know so that you can be an advocate in your own treatment.

Antibiotics may have worked on your friend because she had an underlying disorder causing the widespread body pain. There is Primary Fibromyalgia that either comes out of nowhere or developes from a prolonged stress, or comes about as a result of something like an accident or an injury; and then there's Secondary Fibromyalgia that happens for reasons outside of the most common causes.

I have an exceedingly rare form of Fibromyalgia, diagnosed fifteen years ago, but I've had it for at least two decades. I have "Fibromyalgia Secondary to PolyEndocrinopathy". PolyEndo is the failure of two or more endocrine systems. PolyEndo is the rare part, but in theory, since I have Thyroid disease, Adrenal disease and ovarian disease(Stein Leventhal syndrome), if all of these were treated with meds (which they are), my pain should have been reduced to a very tolerable or non-existant level. But that never happened for me.

Your friend is very lucky that whatever her underlying disorder was, it responded favorably to antibiotic therapy.

All that gobble-de-gook aside, how are you doing soocool?

Good grief, Gemgirl!! Nothing is ever straightforward with you. I wasn't aware of the complexity of your fibro. I want to wrap you up in warm blankets and make your pain go away. You are always in my thoughts and prayers. Please stay strong. I know you will. {{{{{Gemgirl}}}}}
That's why she gets the prettiest gemstones! There has to be a tradeoff somewhere. :wacko: (you know I'm praying for you, right?)
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Upgradable said:
risingsun said:
gemgirl said:
soocool said:
Good morning ladies! It is wet here in upstate NY today. Coming home tomorrow night. sspending the day in Corning and going to the Corning Museum of Glass. Got the whole day and so why not and blow some glass of my own.

I want to share something with all of you who have fibromyalgia. I met a woman here who has fibro for at least 10 years. A few years ago she found another doctor who has put her on Antibiotic Protocol and since then she has never felt better. I wanted to share this with all of you so that you are informed about this treatment . She also told me about this site:
Just something that I wanted you all to know so that you can be an advocate in your own treatment.

Antibiotics may have worked on your friend because she had an underlying disorder causing the widespread body pain. There is Primary Fibromyalgia that either comes out of nowhere or developes from a prolonged stress, or comes about as a result of something like an accident or an injury; and then there's Secondary Fibromyalgia that happens for reasons outside of the most common causes.

I have an exceedingly rare form of Fibromyalgia, diagnosed fifteen years ago, but I've had it for at least two decades. I have "Fibromyalgia Secondary to PolyEndocrinopathy". PolyEndo is the failure of two or more endocrine systems. PolyEndo is the rare part, but in theory, since I have Thyroid disease, Adrenal disease and ovarian disease(Stein Leventhal syndrome), if all of these were treated with meds (which they are), my pain should have been reduced to a very tolerable or non-existant level. But that never happened for me.

Your friend is very lucky that whatever her underlying disorder was, it responded favorably to antibiotic therapy.

All that gobble-de-gook aside, how are you doing soocool?

Good grief, Gemgirl!! Nothing is ever straightforward with you. I wasn't aware of the complexity of your fibro. I want to wrap you up in warm blankets and make your pain go away. You are always in my thoughts and prayers. Please stay strong. I know you will. {{{{{Gemgirl}}}}}
That's why she gets the prettiest gemstones! There has to be a tradeoff somewhere. :wacko: (you know I'm praying for you, right?)

Of course I know dear Uppy.

And Marian, my parents used to say the same thing when I was little, but I'm really OK if you can believe that.

I'd like to lend K all the support, advice and suggestions that we can until she finds a combination of things that work for her. I had the luxury, and I realize it really was a luxury, of being able to stay home and manage my pain and my symptoms. I was able to change the way I did everything and created a whole new "normal" for myself. But this has to be so much harder for someone who has to continue to work.

K, whenever you're ready to talk, we're here for you ;)) .
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

risingsun said:
To Kaleigh and soocool~ I'm very grateful to have you on this thread. This a great group of women, who can help each other. We can also make each other laugh. I think this is the right combination of support and moving forward. I am very fond of everyone in this group :)

Thanks Marian. I love this group!! We are a nice bunch aren't we??

