
Does anyone hate going to bed?

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Mar 14, 2009
Hi folks,

As I write this I should have been in bed about two hours ago. I always seem to stay up until I can't keep my eyes open and only then do I go to bed. I'm not a night owl, I just hate going to bed. Even when my sweetheart is there all cozy and waiting (This isn't an intimacy thing, our love life is humming along fine)-and I do enjoy falling asleep next to him.

Something about going to bed just seems boring, or empty, or lonely somehow. I have always hated going to bed, and from age 9 or ten would stay up late reading to the wee hours.

I have no trouble falling asleep and do so usualy within 10 minutes of my head touching the pillow. My bed is soft and cozy with the nicest linens and the fluffiest down quilt. The bedroom is clean and tidy and as welcoming as I can make it.

In the morning I don't mind being in bed and on weekends I enjoy sleeping in. Most of the week I'm tired because I stay up too late and then have to start my day early.

I'd realy like to just get to bed on time, but the reality is that I stay up well past sleepieness into a meditative state of carrying on.

Does any one else have similar experiences? Am I nuts?


Sep 26, 2006
HopeDream I was like that too! Ever since I was a kid I would stay up past everyone else, because that''s "quiet" time and I can do whatever I want without any interruptions. Needless to say, in my adult life, this is not a very practical habit. I still think of sleep as a "waste of time," when there''s so much to read and do and think about! But it is definitely problematic because sleep is the body''s only chance to restore, refresh, recover. However, even though I knew the importance of sleep, I still didn''t "feel" like sleeping. I''d be reading a book, nodding off, but fighting to finish reading the book anyway. Or same thing with browsing on the internet. Or organizing my closet. I''m naturally a night person, and really valued my "quiet" time and I hated sleeping.

I don''t know if it has affected your daily functioning, but I was having trouble with my memory, speech, reading, "normal people" activities. For a couple years I had problems but still couldn''t get to sleep, despite wanting to go to sleep so that I could get my body and brain the recovery that I knew it needed. I still did the nodding off while writing, reading, etc. I''d go to sleep anywhere between 2AM and 7AM and then have difficulty waking up (DUH...). I even took tylenol PM for a week to try to force my body into a normal pattern, but after a couple days I was able to fight against the drowsiness and still stayed up.

I had underlying issues and it took over a year of really working at it to finally go to sleep around midnight. Honestly, I can''t pinpoint the difference in my thought process. But now I am able to stop "working/dillydallying" earlier and go through a "cool down" process and eventually fall asleep. Maybe you can talk to your doctor about trying a sleep aid (a natural one is melatonin, which you can get OTC) for a week. It sounds to me like you want to sleep, but don''t know how to get to sleep. If you think there may be underlying issues, talking to a therapist may help? Good luck!


Sep 21, 2006
I have always hated going to bed. I too was a night owl, watching late night TV during college to work years. Always tired and late in the morning as a result!

I also hate waking up in the middle of the night--to me that is the loneliest feeling. There is nothing going on but you and your own thoughts and I don''t know if it''s just me, but if something is on my mind--it is so much more amplified in the middle of the night (seems so much more daunting)! By the morning, I''m busy and it whatever that issue was goes into the back of my mind and doesnt'' seem as prominent. I''m not sure of the psychological meaning of all this, but I do think I avoid sleep as it seems somewhat lonely and final.

Now that I have a baby though, it''s less of an issue since sleep is sleep whenever I can get it. However, I don''t need as much sleep as a lot of my friends and my DH, so in a way maybe conditioning myself to exist on less sleep has helped with baby-care? (but not so great for my overall health I''m sure!).


