
dress is done, but not comfy

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Jun 8, 2009
Hi Ladies,

It has been a long time since I have posted, as things have just been too busy. The alterations are finally done on my dress, and I am happy with the way it looks. The thing is, it is so NOT comfortable. For some reason I didn''t really notice this until now that I have it home. In the store all I thought about was the way it looked. It is a simple strapless gown, and it is so freaking tight around my rib cage area. I am not used to this at all!!! I never wear anything strapless. Is this just the way it is when a dress is strapless? I would be exagerating to say I can''t breath, but it makes me feel so...confined! It is difficult to really take big deep breaths. I don''t know if I am over reacting... but all the sudden I am worried I will be very uncomfortable in it.
Phew! Thanks for letting me vent.


Feb 15, 2007
Can you wear it around the house for a half hour or so without worrying about getting it dirty? Maybe after some time in it you''ll feel more comfortable, hopefully it''s just because it feels strange to have a tight strapless gown on.

I wore a strapless gown and I didn''t think it was uncomfortable. I definitely hope you can figure this one out so you are comfortable on your wedding day!


Aug 19, 2009
the bodice will tend to stretch a little so try wearing it around the house and see if it gets a little more comfortable.


Aug 12, 2005
If you honestly have difficulty taking deep breaths, I think you might want to have it let out a tiny bit. Are you used to wearing strapless dresses? I mean, a wedding gown is heavier and needs to be well-fitted so it stays up, but it shouldn''t be so constricting that you can''t breathe deeply and comfortably. Can''t have you passing out on your wedding day due to lack of oxygen!


Apr 20, 2009
my strapless gown is the same! Super tight, but for me this makes me feel better about the dress not inching down all night since my fabric is kind of heavy. it''s a sacrifice i''m willing to make, however if you feel uncomfortable I would let it out a bit. You don''t want to spend your whole wedding day feeling like you can only take short breaths and you definitely don''t want to end up fainting.

Also, you may (or may not) end up losing weight right before your wedding from stress and being busy in which case the dress will fit more comfortably.

I''m really sorry you feel this way.


Jun 8, 2009
Well, I think I will try to put it on again today and see if it will stretch out a bit. I like that idea, and I can see how it could quite possibly work. I really don''t want to call the shop and ask if they would be able to let it out a bit. I am pretty sure they will not. They made me sign something when I took it home saying something along the lines of the transaction was complete. They will probably say sure... for $300, and I will be so upset. The reality is, it is my fault for not realizing it was uncomfortably tight BEFORE I took it home. Looking back, I just wanted to be done with the fitting process so much. Anyhow, I will try it on again today and see how that goes... Hopefully it will work out


Mar 3, 2009
My first wedding dress (I was married before) was this way. There was a built in corset and it fit perefectly when I bought it. But unfortunately, towards the wedding, I must have done some major eating because it was so tight that at the end of the night I had two buises. One on each of my sides where the boning had been poking me. It was not so tight I couldn't zip up but tighter for sure. It left me sore and bruised for days after. If you feel it's really that tight, I would wear it around the house and if all else fails, maybe look into it being redone. After the pain and bruises I am erring on the side of bigger is better than too tight.


Sep 27, 2009
I can understand your concern.
I went into a bridal salon and tried on the dress that might be "the one" and the salesperson kept pulling it in so tight that I felt like i was still wearing the dress 30mins after taking it off!
Im a bride that would rather be able to eat then look 10pounds thinner!!
So my advice would be make sure your dress is comfortable and something you would be able to wear happily throughout the whole day.
Try it on around the house and if its unbearable get it taken out a bit


Jun 8, 2009
Thanks for all of your replies. It is decision making time, but I am still kind of in limbo.

On one hand, I am thinking it needs to be really tight like it is in order for it to stay up. Maybe if it were loser I would then be feeling like it was going to slip off. Also, it looks good. It does not look tight or anything like that.

On the other hand, it does not FEEL good, period. I have put it on several times now, hoping it will stretch a bit, which I think it has a little. I sat on the sofa in it for a while yesterday. The whole time I just want to get it off though. I have never worn a strapless dress in my life, and I normally dress for comfort so maybe I am just "overly sensitive" to the tight fit.

Maybe, just maybe, I will build up the courage to call the store and inquire about "letting it out"...I have a feeling they will say we will for a hefty fee, and we don''t think you should because it fits how it is supposed to fit.


Jun 8, 2009
Well, just wanted share the news. I called the dress store, and told them I thought the dress was too tight. They told me to come in right away. They agreed that it was too tight, and were able to let it out a bit right then and there. They charged me entirely too much, but it definitly feels better. Soooooo... that is that. It was making me feel a little "bridezilla", so I am glad it is taken care of now. Thanks again for all your responses.
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