
For Blenheim and Linda W (and anyone else that loves Lhasas!)

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Oct 6, 2005
Sorry I didn''t start this thread before..stupid finals getting in the way of PS time!

So Blenheim have you given anymore thought to adopting the rescue Lhasa? Do you have pictures?

Linda W I''m still waiting on those pictures you promised of Mazie
Hi Princess V,

I am still waiting for The Hubby to do it. He has been busy this weekend and every time I ask him he said "I will". I will pin him down after dinner tonight.

Hope I can download it onto this site. I can''t wait for you to see her precious face.

Yay to you for adopting a rescue! We adopted our fur baby from a rescue as well.

~~Ssssshhhhhhhhh...she doesn''t know she''s adopted!!!!~~

She is probably a Shih Tzu/Lhasa mix. Too large to be all Shih Tzu, but she has a short snout. Sooo cute. I hope it works out for you. These little ones are the best and are forever devoted to you.
I still haven''t decided. I''m torn, because I really would like to adopt a rescue dog but my dream dog for so long has been a cavalier and cavalier rescue is practically non-existent.

Anyway, this is the little guy who I saw online:



Isn''t he cute? He sounds like such a sweet guy who really loves people (including kids), but has just had bad owners in the house and has had some potty issues. Since he has gotten neutered and has started real potty training, it hasn''t been a problem. He currently lives very close to where I''m about to move.

I don''t think I''ve ever actually been around a Llasa Apso, which is part of the reason why I initially asked why you ladies like them so much.

The other (slightly) complicating factor is my boyfriend. We''ve been dreaming of "our cavalier puppy" for over a year. (Our apartments don''t allow pets at the moment, but we''re moving in June and that''s one of our highest priorities in terms of housing.) I think that I could work on him though...
though it is lots of work for you, what about both pups? Get the rescue one now, do a good deed and give him lots of love. Later when you are readly, get the pup. It is nice for them to have eachother, less issues because they occupy one another and it can be so cute...
WHAT A CUTIE PIE. I would love to give him a kiss
Lhasa''s are such little lovers.

I have to scan and try to post a picture of Mazie tomorrow. being my hubby can''t get around to doing it.

I tell you, you will LOVE this little guy. How old is he?

DiamondFan is right. Our other 3 Lhasa''s were a riot. They chased eachother all over the house. The girls even ganged up on Barnaby and chased him. We used to die laughing, it was so darn funny.

Date: 4/24/2006 12:59:47 AM
Author: diamondfan
though it is lots of work for you, what about both pups? Get the rescue one now, do a good deed and give him lots of love. Later when you are readly, get the pup. It is nice for them to have eachother, less issues because they occupy one another and it can be so cute...

Oh, I like the way you think!

Linda, he turns two years old in just over a week.

Out of curiosity, do the other Llasa owners here trim their dog''s fur like this? Is it fairly easy to do yourself, or do you have to take them to be groomed regularly? It seems like most of the pictures I''ve seen have the really long, flowing hair, and my experience with dogs with longer hair is that it''s hard to keep looking pretty and clean and mat-free in real life.
My 3 used to look like this once a year, if they got matted really bad. We gave them, which Mazie gets now a "sissor" cut. The hair is impossible to keep tangle free. They run around alot and play and get bad knots. Mazie likes to be brushed, but not for hours on end.

The sissor cut is really cute. We keep her ears trimmed too. Barnaby used to get ear infections from having wet ears all the time, from drinking water.

Mazie goes to the "beauty shop" every two to three weeks". She knows when it is coming, because she runs and hides when DH goes to take her LOL LOL.

I love when they are "puppy cut"...looks so floppy and cuddly sweet. I just think if it is at all managable, by all means rescue the little cutie. See how he settles in, responds to a good home, and then, when the time is right, look into the cavalier. I think pets get lonely if they do not have a could be giving them a lifetime of fun! (now, do not know if you should get two males or when you get the second one get a female, but....I am not a breeder. that can be resolved later!)
OMG that dog looks like Minko! I''m such a sucker for Lhasas...this is my little guy here..getting in trouble with a doll that he wasn''t supposed to play with

Blenheim if you don''t adopt that rescue I will!