It's a safe place to come and share.. Everyone is so supportive.. This is a very intelligent group , sound advice, great knowledge. BUT I also love the humor that you all have.... Many times you have made me smile or laugh when I really need that the most!!!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Good Day Everyone. My Mac truck rolled in yesterday, I hope it rolls out soon!
Ksinger, I don't think it's odd at all to have a list for the doc. My 2 best docs seem to like the fact that I can provide bottom line info about myself. My current doc makes copies of my "info sheet" to put in my file. I think we know ourselves better than anyone and if we can research our jewels, we sure can research our health. We can't do all the tests and procedures, but we can be educated patients. And I don't mean with an attitude, but with solid info about ourselves so we can work with our Drs. And of course the most important reason for lists, I'll never remember everything if I don't write it down! =)

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Kaleigh said:
risingsun said:
To Kaleigh and soocool~ I'm very grateful to have you on this thread. This a great group of women, who can help each other. We can also make each other laugh. I think this is the right combination of support and moving forward. I am very fond of everyone in this group :)

Thanks Marian. I love this group!! We are a nice bunch aren't we??

It's a safe place to come and share.. Everyone is so supportive.. This is a very intelligent group , sound advice, great knowledge. BUT I also love the humor that you all have.... Many times you have made me smile or laugh when I really need that the most!!!

I'm very glad to see that you are posting on this thread. The rest of PS may be in chaos, but we do have a safe place to speak with each other. We are a nice bunch, indeed :))
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Physically I'm fine, emotionally and mentally I'm a mess...... mom is back in hospital for an unknown infection... had a CT scan to see why she has swelling and pain in abdomen and it was inconclusive (read - they are clueless as to what is wrong so default to intraveneous antibiotics).... my pup had to be rushed to emergency Thurs morn. and they kept him 24 hrs. Very high fever and heart rate / unknown infection due to decreased white cell count because of Chemo (cancer vet said she had never seen a dogs white cell count drop so low after just one infusion). After 24hrs of liquids and antibiotics he was sent home and seems fine today.

The similarity between his problems and my moms are not lost on mine and my mom's warped sense of humor (which some days is the only thing that keeps us going - my mom and me that is). Her problem is COPD with a compromised immune system and a "resident psuedomonus bug" and all of the problems associated with long term pnednisone use plus age (she is 84), pups is cancer with a compromised immune system due to cancer and chemo........ answer.... no one knows what in the hell to do for either one of them, so we all fall back and punt and hope for the best.. ;( and when in doubt - give more anitbiotics.

Oh...... and tonight I'm drinking...... I know it's not a solution, but sometimes it makes the world seem ok for a while and I need that tonight.... but don't ask me tomorrow "how's that working for you" cause I'm sure you won't want a truthful answer....

We (my husband and I) have given my son an assignment... find the most outrageous (we've already seen all Monte Python movies, so we know it's going to be a disapointment) movie on streaming nexflix that you can find, so we can watch it after dinner to see if we can pretend the world is just fine...

In all seriousness, my heart goes out to all of you fighting health problems and I'm sending tons of sparkly dust your way, and please feel free to bat a bit back in the direction of my mom and my pup, and if some falls my direction, that's ok too!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Colorluvr, you know I'm sending many prayers and much love your way. I'm sorry about pup & mum! Keep hanging in there.

And for movies, I suggest "Rat Race." It's a recent remake of the old "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World." If you have a laugh left in you, this movie will find it for you!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I'm sorry, Colorluvr. For tonight, I say drink on! If I weren't on so many meds, I'd join you. Prayers for your mother and your pup outgoing.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

You have lots of dust (and prayers) coming your way for both your Mom and your pup colorluvr. I'm so sorry you're being hit with a double whammy at once. It's an awful lot to handle. I hope they get a handle on your Mom's situation soon.

Believe me, if I could drink? I'd have a small snifter of my Dad's best 25 yr. old brandy on most nights. That stuff could take the edge off of anything.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

First things first! Colorluvr, hugs and praying my heart out (no pun intended) to you, your mom, your dog and to all my friends here. My dad was moved into rehab last week (he's not happy), but after the pulmonary embolism he is somewhat weak and lacks energy. I am happy that he did not complain too much about it and understands it is in his best interest.

