
Fragrance of the Day Thread


Missy your offer was very generous--much more than Le Labo! :saint: Naturally I could have purchased a bottle, but I find with Tuberues I really need to love it before I buy it. As you know, Scents are as individual as jewellery and clothing. For example I love Carnal Flower but Creeds tuberuese is a no go.

Anyway, I might be lucky--perhaps my friend bought something for herself (she is a scent hound like me and always on the lookout for something fabu)--and I will end up with s sample after all!!

Thanks all...I will check them out! In the meantime, I just picked up some tiny bottles of vintage Anne Klein II and Fendi on the 'bay just to see if I still like them.....and may do the same for vintage Magie Noire and pre-reformulation Coco. It's like a trip down memory lane...without the shoulder pads!

I've been devouring Fragrantica and Basenotes over the last few days. Between gems and perfumes, you ladies are bad, bad, bad influences :whistle: :lol:
Today is a very simple inexpensive scent. Since I'll be outside checking out gardens today I figured a nice stronger scent would be nice. So I went with Lust by Lush.
Lately I am going crazy for complex roses, have quite the collection of fumes but it was lacking a good rose so during my quest for the perfect rose I discovered quite a few. I wanted something definitely rose but not just a rose. My perfect rose is Frederic Malle Portrait of a Lady and that is what I ended up buying, truly mesmerizing and grandiose, feminine and seductive. But today I am wearing Lipstick Rose, which I got a sample of, I have the flu and it is a very nice comfort fragrance. Guess I really want spring to come, so while I am not normally a big flower person, I tend to go for something with flower in the spring.
I have a cold (with a massive headache) no fragrance for me. :(

But I do have a question. Have any of you tried or heard of Neil Morris?

Thinking it might be fun to visit him, try out one or two of his scents...and if they don't work, have him build a custom fragrance for me....I just love the idea of having something really unique....

Creed Royal Water today while out and another whiff when getting in the bath...the water revived it!

That said, my bubbles tonight were courtesy of Rocky Mountain Soap....juicy cherry...a bit out of my comfort zone :bigsmile: , but glad I tried it. I use their coconut, lavender and (baby) chamomile lotion/soap/products. And Local! Bonus!

Techie Techie basenotes was such an obsession for me, really, nowadays those days seem to be over that from Europe I could not do swaps and blind sniffs anymore. Perfume is a passion of mine almost as much as gems. I really did consider schooling too. I could but the best ones are in France.

Canuk-gal I so love lavender. I use Fragonard Lavande and I also love herbs especially rosemary and basil. Annick Goutal makes really nice herbal bath and body products but also we have a local organic brand here in Europe, Alverde that makes a really nice comfort bath and body lavender garden line which is lavender and herbs.

Cherry and fruits turn sour on me but as bath products it could be interesting though I must admit that most may not be for me. Lately I am loving body oils, this Alverde brand makes a gorgeous wild rose body oil, awesome for the hands too and the scent is delish.
Le Labo Vanille 44 today, I love this vanilla because it does;t make me smell like a cupcake!
OVincze|1423391414|3829241 said:
Techie Techie basenotes was such an obsession for me, really, nowadays those days seem to be over that from Europe I could not do swaps and blind sniffs anymore. Perfume is a passion of mine almost as much as gems. I really did consider schooling too. I could but the best ones are in France.

Canuk-gal I so love lavender. I use Fragonard Lavande and I also love herbs especially rosemary and basil. Annick Goutal makes really nice herbal bath and body products but also we have a local organic brand here in Europe, Alverde that makes a really nice comfort bath and body lavender garden line which is lavender and herbs.

Cherry and fruits turn sour on me but as bath products it could be interesting though I must admit that most may not be for me. Lately I am loving body oils, this Alverde brand makes a gorgeous wild rose body oil, awesome for the hands too and the scent is delish.

Thanks for the tip about Annick Goutal. It has been years since I've used anything from that line. And I'll keep my eye out for Alverde, but in looking at the name it certainly does not ring a bell.

For skin and bath products I love Dr. Hauschka. I am having a difficult time finding the rose body crème lately (or without travelling to all and sundry to find it) and my son loves the rose body wash. A little of their product goes a long way. I also adore the rose face and body products from Korres and L'Occitaine has a few items I enjoy. I really take my bath seriously and desire nice quality stuff!

I love Hauschka but they do carry that in the US, unfortunately I have my doubts about Alverde being carried there. I love this Wildrose Sandorn and the price is much lower too, the scent divine and it is incredibly moisturizing. They also have a soap version but again it may only be carried in Europe.

Goutal may make bath and body products exclusively in Europe too, no clue but I did get them when I stayed in Provence and they had the products at the hotels and you could buy them. Just really nice stuff but some herbal ones that go with everything. I really live some Annick Goutal stuff but many are, well, sort of bland, still easily wearable fragrances for the most part. The one I do own is Mon Parfum Cherie Par Camille. Lovely in the winter, I would be happy to use a lot of their stuff but would not go crazy for most of them.

Ah, Vanille 44 must be truly divine, never tried it and how much I want to, I guess I have to go to the cities that carry these exclusives and what a shame they are not carried generally online. I think this may change now that they have been bought out. Hope the quality will not change, I have always been a huge Le Labo fan and not sure why they had to be sold.
ckrickett|1423411980|3829325 said:
Le Labo Vanille 44 today, I love this vanilla because it does;t make me smell like a cupcake!

Love Vanille 44. Gorgeous perfume.

No luck finding Alverde products in Canada--my search came up empty. I love travelling in Europe, their drug store products are ultra luxe!

We are in California in one week, and I will be searching out some La Lebo, etc!

ckrickett|1423411980|3829325 said:
Le Labo Vanille 44 today, I love this vanilla because it does;t make me smell like a cupcake!
I was wearing that one yesterday!! I think it is my favorite vanilla; however, my bottle is going on 2 years and I think the scent has changed a bit. Have you noticed any difference in your bottle over time?
and today I am wearing Profumum Roma "Dolce Acqua" - one of my gourmand comfort scents
Aww, Missy you are so lucky to have been able to try Vanille 44, I have been wanting to forever, now I am dying to, I will see if there is a way to perhaps get a sample within Europe.

Sharon, yes sadly I was quite sure Alverde would not be carried in the US or Canada, it is a European brand exclusive to a certain drugstore chain that is really good, they have a lot of organic stuff, Alverde is too, wonderful body products they make. Their new garden lavender with herbs is really pretty awesome too. I also love their supposedly anticellulite Rosemary-lemon oil for the summer and their Coconut oil is also awesome in the summer. This wildrose sandorn is the best rose body oil I have used and I can get it with coupons around 3 Euros. It is not too expensive of a brand. Lately I have used this oil on my awful cracked hands too and it seems to work the best after the hyper expensive La Mer hand cream I use. I cannot use that all the time as I would go through a tube every two weeks, so when home I mix the rose oil with shea butter for my hands.
pinkjewel|1423418895|3829366 said:
ckrickett|1423411980|3829325 said:
Le Labo Vanille 44 today, I love this vanilla because it does;t make me smell like a cupcake!
I was wearing that one yesterday!! I think it is my favorite vanilla; however, my bottle is going on 2 years and I think the scent has changed a bit. Have you noticed any difference in your bottle over time?

I got it back in September so it hasn't been very long. So I haven't noticed a change
In my experience Le Labo perfumes unfortunately turn much faster than most. I am not sure why that is the case,perhaps mixing it right there in front of the customer and not in a lab. Not sure but I have many vintage fumes that are many decades old and they are more beautiful than ever. Le Labo really does change after a year or two just like they write on the label. That is a shame as I love to keep my fumes much longer than that.
OVincze|1423429324|3829446 said:
In my experience Le Labo perfumes unfortunately turn much faster than most. I am not sure why that is the case,perhaps mixing it right there in front of the customer and not in a lab. Not sure but I have many vintage fumes that are many decades old and they are more beautiful than ever. Le Labo really does change after a year or two just like they write on the label. That is a shame as I love to keep my fumes much longer than that.

Well, that is unfortunate. My mother just gave me vintage Joy and 1000 and they smell delightful and are somewhere in the vicinity of 40 years old. I have rarely gone thru a full bottle of perfume-just too many I like, so I doubt I will purchase another Le Labo since they really do appear to turn quickly.
Very true, I own two bottles of vintage Joy perfume and one Edp as beautiful as ever. I own vintage bal a Versailles, two different concentrations, way better than the modern version, same with shalimar, the perfume has a bit of sediment but gorgeous. Le Labo is great but turns too quickly.
Well, I tried Dior Addict and Chanel No. 19 yesterday, really liked the former (reminded me of my college floriental days), hated the latter. Today I'm waiting for my new-to-me AK II and Fendi to arrive :clap: . When I get back to Boston, I'll have to head into Barneys and the like to check out Le Labo, etc.

