
First female presidential nominee for major political party


Jun 2, 2013
Re: First female presidential nominee for major political pa

The video posted by The Los Angeles Time of the parents and widow of Officers Moses Walker, Derek Owens, and Thor Soderberg is of better quality:

And here's a video of Khizr Khan's brief but very powerful speech; he is the father of U.S. Army Captain Humayun Khan, who was killed in Iraq in 2004:

My son tells me he's getting lots of tweets saying Fox News broke away from their coverage of the convention, did not broadcast either of these. But neither one of us was watching Fox News, so I can't say whether those tweets are accurate.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Re: First female presidential nominee for major political pa

Deb...Best wishes to your daughter and your dad.


Jan 30, 2008
Re: First female presidential nominee for major political pa

AGBF|1469769534|4060446 said:
ruby59|1469768927|4060442 said:
As far as you living in the past, it is all your quotes and references. Referring to what women had to wear 70+ years ago. Referring to a 300+ year speech.

You are serious? You think that if someone refers to a period of time prior to the present that that person is "living in the past"? That would mean that every educated person on the planet lived in the past! I had no notion that what you took exception to was my audacity in making reference to historical events!

This is a 2008 redux Deb. Make a quote, bring history into any discussion to give context and show how we got here and to show how the situation then has something to tell us about the situation today, and get a big 'ol eye roll. You probably don't remember, but I even importuned my husband write a piece for one of these threads, about the study of history, how best to approach it, and how it helps in understanding current events, and STILL got a big 'ol eyeroll and a "that's not important". The eyerolls pretty much explain why we are in the straits we are, and why we may be getting ready to have to re-learn a few of those historical lessons we (some of us) thought were already learned. So I feel your pain, quite.

In the area of doing a 180 though, as I recall, whenever I would criticize the US for anything, the conservatives would start frothing and rush in and be all over me for being critical of the great US of A, and accuse me being defeatist, etc. I remember it well. Fast forward 8 years, I'm still critical of the US in the same degree, yet find myself on the side of being one of the very few left (it seems) who have not completely given up on our form of government. It's actually disorienting.


May 11, 2013
Re: First female presidential nominee for major political pa

ksinger|1469783039|4060474 said:
AGBF|1469769534|4060446 said:
ruby59|1469768927|4060442 said:
As far as you living in the past, it is all your quotes and references. Referring to what women had to wear 70+ years ago. Referring to a 300+ year speech.

You are serious? You think that if someone refers to a period of time prior to the present that that person is "living in the past"? That would mean that every educated person on the planet lived in the past! I had no notion that what you took exception to was my audacity in making reference to historical events!

This is a 2008 redux Deb. Make a quote, bring history into any discussion to give context and show how we got here and to show how the situation then has something to tell us about the situation today, and get a big 'ol eye roll. You probably don't remember, but I even importuned my husband write a piece for one of these threads, about the study of history, how best to approach it, and how it helps in understanding current events, and STILL got a big 'ol eyeroll and a "that's not important". The eyerolls pretty much explain why we are in the straits we are, and why we may be getting ready to have to re-learn a few of those historical lessons we (some of us) thought were already learned. So I feel your pain, quite.

In the area of doing a 180 though, as I recall, whenever I would criticize the US for anything, the conservatives would start frothing and rush in and be all over me for being critical of the great US of A, and accuse me being defeatist, etc. I remember it well. Fast forward 8 years, I'm still critical of the US in the same degree, yet find myself on the side of being one of the very few left (it seems) who have not completely given up on our form of government. It's actually disorienting.

:) And disconcerting. If one looks at Trump making fun of a guy who has a deformed arm and I think, cerebral palsy, what is really going inside his mind? I admire his speaking his mind, albeit I agree with nada that he says, but can he stay cool and calm under stress? nope I think.

My America was shaped by where I grew up, my parents, and being catholic. Are we going to elect a bully? are we going to elect a person who has never been middle class? could be. I respect true republicans, I wonder if the low information voters have ever read about Kansas? Have they seen what really happens when you cut taxes? I suggest every Trump voter on this forum and in the USA read about Kansas, just google Kansas budget taxes.. supply side Kansas... and one can read about what could happen if we get a supply side president.. pretty scary stuff to me. To me this forum has given me much to think about, I really appreciated DF and his succinct answer to my question of why he did not support Obama, while I didn't agree with his thoughts per se, I do appreciate an answer that made sense to me, to me people like DF are the true republican party, and I would bet dollars to donuts that he wishes there was another candidate besides Trump, I understand party loyalty, what I don't understand is lack of introspection on Trump supporters.. I believe America will survive a trump or a clinton.. because I do believe in our flag, our country and an ever changing world that we as Americans live in. As a 63 year old woman who still thinks she is 22 in her head, I still yearn for the America I wanted in the early 70s, but that will not ever happen, but that is what we learn as we age, with age does come some wisdom, I'm wise enough now to know that it won't always go my way, I'm wise enough to know that I, as a progressive liberal, won't get all that I wanted at 22, I'm actually wise enough to know that maybe all I wanted at 22 would not be the best way for my country. How can we not live in the past, we experienced the's part of us.. when I say to young women stand with Hillary, she broke so many barriers and yet I can see why they can't or wont', they don't remember where their moms and grandmothers came from.. I didn't experience WWII, what my mom and dad experienced was not mine and I reacted to their way with disdain, so it repeats and repeats I guess :) I am rambling, my apologies. The past makes us who we are today ...