Secondly, I"M BACK!!!! The entire summer hot and dry. The week I decide to go away, cold and rainy. Go figure! The one thing we did not pack - you guessed it, rain gear, including umbrellas. We did have a couple of dry days, but forget about Thursday/Friday- torrential downpours. We decided to spend an extra night and came home yesterday (sat).

I haven't had a chance to read prior posts, maybe later this evening. I am throwing a party next Saturday for my friend and her husband who are moving more than 3 hours away. I am really going to miss her. We have been joined at the hip since we were 13. It was a kind of last minute decision as they want to be closer to their daughter who is pregnant and will be going back to work soon after having the baby. My friend's DH retired this past summer (worked for the govt) and so they thought the time was right. They will be renting their house and will sell when the market recovers. The renters (Europeans) will be here for either 2 or 3 years.

Also, DD's friend is suddenly moving away (someone she met through the school's mentor program this summer). DD doesn't know the details of what and why (something happened to the mom, no one knows what though). Then we find out that this girl's dad was a celebrity in Philadelphia, known as Mark the Shark on WMMR radio (he worked with John DiBella on the Morning Zoo Program) who passed away in 2005. DD is hoping that her mom is ok. I can't imagine losing 2 parents by the age of 17.

I've been feeling ok this past week. Got a couple of doctors appointments this week. Since we came home the dog won't leave my side. I can't even go to the bathroom without him following me. lol Right now there is a pile of toys at my feet. You think he's trying to tell me something?

See you all later!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Hey guys, just wanted to send out some hugs and prayers and positive thoughts and love. I just hate that my friends that I adore so much have all these things to deal with.

I also wanted to ask, how do you know what kind of fibromyalgia you have? My mom has it, and I was unaware that there are different types, so I bet she doesn't know either. Maybe finding that out would help? Maybe not, but thought I'd ask. Is it hereditary? Or is it just one of those things like MS that just..happens?
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

packrat said:
Hey guys, just wanted to send out some hugs and prayers and positive thoughts and love. I just hate that my friends that I adore so much have all these things to deal with.

I also wanted to ask, how do you know what kind of fibromyalgia you have? My mom has it, and I was unaware that there are different types, so I bet she doesn't know either. Maybe finding that out would help? Maybe not, but thought I'd ask. Is it hereditary? Or is it just one of those things like MS that just..happens?

Well, as the fibro "newbie" here, I will chime in. I'm sure the others have better things to offer but....

As far as I know at this point there is fibro that comes on quickly - ususally after an injury or some other outrage - like a death or the onset of another illness, and there is the kind that kind of develops gradually. I would say I have the second. I had many of the symptoms for many years prior to it becoming something I could look at from a distance and say, "Wow, these all go together." I was dealing with them pretty well, until after my mom died in 2008, at which time I slowly started to spiral down. For me it was like the frog in the pot of boiling water - hotter and hotter until one day I finally had to acknowledge that the pot was really starting to boil.

As for genetic components, probably, although they know of none yet. There are typically CNS changes that can actually be seen now on MRIs - but not always, and they are not "looked for" in a typical doctor's office, because they seem to be more at the research stage on that. I seem to be lucky in that I don't have many of the other stuff that can go along with it, like IBS and depression.

It really isn't as "mysterious" as all the stuff on the internet would indicate. They are learning more every day. They still don't have the causes down, but the physiological changes are showing up as very real.

I'd suggest watching this video. It's pretty up-to-the-moment and might help you and your mom understand some things better. I found it very very helpful.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

gemgirl said:
You have lots of dust (and prayers) coming your way for both your Mom and your pup colorluvr. I'm so sorry you're being hit with a double whammy at once. It's an awful lot to handle. I hope they get a handle on your Mom's situation soon.

Believe me, if I could drink? I'd have a small snifter of my Dad's best 25 yr. old brandy on most nights. That stuff could take the edge off of anything.

