
Drunk Bride?!


Dec 8, 2011
So DH and I attended a wedding this weekend and during the ceremony, the bride looked like she was about to pass out. We both figured that since she is such a shy lady, maybe she was just super nervous (her eyes were fluttering and she was swaying a bit). Turns out that she was sauced! Also, the groom was passed out in his car by 8:30pm (ceremony was at 4). This got me thinking; why in the world would you spend a year planning a wedding, spend a good bit of money and be drunk the whole time? Sure, I get partying and enjoying the evening after the ceremony if that's your thing, but to get so drunk you're swaying during your vows and your new husband is passed out well before the end of the evening? Whoa! Is this common practice?

Oh and the best part; during the cake cutting apparently the bride shoved cake in the grooms face and then proceeded to fall flat on her butt...awesome! :lol:

House Cat

Feb 22, 2009
Why judge?


Dec 8, 2011
House Cat|1350917005|3290160 said:
Why judge?

It's part of life. And I mostly just wanted to know if it were a common occurrence, which is why I asked. So, is it a common thing you're seeing?


Mar 31, 2010
Lord knows I will be needing some liquid courage on the day of my wedding! I never get sloppy drunk, regardless of what I'm celebrating. I'm pretty good at knowing my limits. But I will definitely be drinking, lol! And I can understand when people overdo it a little, because good God there is a lot of anxiety surrounding the day. I am already feeling it! Some people just overdo it. It's embarrassing for them, I'm sure. I mostly feel sorry for them when I see that kind of thing happening.


Dec 8, 2011
blacksand|1350919830|3290197 said:
Lord knows I will be needing some liquid courage on the day of my wedding! I never get sloppy drunk, regardless of what I'm celebrating. I'm pretty good at knowing my limits. But I will definitely be drinking, lol! And I can understand when people overdo it a little, because good God there is a lot of anxiety surrounding the day. I am already feeling it! Some people just overdo it. It's embarrassing for them, I'm sure. I mostly feel sorry for them when I see that kind of thing happening.

DH doesn't drink, but I surely do! I didn't drink before the ceremony (well, I literally had 3 sips of wine because that was all that was available), because I wanted to enjoy that moment with 100% clarity! But I definitely drank afterwards for the reception. I guess my main question was why get completely drunk before the wedding event starts? DH and I were cringing at some of the craziness that happened during the wedding ceremony and reception because of just how drunk they were (come on now..these pictures will be around forever. Do you really want the part where you fell on your ass captured for all eternity?).

Blacksand, your day will be fabulous! It sure is nerve wracking as it's unfolding but when the ceremony part if over, it really is just a glorious day!


Mar 18, 2007
I did a date auction for charity in February. It involved months of work putting together a date package and raising money, getting a dress, inviting friends and family, and finally, getting up on stage in front of several hundred people while my "date" package was auctioned off. I put so much work into it, and stressed and sweated for months, and so did roughly 30 other people. You know what? We were all sloshed by the time we got onstage because between the stress leading up to the event and the fact that everybody was staring at us, even a complete attention hog like myself needed to stop thinking about all the big things and just relax. But because I was fighting against nerves, I overdid it a bit and didn't realize until it was too late that I was pretty drunk. And oh boy, can you tell from the pictures of me on stage!

So my guess is that it has a lot to do with trying to find a way to combat the stress and the fear and the nerves and that people don't realize just how much they're drinking until they're drunk.


Oct 20, 2007
I was more tipsy than I intended. We went out for photos in the park before the wedding and then to a pub, where we each had a glass of wine. It seemed a good idea, but it was only when we stood up that we both realised that neither of us had eaten lunch that day and breakfast had been very early that morning! Alcohol on an empty stomach meant that glass of wine really affected us. Neither of us were drunk but I could see that happening very easily. The photographer carried NutraGrain bars with her and feed us - she was a god send!


Sep 23, 2011
lol. poor thing, she probably is horrified and regretting those drinks! she probably got ahead of herself, without knowing she was drinking too much!


Mar 24, 2007
Maybe they were nervous and had too much liquid courage on empty stomachs. Either way, I hope they had fun and didn't wake up too hung over!


Jun 17, 2009
I'm wondering if maybe she had a few drinks to relax and it just caught up to her - but I think I'd be a bit bummed if my husband was passed out in a car 4 hours after the ceremony. I wonder if they'll regret overdoing it on their wedding day; their memories of the day are going to be a bit jumbled, and to me it's a little sad that she was drunk while she was saying her vows. But some people really like to party, and it's a normal thing for them, so maybe it won't really phase them.


Dec 8, 2011
junebug17|1351827434|3297202 said:
I'm wondering if maybe she had a few drinks to relax and it just caught up to her - but I think I'd be a bit bummed if my husband was passed out in a car 4 hours after the ceremony. I wonder if they'll regret overdoing it on their wedding day; their memories of the day are going to be a bit jumbled, and to me it's a little sad that she was drunk while she was saying her vows. But some people really like to party, and it's a normal thing for them, so maybe it won't really phase them.

This is exactly where my head was with that. I would be so disappointed if I couldn't remember things about our day or felt like the memories jumbled and all over the place. It totally made me sad for both of them. Pacing themselves would have made for a longer, more fabulous night with no hangover the next day lol


Oct 26, 2009
Hmm, it makes me wonder whether she was legally capable of consenting to be married?

I wonder how much of this is the result of people tending to celebrate with alcohol. I don't drink often, and did not drink at all on my wedding day, but a number of people insisted I drink some champagne (including my own mother) because that was their idea of a celebratory good time. I was bemused that they would even suggest it- it gives me an enormous headache almost instantly, so it's not my idea of a good time! Multiply that by how many people were helping you get ready, and you might have some serious peer pressure/alcohol oversupply...


Mar 5, 2009
DH and I were in a wedding where the bride became heavily intoxicated before the ceremony. Too little to eat and a pre-ceremony toast that led to the bride consuming the entire large bottle of champagne all by herself. I believe she began drinking because she was nervous and was simply drinking what was in front of her. If it were water or soda she probably would have consumed a large amount of either of those. Also, we were drinking from Dixie Cups because no one remembered proper glasses (much harder to gauge consumption). It was painfully obvious that she was heavily intoxicated during the ceremony (think the older sister in 16 Candles) and the groom was obviously mortified. She didn't even make it through dinner as she ran to the bathroom to vomit as soon as food was placed in front of her. She did finally pull it together long enough to cut the cake and dance with her groom and dad. 10 years later I believe they are still married but unfortunately we have lost touch and have no way of finding them. Our guess is that the groom joined the CIA and they are living a very interesting life in a very far away place (not kidding).
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