
Favorite Moments in Your Life??


Nov 24, 2006
So I got to thinking about some of my favorite moments and couldn't help but smile and think, yeah those were some good times and I look forward to more good moments in life. I will type some of them out tomorrow but I was curious what your Favorite Moments were?? Please share :halo: It can be something small or big.
As a young child I loved spending summers with my grandma
Roller skating
Marrying my true love
Our two wonderful boys (bonus.....two wonderful daughters in law)
My grandson

Thanks Skippy, for making me evaluate my life.....and what a wonderful life it has been so far.
Great idea, Skippy!

A few of my favorite moments are:

the summer my family spent with friends in Martha's Vineyard. We had such a great time!

the summer my family spent on another island in MA with my cousins and my aunt, and then the summer that followed, when they rented a house in our town. They lived in another state so we didn't get to see them often. It was so much fun to see them all the time during those summers though.

the days leading up to our wedding and the 2 days after. We had a blast hanging out with friends and family at the hotel before our wedding. We even postponed leaving for our honeymoon because we wanted to see them as much as possible before everyone had to return home.
The summer I spent when I was 16 in Norway as a CISV (Children's International Summer Village) junior counselor. I had my first "real" romance there and overall, made some lifelong friends.

Our was the most wonderful weekend of my life. I'll never forget dancing under the chuppah (wedding canopy) in my nighty in the middle of the night after everyone had gone home. It had twinkle lights in it and it was so romantic, we didn't want the night to end.

The birth of my children and being there when my nieces were born.

Watching the joy on my kids faces when they acheive something and are so proud of themselves.
Wow, what a great thread.

I'm still young, so I don't have many yet. But graduating from college was probably my favorite moment. I have never felt more accomplished than walking across that stage.
Mine are without a doubt when my boys were born, I was so in love :love:
It's weird, mine are all little things!

The day after our wedding. The wedding itself was so busy and hectic and I don't even really remember it beyond flashes, but the next day it was just the two of us and it was a national holiday, and the only place open for lunch was the mall food court. The juxtaposition of OMG JUST MARRIED!!! and chicken tenders and people-watching from the booth, none of whom gave us a second glance - I'll *never* forget that feeling, like I had the most amazing, precious secret in the world...

Picking apples with my dad and then baking them with my mum every year. The first part is always an adventure - my dad loves to DIY and he always has some new contraption to climb/pick/spray/store to show off, sometimes they work and sometimes it's a big laugh ::) my mum loves the idea of baking but can never bring herself to actually follow a recipe, and the results of the substitutions (last time it was mango puree for eggs) can be pretty spectacular! The kitchen usually *smells* good afterwards though :bigsmile:

Late nights in college with one of my best friends. We'd find an abandoned classroom somewhere and gabble for hours and hours about absolutely everything - I don't think there was a single thing she didn't know about me! I was cleaning the other day and I found one of our hot guys lists, I hadn't thought of most of them in years 8)

In college I took a class that totally kicked my butt - twice. It was the only subject I've ever taken that no matter how much I studied, how much extra reading I did, I Just. Didn't. Get. It. It was infuriating, and I tried again next semester - didn't do much better! Last year I had several weeks off and I decided that I was finally going to beat it, and I re-bought the textbook (I usually keep them but this one had annoyed me too much) and did the curriculum all over by myself, and for whatever reason it clicked this time. I took the old final on the kitchen table with the oven timer and I killed it, and it was seriously awesome!
yennyfire|1347618529|3267966 said:
Our was the most wonderful weekend of my life. I'll never forget dancing under the chuppah (wedding canopy) in my nighty in the middle of the night after everyone had gone home. It had twinkle lights in it and it was so romantic, we didn't want the night to end.

I love this picture. I can just *see* it, somehow ::)
This is a super easy question for me to answer. The days each of my kids were born. Nothing in the world like meeting your baby for the first time :) You instantly forget all the pain!!
I love this thread already! :)

Mine would be the first time *I* actually noticed our kids playing TOGETHER! Our DD had such a hard time waiting and waiting and waiting for her little brother to grow up. ;) She is 3 and he is 1 and they both have their next birthdays coming up in October. I was such a joy to hear them laughing in their toy room together! :D
It would be easy to say that my favorite moments were big events like engagement and marriage, but those events are meant to only happen once, so . . .

