
Finding the right stone


Apr 25, 2012
I have been doing my research trying to find the best diamond for my money for an engagement ring. This is a tough process as there are so many factors to consider. I really don't want to spend more than $7500 on the stone and the most important factor is that I want it to sparkle (Fire, Brilliance, Scintillation). I have been looking at a lot of SI-1 in the G-H color range as this seems to be the sweet spot in terms of value. Here are a few stones that I am looking at, any help you all can provide is greatly appreciated. Please feel free to share any other recommendations as well.

Some of these have feathers as inclusions, I have read that those can be of some concern.
Of the ones you posted like the BGD blue one the best. But are you okay with an I color.

Of the two JA ones you posted I liked the G/SI1 better as it had a bigger spread. They both looked like they had potential though, just need to get an ideascope image to check light performance.

Here are two AGS000 at blue nile. They are bigger and within your price range. If eyeclean i would consider them.
SolaKid|1335736251|3183593 said:
I have been doing my research trying to find the best diamond for my money for an engagement ring. This is a tough process as there are so many factors to consider. I really don't want to spend more than $7500 on the stone and the most important factor is that I want it to sparkle (Fire, Brilliance, Scintillation). I have been looking at a lot of SI-1 in the G-H color range as this seems to be the sweet spot in terms of value. Here are a few stones that I am looking at, any help you all can provide is greatly appreciated. Please feel free to share any other recommendations as well.

Some of these have feathers as inclusions, I have read that those can be of some concern.

I wouldn't consider the last one.

Here are my thoughts.
92 point BGD. Beautiful. But you can get a full carat for your budget and if I was spending that much I would want a carat.

James Allen G SI. If this stone is eyeclean, none of the feathers break the surface, and the Idealscope image checks out this would be my choice. G color to boot. Pretty nice. Has medium blue fluorescence to boot (make sure there are no negative effects, I doubt there will be though, which means BONUS as far as I'm concerned).

BGD I color one carat. Also gorgeous. But if the G from JA works out, I'd rather have a G than an I. I love the Fluorescence.
I appreciate the suggestions. It looks like i need to look into the G SI 1 from JA. How can I find out about the feather breaking the surface, do I just need to ask someone at JA or do I need to have the stone looked at in person? Also, do they provide an Idealscope image on request?

Also, the two stones you sent from Blue Nile do give me a little more size, I am hesitant about purchasing from them since I cannot see the stone. Will they provide images?

It sounds like the H & A label is not worth sacrificing a full carat. That is good to know.
The customer service at James Allen is excellent. Just email them, ask them to put the stone on hold, and request an Idealscope image. You can also email through specific questions (like re: feathers), or arrange a time to speak on the phone to a gemologist while they actually have the stone in hand. I have been in contact with JA regarding a stone recently and have been very impressed by their detailed customer service.

And, for the record, I agree with Gypsy about discounting the 92 pointer. But, because I can't physically detect a difference between G and I color, I'd lean in the direction of the one carat BGD. I LOVE that fluoro and his beauty shots are special, plus the extra images and information. Plus that stone just appeals to me more, for a reason I can't put my finger on. :))
I spoke with James Allen about this stone They did tell me the stone is eye clean and that there was no negative affects of the fluorescence. Here is what was also said about the inclusions

"JA: The region which appears like a imperfection on the table region around the 10-11 is actually a reflection of the imperfection off the the table on the facet at 5-6 o'clock." (is this okay?)

"ME: so your determination about the feather, is it of any real concern?
JA: The determination of the feather is not of any concern.
JA: This also information I have confirmed with the diamond department partner as it does not cross over the girdle region."

I agree with the rest of you all the BGD does take some great photos and that I colored stone looks great. Isn't the JA stone the same just a higher color grade. I just don't want to be paying a premium for a stone that would not be branded at any other jeweler. I thing BG is the only company that does that. But I am sure I would not be able to tell much of a difference between an I and a G. I did request an Idealscope for the JA G SI stone from above, so we will have to see how it's light performance is.
I ran them both through the HCA and the JA stone fared better - both were under 2, but the BGD has VG for all four categories, while the JA stone has Ex for light return and fire. So, objectively the JA stone might have a slight edge. But BGD's marketing and photos really work on me! :lol:
I am also getting an image and figuring out if the stone below is eye clean. It performed well in the HCA tool and is larger than the JA one. Just one step down in color. I know that I am either going to have to sacrifice size or color, I just want the best looking stone. You all have been so helpful.

On a side note, I think I can get cashback on a blue nile purchase by going through fat wallet. Has anyone used FW for this?
Looks like your on the right track!

Good luck and can't wait to see the results.
I went with an I color H&A Cut Above from WF and my fiancé' has had nothing but great responses to her ring....
I will look into some I stones. G, H just seemed to be right in the middle in terms of whiteness and value. I was also told that getting Fluorescence with a G colored diamond is risky because of the milky/hazy appearance. Is that true? It looks like there are no set guidelines on this, some people say fluorescence is okay with only colors h and lower and some are okay with G, F, E having some Fluorescence.
I got my Idealscope image below for the JA 1.06 carat G, SI 1. What do you guys think in terms of light return?

