
For those of you who strength train…


Oct 23, 2011
I plan to start doing my body pump class again. The class starts at 6:15 pm which coincides with my dinner time. It is one hour long.
When would be the best time to eat dinner?
In the past, I waited to eat after I got home and showered and that meant eating like at 8 pm—which I did not like!
Please share your routine. Ty


Nov 21, 2013
I would probably have a protein shake around 4.30-5pm and then have dinner after the class. Usually when I train I would feel extra hungry afterwards so I like to eat. Alternatively you could have two smaller dinners one before and one after class, then a protein shake before bed. I don't like eating before class in case I'm feeling full then I just want to sleep.
Apr 22, 2020
I train in the morning, fasted, which is the best results for me. If I must train in the evenings, I do so at least 3 hours after a (not substantial) meal. I would likely do a protein shake around 3.30 and then dinner after the class. Workouts make you hungry, so eating before is not advisable!


Aug 18, 2013
I can't eat close to anywhere prior to working out. And I can't eat dinner later in the evenings. Consequently, if I want a later workout session, I have a good breakfast, lunch around 2pm, then a coffee or something similar after I work out, and take the opportunity for some intermittent fasting. Works for me and I've been 2 meals a day for some years now.


Aug 14, 2018
I second the idea of a protein shake around 5. I can’t stand to go to a workout hungry - cannot lift as much. And eat dinner after which is doable if you have the shake before.


Oct 23, 2011
For those of you suggesting to eat dinner after working out, my concern is that eating later kind of negates my hard work at the gym. I feel that eating after my exercise hindered my weight loss. Does it matter when a person eats—in terms of weight loss?


Nov 21, 2013
Weight loss or fat loss rather is about a calorie deficit not when you eat. As long as you're tracking your intake and your dinner is reasonable then your progress won't be hindered. Eating enough protein also helps preserve muscle which is what you want when you losing weight.

Google BMR calculator and you'll find what your minimum daily calorie intake is. This will give you an idea of how much you can eat within a day and you can divide the between meals or have lighter breakfasts and lunches to have a bigger dinner after your workout.
Apr 22, 2020
For those of you suggesting to eat dinner after working out, my concern is that eating later kind of negates my hard work at the gym. I feel that eating after my exercise hindered my weight loss. Does it matter when a person eats—in terms of weight loss?

It can have a small impact in terms of blood glucose etc (eating fewer times is better for your blood glucose since it spikes less often) but purely in terms of calorie consumption, it does not.

However, your appetite might be higher after a workout. It’s all good if you portion correctly.


Feb 1, 2021
I do CrossFit at 4:30PM and usually only consume an energy gel prior if it's going to be a tough session. I eat dinner around 8pm (I have always eaten later--even when I was a child--my dad was an MD and worked late often) and I prefer to eat later. It has never caused me any issues, and I find I crave healthier food especially protein after a heavy lifting session.


Feb 6, 2024
Hello there! I've done my fair share of body pump classes and it was great routine to hit all the body parts all at once. If it's the Les Mills program from what I remember, you work out a body part for the entire song and switch between barbell to weights. Have fun with it and to be honest, what works for other people may not work for you. I would recommend experimenting yourself (eat before, eat after, try a snack before hand, consider protein shakes etc...). Track your progress and let your own results determine what works best for your body.

I'm not a personal trainer or have any special expertise but from what I've learned (done a few triathlons and ultraruns), I agree with the comment above that it's all a #s game with the body. Calories in vs calories out... if you do a huge workout and burn 3,000 calories and the whole day all you eat is a piece of cake that has less calories, well you are making progress in terms of numbers going down on the scale. Of course it's not healthy calories and might not help you build muscle though. Muscle burns more than fat so your resting calorie burn is higher the more muscular you are. However, when you do straight cardio work outs (running or cycling), it seems to burn a lot more calories than weight training for that activity as your heart rate is higher for the entire time (you can see the evidence yourself if you wear a smart watch like a Garmin watch).

In terms of timing to eat, they say you should eat protein after a big workout so it replenishes your muscles. I'm sure there is truth to that but I think with a 1 hour body pump class, it would be beneficial to eat after a meal. However, I try not to worry so much about the amount of protein unless I've just done something extraneous where my muscles feel shredded (like a big or a workout 2.5 hours long).

Hope this helps and just some friendly opinions/thoughts from someone who enjoys working out! Good luck and enjoy!