A rainy day with a book, a cup of tea or coffee, and hubby nearby.
A beautiful sunrise with a cup of coffee and a quiet moment with the Lord.
A gorgeous sunset, anywhere, viewed with the hubs.
A comfy couch, a classic film (like Casablanca or any Hitchcock movie), and cuddling with hubby.
Climbing into bed after a long day, with a book, some quiet music, and hubby with his own book.
Watching a snowfall. Especially in some place so quiet you can hear it snow.
Turning on my Windham Hill CDs (like December by George Winston or the Winter Solstice ones) and putting up the Christmas tree.
Nesting. Rearranging my home and decorating for the seasons. Plumping cushions and lighting candles.
Junking. Finding new venues and returning to favorites. Looking for treasures and repurposing.
Golden sunlight and sapphire skies on a perfect fall day. Especially if I can go for a drive in the country.
The first cool breeze of fall after a long hot summer in Texas.
Friends sharing food and drink around our table.
Bookstores. All bookstores. But especially if the smell of fresh brewed coffee wafts through the aisles. Nirvana.
Great choral music in a lovely church - - particularly at Christmas.
Petting a cat. Or a dog. But especially my own kitty.

All of those moments have happened, over and over, in my life. I hope I never take any of them for granted.

As you can see, it doesn't take much to make me content.
- Meeting TGuy for the first time, and thinking "He's cute...but he's gay."

- Finding out later that evening that he wasn't gay.

:devil: :saint:
TravelingGal|1347639304|3268097 said:
- Meeting TGuy for the first time, and thinking "He's cute...but he's gay."

- Finding out later that evening that he wasn't gay.

:devil: :saint:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Lying in bed with my BF having a lazy "duvet day" watching marathons of our (super geeky) favourite shows.
Sitting down to watch the All Blacks in Wellington last year and realizing I was really going to get to see my favourite team play in person.
Finally feeling settled into my very first apartment.
Walking into the "Citizens/Residents" line in Changi airport.
Re-reading a really good book.
Kayden|1347633903|3268050 said:
I love this thread already! :)

Mine would be the first time *I* actually noticed our kids playing TOGETHER! Our DD had such a hard time waiting and waiting and waiting for her little brother to grow up. ;) She is 3 and he is 1 and they both have their next birthdays coming up in October. I was such a joy to hear them laughing in their toy room together! :D

Ohh, isn't that the BEST!! My 8 and 10 year old kids are playing together right now as I type. I can hear them having a great time in my son's room.
The days my kids were born. My brother leaving work when I was in labor b/c he wanted to help too-tried to carry me to the car, making me laugh which made everything hurt worse.

Our son being born on my favorite Uncle's birthday who had passed away a few years previously, and looking so much like a miniature version of the men on that side of the family it was amazing. I just knew my Uncle would've gotten a kick out of that.

Having my brother stand up for me as my Man of Honor.

Spending nights w/Gramma Joyce and having homemade bread w/homemade apple butter, and playing Whosit for hours.

Swimming at Grampa and Gramma's, and Grampa would rate our dives, helping us to learn not to splash or cross our feet. He'd hide things in the pool (sometimes clear pieces of things) and we'd dive all over to find them. I was born on Grampa's birthday, and when he was alive, I'd run into their house and he'd be sitting on the couch (excuse me, they called it a davenport haha) and he'd hold his arms open and I'd run to fling myself on him, and he'd say "Well, how old are we today, Love?" Love was his pet name for me. And he could never get Missi right, he always called me Mitzy.

Gramma giving me an opal that Grampa mined and cut himself.

Staying at Gramma with the Kitties house and we'd play in the old barns, mess around in the corn crib-climb up the sides of the barn and jump down into the corn, throw corn cobs at each other. The smell of the barns. Gramma had an old chicken coop and that was where the cats stayed, and we fed them in there, played w/them in there. Years and years later after they moved, we wanted to buy the place and kinda um..broke in (it was empty) to the house to look at the damage done, and when I went into the chicken coop, I had to put my hand out to steady myself on the wall b/c it was *exactly* that same smell. Grampa used to give us rides in the loader of the tractor. Dad has the tractor now, and when I was still living at home, if he needed to take the tractor to the dump, I always would ride on the little ledge to the side like we also did when we were little (and yes I was 25 years old still doing it w/a big grin on my face). The sound and smell and feel of it, it's just such a reminder of childhood.