Thank you all for the nice thoughts, and gemgirl, what I wouldn't do for a snifter of good brandy (a specific brand of cognac comes to mind). I've never tasted "really" good brandy.....probably for the best. As an aside, it's probably a good thing that it is a PIA (not to mention expensive) to buy good hard alcohol here in the good 'ole Pacific Northwest. Being from CA up until a year ago, I was spoiled in that I could go to my local Trader Joe's or Costco and pick up a bottle of a good brandy or what ever I fancied for a highly discounted price or go to one of the large "box" liquor stores and buy whatever I wanted. I would like to clarify right now that I am NOT a big drinker, but I do enjoy a nice shot of good alcohol in the evening on occasion and because I drink very little hard alcohol, now that I am no longer a youngster, I feel that I deserve the "good stuff" and was willing to pay for it. Now, in order to buy hard alcohol, I have to go to a "liquor" store (of which there aren't any very close to where I live) and then the prices are easily 25% over what I used to pay, so I seldom bother.

...... BUT, on the up side, this area is known for it's wonderful wines and you can get great ones for a very reasonably price...... which is what I was drinking Saturday night.... a very nice, organic (I get red wine headaches sometimes and organic wines don't do that to me) red wine varietal. I didn't drink all that much, but I did go over my usual "two glass" self imposed limit. OK, now I've been there and done that so I won't have to do it again for a while :nono:

My pup is fine at the moment, but I follow him around like he's a baby, and monitor everything his body does or doesn't do "just in case". I'm afraid to leave him alone because he took such a quick turn for the worse last time. My husband is off this week and next, and of course we won't be going anywhere like we'd planned and he's already starting to drive me crazy... He can't just sit, and I'm not sure WHAT he's going to do with himself for two weeks. He talked about taking a long kayak trip that might involve an overnight "campout"... I hope he does that, he needs the break from this situation and I'm sure I'll need the break from him "not knowing what to do with himself".

As for my mom, well, I think they do better with canine antibiotics than they do human. She was scheduled to be released today, but as of yesterday, it seemed the antibiotics they were giving her were either the wrong ones or too low a dosage because she doesn't seem to be feeling any better..... Her regular doc was off duty this weekend, so we're hoping he changes something up when he sees her today.

Here's hoping we all have a better week!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

colorluvr said:
As an aside, it's probably a good thing that it is a PIA (not to mention expensive) to buy good hard alcohol here in the good 'ole Pacific Northwest.

Which state are you in. I'm in Oregon. We have great wine here too, seems to be taking the place of the pear industry that used to be so strong in my area.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Matata said:
colorluvr said:
As an aside, it's probably a good thing that it is a PIA (not to mention expensive) to buy good hard alcohol here in the good 'ole Pacific Northwest.

Which state are you in. I'm in Oregon. We have great wine here too, seems to be taking the place of the pear industry that used to be so strong in my area.

Oregon - 10 mi. south of Portland in LO (close to the freeway, so on the outskirts - not in the high $$$$ area - lol) Where are you?
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

colorluvr said:
Matata said:
colorluvr said:
As an aside, it's probably a good thing that it is a PIA (not to mention expensive) to buy good hard alcohol here in the good 'ole Pacific Northwest.

Which state are you in. I'm in Oregon. We have great wine here too, seems to be taking the place of the pear industry that used to be so strong in my area.

Oregon - 10 mi. south of Portland in LO (close to the freeway, so on the outskirts - not in the high $$$$ area - lol) Where are you?

I'm down south in Medford. I originally moved to Eugene from Pittsburgh a looong time ago. I still consider Eugene home. The weather is better down here though.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

There's a lot to like about this area, but IMHO, the weather isn't one of them ;( I spend most of the time (except for a short time in the summer) whining about no sunshine. Cold I can take (and it doesn't really get that cold here) and some rain (notice I said some) I can take, but soooooo much rain with soooooooo little sunshine wears on me. BUT, this is only a temporary stop for us (as are all locations these days) so I guess I need to just buck up and enjoy the nice "stuff" that I do like about the area and remember to take my Vit D.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Hello everyone. Just checking to let you know that I am thinking about you guys. I'm sending prayers, dust and anything else I can think of to those of you who are feeling badly. It's so easy to take good health for granted and I wish it for all of you.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Good morning ladies! To give you an update, I saw the endocrinologist at 7am this morning (it's nice to have the 1st appt- in and out) and he wants me to do the 24hr urine capture again (wants everything tested this time) and additional blood work which I was able to do right after I left his office and just came home 15 minutes ago.