Peace Love and Understanding

ETA: liberal progressive democrats are just as patriotic as conservative republicans. Republicans do not own patriotism, I am a patriot, I love my country, I support good cops, I support black lives matter, I support America.


May 11, 2013
Re: First female presidential nominee for major political pa

stracci2000|1469764813|4060420 said:
momhappy|1469757879|4060403 said:
stracci2000|1469757202|4060396 said:
Dancing Fire|1469753292|4060370 said:
NonieMarie|1469752228|4060363 said:
redwood, I watched every night last week and am watching now. The anger and hatred that I saw last week saddened me to the core. The idea that one person, Trump, is our savior is unamerican. Yesterday when Trump looked into the camera and asked Russia to hack us, again, I was disgusted. This week got off to a rocky start but soon turned to the positive. The issues were addressed, social and economic, law enforcement was praised, the military was told it was great and not a mess. redwood, I appreciate your concerns and your values but like Barbara Bush said about her son George W, "just hold your nose and vote". I guess you will be holding your nose, lol. I am very afraid if Trump get in. Our soldiers will die by the thousands. Right now, I'm more worried about that than the Supreme Court.
Really? Did I miss parents of the slain cops making speeches on the stage? .. :confused:

DF, three spouses and families just spoke tonight about their loved ones, police officers, who were slain. I hope you were watching.

Is this accurate? I didn't watch, so I am genuinely curious because I had not heard that this was the case.

Um, yes. It's accurate. I saw it with my own eyes, on the PBS coverage.
Do you think I am lying, momhappy? Gosh, what an insult.

Best part of the convention(s) was watching PBS, great coverage, you can see their liberal bias in the look on Judy's face or Gwen's frown, David's constant repeating of 'she needs a message' and all the other commentators. I also watched the Muslim Dad showing his pain in the loss of his son for his troop and America.. painful stuff to watch.. we should all be made to watch PBS during these times, no MSNBC, no Fox.. just coverage and no panning over to Judy and Gwen! ;-)


Mar 3, 2013
Re: First female presidential nominee for major political pa

stracci2000|1469764813|4060420 said:
momhappy|1469757879|4060403 said:
stracci2000|1469757202|4060396 said:
Dancing Fire|1469753292|4060370 said:
NonieMarie|1469752228|4060363 said:
redwood, I watched every night last week and am watching now. The anger and hatred that I saw last week saddened me to the core. The idea that one person, Trump, is our savior is unamerican. Yesterday when Trump looked into the camera and asked Russia to hack us, again, I was disgusted. This week got off to a rocky start but soon turned to the positive. The issues were addressed, social and economic, law enforcement was praised, the military was told it was great and not a mess. redwood, I appreciate your concerns and your values but like Barbara Bush said about her son George W, "just hold your nose and vote". I guess you will be holding your nose, lol. I am very afraid if Trump get in. Our soldiers will die by the thousands. Right now, I'm more worried about that than the Supreme Court.
Really? Did I miss parents of the slain cops making speeches on the stage? .. :confused:

DF, three spouses and families just spoke tonight about their loved ones, police officers, who were slain. I hope you were watching.

Is this accurate? I didn't watch, so I am genuinely curious because I had not heard that this was the case.

Um, yes. It's accurate. I saw it with my own eyes, on the PBS coverage.
Do you think I am lying, momhappy? Gosh, what an insult.

No, I think you misunderstood. I was not questioning because I thought you were lying. I was questioning just to get more details of the actual coverage. I apologize if you thought otherwise - my post was not meant to insult you. It was more of an inquiry about media coverage because the media went bats*it crazy over the fact that HRC wasn't supporting law enforcement by not including them in her speech lineup. I researched it right after you posted it and I still found nothing about her including law enforcement. I actually appreciate that you shared that =) and again, I apologize for not being more clear in my earlier post.


Mar 3, 2013
Re: First female presidential nominee for major political pa

AGBF|1469768056|4060436 said:
ruby59|1469735779|4060299 said:
Do you also feel that way about The Gettysburg Address?