My brother and I reminisce about our childhood a LOT-"remember when we.." "Oh yeah, and do you remember how.."

The first tree frog JD got for me. And when our first cat together showed up as a stray at his place and spent days demanding to be let in, and JD didn't like cats, but he agreed if I could get her to get along w/his three pit bulls, she could stay. He left for hunting one morning and when he came home that night she and the dogs were curled up on the couch together. She had a wonderful 11 year run w/us and was an amazing kitty.

Watching London at her dance recitals. She looks SO darn cute and she does such a nice job-it's something I look forward to every year.
When I first opened this thread today, I thought of bigger things to mention. There are a lot of little moments, too, so I thought I'd share.

I love watching snow storms (any storms, really). I curl up on the couch under a blanket and watch the snow fall and listen to how quiet it is.

My husband and I love driving to the coast and hanging out at our favorite lighthouse. We eat lunch and get ice cream at the restaurant on the property, and then we people watch.
TravelingGal|1347639304|3268097 said:
- Meeting TGuy for the first time, and thinking "He's cute...but he's gay."

- Finding out later that evening that he wasn't gay.

:devil: :saint:
he works fast doesn't he?.. :bigsmile:
Dancing Fire|1347660239|3268304 said:
TravelingGal|1347639304|3268097 said:
- Meeting TGuy for the first time, and thinking "He's cute...but he's gay."

- Finding out later that evening that he wasn't gay.

:devil: :saint:
he works fast doesn't he?.. :bigsmile:

Yes, SHE does. :devil:
TravelingGal|1347660994|3268311 said:
Dancing Fire|1347660239|3268304 said:
TravelingGal|1347639304|3268097 said:
- Meeting TGuy for the first time, and thinking "He's cute...but he's gay."

- Finding out later that evening that he wasn't gay.

:devil: :saint:
he works fast doesn't he?.. :bigsmile:

Yes, SHE does. :devil:
Ha,Ha... :lol: :lol: :appl: :appl:
Waking up on our days off and having coffee in bed while the kitties join us with no rush re our agenda for the day. And then after a relaxing few hours in bed going on a long cycling ride by the beach with minimal wind and temps in the 70's.
First of all would have to be our Wedding Day - but it goes way too fast!

The first night in our very own house - so excited!

Then the most precious of all the birth of our children.

Weekends, reading the newspapers with a great coffee.

And just to top it off, a favourite moment was when my darling cat was found after being lost for 9 weeks! =)
Marrying my husband. It was an awesome day. I mean unbelievably perfect. I wish I could relive it.

Walking up the steps to get my first degree.

Getting a professional award for an exam: I got the highest score in the world.

Riding on the back of my husband's motorbike.

Talking into the wee hours of the morning with my favourite aunt.

Seeing my twin baby cousins for the first time.

My first time on a speedboat/cable car/bike. Speed freak.

Dancing with my grandma the day before my wedding. She was so happy!

Partying all night at my high school prom.

I can't wait for the rest of my life.
Mine are:

When I was younger we use to drive up to my grandma's ranch and maybe it was some freak thing or the moon was closer or some illusion going on but we drove up one evening and the moon looked as big as our car and it seemed really low; I still remember my mom, my sister and I driving and just mesmerized by the moon.

We have some really cool mountains that when the sunsets just right, they turn Pink like a watermelon (hence the name the Sandias); anyway, I graduated from high school and it rained super hard and then the rain stopped but the sun was setting and the Sandias (our mountains) were super pink, like this intense pink and I live close to them and I went to pick up a friend and the moment felt great because we were on to a new chapter in life (college, growing up) and their was a the most amazing double rainbow. Life just felt good!

On our honeymoon, my husband and I were in Italy and we walked past a bunch of lemon trees and orange trees (it seemed like it was a park full of lemon/orange trees), then we walked to a cliff and looked out to sea and we just felt so insignificant in that moment which was cool because the world felt so big and beautiful and we were just happy being together, enjoying the moment of the sunset and the beauty we were taking in.