Saw my electrophysiologist yesterday. About mid Sept, he noted that some of my own's heart conduction has returned so they reprogrammed my pacemaker to let my own heart beat and let the pacemaker to kick in when necessary. (I kept this a secret from all of you in case it was a fluke) If it was a fluke, the pacemaker would not allow my heart to go below 50 beats per min and I was concerned that I might feel lousy while I was on vacation. Well at yesterday's appt my heart has been working on its own 2/3 of the time so far. :D This is a very good thing because if the pacemaker has to do all the work, eventually your heart starts to weaken (possibly heart failure some time in the future?) and secondly it prolongs the life of the pacemaker meaning fewer replacement surgeries.

Now the really big issue, people don't recover from 3rd degree heartblock. What that means? Could be something else going on in my body that is attacking my heart, :idea: I could have had a virus (tertiary Lyme?) which is either gone or in remission, :idea: I may have autoimuune disease??? Too many unknowns. Another speculation that my cardiologist has (thank goodness that my electrophysiologist works directly with my cardiologist) is that I am suffering from cardiac artery spasms, aka vasospasms, aka variant angina. I got a low dose channel blocker to take (norvasc 2.5 mg) and see the cardio in November. :|

At this point I just want answers so I know what to do. If I have to be on medication the rest of my life to make sure my heart doesn't stop or my arteries don't constrict leading to a heart attack, so be it. Why couldn't it be something simple. DH has always said that I was a complicated woman and I guess I am.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I hope you get some answers very soon, soocool, and have a treatment protocol developed that will work well for you. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Stay strong...I know that you will.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

risingsun said:
I hope you get some answers very soon, soocool, and have a treatment protocol developed that will work well for you. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Stay strong...I know that you will.

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

risingsun said:
I hope you get some answers very soon, soocool, and have a treatment protocol developed that will work well for you. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Stay strong...I know that you will.

You will be in my daily prayers soocool. I hope you get all the answers you need soon, so you can live your life a bit more relaxed with your mind more at ease. I know these situations are very difficult to get through, but try to have patience and remain strong.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

colorluvr, Courvoisier V.S.O.P. It will help to chase all the bad stuff away ;)) , at least temporarily.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Just jumping on here for a few minutes to thank everyone! DH loves Remy and of course I can't have any right now. I need to ask my cardio if I can have some wine everynight. I wonder if that helps to relax the arteries? Well no one told me I couldn't drink.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Big hugs to everyone who has stuff going on. We have stuff too but there have been some great developments in our lives that makes it not so bad so I figure DH and I are blessed.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

gemgirl said:
colorluvr, Courvoisier V.S.O.P. It will help to chase all the bad stuff away ;)) , at least temporarily.

:bigsmile: I actually prefer Remy VSOP like Soocool's DH, but I certainly wouldn't turn down a snifter of Courvoisier! :bigsmile:

Back a few years ago (when I lived in CA and could buy alcohol at Trader Joe's) they sold the Claude Chatelier XO Cognac for $20 a bottle and it was really quite good for the price.... then one day I brought a bottle home and when I had a "sip" that evening, I thought, hmmmmmm, not as good as usual......I took a look at the bottle and then realized that they had started selling the Claude Chatelier VS (bottle looked the same and I didn't look at the label when I bought it - duh) for the same price.... It wasn't horrible, but it sure didn't taste like the XO. You can't even buy that brand here in OR.

I just looked it up and I can get Remy here for $40, so maybe when the fall chill sets in I'll treat myself.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Just stopping in to say "hi" :wavey:
I was on vacation and then got a head cold when I got home, so it took me a while to get caught up on PS (and then I got sucked into that draining RT thread on vendor participation - 'nuff said).

Hope everyone has a nice fall, and a break before the busy holiday season. I'll be thinking of all of you who are dealing with health issues. I've been feeling much better after 2 months on B12 and D3 vitamin supplements. The difference in my energy level is amazing.