
Florist negotiations?

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Green with Envy

Jun 25, 2007
I went to see some florists recommended by my venue and was well prepared with questions based on what I learned here on PS. I liked two florists, but one really stood out as understanding me. I felt she really "got" me, but then again she was the last florist I saw so I was much better at communicating what I wanted compared to my first meeting.

Anyhow... the quotes came in for the exact same flowers and they were dramatically different. I really want to work with the higher priced florist, but her price is so much higher than the other florist I liked. I mean... almost double!!!

So I want to go back to her and see how much flexibility she has without compromising the types of flowers.

Of course I can just explain to her how much I want to use her, but share the quote from the other guy and see what she says... but I can''t imagine she will match his price since it is sooooo much lower.

Since both venders are well recommended by my venue she must know brides will check out the other top guy and she has to know he is cheaper! I so wish the prices were at least sort of close. Bummer!

Does anyone have any recommendations or great tricks to florist negotiations? Any buzz words I should use?



Oct 4, 2007
I don''t think you need any tricks and really it never hurts to ask whats the worst that can happen they say no. Be nice and upfront and say that you have had other quotes for the same products and they came in much lower - just don''t come off over eager to work with her ;-). I haven''t negotiated with a florist yet but for my dress I got the bridal store to knock off $600 to match the other price I found and they were reluctant to do it but they did it in the end because really they wanted the business I was willing to offer :).

If she wants your business she will be willing to negotiate whether that be price matching or value adding - good luck :)


Nov 13, 2007
To be honest... if you are talking about the EXACT same flowers and "vision" from each vendor, then I would just go with the cheaper one. Double is ALOT.

If she is already double what the other woman is charging for the exact same thing, you are going to lose out in order to pay her premium.

She will either cut that amount of flowers she uses, or the size of things, and then you're left still paying more (even if she comes down a little bit, it will still be more than the other quote), and for what, LESS product on the day of the wedding.

Like PP said, all you can do is ask, but be sure that she is not cutting quantity when she submits her final quote... that is, if she even wants to negotiate. Good luck.


Aug 19, 2009
I would try to contact the more expensive florist, and see if she''s willing to negotiate.

I would also contact the less expensive florist, and maybe see if they can do a mock-up of something for you, so you can get more of a feeling for their work? Or visit their store or website (if they have one)?


Jun 8, 2009
First, make sure you''re comparing like with like. Have you seen photos of both florists'' work? Is the cheaper florist''s work of the same quality? Are the arrangements going to be of the same size?

I would call up the more expensive florist and just be honest. Tell her you really liked her and her work, but you''ve received a quote from the other recommended florist for the same things, and ask if there are any differences that you are missing. Say that you can''t stretch to paying double, and ask if she might be willing to bring the price closer to the second price.

The key to negotiations is being upfront and honest, and also willing to walk away. It won''t work if you''re bluffing. If she won''t reduce the price to a satisfactory level, you have to be prepared to go with the cheaper florist.


Nov 13, 2007
Another thing I didn''t think to ask you... where are these quote in terms of your ideal budget?

Yes, the more expensive one is double the second one, but HOW much higher is it than your budget? Is the second one higher or lower than your ideal floral budget?

Green with Envy

Jun 25, 2007
Our flower budget was not clearly defined when we started, but the lower priced person is reasonable... but just considering getting the same thing and then adding over $1000 for the higher priced person... seems like a way big difference.

For instance... for the EXACT same type of flower....

one florist charges $7.00 each for boutonnieres while the higher priced person was $18.

One person was $350 for ceremony decor and the other was $525. There were a few line items like flower petals that were the same price, but basically everything else she charged twice as much and that adds up FAST!

I am just going to go back and tell her I got a second quote and was confused since the lines items were so dramatically different... ask her what she could do with cost without sacrificing her artistic vision, product, volume, etc. and see how close she lands to the lower price.


Nov 13, 2007
"one florist charges $7.00 each for boutonnieres while the higher priced person was $18"

WOW! $18 is alot for a single bout. Since the other one is only charging $7, I''m guessing you are using a single flower? Is there anyway the second lady is adding something into hers?

I think asking her to be specific about what she is putting into these things, would be very beneficial. Maybe she is "fluffing" them with other things and not indicating that on the sheet. If she is, she could probably take that out and the price would go down.

Hope it works out for you! We all know what it means to have vendors that you "connect" with, but at some point the price is just too high.

Green with Envy

Jun 25, 2007
I saw pictures from both florists and the corsages and boutonnieres were practically exactly the same... no extra fluff. She is just charging double.



Jun 8, 2009
Date: 2/26/2010 2:19:20 PM
Author: Green with Envy
I saw pictures from both florists and the corsages and boutonnieres were practically exactly the same... no extra fluff. She is just charging double.


In that case - I'd make one call to give her a chance to bring her price right down. I'd be willing to pay a small premium (maybe 10%?) for someone you connected better with - but if she can't do this (and that's her right), and all else is equal, I would go with the cheaper florist.

To be honest though - if she was willing to halve her price just because you asked, I might question her integrity in basically inflating her prices artificially. So, either way, I'd really be tempted to go with the cheaper florist... But as I said before, make absolutely sure the quality is comparable.


Mar 19, 2010
From your posts, it appears like you are using one flower. What do you want for your centerpieces, bouquets, bouts? I did my own. I have NO floral experience and only spent $1000 on flowers, vases (which I could keep) and other items to finish them (like ribbon). My friend that got married a couple of months before me had the same budget as me and the quality was not even close at ALL. This is not just coming from me, we were both MOH for each other;''s weddings and we heard so many comments about this. She regrets not hearing my advice. She had roses for 15 tables, I had orchids for 20!!!!


Jul 28, 2007
I would simply ask the more expensive florist is she has room to move with her quote. I would also get a third and perhaps fourth quote, just to see where the pricing lies. Maybe you got a crazy cheap price for one of them and it''s just not realistic? Who knows, but I in this case, I wouldn''t pick either just at the moment without further info.

Guilty Pleasure

May 16, 2008
Did both quotes include labor in addition to cost of the flowers? I just wanted to make sure that it''s not a difference in the way they quote their prices, like Florist A listing itemizes price of flowers and then adds labor at the end, while Florist B itemizes each thing with labor included.


Aug 8, 2005
I''d just go with the lower priced one. I had qoutes from many florists and I threw out the highest and the lowest. That left me with 6 in the mid range and I chose from them.

Does one have a physical storefront and the other work from home or something? If that''s the case then if the more expensive one is the storefront, what you are paying for is overhead. And they probably won''t be able to come down enough in price for you.

Why don''t you like the less expensive florist? Is it a gut feeling or a vibe thing?


Feb 20, 2009
I would definitely go with the cheaper one because 1K is a LOT of extra money to pay just because you clicked better with her. Visions can be easily understood with photos of what you''re into.
$18 for a bout is WAY overpriced, especially when you know the other place is charging $7 for the same thing. If you''re really into her, though, I''d give her one chance to negotiate to a reasonable amount, and if she is unwilling, thank her for her time, and book the other florist! Good luck!


Aug 3, 2009
$18 for a single-flower bout?!?!

It never hurts to try to negotiate. Maybe there are places in which Florist #2 can come down in price without a noticeable difference in quality.

But I''d highlight the items for which she''s charging more. Figure out why and see if you can renegotiate from there.

There is something to be said for "clicking," but it''s definitely not worth double the price. Maybe she''s doing a lot of stuff around the centerpieces, like little votives/bowls?
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