
Doggie Transport

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Jun 9, 2006
For all you dog owners out there (small and large dogs). How do you transport your dog in your car? I have a 3 month old Golden Retriever. He is at the moment approximately 20 lbs. and rides in a plastic travel crate. He is about to outgrow the crate so I am wondering how to transport him in my car in the future? Do people crate their dogs in their cars or do they use seatbelts? I really have no clue.

Any help would be great.




Oct 4, 2007
We used to have a harness for our puppy it straps over him and into the seat belt :)

This helps keep your pup safe and secure but he/she can still lie down and stand up :)

Easy to use and you can pop a leash on it as well


Dec 8, 2005
We use a harness/seatbelt too.

We like them because they the dogs safe, and also keep from the trying to get into the front seat!


Dec 8, 2005
Also, if he''s the pup in your avatar, he is ADORABLE!


Nov 2, 2006
Our dog doesn''t ride with us much cause he''s really really old, but when he does, we keep him in the back of our Jeep Liberty. It''s about the size of his crate at home. He knows better than to stand up while the car is moving. My mom has a dog that''s about 30-25 lbs and she uses a harness and this seat.



Jun 28, 2006
I am currently feeling like a bad dog owner, because our 4yo Yellow Lab rides in the way back of the Subaru Wagon, she loves it but I know it is not safe. I thought there was a harness/seatbelt thing that would work for the way back, but haven''t fully investigated.

In my old car she was strapped in with a seatbelt/harness in the back seat (sedan) and was fine with it. She cuuld lie down, but mostly sat right up- my friends used to crack up that she looked like a kid riding the school bus!

I raised guide dog pups for years, and the organization always trained us to have the pups ride on the floor in the front passenger side- now this was mainly to get them used to being there for a potential partner that would need them to ride in a small spot on the floor in a bus, car,train,etc. but they also said that was the safest spot for the pups to be in case of an accident.
I am not sure about that, but I know that a crate and/or seatbelt is imperative for their safety in case of an accident-


Jun 9, 2006
Thanks to everyone for their replies. I think I might do the seatbelt thing. The problem is that if I have my two kids and the dog, I don''t think they will all fit in the back seat (they will now, but not when Indy is full grown). Does anyone have the bars accross their back storage area (I have a station wagon)? From what I understand, here in Germany, that is considered safe (when the dog is in the back). It keeps the dog from flying forward in the event you get in an accident (I''m just not sure it protects the dog).

A lot of people here have suggested an auto crate. I am not opposed, but they are really expensive. I also don''t think the dog will be too pleased to be penned up in the back of the car. He also does get carsick sometimes, so I am also wondering if the crate may be a problem.

Any other thoughts?

littlelysser - yes, that''s him in my avatar and here is is now at 3 months...


door knob solitaire

Jun 26, 2005
BZ...I am nuzzling the monitor and making goofy noises...that face is sooo adorable. His ears look like his has a haircut in a bob...see how the tips of his ears flip outward? Awhhhh so sweet. Oh my he is adorable. I love how the camera shot his eyes blue. Are they actually brown? Is he as white as the photo shows? I would love to smooch his little face.

My girls are whimpering as they think I am talking to another critter. It is so funny. Mommie who are you talking to?

Try these sites...for ideas. I think it depends on what you drive and lifestyle. The money you spend on well worth it. You would so regret it if something happens that you could have prevented. Kuddos for you in searching the right choice!!! You get a treat!! Good girl!!

Doctors Foster and Smith

Pet Edge



Nov 17, 2004
Our dog travels in a safety harness. She sleeps 95% of the time.

july4thweekend 034.jpg


Feb 25, 2006
BZ; your puppy is soooo sweet looking.Makes me want one too..
I have bars in the back of my station V , but prefer to use kennel.The dog likes it a lot and is actually safer in case I make a sudden stop he won''t get bang up.Its a good idea to get the dog get used to the crate as he is little.When he is wet after swimming and shakes in the kennel at least everything around( including me) stays dry.Also any shedding stays in the kennel which you can easily clean.
I have never used harness, since this works fine.Also the dog has all the privacy when left alone in a car while I step out to do something.I take him with me in a car a lot and he can sleep undisturbed.He really likes to go in the car so I take him with me as long as its not hot.
I hope your puppy brings you years of good friendship and lots of fun.


