
Experience with Sleeping Pills?

Oh - and I don't have to drive today. I'll be careful not to mix Ambien and driving days. My work is at home, so I'm good. Actually, I'm going out today to the next state to help a friend pick up a table, but it's a van and he's driving, not me.
Jambalaya|1430265381|3869308 said:
Thank you so much everyone for the replies!

I had quite a discussion with my doc and I have Ambien, only a few pills. She said to start with half a pill. I love and trust my doc, and I am really desperate for a night's sleep, so I'm pretty excited about this. Perhaps my sore throat will finally go away once I sleep!

So apparently Ambien has a bad rep and can make you do things in your sleep. Well, if you get up in the morning and I've written a bunch of crazy stuff on here, or broken into my local jeweler where I was found covered head to toe in jewels, erm, don't blame me!

Thanks so much for all the advice! :wavey:

I will cross my fingers that the Ambien works for you, Jambalaya!!! Wishing you peaceful, restful sleep:)
Thank you so much, Momhappy! :wavey:
Hi Jambalaya, I had a very bad experience with Ambien. I don't think reaction the was common but the drug had a cumulative affect on me. I got extremely depressed and anxious while talking it. The doctor wanted me to take it for a few weeks. The first week was great but every week thereafter was progressively worse. As soon as I stopped taking it I felt back to normal within 2 days. If you start to feel bad please contact your doctor. I hope you start sleeping and feeling better. :wavey:
I hope you find something that works for you soon. It is so hard to go that long without good sleep.

I used melatonin which worked great for about 4 mo, then stopped working. A friend recently suggested 5 mg lithium, which is such a low dose you get from a health food store. I've been using for 2 wks and have noticed an improvement in my sleep and no grogginess.
I get really bad headaches at night to were I can't sleep. so now I take advil PM right before bed. I take it even when I don't feel one coming on because sometimes I get them in the middle of the night and they wake me up. I got put on some migraine medication but it cause severe paranoia and some hallucinations. Never again. Advil works wonders.

The advil is great. I sleep pretty good, no pain, and I wake up feeling alright. I wouldn't say I feel like taking on the world. But I am rested.

I also sometimes suffer from sleep paralysis where I'll have episodes 3-4 a week for a few weeks in a row (UGH Horrible), so the pills help ease my anxiety for going to sleep during these times.
I am so happy the ambien worked for you, Jambalaya.

I also want to add a note about some of the over the counter meds and supplements. Diphenhydramine (Benadryl and the "PM" in the Tylenol and Advil PM, etc) is an antihistamine that has a side effect of making you sleepy. However, it can deplete the choline supply in your brain. Choline is needed for cognitive function. Because of this I don't believe long term use of diphenhydramine, for a sleep disorder, is a good idea. Melatonin, while I believe is generally safe, is actually a hormone and is illegal in many countries (including Canada). Just because something is over the counter, doesn't always mean it is better or safer.
LAJennifer|1430346928|3869856 said:
I also want to add a note about some of the over the counter meds and supplements....

Thanks for the information, LAJennifer, particularly about Diphenhydramine. I only use it on rare occasion, but now I'll be sure to keep it that way!

BTW I forgot to mention my favorite relaxant earlier: A nice warm bath, particularly one fragranced with calming bath salts. I have a locally made lavender salt mixture that really seems to help. I suppose it could be the placebo effect at work, but as long as it works, who cares! :Up_to_something:
I used Simply Sleep for the first year I worked at the Dr's office-but only one night a week. I've been a horrible sleeper for far too many years to count, changing my bedtimes to match what time I woke up in the middle of the night. My husband uses Nyquil when he works overnights for the first few nights b/c it knocks his butt *out*. It doesn't work for me. The new Z Quil doesn't work for him at all however. I don't use it. Benadryl works pretty good for me and doesn't leave me feeling weird the next day, so long as I plan ahead and don't take it too late so I can go crash. I took a migraine pill a while back (a coworkers) and it made me so groggy I felt drunk so I finally went and conked rid of my headache tho...I took amitriptyline for a couple weeks to help w/headaches and I tell you what, I didn't sleep super long, but *man* did I sleep good. Deeeeeep sleep, and I wasn't up 3 times a night to pee and then laying there for 30-45 minutes when I did actually get up to pee, I'd zonk right back out again.