Oct 1, 2015
I love the cultural differences we see in this forum. The US habit of eating very early is considered most peculiar where I live :)

I’m British and the usual time for dinner is between 7 and 7.30.

But I live in the Middle East where the usual time for dinner is between 9 and 10pm.

I have never been able to adapt to the really late eating local fashion - probably because I’m getting old and very boring and I like to be in bed with a book by 9.30pm because I have to be up at 6am with the kids.

I find I can only train in the morning before work (much as I hate early wake ups - I am a natural sloth) - but I have Hashimotos so struggle with energy levels later in the day particularly.

If I were you I would train early evening then eat a light meal afterwards perhaps making the lunch meal your main calorie intake with a high protein content on the days you train. But of course that depends if your schedule allows.


Dec 27, 2017
For those of you suggesting to eat dinner after working out, my concern is that eating later kind of negates my hard work at the gym. I feel that eating after my exercise hindered my weight loss. Does it matter when a person eats—in terms of weight loss?

Nope. Timing makes no difference. Total calories consumed vs burned are what affect your weight.

As to your original question, I would have a protein shake or other snack at 4:30 or so (play around with timing), go to the gym, and eat dinner after.

But you’ve got to do what works for you. I do not enjoy working out on a full stomach. Some people are not bothered by that.


Oct 1, 2015
Nope. Timing makes no difference. Total calories consumed vs burned are what affect your weight.

As to your original question, I would have a protein shake or other snack at 4:30 or so (play around with timing), go to the gym, and eat dinner after.

But you’ve got to do what works for you. I do not enjoy working out on a full stomach. Some people are not bothered by that.

My PT finds it gross that I can enjoy my morning cappuccino whilst doing a weighted work out

Cast iron stomach :)


Jul 7, 2004
I plan to start doing my body pump class again. The class starts at 6:15 pm which coincides with my dinner time. It is one hour long.
When would be the best time to eat dinner?
In the past, I waited to eat after I got home and showered and that meant eating like at 8 pm—which I did not like!
Please share your routine. Ty
I'd do after. I can maybe do a smaller protein bar like an hour ahead and that works for me, but anything more makes me sick, if you can do a light snack (a bar or a shake) before class that might help you get by til 8. I usually lift around 4pm on weeknights, and then go right home to eat around 515-530. I eat another small meal around 8.

I do my cardio fasted in the morning, and I do my Sunday morning lift either fasted or after a small premade shake.


Mar 22, 2017
For those of you suggesting to eat dinner after working out, my concern is that eating later kind of negates my hard work at the gym. I feel that eating after my exercise hindered my weight loss. Does it matter when a person eats—in terms of weight loss?

As others have mentioned, meal timing doesn't matter much, if any, for weight loss. It IS really important to have 25-35 grams of protein shortly after working out, especially if you're doing strength training, and especially especially if you're operating at a calorie deficit. That's your "anabolic window." The combination of the training and the influx of amino acids send a powerful signal to repair and build muscle; if one trains without supplying those amino acids, especially at a calorie deficit, it can make the training catabolic instead, so that muscle tissue is destroyed more than rebuilt.

If it were me, since I can't do any exercise other than very light cardio with a full stomach, I would eat dinner after the workout on training days, and just make it a lighter meal that is weighted toward the protein, preferably from a very digestible source. I would either make lunch the biggest meal on those days and make sure it's a few hours before, or make lunch light as well (or just have a protein shake and a little bit of carbs) an hour or two before working out.


Dec 27, 2017
My PT finds it gross that I can enjoy my morning cappuccino whilst doing a weighted work out

Cast iron stomach :)

I’m weird in that I need exactly the right amount of food before I train. Too little and I have nausea. Too much? Nausea. It’s a process trying to understand your body!


Jun 8, 2008
Hi @nala I work out in the mornings and I have my coffee and a banana and almond butter an hour or two before I work out. If it is a weight day I do part of my cardiovascular first to warm up; lift weights; then I eat a protein snack ( 30-35 mg of protein-lentil soup with pea protein) then I finish my cardiovascular workout. If it is a cardio only day I do the lion's share of my workout; eat my protein snack and then finish my cardio. It's just what works best for me.

On the few occasions I have had to workout later I make sure I have eaten a little something (carbs) before I workout and shortly after my workout I eat my meal. I cannot have too much food in my stomach before working out
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