Oct 30, 2002
oh my gosh since being pregnant i LOVE going to bed. it's my favorite part of the day!! we have a new bed and it's so comfy and it's also all outfitted with down blah blah etc and so it's pretty cozy. plus i go to bed now before my hub so that i can fall asleep more easily so that quiet time with myself before i fall asleep is great. i tend to fall asleep 'thinking' most nights. i go to bed by 9:30 now most nights whereas before i'd stay up with him til around 11:30.

i agree janine re waking up at night being lonely and sometimes a little freaky. when even the DOG is sacked out you are like why am i awake? thankfully it doesn't happen too often BUT if i get too much sleep a few nights in a row then i will typically wake up one night and be up for about an hour before i can regulate it again.

quiet time for me i love is in the early mornings on weekends before anyone else is up. if it's sunny out the sun is weak and soft and the house is silent. i can usually get work done or make a cake or something fun that is just 'me' related.

re reading i try to quiet my mind with reading if it's a little overactive before bed BUT i used to get into the bad habit of wanting to read too much or finish a book before bed. so i'd stay up for hours. now i am making myself read about 15 pages before i put it down and makes the book last longer and i feel calmer.


Jun 7, 2007
I am the same way! I''m a night owl and will stay up until all hours if left to my own devices. It''s a problem for me during the week since I have a 15 month old that does not sleep through the night and I also have to be at work by 9am. I''ve tried going to bed earlier (like 9:30 pm) and I just lay there thinking, tossing and turning. I usually nod off around midnight, sometimes later, but I wake a lot during the night and don''t feel rested in the morning. I have hot flashes, then get too cold from sweating, the covers have to be just so and so does my pillow. Ugh. It''s exhausting just thinking about it

On weekends, I sleep in. Like until 11am or noon. My husband and son are morning people so DH doesn''t mind getting up around 7am or 8am to take care of DS but I feel like I miss out. I feel like my body needs the sleep though since I get so little during the week.

I''ve never tried any sleeping pills or anything like that. I''m partially disabled currently due to a blood clot gone bad and take percocet on the nights I have physical therapy (2x per week) and sometimes that helps because it''s not worth fighting the drowsiness that it makes me feel. Maybe I should try some Tylenol PM on my non-therapy nights and see if that helps.

DH and I are moving soon and I''ll need to start getting up around 6am for work since we''ll be so much closer to our babysitter. Now that my leg is healing I''ll be able to transport our son by myself so it will just be easier that way. Right now I''m anxious about how that''s going to work since I''m already so tired in the morning. I know I''ll get used to it, but it will take some time to adjust.


Jun 25, 2008
Oh yeah. Sleep is totally overrated.


Jul 27, 2007
I don''t need much sleep, even on the weekends when I can sleep as late as I want, I get around 6 hours. I don''t dislike going to bed, though. I just go to bed late :)

My husband, however, HATES going to bed. All time before going to bed is time he gets to hang out with me and the dogs. But when he goes to bed he knows as soon as he gets up he''ll have to face work for the day. For him it''s what''s on the other side of sleep that he hates. When he used to study for his actuarial exams, he would go on 3 - 4 hours of sleep for months in a row. And that lasted 7 years. Now that they are over, he gets 5 - 6 hours a sleep per night.

I also notice that I never sleep for more than 3 hours at a time. If I go to bed at midnight, I''m usually up at 3. Most of the time I can get back to sleep within 10 minutes, but some nights I read or watch TV for a half of an hour.


Jun 25, 2008
Date: 10/19/2009 12:51:13 PM
Author: NewEnglandLady
I don''t need much sleep, even on the weekends when I can sleep as late as I want, I get around 6 hours. I don''t dislike going to bed, though. I just go to bed late :)

My husband, however, HATES going to bed. All time before going to bed is time he gets to hang out with me and the dogs. But when he goes to bed he knows as soon as he gets up he''ll have to face work for the day. For him it''s what''s on the other side of sleep that he hates. When he used to study for his actuarial exams, he would go on 3 - 4 hours of sleep for months in a row. And that lasted 7 years. Now that they are over, he gets 5 - 6 hours a sleep per night.

I also notice that I never sleep for more than 3 hours at a time. If I go to bed at midnight, I''m usually up at 3. Most of the time I can get back to sleep within 10 minutes, but some nights I read or watch TV for a half of an hour.
Yup. This is how we are.


Mar 29, 2008
Crazy. Y''all are crazy! I love my bed, and I love sleep even more. Getting to bed is easy, it''s the sleep part that is hard to come by.


Jan 1, 2007
I hate going to bed, too! The saying "You can sleep when you''re dead" pretty much sums it up for me! I just don''t like sleeping in general. I don''t like to sleep in, either.

I like to stay up late reading/playing online/painting my new house. If I watch TV super late at night it puts me right to sleep, so I don''t usually. I''ve always been a night owl, even as a kid. I would stay up reading under the covers with a flashlight when I was younger and still wake up before most people. I need 6-7 hours of sleep to feel okay in the morning, though, so I try to go to bed at a somewhat reasonable hour. I try not to stay up past 1 am these days.


Mar 29, 2008
The ONLY reason I don''t like sleeping is because I am a side sleeper and it causes wrinkles.


Aug 16, 2007
Nope, I''m the opposite. I absolutely LOVE going to bed. But I love going to bed and watching tv or reading way more than I love going to bed to sleep, but I love the sleepy feeling I get while doing that.

I totally miss being comfortable and relaxed in bed now that I have a LO. I''ve been sleeping on the couch for the past month, and sometimes I look in at my bed and miss it soooo bad.


Aug 1, 2008
I love going to bed. But maybe it''s because I have a TV in there and can watch my 10 pm shows all warm and cozy? It also doesn''t hurt that DH will go to bed before me and then yell from the back that he''s been waiting for "hours" and will I please come back and cuddle.


Oct 27, 2008
Date: 10/19/2009 4:44:23 PM
Author: miraclesrule
Crazy. Y''all are crazy! I love my bed, and I love sleep even more. Getting to bed is easy, it''s the sleep part that is hard to come by.
yep yep!!

My four year old.... hates going to bed now


Mar 14, 2009
Gald to hear I''m not alone!

I''ve been pretty stressed lately, so that may contribute to it as well. The longer I''m awake the more time I have to procrastinate (my current favorite hobby)

I''m sorry for all the folks who can''t sleep!

Home remedy:

If you can''t sleep because your mind keeps spinning and thinking, try a cup of catnip tea.

use about a teaspoon of organic catnip(yep, from the petstore) in one of those little metal teaballs, and steep it in about 1/2 -1/4 cup of boiling water for about 5-10 minutes (the longer the better).
It doen''t taste all that great, but about half an hour after drinking it your mind should become calm enough for sleep.
I add mango juice to help improve the taste.


Aug 12, 2005
I also hate going to bed! I honestly don''t know why...I''ve never given enough thought to it really. I know that ever since I was a child, probably around the time I started school, I HATED going to bed. I didn''t put up a fight about it, but my mother was a SAHM and we were very, very close...I started to miss her whenever bedtime approached because I knew I had to go to school all day. Apparently the hating going to bed thing was just ingrained in me from a very young age. Maybe I need hypnosis or something.

I am also just more productive in the evenings, and in fact I''m nicer. I''ve never been a cheerful morning person and my co-workers have always known (at most of my jobs where I had to get there before 10 a.m.) that I don''t start conversing much until after 10.
I can be cordial and professional, but I am not chipper and I get super annoyed with those who are.

Basically what I like to do now to get myself to bed is to have a good book waiting since I love to read. If I can''t get to sleep reading a good book, I''ll read one of Flannery O''Connor''s shorts...she puts me right to sleep for some reason. (No offense to her fans!)


May 14, 2006
I''m the total opposite-I absolutely adore going to my bed. I usually go to bed before DH as he stays up as he works for himself so he''s usually finishing something. I usually go up at about 11pm and will read a magazine for a little while and then straight to sleep. I tend to need a lot of sleep so on weekends I will sleep till about 9.30.