My boys were born almost 10 weeks premature and one of the babies was so skinny and I remember one day at 6 am and the sun was coming up and you tend to look at your babies hands when they are feeding and I noticed his fingers getting plump; I was so happy about that and sometimes I will look at their fingers and smile that they are plump. To me plump = healthy and made me feel like they were going to be a-okay and I felt blessed in that moment.
I loved reading these friends!!!! they made me smile; reading about your favorite moments!!! :appl:

rosetta|1347721351|3268592 said:
Marrying my husband. It was an awesome day. I mean unbelievably perfect. I wish I could relive it.

Walking up the steps to get my first degree.

Getting a professional award for an exam: I got the highest score in the world.

Riding on the back of my husband's motorbike.

Talking into the wee hours of the morning with my favourite aunt.

Seeing my twin baby cousins for the first time.

My first time on a speedboat/cable car/bike. Speed freak.

Dancing with my grandma the day before my wedding. She was so happy!

Partying all night at my high school prom.

I can't wait for the rest of my life.

aw I remember a good time at prom and after prom with some friends, just hanging out! Rosetta I like that!

aww that is sweet about the twin baby cousins. I think seeing newborns is pretty amazing and then seeing them all grown up! such a special moment!

that is great about our award; those moments give us an amazing high!
Zoe|1347654124|3268235 said:
When I first opened this thread today, I thought of bigger things to mention. There are a lot of little moments, too, so I thought I'd share.

I love watching snow storms (any storms, really). I curl up on the couch under a blanket and watch the snow fall and listen to how quiet it is.

My husband and I love driving to the coast and hanging out at our favorite lighthouse. We eat lunch and get ice cream at the restaurant on the property, and then we people watch.

that is so peaceful Zoe, I love that too!!! :love:
The only lasting friend I had made after almost 15 years at my old post office, rode with me to NC and wanted to meet my new boss. He ruffled my hair when we got back to the car, and asked me: "How will it feel, the second you log in to your register on that first day, to know that you finally won?" I had wanted to live in the Outer Banks my whole life, and the fact that I am here amazes me every day.

Sitting down to dinner with friends, and I made a joke about my weight. One of the people in that group I respect most slammed his fork down on the table and said that I was a beautiful woman, and to never speak of myself as anything less that that again.

Mom calling me up after not speaking to me for nearly four years and telling me that she was proud of me, and to feel free to ignore any advice she ever gave me, that I was doing well in my life.

Dad apologizing to me for letting mom be mean when I was a kid. Dad and I have a great relationship now, and I know how hard it was for him to say that, I respect him greatly.

My ex-husband surprising me with an iPod, when the video function first came out. We didn't have much money, but he was so happy to give it to me, and I still cherish it. Yes, its old, but it works great!
There are a lot of moments, but two stand out.

The first: a college frat party, beginning of my sophomore year. Absolutely pouring outside. Playing tackle frisbee in the rain, dancing in a fountain. It was the first social outing I had been to since leaving an abusive partner (who had previously controlled all of my social outings) and I felt, well, YOLO. :lol: Young and wild and free.

The second: driving down Mounts Bay Road (for the Perthies) and realizing I was finally HAPPY to be in Australia. I had reached the precipice of homesickness, slid down the other side, and found myself absolutely thrilled to the core to be in a such a wonderful place. :bigsmile: I drove with all my windows down along the Swan River, sunshine pouring in the car, singing along to "Boys of Summer." I'm sure my fellow drivers appreciated my gusto.

I love reading other people's moments. It makes me want to write a book of them all, wrap up those pieces of happiness for the world to share.
Each take-off. So exciting to leave the hold of the earth behind, flying my own magic carpet.

Second favorite moments, of course, are each landing. :praise:
The birth of my son. Nothing will ever top that.

I remember a raging snowstorm several years ago. The governor had declared a state of emergency, we were all three on the house, safe and warm and I made cookies, hot chocolate and we played Monoply. The neighborhood was so quiet. I remember thinking "remember this day because he will be moving out soon" and of course, I was right, he found a house with his friends and he's gone, but it was a magical day.

Time spent with my paternal grandparents. They were the most wonderful people who KNEW how bad things were at home and gave me a soft place to land. Grammy also taught me to play gin rummy. I still miss them, but I have wonder memories of helping her garden....