
"Don't hate me because I'm beautiful."


Aug 12, 2005
These threads, in my opinion, (no disrespect @Jambalaya ) are only interesting because they're invoking the human need to compare themselves to others.
That said, pretty privilege exists, absolutely, and sure, I'll throw out my take on it.

Being tall, beautiful, dark/olive-skinned with very long straight hair since age 14 was a mixed bag of "omg you're so gorgeous" and "omg you're a freaky amazon you ****ing freak." Just times that by 10 throughout my life. I'm 44 now and it hasn't stopped.

One coping mechanism very good-looking people develop is resting bitch face, or disdain, or any number of things to get others to stop bothering them. If you think someone you deem "pretty" or "beautiful" seems unapproachable it's probably because they've just had e-****ing-nough and don't want to be approached with the typical "Hey baby, I'd LOVE to suck your toes."

Someone up thread remarked on a beautiful woman they knew who'd been married twice and was currently single and happy. I pray that's me for the rest of my life. I'm single now after two marriages and cannot imagine going back.

So I wonder what it's like to be a plain, shorter, meeker, cute, opposite-of-me kind of person!!!

*(I love being tall for reasons unconnected to the male gaze. And I can't help my personality!)
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