Going for a long walk in the sun and fresh air might help...or swimming. I always feel exhausted after spending time at the pool.

Otherwise the only thing I can think to do is force yourself to get back to your regular schedule. I tell my husband to do this when he has to switch shifts every 10 weeks and he rarely does. Pick a day/night where you don't have to do something the next morning and make yourself get up and stay up during the day.

Did anyone mention Valerian root? I didn't like it when I tried it in my super insomnia days of not sleeping for days on end-it made me feel whacked out when I'd get up. But maybe it would work for you.
LAJennifer|1430346928|3869856 said:
I am so happy the ambien worked for you, Jambalaya.

I also want to add a note about some of the over the counter meds and supplements. Diphenhydramine (Benadryl and the "PM" in the Tylenol and Advil PM, etc) is an antihistamine that has a side effect of making you sleepy. However, it can deplete the choline supply in your brain. Choline is needed for cognitive function. Because of this I don't believe long term use of diphenhydramine, for a sleep disorder, is a good idea. Melatonin, while I believe is generally safe, is actually a hormone and is illegal in many countries (including Canada). Just because something is over the counter, doesn't always mean it is better or safer.

Melatonin is a liver toxin in specific doses and is not available in many countries. Which is unfortunate for me because it worked for me.

Re antihistamines, many internists advise against it for the reasons above and its long-term hangover. You may not feel the hangover effect, but it exists.
Oy about Melatonin and liver.

Going to start scaling back on it, if so.
I was not aware of the melatonin/liver issues - good to know and thanks for sharing:)
Ambien has been a lifesaver. Nothing was going to break the back of that acute insomnia after being up in the night sick for a few weeks. Having been able to sleep, my sore throat is almost gone and my days are twice as long now that I go to sleep at 10.30pm instead of 5am. Thank God for a little extra help when sorely needed.
Yay for sleep, Jambalaya :appl: I'm so glad that the ambient is working for you!!!!!
Thanks Momhappy! :wavey:
Good news!!!!
Yay! You'll be feeling 100% again before you know it!
I'm so happy the Ambien is working well for you. You can tell from your post you are feeling much better.
Jambalaya|1430576937|3871137 said:
Ambien has been a lifesaver. Nothing was going to break the back of that acute insomnia after being up in the night sick for a few weeks. Having been able to sleep, my sore throat is almost gone and my days are twice as long now that I go to sleep at 10.30pm instead of 5am. Thank God for a little extra help when sorely needed.

Great news.
Jambalaya|1430576937|3871137 said:
Ambien has been a lifesaver. Nothing was going to break the back of that acute insomnia after being up in the night sick for a few weeks. Having been able to sleep, my sore throat is almost gone and my days are twice as long now that I go to sleep at 10.30pm instead of 5am. Thank God for a little extra help when sorely needed.

:appl: :appl: Glad it worked for you!
Thanks, everyone!

So, I came off the Ambien last night and didn't sleep very well - however, the leaflet says that this often happens for a couple of nights when you first come off it. The difference between today and pre-Ambien is that I still woke up at 7.30 instead of sleeping till lunchtime, so it seems to have done a good job of re-setting my body clock. Hopefully I'll just have a few nights of rebound insomnia due to coming off it, like the leaflet says, and it'll be OK. Still so happy to be able to get up at a proper time! :appl:
Did the leaflet instruct you to do a taper? All the internists and sleep specialists where I used to work advised patients to do a taper.
I totally sympathise with you! Old age and menopause has been kicking my butt. I am up all night with hot flashes and night sweats. This has been going on for 5 years now. My only savings grace has been Unisom. I can't take a full pill. Made that mistake once and I was out of it for two days. I cut them into quarters and one quarter allows me to fall asleep and stay asleep all night. They are not habit forming either.
Did she swab for strep throat? seems quite a while for a sore throat.

I was recently in NZ/Australia (2 1/2 weeks) I got home to the east coast and I could NOT get into a decent sleep pattern - normal - so I tried benedryl and it did the trick.. (needed it two nites)...

Please ensure your sore throat does not get worse as if it's strep, it can cause a multitude of problems..

peace and I hope you get some sleep!

Jambalaya|1430265381|3869308 said:
Thank you so much everyone for the replies!