And this is what I meant when I said AGBF that you need to come out from the past.

Did you have to go back that far into history to find one?

I agree with momhappy. You can throw all the feel good speeches with their buzzwords at me. But they are only words unless you can demonstrate to me that you can actually make some real changes.

I am feeling especially virtuous today since I spent all day at a psychiatric hospital having my daughter hospitalized then came home and gave my father dinner only to have him fall, have to call the paramedics and an ambulance, then spend my entire evening-up until midnight-at the ER having him patched up and given a CT Scan. I don't feel as if I don't live in the real world. I wasn't on-line to defend myself (or even near a TV to watch the convention) because I was being a good mother and daughter. So forgive me if I feel a little annoyed at coming and finding this drivel from the two of you, ruby and momhappy.

I didn't need to go back in time to find The Gettysburg Address. I heard someone on television compare President Obama's speech writing with President Lincoln's because no other president could rise to Lincoln's level. I felt that the comparison was apt. I memorized The Gettysburg Address as a school child (didn't you?), so I always carry it with me. I don't have to go back in the past to find it.

And it is rude to tell me I "throw feel good speeches" and "buzz words" at you. (Rude and untruthful.) That is why I called what you wrote "drivel". My vocabulary is actually more than adequate. I am rarely driven to the point where I am forced to use "buzz words" to communicate. I can usually find a fair approximation of the word for which I am searching among the standard English words.


I don't know how I got lumped into this and I'm confused at your comment about "the two of you" :confused: You and I have had very minimal discussion in this thread, so I don't even understand where this is coming from? Just because Ruby may have quoted my post(s) and/or agreed with it, doesn't mean that we are working together and against you in some way. Ruby has her own thoughts, I have mine, and you have yours. I haven't even directed any posts at you in this thread And I only responded to you when you asked me about how I feel about the Gettysburg Address. I posted a few general comments about how I am not a fan of campaign-style political speeches, but they were not directed at anyone in particular. That's it. There was nothing more. I feel that you've lumped me into this unfairly and that's hurtful.
Despite how you feel about me, I am truly sorry about your family situations. It sounds like a very difficult time, so I wish you all the strength you need to get through it.


Mar 3, 2013
Re: First female presidential nominee for major political pa

momhappy|1469797452|4060507 said:
AGBF|1469768056|4060436 said:
ruby59|1469735779|4060299 said:
Do you also feel that way about The Gettysburg Address?

And this is what I meant when I said AGBF that you need to come out from the past.

Did you have to go back that far into history to find one?

I agree with momhappy. You can throw all the feel good speeches with their buzzwords at me. But they are only words unless you can demonstrate to me that you can actually make some real changes.

I am feeling especially virtuous today since I spent all day at a psychiatric hospital having my daughter hospitalized then came home and gave my father dinner only to have him fall, have to call the paramedics and an ambulance, then spend my entire evening-up until midnight-at the ER having him patched up and given a CT Scan. I don't feel as if I don't live in the real world. I wasn't on-line to defend myself (or even near a TV to watch the convention) because I was being a good mother and daughter. So forgive me if I feel a little annoyed at coming and finding this drivel from the two of you, ruby and momhappy.

I didn't need to go back in time to find The Gettysburg Address. I heard someone on television compare President Obama's speech writing with President Lincoln's because no other president could rise to Lincoln's level. I felt that the comparison was apt. I memorized The Gettysburg Address as a school child (didn't you?), so I always carry it with me. I don't have to go back in the past to find it.

And it is rude to tell me I "throw feel good speeches" and "buzz words" at you. (Rude and untruthful.) That is why I called what you wrote "drivel". My vocabulary is actually more than adequate. I am rarely driven to the point where I am forced to use "buzz words" to communicate. I can usually find a fair approximation of the word for which I am searching among the standard English words.


I don't know how I got lumped into this and I'm confused at your comment about "the two of you" :confused: You and I have had very minimal discussion in this thread, so I don't even understand where this is coming from? Just because Ruby may have quoted my post(s) and/or agreed with it, doesn't mean that we are working together and against you in some way. Ruby has her own thoughts, I have mine, and you have yours. I haven't even directed any posts at you in this thread and I only responded to you when you asked me about how I feel about the Gettysburg Address. I have contributed a few general posts about how I'm not a fan of campaign-style political speeches, but they weren't directed at anyone in particular. That's it. There was nothing more. I feel that you've lumped me into this unfairly and that's hurtful.
Despite how you feel about me, I am truly sorry about your family situations. It sounds like a very difficult time, so I wish you all the strength you need to get through it.

Update: I don't know why thi posted twice. Sorry.

House Cat

Feb 22, 2009
Re: First female presidential nominee for major political pa

AGBF|1469768056|4060436 said:
ruby59|1469735779|4060299 said:
Do you also feel that way about The Gettysburg Address?