Looks great light performance wise. What did the Gemologist say about it, and is the inclusions defintily eye clean?
Here is what I got back.

I'm happy to say that diamond (1.06crt G SI1) has great light performance and that its inclusions have no negative impact on the diamond's beauty. It has a nice, white "G" color and, as you already know, faces perfectly eye clean. The diamond has an excellent cut and will look beautiful in any setting. It'll provide you with a great value and comes highly recommended!

The fluorescence will not impact the diamond under regular indoor or outdoor lighting conditions. If it did, the impact would have been noted and included in my email. The only time you should see any impact from the fluorescence is if you have it under a black light, where it will give you a bit of a glow. An etch channel is an open channel or tube in the diamond. They are a little rare but are completely natural and pose no durability concern.
Everything seems to check out.. Let us know how it turns out.
Perfect choice then. I would chose that stone. :wavey:
Hey all, I ended up holding off on that 1.06. Some unexpected expenses came up and I need to drop down some on my budget. So I am looking in the .85 - .95 ct range. I want the best cut I can get without paying for the premium h & a name. Here are a couple I am looking at now. The .84 has better cut proportions but the E SI 2 is eye clean and larger. Thoughts?
The ring size I am working with is a size 7, would the 84 point work okay with that or should I lean towards a larger size, and sacrafice cut and clarity?
I did get Idealscopes back on some of these stones. The E SI-2 .9 Ct and the .84 ct g vs2. The Idealscope looks great for the e-si2, however I am concerned about the proportions and the Inclusion is pretty huge. It has a crown angle of 35.5 and pavilion angle of 40.8, and tests a 2.6 on HCA. Will the Idealscope image below be a more valid indicator of light performance than the HCA number? James Allen said that the feather inclusion was partially prongable. I think there is about a $500 price difference between the two. What do you all think is the better stone, the smaller cleaner g or the whiter more included E? Any help you can all give me would be great, I want to buy something within the next couple of days.

Idealscope of E-Si-2

Idealscope of g vs2
Can anyone chime in on this? I am looking to make a decision today. I am just concerned about the inclusion at the edge of the diamond.
I bought a G/VS2 for my ER. So I would go with that. Based on a few recent threads here SI2 even though eye-clean is a bit risky especially in sunlight where the clouds make the diamond look milky.

My G/VS2, I can't see the feathers at all face up even with the loupe.
Hmm, if that's an inclusion at 3 o clock I see, then I'd pass on that one and go with the G VS2 stone. Both look great in terms of light performance. How color sensitive are you? Is your GF color sensitive??

In my experience with loose diamond shopping, most things face up pretty damn white. I've seen the spectrum from D to J,K. Face up, even J, K are white! I was blown away! I was thinking for sure I'd detect color, initially, face up. So lined up, side by side, they become apparent; profile view is most detectable (obviously). So when it came down to filtering out which diamonds we wanted (the GF only cared for size, but then the traces of yellow were getting to her) it was down to F/G/H. I held H alone and against a neutral wall, saw the trace yellow right away, even on G. I don't think you'll be wrong going with the G, especially if you're not comparing it to anything else to begin with. It'll look "colorless" face up and body, I believe.

My GF and I are color sensitive and we could tell the difference right away between F/G/H, so we went with F. Personally I wouldn't want to go with anything below VS, even if it's eye clean, but to each his own! Good luck with your search!
I was thinking the same thing on the SI2, that inclusion is pretty crazy. I am trying to stay in the g/f range for color. I recently went into a Jewlery store, and they showed me an H Colored EGL certified stone. I could definitely see the yellow, probably because it was not graded strictly.

I am thinking the 84 pointer is looking like a winner. I did find a couple of 84 pointers that are worth looking at. I really wanted to stay at the .9 range, but in order to get the cut quality and proportions I want, I probably need to step down some. What do you all think about this these other 84 pointers?

Two from James Allen I am looking at (about $400 less than the one above, but no idealscope)

Other Vendors SuperIdeals

Please let me know what you all think. I just want to get the most firey and brillian stone for the money.
SolaKid|1336935006|3194397 said:
I recently went into a Jewlery store, and they showed me an H Colored EGL certified stone. I could definitely see the yellow, probably because it was not graded strictly. .

What you where probably looking at is not an H but something like a GIA L/M, so I wouldn't base your decision to stay in the the F/G range on the that experience.

Of the two stones you posted earlier. Both where winners. Per the clarity of the SI2, why not have them ship it too you lose so that you can decide if the inclusion is bearable with your own eyes.

Of the new stones you posted, the all look great. Really really great. But if you want something bigger or cheaper you will have to sacrifice color or clarity. Why not consider SI1's if you are uncomfortable with the SI2?