
Extra! Extra!


Mar 23, 2010
My girlfriend and I met on the train going to work a year and a half ago. We had been eyeing each other for a while so finally, one day, I mustered up the courage to talk to her by grabbing a newspaper for her. We have been dating ever since and living together for the past 6 months. Whenever she (Jenn) hears that someone got engaged, she immediately needs to know the proposal story. Needless to say, I knew I had to come up with something good for her to tell others for the rest of time. She really loves the story of how we met, so I thought if I could do something related to that, it would (hopefully) be creative, special, and personal.

I had told Jenn a few weeks ago that we were going to dinner at my parents' house 5/2 because my grandmother is in town. So the ruse was set. In the meantime, I had been researching on Pricescope and ultimately working with WhiteFlash to create the perfect ring. Once the ring was finalized, I got a printing company to print a faux cover (which I Photoshopped) to the newspaper - the same newspaper I got for her when we first met and I continue to grab for her every day.

On the way to "my parents' house", I told her that my dad had called and said there was a picture of him in the paper. I suggested to her that we stop and grab one so we could bring it to dinner. Beforehand, I had given the faux paper to my buddy to plant in the newspaper box right before our arrival at the train station. When we got there, she hopped out to grab a paper. When she grabbed it, it took her a moment to figure out what was going on, then the waterworks began. I hopped out of the car and dropped down to one knee. Never was the English language such a task! Fortunately, I was able to fumble out some sweet nothings and pop the question to which she happily said "Yes".

Then we got back in my car and I told her we weren't going to my parents, but rather a romantic dinner for two at a nice restaurant. On the way there, she was making countless phone calls to her friends to tell them the great news. She tried calling her mom a number of times, but she didn't answer. Jenn was pretty disappointed in this, but I told her we could stop at her parents' house after dinner. When we got to the restaurant, though, both sets of our parents (who had never met before) were waiting at our table and we had a fantastic evening. We both feel family is very important so I felt it would be a great thing to arrange for both of our parents to take part is such a special occassion.

I'm so happy with how everything went. Logistically, it was more complicated than just dropping to one knee. A number of people were involved and all had to keep the secret. My parents didn't even know until we arrived at the restaurant. I also had to plan the best time to go to the train station to propose so that there wouldn't be a bunch of onlookers. Thankfully everything went absolutely seemlessly and my new fiance thought it was perfect.

Beautiful! Excellent! I''m smiling as I read this. Well done!!!!!
What a great story! The newspaper cover came out so well also!
oh my gosh i am about to tear up!!! congratulations :)
What an awesome idea!!! Congrats!
I love it...especially since I am from Philly and read the Metro everyday. Well done!
what a great idea!!! She has an awesome story (and souvenir) to tell people :)
I am completely in love with they way you proposed to her. What an awesome idea!

P.S. I too live in Philly and take wonderful Septa R2 :)
I think this is my favourite proposal ever :) great job!
Well you have certainly set the bar :)

So lovely!!
Oh my heavens! I actually dropped a tear or two! It must have been beautiful, bravo! Congrats on the engagement!!! :appl: