
earthquake in Australia


Dec 16, 2017
Came here to ask that same question. Hope everyone is OK. As a So Cal gal, I know how scary they can be!

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Came here to ask that same question. Hope everyone is OK. As a So Cal gal, I know how scary they can be!

im worried about their building codes
and they have a lot of old brick houses in Victoria

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019

Beaders Secret

Aug 2, 2020
I am on the edge of the CBD, and was on the cusp of diving under the table.

Not sure which was worse, the shaking or the noise.

A few ornaments came off their shelves, and everything was rocking and rolling For a fair few seconds

The noise was the surprising part, can’t really describe it.

After experiencing this my heart goes out to people who live in areas prone to earthquakes.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Just to update: no one was hurt. Everyone managed to get out in time.



i am glad you are all ok
this is the first picture i saw and it really scared me because that looks really bad and the kind of thing that kills people
actually my first thought was how are we going to go and help you with stupid covid ragging ??

i most sincerely hope that is your lot of earthquakes for the next 200 years
you get more than your share from mother nature with your dreadful bush fires
perhaps it will have knocked some sence into the protesters and reminded them life is precious


Jan 22, 2014
Thankfully no major damage.
Poor Melbourne.
They are having problems with rabid Covid protestors who are creating havoc, damage to property and generally being morons.
At this mornings TV conference the Premier said that he had approved other measures, which he wasn’t at liberty to disclose, to enable the police to better control the ratbags.
apparently it was “wraith of God”.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
I am on the edge of the CBD, and was on the cusp of diving under the table.

Not sure which was worse, the shaking or the noise.

A few ornaments came off their shelves, and everything was rocking and rolling For a fair few seconds

The noise was the surprising part, can’t really describe it.

After experiencing this my heart goes out to people who live in areas prone to earthquakes.

i am so glad you are all right
to even feel it when driving means its a big one
yes im sure @PinkAndBlueBling will agree the noise can be really awful
we lived in Wellington for 20 years but my mum and sister both lived through all the Christchurch quakes
here in Wanganui our suburb is on pumas - very free draining but we feel everything over a 2.9
i hope you dont get any more
i hate them

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Thankfully no major damage.
Poor Melbourne.
They are having problems with rabid Covid protestors who are creating havoc, damage to property and generally being morons.
At this mornings TV conference the Premier said that he had approved other measures, which he wasn’t at liberty to disclose, to enable the police to better control the ratbags.
apparently it was “wraith of God”.

glad you ok Bron

i gotta admit that thought did go through my head :lol-2:
but its really just the luck of the draw

i hope the insurance companies are reasonable to deal with for those who have had damage


Jan 9, 2006
@Bron357 "wraith of God"?? I haven't heard that one!
When the premier indicated that the police would resort to other means of control, I didn't realise that's what he meant...unleashing a quake is a bit harsh :lol-2:

Melbourne is such a sad place at the moment. Our current lockdown and cancelled-last-minute holiday, and the footage of the rioters (I refuse to call the majority of them protesters) make my heart so an OR nurse who is about to be redeployed to ICU, I feel I will be seeing some of them soon. I don't live in Melbourne, but we are already taking some of their overflow ICU patients.

And just to throw another thing into the mix, an earthquake! I mean...why not?

I was making my kids their breakfast, and they were sitting on tall bar stools at my kitchen bench. I heard a deep rumbling, like a big wind gust...I looked outside expecting to see trees on their sides, but they were completely still, not a breath of wind. And then the house started to sway back and forth, for about 10 seconds. I had to catch my 5 year daughter as she nearly fell from her stool. All the while I was wondering what on earth I was going to do, as DH wasn't home, and I half expected the house to crumble, it was such a significant tremor. And then was over. I've never experienced an earthquake before, it was quite surreal! The cat was totally unfazed though, and looked at me like I was an idiot (although that is how she typically looks at me, give that she's a cat). My 8 year old son found the experience AWESOME!!

I think for the most part it was fairly minor, but I sincerely hope no one anywhere has sustained injury or damage.


Jan 22, 2014
@Bron357 "wraith of God"?? I haven't heard that one!
When the premier indicated that the police would resort to other means of control, I didn't realise that's what he meant...unleashing a quake is a bit harsh :lol-2:

Melbourne is such a sad place at the moment. Our current lockdown and cancelled-last-minute holiday, and the footage of the rioters (I refuse to call the majority of them protesters) make my heart so an OR nurse who is about to be redeployed to ICU, I feel I will be seeing some of them soon. I don't live in Melbourne, but we are already taking some of their overflow ICU patients.

And just to throw another thing into the mix, an earthquake! I mean...why not?

I was making my kids their breakfast, and they were sitting on tall bar stools at my kitchen bench. I heard a deep rumbling, like a big wind gust...I looked outside expecting to see trees on their sides, but they were completely still, not a breath of wind. And then the house started to sway back and forth, for about 10 seconds. I had to catch my 5 year daughter as she nearly fell from her stool. All the while I was wondering what on earth I was going to do, as DH wasn't home, and I half expected the house to crumble, it was such a significant tremor. And then was over. I've never experienced an earthquake before, it was quite surreal! The cat was totally unfazed though, and looked at me like I was an idiot (although that is how she typically looks at me, give that she's a cat). My 8 year old son found the experience AWESOME!!

I think for the most part it was fairly minor, but I sincerely hope no one anywhere has sustained injury or damage.

I feel for you.
As if an earthquake was needed as well!
Things here in Sydney have been pretty grim.
Especially for people living in “councils of concern”.
They were not able to leave their area for work unless an authorised worker, not able to exercise outside for more than hour, not allowed to shop outside their area and between 9pm and 5am under curfew.
It’s the children (and parents of children) that I feel for. Working from home, if fortunate to still have employment, while homeschooling your children who can’t see their friends, can’t play sport, can’t do music or dance or art or see other family is tough. Really tough.
Everyone is pretty fatigued by it all. We all want some sort of normalcy back. To this end in NSW we have got on with being vaccinated as it seems the quickest and most sensible way to get there.
There is an end in sight.
Sending hugs


Jan 23, 2012
Thankfully no major damage.
Poor Melbourne.
They are having problems with rabid Covid protestors who are creating havoc, damage to property and generally being morons.
At this mornings TV conference the Premier said that he had approved other measures, which he wasn’t at liberty to disclose, to enable the police to better control the ratbags.
apparently it was “wraith of God”.

I live in Melbourne - it's a bit crazy at the moment...
extreme lockdown fatigue
rising case numbers again
emerging into covid normal anxiety
covid protestors
and the earthquake plus images of the riots made it a very difficult day today...
Some days it feels like the wheels are coming off the bus...
Doing our best to hang in there everyday


Jun 8, 2008
I'm so sorry.
I hope everyone is doing as well as possible.
Keeping all those affected in my thoughts and sending bucketloads of good wishes your way.
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