
Easter celebration?


Mar 13, 2004
@jaysonsmom I just googled Monkey Bread as I had never heard of it before, it sounds, and looks, delicious!!

Super easy “cheat” recipe using pillsbury biscuit dough! This was my first try and I definitely will be making it for special breakfasts in the future!

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
This looks so amazing. I have never made bread from scratch, unless you count banana bread. I googled bakeries in my area to see if any had hot cross buns, and the ones few that sold hot cross buns were all “non-US” European bakeries! And none of their buns looked as great as yours!

I just googled thoses one :lol:
I wish i had taken a picture of the trays and trays of them at work
they were so soft and fluffy and they smelt like heaven

Bread isnt hard to make
you don't need a bread maker, just a bit of time and some elbow greece for the kneeding
You can use just ordinary flour
the bottle of yeast will have a fail safe recepie on it, dried yeast will be in the baking aisle near the baking powder
Its kinda fun
When i was at intermediate school (middle school) mum used to buy me yeast for something to do in the school holidays

Hint - add the juice of a lemon to your mix for bread improver (it won't affect the taste)
actually its amazing when its all risen


Jul 7, 2013
Being Agnostic, I would celebrate any event where there is food! :lol-2:

Joking aside, Easter is traditionally the start of the camping season for me, and had the camp sites been allowed to open in UK, I would have gone in my van with the dog.

I did spent some time preparing my van for the first trip in over 2 years soon after 12 April 2021 when some camp sites will be re-opened to accept units with their own facilities.

I drove her for the first time out of my drive, reversed out and promptly hit the neighbour's rock and tree, and dented the step at the back. I was concentrating not to hit my fence post in the front, and failed to spot the rock and tree in the reversing camera. I can't even remember hearing an alarm to warn me about them. :roll2:

No lasting damage except my pride. :oops2:

I drove her out and about, and went to a motorway services and had my first KFC since October 2020, so all was well and the pets liked their share.

I practiced getting her out and into my drive more yesterday, and managed to reverse in twice without any issues. I found it easier to reverse in, and shall do that from now on.

I have slept in the van a few nights now to get used to her equipment and functions, and she had been back to the converter's workshop to have the snag list fixed. So all is well and good to go. :appl:

Pic of my new pride and joy:


Easter is also traditionally the time I switch menu to lighter food and wardrobe, however it is too cold to do the latter - there was a bit of snow yesterday!

However I did have my first BBQ for the season, and I ate it indoors as it was too cold to stay outside!


Much prefer Easter to Christmas as it is more peaceful and less stressful, more personal and not so commercialised.

DK :))

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Being Agnostic, I would celebrate any event where there is food! :lol-2:

Joking aside, Easter is traditionally the start of the camping season for me, and had the camp sites been allowed to open in UK, I would have gone in my van with the dog.

I did spent some time preparing my van for the first trip in over 2 years soon after 12 April 2021 when some camp sites will be re-opened to accept units with their own facilities.

I drove her for the first time out of my drive, reversed out and promptly hit the neighbour's rock and tree, and dented the step at the back. I was concentrating not to hit my fence post in the front, and failed to spot the rock and tree in the reversing camera. I can't even remember hearing an alarm to warn me about them. :roll2:

No lasting damage except my pride. :oops2:

I drove her out and about, and went to a motorway services and had my first KFC since October 2020, so all was well and the pets liked their share.

I practiced getting her out and into my drive more yesterday, and managed to reverse in twice without any issues. I found it easier to reverse in, and shall do that from now on.

I have slept in the van a few nights now to get used to her equipment and functions, and she had been back to the converter's workshop to have the snag list fixed. So all is well and good to go. :appl:

Pic of my new pride and joy:


Easter is also traditionally the time I switch menu to lighter food and wardrobe, however it is too cold to do the latter - there was a bit of snow yesterday!

However I did have my first BBQ for the season, and I ate it indoors as it was too cold to stay outside!


Much prefer Easter to Christmas as it is more peaceful and less stressful, more personal and not so commercialised.

DK :))

Your campa van looks amazing
love the idea of you sleeping in your driveway
last time we got a new tent we put it up in the lounge and ate tea in there, then slept in there

ive read you are having lots of frosts right now in the UK
is your camper lovelly and warm ?


Jul 7, 2013
Your campa van looks amazing
love the idea of you sleeping in your driveway
last time we got a new tent we put it up in the lounge and ate tea in there, then slept in there

ive read you are having lots of frosts right now in the UK
is your camper lovelly and warm ?

Oh yes, she is kitted out for camping in the colder months, not heavy snow and icy roads as I am not comfortable driving in such conditions.

DK :))

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
Everybody's Easter sounds lovely!

We had hot cross buns for breakfast with lashings of butter, an egg hunt for the girls in the garden, plus gave them bigger boxed eggs too.

Mum popped over to the garden in the afternoon to bring Easter treats & have a cup of tea, but there were no hugs & she left after an hour because it got really cold despite the blue sky & sunshine. Typically the day before it was so warm & perfect for eating outside in shorts & t-shirts.

For dinner Mr T slow cooked a huge hunk of feather blade beef in a red wine & onion gravy for 4 hours, then served it with creamy mash potatoes & greens. The meat literally fell apart & it was delicious. And Prosecco, of course. Made an exception to the Saturday night only rule.


Aug 22, 2012
I made a Full dinner, soup to desserts, everything from scratch. Also custom made four baskets with everyones’ favorite sweets, treats and non edible goodies. Even 68 year old twins love getting a basket. I made flower arrangements for nearly every room with spring bulb flowers from our garden. I cleaned up everything before and after. Exhausted. But everything tasted yummy. Maybe next year I’ll get a basket...
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