Jan 11, 2003
I love being in bed, reading, watching a movie, napping and all that other stuff but going to bed for the night.....not a fan. I''m a night owl, suffer with bouts of insomnia since I was 12.

Hubbs gets home just before midnight and has to unwind so I like to hang out with him too since he does not come right to bed after a grueling day of making the streets safe. We have super odd habits and very little regularity. I can''t sleep unless he''s in bed with me so that can be hard on both of us. He wants to chill surfing online, I need to get to sleep about 2am to get up at 6am on the weekends. During the week we both sleep in which is my favorite thing to do. I love to hang out in bed in the mornings. We both agree that the best sleep we get starts about 6am until about 10am. Unfortunately we have dogs that have to go out so my mornings are a dog circus of going out, coming back in, feeding, going back out and me going back to bed.

It''s amazing that we actually get any sleep around here.


May 18, 2008
The only time I hate going to bed is when I have too much on my mind because I know that when it''s quiet, that''s when I start thinking the most.


May 2, 2008
I''ve always hated going to bed. I am such a night person, and I have a really hard time falling asleep. I''m always up late reading.

Once I''m asleep, though, I love sleeping. I can sleep in really late, which I love to do. Too bad I have to be at work at 8 am. Work is totally designed for morning people/people who like going to sleep early--so unfair.


Apr 28, 2008
I agree, sleep is overrated. I prefer to stay up as late as possible. I only need 6 hours of sleep a night.


May 18, 2008
Date: 10/20/2009 3:16:44 PM
Author: Laila619
I agree, sleep is overrated. I prefer to stay up as late as possible. I only need 6 hours of sleep a night.
I soooooooooooo disagree


Jul 20, 2008
I hate going to bed if I am not tired. I am one of those people that will go to bed, watch TV, then read a book and still be awake. It is so frustrating. I love it when I don''t have to work the next day because I can stay up until I literally fall asleep and then walk to bed in my sleep. It''s wonderful. I am awake and the very next thing I remember I am comfy in bed. I usually don''t get to sleep until after midnight. Luckily I can sleep until about 8 when I have to work, somtimes 7, but that is only like twice a month. When I am off I could stay in bed all day. I have been known to sleep til 11. I hate going to sleep and I hate getting up. With all that I have to mention that I can''t stand just laying in bed. I am in bed to sleep. If it is morning and I have had enough sleep I get right out of bed. At night when I can''t sleep I get angry in the bed. It almost seems to get uncomfortable after laying there for so long not sleeping.


Sep 26, 2006
Date: 10/20/2009 3:07:24 PM
Author: kittybean
I''ve always hated going to bed. I am such a night person, and I have a really hard time falling asleep. I''m always up late reading.

Once I''m asleep, though, I love sleeping. I can sleep in really late, which I love to do. Too bad I have to be at work at 8 am. Work is totally designed for morning people/people who like going to sleep early--so unfair.
Totally with you on this. I used to pick fights with people on this topic. haha. I sometimes fantasize about a world where people don''t go to work until 1PM or so.

I envy those of you who don''t NEED the sleep. I hate going to sleep, but once I''m asleep, I could easily sleep for 8-12 hours. I think it''s sick. I hate it. That''s why I hate going to sleep, because I know I''m going to have so much trouble getting up!!

Husband and I went to Spain for our honeymoon and I have to say, life over there is more along my line. Wake up around 10 or 11, work, go home for a siesta, work, have dinner at 10PM...


May 18, 2008
Date: 10/20/2009 5:44:15 PM
Author: CrownJewel

Husband and I went to Spain for our honeymoon and I have to say, life over there is more along my line. Wake up around 10 or 11, work, go home for a siesta, work, have dinner at 10PM...

When my coworker and I went to Spain the very first day in the office we were there at 8:30am. No one was there. We just sat staring at each other (we were there to interview people lol). Then they finally get in and had lunch at 2/2:30pm. We were starving by then. We got back maybe 30 minutes later and no one was in the office again lol!