I picked up some Dr Haushka eye and facial moisturizer yesterday from Whole really liking the products thus far. I was gently shamed into buying product after a visit to Sephora. The SA (who had incredible skin at age 37) showed me my foundation laden face with and without moisturizer. It looked SO much better with moisture. I always assumed my Eastern European oily skin would take care of itself...and at my age, that's likely nonsense. So here I go again, buying products in hopes that I remember to use them everyday :wall:

And OVincze, would love your recommendations on Fragrances for me. Here is my Basenotes post:

Happy Monday everyone.
TechieTechie|1423495555|3829772 said:
Well, I tried Dior Addict and Chanel No. 19 yesterday, really liked the former (reminded me of my college floriental days), hated the latter. Today I'm waiting for my new-to-me AK II and Fendi to arrive :clap: . When I get back to Boston, I'll have to head into Barneys and the like to check out Le Labo, etc.

I picked up some Dr Haushka eye and facial moisturizer yesterday from Whole really liking the products thus far. I was gently shamed into buying product after a visit to Sephora. The SA (who had incredible skin at age 37) showed me my foundation laden face with and without moisturizer. It looked SO much better with moisture. I always assumed my Eastern European oily skin would take care of itself...and at my age, that's likely nonsense. So here I go again, buying products in hopes that I remember to use them everyday :wall:

And OVincze, would love your recommendations on Fragrances for me. Here is my Basenotes post:

Happy Monday everyone.
I noticed on Basenotes there were a lot of recommendations on Chanel's exclusives line. One thing I have been reading lately is that Chanel did a lot of reformulations in 2014 and that people have been VERY unhappy with them-not sure if that included the exclusives or not. If you go to the Chanel boutique in Boston you might want to inquire if the testers are for the current formulas or the better, older formulas. Chanel is also coming out with a new exclusive later this Spring.

Barney's is good for both Serge Luten and Frederic Malle (which has been recently purchased). Frederic Malle had previously said with the new restriction on ingredients that all his perfumes would need to be reformulated. Many people think that is why he sold the company- it would be too expensive to reformulate and he didn't want to ruin his scents. If you find something you like now it might be worthwhile to buy a backup bottle. My favorite is Lipstick Rose- but I don't think it's one you would like based on your other scent preferences. Serge Luten does make a lot of floral orientals, but for some reason they rarely work on my skin. Definitely worth a try, though, as one of my favorite perfumes is one of his.
oh, and today I am wearing Guerlain's les elixers charnels Gourmand Coquin. At the moment this is my favorite perfume- yummy, boozey, chocolatey rose. I think it's perfect for Valentine's Day week. :lickout:
Techie Techie, will do, today was a very busy day for me and it is almost midnight here and still working. I have to tell you that in my opinion and experience Chanel takes a lot of time getting used to. I seriously hated Chanel. I could not stand the aldehydes and found most sharp and allmost nauseating. I have to also admit that I used to dislike Guerlain. Famous houses all have a base and I for one have always been very fond of the Lauder base, feel similarly about Le Labo, Goutal and Malle, their bases agree with me. Serge, well, most are so camphoric on me that I cannot get to love them, some I like ok and I did love Un Bois Vanille but have to try it further.

I slowly started becoming fond of Guerlain and Chanel took the longest but I have to say that I would be happy to own at least five Chanel Exclusives now and been dying to get my hands on a bottle of Coromandel. They are each very different though and everyone could find one in there that they would love, their iris, 28 La Pausa I also find beautiful. 19 is not for me either out of the Chanel fumes. Dislike but that does not mean there are not at least 6 other Chanel fumes I really love and I do now love No.5., 22., 28 La Pausa and Coromandel I mentioned among their favorites, then Cuir de Russie, Rue de Cambon is very nice, I also love the summery citrus from the exclusive line, Eau de Cologne. I could buy a whole series of Chanels now. I still cannot stand Bois de Iles as gorgeous as it is, I have kept trying and trying, too much aldehyde in there for me I think.

Everyone probably knows by now that my all time and forever fave is Bal a Versailles but the stunning vintage versions I own were thanks to basenote members and I can probably never replace them. The modern version is tacky smelling to me and really not attractive, the vintage EDP I got from a basenotes member is the most beautiful perfume I have ever smelled, so deep, so smooth, so much vanilla, animalic sure and lots of complexity but more smoothness I can find in anything made today and even the others made long time ago.

I do have to check out your tastes. I used to be a Dior fan but have not used them in a long time. Once you become a perfumista your sense of smell develops further and evolves constantly, it is a never ending journey.