Oct 30, 2002
add me to the list of doggie seatbelt owners. my fave so far is 'traveling dog' brand, you can get it online but also petsmart carries it (though intermittently which is why we bought our 2nd one online), we have tried another one on portia and it just did not work as well and was uncomfortable for her. this one has a sherpa area that lays against their fur so it's softer and the straps are super soft, not hard nylon material at all. overall, it's very minimal and just enough material to do the job. she tends to sit down or sleep most of the time in the car, we started getting her used to being in the car when she was a puppy so that she would not fear it as we transport her around in it a fair amount, she is in the car daily (to my parents, to daycare, etc).

they say that crate is the safest way but portia HATED being in the crate in the car, i think it made her feel more unsafe because she couldn't see out as well, she felt trapped, and it was pretty 'jostly'. she would cry from inside the crate but has no problem with being in the seatbelt. also i can't imagine if there was an accident that she'd love being tossed around in the crate, thrown against the hard plastic? to me the seatbelt seems like the safest way to go in terms of being in the car and strapped in just like we are.


Jun 9, 2006
DNS - Yes, Indy is just as blond as he looks. With two very blond children and a blond husband, I remain, the only brunette in the family. He does have brown/black eyes. Lots of people stop me to ask what breed he is. At the moment he is very soft with just the start of his heavy coat. I''m sure by the end of winter, he will look a lot different.

So, for those of you that crate your doggies, what kind do you use? I have an airline crate for him that he sleeps in at night and stays in when I go out during the day. We bought the biggest one, since he spends some time in there. However, for the car, I will need something smaller. I have looked at the plastic crates (these will require turning once he is loaded) and the wire crates (not as sturdy, but at least he can see out) and finally a metal/wire crate that runs just over 300 Euro. My other trouble is that once I have a crate in the car, I probably won''t remove it so that will cut down significantly on storage space when I am shopping and stuff like that.

I''m not sure how much the dog will be in the car. Like Mara, I will probably transport him quite a lot and he may have to stay in the car while I run into a store to do errands (here in Germany, dogs are allowed almost everywhere except the grocery store).

I love the seatbelt idea, just not sure that I can use it when the girls are with me. Perhaps it''s worth trying out since it''s not such a huge investment.

I guess I will have to do some crate research...


Feb 25, 2006
BZ; the crate we use is the exact one as for airlines plastic and wire windows )It comes apart for cleaning easily.I was totally against it initially , but the breeder encouraged me to use it and I can''t thank him enough.It did cross my mind that he could be trapped inside there in case something happened like Mara said, but he is safer than beeing free in a car.My dog really likes it there and goes in willingly.This way when he is with me I can walk him any time and don''t have to rush back home to take him out.He knows he always gets a nice walk, swim , hike etc He will happily relax there after his outing and I can go shopping etc without worrying about him.
He can''t be easily seen from outside ( he likes it like it)which puts me at ease. I have one that stays in my car all the time.
I got used to having it there and I store things ( shopping ) in it when my dog is not there.You will get used to it and won''t miss that space if you never had it.Its important that whatever method you use you get him accustomed to it as he is still a puppy.


Jun 9, 2006
I think I may have solved the problem. It turns out the Volvo sells bars that can be installed into the cargo area of your car. One across the back of the passenger seat and one perpendicular to it. It creates a sort of cage area for the animal. This seems like a good option since I won''t actually have a crate in the cargo area and can use both sides of the bars if needed for shopping and things like that. Definately not a price effective choice, but perhaps the best choice for us.

I am also looking into a seatbelt for him. I know he loves to ride in the back passenger seat, so I''m sure he would like that better than the cargo area.



Aug 10, 2007
BZ, your fur baby is sooo cute!

I have a 60 lb dog, and we, too, use a harness. Ours is from Ruffrider. I wanted a sturdy harness, as he is a big dog (who is currently begging for a walk!). We purchased the Roadie Elite.


Nov 30, 2005
Well, most of the time Monster dog is in his ''sling'', which is a full length seat cover that attaches to the back headrests and the front headrests so he can''t fall off the seat. It unzips half way so I can fit a passenger back there plus it has velcroed slits for the seatbelts. On medium length drives Monster gets belted in with a harness. (long drives I don''t so he can move around more, bad doggy mom!)
He also goes in the back of DH''s subaru wagon. Which he seems totally happy with except for the whole no nose/window thing.
I''ve seen lots of people with the barrier across the back. Seems good.

Car sickness: I cured Monster dog of this as a puppy by taking him on very short drives that ended somewhere fun. (like a local park I knew was always empty) The trips slowly got longer and longer, and soon enough he was car sickness free and loving car rides! TG, since this fall we did a 3-day drive when moving.


May 14, 2006
I have a golden retriever too and I have a little convertible car so I got her a doggie seatbelt while travelling. Here''s a pic of her sleeping after a busy day on her holidays with D and I

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