I had quite a discussion with my doc and I have Ambien, only a few pills. She said to start with half a pill. I love and trust my doc, and I am really desperate for a night's sleep, so I'm pretty excited about this. Perhaps my sore throat will finally go away once I sleep!

So apparently Ambien has a bad rep and can make you do things in your sleep. Well, if you get up in the morning and I've written a bunch of crazy stuff on here, or broken into my local jeweler where I was found covered head to toe in jewels, erm, don't blame me!

Thanks so much for all the advice! :wavey:
azstonie|1430961077|3873252 said:
Did the leaflet instruct you to do a taper? All the internists and sleep specialists where I used to work advised patients to do a taper.

Hi Azstonie, there's nothing on the leaflet about a taper, I think because dosages and length of time taken vary so much. I only had ten days supply and only used a week, and I asked my doc if I could just stop them and she said yes. It must be because of taking them for such a short time. Have had 2 nights of rebound insomnia but that's it. No other side effects, thank goodness! :wavey:
Catmom|1431011400|3873436 said:
I totally sympathise with you! Old age and menopause has been kicking my butt. I am up all night with hot flashes and night sweats. This has been going on for 5 years now. My only savings grace has been Unisom. I can't take a full pill. Made that mistake once and I was out of it for two days. I cut them into quarters and one quarter allows me to fall asleep and stay asleep all night. They are not habit forming either.

Lack of sleep is the pits, isn't it. It affects how you feel about everything. I'm glad you have something that works for you!
Tekate|1431014589|3873470 said:
Did she swab for strep throat? seems quite a while for a sore throat.

I was recently in NZ/Australia (2 1/2 weeks) I got home to the east coast and I could NOT get into a decent sleep pattern - normal - so I tried benedryl and it did the trick.. (needed it two nites)...

Please ensure your sore throat does not get worse as if it's strep, it can cause a multitude of problems..

peace and I hope you get some sleep!

Jambalaya|1430265381|3869308 said:
Thank you so much everyone for the replies!

I had quite a discussion with my doc and I have Ambien, only a few pills. She said to start with half a pill. I love and trust my doc, and I am really desperate for a night's sleep, so I'm pretty excited about this. Perhaps my sore throat will finally go away once I sleep!

So apparently Ambien has a bad rep and can make you do things in your sleep. Well, if you get up in the morning and I've written a bunch of crazy stuff on here, or broken into my local jeweler where I was found covered head to toe in jewels, erm, don't blame me!

Thanks so much for all the advice! :wavey:

Hi Tekate, I wondered about strep throat but I had no white patches and thankfully the sore throat has gone away now. I didn't know it can cause problems though - will know now for the future!

I tried something similar to Benadryl and also copious amounts of melatonin. It was a little scary how nothing made a dent in it except some serious prescription drug pills. Still, I guess that's what they're there for, in times of need!
Update: I came off a week's Ambien three nights ago, and each night my sleep is better. Now I'm on the schedule I always wanted to be on, going to sleep about 10.30 or 11 and waking up about 7.30. I have my life back!! I really needed that Ambien - nothing else worked. I tried all the OTC stuff but the prescription sleeping pills are very different - totally knock you out in a way that no OTC remedy does. And I needed something to force my body to sleep. No more sore throat!

Feel so much better and more optimistic about everything. I'm very grateful for all the responses here.

Sleep tip from my friend's therapist, who is awesome: It doesn't matter so much what time you go to bed, but to maintain your sleep schedule you must get up at the same time each day.
A taper would have prevented the rebound insomnia, but hey it sounds like you are over that so go forth and slumber peacefully from here on out!
OP, it's probably not the best idea to base your "sleeping pill decision" on others experiences. Everyone is different... each person's body can react differently to each medication.

I've been on several of them myself, and there is good and bad with each... usually the "bad thing" about the "good ones" is that they either become habit forming or they lose effectiveness after a while as our receptors can become saturated. I've had patients praise some and curse others, while other patients just love the "cursed ones" -- again, we are all different.

Please don't swear off any drug just because someone on a forum had a less than great experience with it -- that very drug may be your Godsend!! :))

Get with your physician -- sometimes, it's truly a trial-and-error of sorts with this type of medication. Oftentimes, patients find they must play musical chairs and switch it up every now and then.

P.S. anything that says [insert name brand here]-PM is just an antihistamine... like Benadryl. (ex: Tylenol PM, etc)