Hauschka is really really good in my opinion. I no longer use it, did in my twenties, have been using Lauder and Clinique most my life and La Mer now but I would not mind using Hauschka again, especially the body products. I feel that my facial skin has changed. Hi from a fellow Eastern European.:)))

Wow, love this thread, we are becoming like a gem version of the old basenotes I so loved. It was a serious love affair for me and without the wonderful people there I would not have been able to ever smell countless famous vintage fumes, let alone own them.
Techie Techie ok back for a bit, I see you have gotten many suggestions of the brands and some of the fumes I have also mentioned here. BTW, today I am wearing Lipstick Rose but I too would highly recommend Portrait of a Lady, it is my new love, definitely at the higher end though. It has incense and rose like Coromandel but totally different.

Feminite de Bois from Lutens is nice but to me not outstanding. I second what you said about Tom Ford, while I find some of his scents likeable, I do not find them worth buying.

What did I forget? By Kilian has some very nice scents, very expensive too though. I own Back to Black but like several quite a bit.

One thing I would recommend to you is smelling lots of perfumes, I know this is hard, I was lucky with basenotes sample shares, swaps and blind sniffs. I think that it would also be important if you could single out notes and find what you like and what you dislike.

I love vanilla, civet, cinnamon, iris, some patch, some musk, neroli, rose, hyacinth, most animalic notes, amber, incense, some aoud...

hate: aldehydes (a bit is ok), most white flowers especially tuberose and gardenia, major headache for me, wish not but that is the case, fruits, ok a bit is in almost everything but most smell like sour sweat to me on skin (sorry), some lemon and bergamot I like in the top notes and a little bit of red fruit but please no obvious, cheap fruitchoulis.
Ok: many notes are ok in smaller quantities,I can take spices, a bit of jasmine, etc.

This was just an example, singling out notes takes a bit of practice and of course it would be best if you could smell tons of samples and start doing blind sniffs on them on your own. True blind sniffs are really useful in that you must single out the notes to guess the perfume but it is actually tons of fun and not necessarily difficult. What you can do at home is start smelling what you own and love sprayed on a paper strip and start describing it, what they remind you of, what notes are in there that you may love.

I hope I did not overcomplicate this for you and of course feel free to ask any additional questions.:)))
Continuing with my Valentine's Day week theme, today I am wearing Indie perfumer Ayala Moriel's " Roses et Chocolate". I have the roll on oil version of it. It is just as it sounds- rich, dark chocolate and a lovely full blown rose. Lasts quite long, but siliage is soft.
I just received my EDP Anne Klein II...oh my goodness. I forgot how much I loved this scent. It's a bit strong (I put on 2 squirts instead of 1) but now I remember why I loved perfume. Will be buying more to put in the wine fridge for storage :dance:

OVincze...thank you for the thoughtful response. I will respond once I return from rapture :naughty: (and am done with work for today). worries about the Chanel love...I was/am a HUGE fan. Wore Coco and Allure for years. Must restock on the pre-reformulation versions soon =)

Thanks OV for the prompt..... :wavey:

Nothing really new to add, b/c I have been car shopping--and not for perfume.

That said, while briefly in Sephora, I sprayed "Rose de Grasse" from AERIN. I have no idea what notes were expressed, but it was awful. GOOD thing it didn't last. P-EWW.

Hope someone else has something more positive to say! :lol:

OH, btw, anyone experience the "Rose" offering from Acqua di Parma? Worth a peruse??

canuk-gal|1425138181|3839741 said:

Thanks OV for the prompt..... :wavey:

Nothing really new to add, b/c I have been car shopping--and not for perfume.

That said, while briefly in Sephora, I sprayed "Rose de Grasse" from AERIN. I have no idea what notes were expressed, but it was awful. GOOD thing it didn't last. P-EWW.

Hope someone else has something more positive to say! :lol:

OH, btw, anyone experience the "Rose" offering from Acqua di Parma? Worth a peruse??


I haven;t actually, is this available at Saks or NM? I'd be willing to check it out
Today I'm wearing Moon Bloom by Hiram Green. Even if you're not a super fan of tuberose you should try it. Shangri La is on my want list...kinda.

Thanks Arcadian for spraying life into this thread! :bigsmile:

Was out and about today. Got samples of "Rose": Rosabotanica (Balenciaga), Rosa Nobile (Acqua di Parma), and Goutte de Rose (eau de Cartier).

The Tiffany guy said I smelled good after spraying the Acqua ;)) ....otherwise I'll letcha know!