I get Minko groomed pretty regularly about every 2 months. The reason is that he has a couple of sensitive areas he doesn''t like for me to touch...trimming around his eyes would be impossible for me and the fur in between his little paws drives him nuts so I just let the pros deal with it. Plus they do all that other icky stuff like the hair out of his ears and around his butt.

Is there anyway you can spend time with that little cutie first?
30.gif I want another Lhasa! LOL

Forgot to add last night...Minko''s haircut is called a teddy bear face...I love it because it''s fuller and makes him look cuter IMHO.

Another thing that I love about Lhasas is that although I love little dogs, I really hate yippy dogs. I had a family toy poodle and although I loved him, his yipping drove me nuts! Minko never whines unless he''s in real pain.(even when I think he should whine he doesn''t) Lhasas bark when it''s important (to them) other than that he''s pretty quiet (even on airplanes).

I can''t stop looking at Minko''s picture. He looks EXACTLY like my Barnaby did, underbite and all. Oh how I miss him.

The males are much quieter and laid back than the females are. The females are much more hyper. We noticed that with the other two females we had, also with Mazie. Barnaby used to look at the two girls as if to say, "ok calm down, calm down" LOL LOL.


Hehe Linda, I''ll post a few more just for you!

Minko IS hyper...he just turned 5 this January (my how time flies!) and he still acts and plays like a puppy except he''s potty trained and doesn''t chew things up as much. Sometimes he gets these hyper fits in the evening where all of a suddent he''ll dash off to the kitchen run back into the den and living room, run a full circle, jump up and down off the couch and repeat. He cracks me up!

Here''s him and his little girlfriend, her name is Margo and she''s my best friend''s dog, incidentally she''s a rescue as well (we think Shih-tzu/poodle??)

Linda, what color/colors are Mazie? Minko is mostly white, with some gold (he''s got a golden tail and golden back) and some grey on his head...I think he looks like an old man haha that''s what my mom calls him because of his beard and gray!
Opps here''s the picture.
Geez, he looks just like Barnaby, I can''t get over it.

Mazie runs all over the place too. She just did that a few minutes ago. I am typing here, she comes in the room, woofs at me, I turn around, say BOO, then the chase is on. ha ha ha ha. She runs all over the place. Up the stairs, down the stairs, all over the living room furniture, up the stairs, back into the computer room, etc. etc.

I''ll try scanning a pic now, hope it turns out.

Opps here he is!

LOL I can''t wait to see Mazie!

Did Barnaby have a lazy eye? Minko does...poor guy he''d make such an ugly human with that underbite and lazy eye...but I love him!

Oh how we love our Lhasas hehe!!
LOL Another question are your Lhasas just as nosy as mine?? If my mom is cleaning out the pantry, he has to stick his nose in there as well...once we were looking for something underneath the couch and we were sticking our heads underneath so he had to stick his head under with hilarious! He just has to be a part of everything.
Couldn''t resist here''s another one of Minko mom made him sit on the kitchen counter (poor guy!) and it was Chinese New Year. The way he sits cracks me up he doesn''t sit like any other dog I know...wonder if that''s a Lhasa trait?

oh poop, I am having trouble doing it. It won''t go through.
I wish I could just email her picture to you. Yes Mazie is nosey nosey nosey. We were looking under our couch yesterday, and she had to stick her head under there too. She always has to see what is going on.

It said my picture was too big, but with this new scanner, I am not sure how to resize it yet.

Send it to the Pricescope admin maybe if you ask nicely Irina will post it for us!
Oh Good idea. I will do that now.

OK, where is their email addy, so I can forward her picture???

I m waiting for pics to come, it''s my first "emergency dog-posting"... when you think you''ve seen it all...
Date: 4/24/2006 12:12:27 PM
Author: Pricescope
I m waiting for pics to come, it''s my first ''emergency dog-posting''... when you think you''ve seen it all...
LOL you crack me up! I can''t help it we adore Lhasas around this thread

Thank you for taking the time to post the pictures I really appreciate it!!
LOL LOL. I just sent it to them. I gave up with this new scanner. My hubby will have to figure it out. Mazie should be making her grand debut soon.

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