And this is what I meant when I said AGBF that you need to come out from the past.

Did you have to go back that far into history to find one?

I agree with momhappy. You can throw all the feel good speeches with their buzzwords at me. But they are only words unless you can demonstrate to me that you can actually make some real changes.

I am feeling especially virtuous today since I spent all day at a psychiatric hospital having my daughter hospitalized then came home and gave my father dinner only to have him fall, have to call the paramedics and an ambulance, then spend my entire evening-up until midnight-at the ER having him patched up and given a CT Scan. I don't feel as if I don't live in the real world. I wasn't on-line to defend myself (or even near a TV to watch the convention) because I was being a good mother and daughter. So forgive me if I feel a little annoyed at coming and finding this drivel from the two of you, ruby and momhappy.

I didn't need to go back in time to find The Gettysburg Address. I heard someone on television compare President Obama's speech writing with President Lincoln's because no other president could rise to Lincoln's level. I felt that the comparison was apt. I memorized The Gettysburg Address as a school child (didn't you?), so I always carry it with me. I don't have to go back in the past to find it.

And it is rude to tell me I "throw feel good speeches" and "buzz words" at you. (Rude and untruthful.) That is why I called what you wrote "drivel". My vocabulary is actually more than adequate. I am rarely driven to the point where I am forced to use "buzz words" to communicate. I can usually find a fair approximation of the word for which I am searching among the standard English words.

Oh Deb,

I am so sorry to hear this. When you have the energy, please let us know how you are doing on the mental illness thread. I will be praying for you.


May 11, 2012
Re: First female presidential nominee for major political pa

Deb, hugs go out to you, I hope that your father is O.K and your daughter is getting the help she needs.

I think Hillary is capable of quite despicable behaviour, but the thing is Trump is a thousand times more despicable than she will ever be. If she inspires little girls everywhere to dare to dream that women can not only succeed but at a core level they understand they really can achieve anything they desire than I for one applaud that and hope that despite her haters, despite her poor past decisions and despite her husband, that she beats Trump, because as I have said repeatedly she offers the most stable option of potential presidents.


Apr 1, 2008
Re: First female presidential nominee for major political pa

Looks like the stock market today liked Hillary's speech. International stocks are way up.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Re: First female presidential nominee for major political pa

Tekate|1469793142|4060482 said:
ETA: liberal progressive democrats are just as patriotic as conservative republicans. Republicans do not own patriotism, I am a patriot, I love my country, I support good cops, I support black lives matter, I support America.
I am not against all Dems. You will not hear me say anything negative about JFK nor B. Clinton b/c JFK open the door for us Chinese immigrant to come to America legally, and as for B. Clinton what he did with Monica is none of my business it is b/t him and his family. His wife choose to forgive him then that's their business. The GOP is not against immigrants...didn't Prez. Reagan sign an amnesty bill when he was in office?.. :read:


Jun 26, 2007
Re: First female presidential nominee for major political pa

Dancing Fire|1469833702|4060693 said:
Tekate|1469793142|4060482 said:
ETA: liberal progressive democrats are just as patriotic as conservative republicans. Republicans do not own patriotism, I am a patriot, I love my country, I support good cops, I support black lives matter, I support America.
I am not against all Dems. You will not hear me say anything negative about JFK nor B. Clinton b/c JFK open the door for us Chinese immigrant to come to America legally, and as for B. Clinton what he did with Monica is none of my business it is b/t him and his family. His wife choose to forgive him then that's their business. The GOP is not against immigrants...didn't Prez. Reagan sign an amnesty bill when he was in office?.. :read:

DF, can I give you a big hug? You don't have a black heart after all!! :love: :love: :love:

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Re: First female presidential nominee for major political pa

stracci2000|1469835115|4060700 said:
Dancing Fire|1469833702|4060693 said:
Tekate|1469793142|4060482 said:
ETA: liberal progressive democrats are just as patriotic as conservative republicans. Republicans do not own patriotism, I am a patriot, I love my country, I support good cops, I support black lives matter, I support America.
I am not against all Dems. You will not hear me say anything negative about JFK nor B. Clinton b/c JFK open the door for us Chinese immigrant to come to America legally, and as for B. Clinton what he did with Monica is none of my business it is b/t him and his family. His wife choose to forgive him then that's their business. The GOP is not against immigrants...didn't Prez. Reagan sign an amnesty bill when he was in office?.. :read:

DF, can I give you a big hug? You don't have a black heart after all!! :love: :love: :love:
:shhh: Don't tell the whole world... :bigsmile:

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Re: First female presidential nominee for major political pa

HC is in a tough situation ...on one hand she must keep Bernie's supporters happy, but by doing so she will lose a lot of the "Trump hater" votes.
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