
Duggar has 19th child- 14 weeks premature

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Apr 18, 2008
I hadn''t heard about this, but I hope the baby is okay!

I definitely don''t agree with the lifestyle, or conveniently using your beliefs to justify anything you want to do. If you want to have lots of kids, that is YOUR decision. If you want to have risky pregnancies and gamble with the health of your children, that is also YOUR decision. If you want to risk your own life, while knowing that you are the mother of 19 kids, that is YOUR decision. I hope that they are done having kids. Mom needs to focus on raising the ones that she has. It would be a nightmare if she died because of pregnancy complications, and so unfair to all of those young children. It would be totally wreckless in my opinion, though I understand that they would feel differently.


Apr 28, 2008
Date: 12/14/2009 11:46:08 AM
Author: trillionaire
I hadn''t heard about this, but I hope the baby is okay!

I definitely don''t agree with the lifestyle, or conveniently using your beliefs to justify anything you want to do. If you want to have lots of kids, that is YOUR decision. If you want to have risky pregnancies and gamble with the health of your children, that is also YOUR decision. If you want to risk your own life, while knowing that you are the mother of 19 kids, that is YOUR decision. I hope that they are done having kids. Mom needs to focus on raising the ones that she has. It would be a nightmare if she died because of pregnancy complications, and so unfair to all of those young children. It would be totally wreckless in my opinion, though I understand that they would feel differently.
Well said!


May 20, 2008
Date: 12/13/2009 10:29:56 AM
Author: Maria D
I do not watch the show, but read that in the Duggar family the older children help raise the younger children. Since that''s the case, this youngest Duggar will likely have more people to devote time and attention to him/her than your average special needs kid in a family where the parents only are primarily responsible for rearing the children. What I don''t get, if their religion requires women to have as many children as possible, is why the female children do not marry young and get started already. It seems ridiculous to me, from a biological standpoint, for Mrs. Duggar to keep having kids at 43 when there are now plenty of other female Duggars who can chip in and pop out a kid!
Actually, their oldest son got married recently at the age of 20 or so and his wife is very pregnant. I think she was from a big family with similar beliefs, so they''ll probably carry on the Duggar tradition of lots of kids. I think their daughters are still a bit young to marry (18 or younger) but they''ll probably marry within a few years I imagine.

And I agree with everyone else in their hopes that baby Josie thrives. I don''t agree with their beliefs, but from watching the show they seem like really good people who have a very loving home life and that''s more than I can say about a lot of people. Best of luck to them.


Mar 22, 2008
The daughter in law had her baby already.

not sure how big her family is..but they have said a few times they weren''t sure they wanted a family as large as his.


May 20, 2008
Date: 12/14/2009 2:30:52 PM
Author: taovandel
The daughter in law had her baby already.

not sure how big her family is..but they have said a few times they weren''t sure they wanted a family as large as his.
Oh I didn''t know that! I guess I''m behind on my TLC watching

And I think she was from a family of 7 or something ... certainly not as big as the Duggars, but bigger than your average family. And I''m not surprised they don''t want 19 kids! Good for them, though I have a feeling they''ll end up with a family bigger than your average 2.5 kids, just because they grew up with it and might want their own kids to have lots of siblings.


Dec 16, 2007
Gosh that is so sad... but there is a risk to pregnancy in your 40s.

I hope the baby is ok.


Jun 27, 2007
I hope the baby is okay too - I can imagine how concerned the whole family must be...

I wonder how or if this will change their philosophy on having more children. I think something like this was bound to happen at some point, if she kept going and going......


Feb 27, 2006
Poor baby. I hope that she''s okay. I personally doubt that this birth will affect Jim Bob and Michelle''s choice to continue to leave their fertility in the hands of God as they seem to have pretty strong beliefs about that, but at her age, nature may step in fairly soon.

According to Josh and Anna''s website, she''s one of eight and they both want to have as many children as God blesses them with: "We would be happy with two or three if that is all God blesses us with, but we believe that children are a blessing from God and we look forward to receiving each gift that He gives us." They also state that they are leaving family planning entirely in His hands, as their parents have taught them.


Jun 27, 2007
An excerpt from an article about the Duggar birth, about preeclampsia:

But as with many pregnancy-related complications, preeclampsia can be linked to a mom''s age, with younger moms and older moms at highest risk.

"It is seen more commonly in the extreme," Gianopoulus said. "It''s seen more often in women younger than 20 and older than 35."

Once a woman experiences preeclampsia in pregnancy, it''s likely to occur again, Comrie said, so Michelle Duggar is likely to have the same experience next time around.

"If she gets pregnant again and again and again, then she''s a candidate who would be more likely to turn up with preeclampsia in the next pregnancy," Comrie said.

Read more:


Aug 17, 2007
I hope baby and mom are doing okay. I especially hope that mom takes great care of herself, she is beginning to skirt the age where pregnancy becomes high risk - that includes her life too! I can only imagine the toll 19 pregnancies takes on a woman''s body.

While 19 kids is not at all my "thing" - I do think it is admirable that they seem to be self-sufficient and take care of themselves. I believe I once saw that they have no debt whatsoever. I do not watch the show often but they seem like a humble family who truly appreciates what life has given them. This family makes me feel hopeful that true love and family values are still alive and well - in sharp contrast to how I felt when watching Kate Plus Eight.
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