The next day we slept in and went sight seeing during lunch


Oct 30, 2002
Date: 10/20/2009 5:50:17 PM
Author: fiery

Date: 10/20/2009 5:44:15 PM
Author: CrownJewel

Husband and I went to Spain for our honeymoon and I have to say, life over there is more along my line. Wake up around 10 or 11, work, go home for a siesta, work, have dinner at 10PM...

When my coworker and I went to Spain the very first day in the office we were there at 8:30am. No one was there. We just sat staring at each other (we were there to interview people lol). Then they finally get in and had lunch at 2/2:30pm. We were starving by then. We got back maybe 30 minutes later and no one was in the office again lol!

The next day we slept in and went sight seeing during lunch
Haha this is like when we went to our France offices. We were like ok meeting starts at 9am and our coworker was like oh people don''t get in til 9:30 so if you even COME to the building before 9am, no one will be in the lobby to let you in! Hehehe.


Jul 30, 2007
Date: 10/20/2009 5:44:15 PM
Author: CrownJewel
Date: 10/20/2009 3:07:24 PM

Author: kittybean

I've always hated going to bed. I am such a night person, and I have a really hard time falling asleep. I'm always up late reading.

Once I'm asleep, though, I love sleeping. I can sleep in really late, which I love to do. Too bad I have to be at work at 8 am. Work is totally designed for morning people/people who like going to sleep early--so unfair.

Totally with you on this. I used to pick fights with people on this topic. haha. I sometimes fantasize about a world where people don't go to work until 1PM or so.

I envy those of you who don't NEED the sleep. I hate going to sleep, but once I'm asleep, I could easily sleep for 8-12 hours. I think it's sick. I hate it. That's why I hate going to sleep, because I know I'm going to have so much trouble getting up!!

Husband and I went to Spain for our honeymoon and I have to say, life over there is more along my line. Wake up around 10 or 11, work, go home for a siesta, work, have dinner at 10PM...

Ditto! I need at least 8 hours or I'm totally zonked.

We're usually in bed by 10 and up at 6. I HATE it. Would much rather go 1 AM to 9 or 10 AM.

Lynn B

May 9, 2004
OHMYGOSH, I love going to bed! It''s my favorite part of the day, too!

I love my bedroom, and I love my bed and bedding.

Add a warm , soft purring kitty and it''s perfection!

Only 2.5 more hours till I go there tonight!!! YAY!


Jun 7, 2007
Date: 10/20/2009 3:07:24 PM
Author: kittybean
I''ve always hated going to bed. I am such a night person, and I have a really hard time falling asleep. I''m always up late reading.

Once I''m asleep, though, I love sleeping. I can sleep in really late, which I love to do. Too bad I have to be at work at 8 am. Work is totally designed for morning people/people who like going to sleep early--so unfair.
I also agree. I have to be to work by 9am and I have such a hard time getting up in the morning. Why can''t office hours start at noon?

My husband is totally a morning person and it''s so disgusting. He wakes up early on his own and is all cherry and ready for the day. Not me! Ha!


Nov 17, 2004
Date: 10/20/2009 7:44:45 PM
Author: DivaDiamond007
Date: 10/20/2009 3:07:24 PM

Author: kittybean

I''ve always hated going to bed. I am such a night person, and I have a really hard time falling asleep. I''m always up late reading.

Once I''m asleep, though, I love sleeping. I can sleep in really late, which I love to do. Too bad I have to be at work at 8 am. Work is totally designed for morning people/people who like going to sleep early--so unfair.

I also agree. I have to be to work by 9am and I have such a hard time getting up in the morning. Why can''t office hours start at noon?

My husband is totally a morning person and it''s so disgusting. He wakes up early on his own and is all cherry and ready for the day. Not me! Ha!

hehe... this makes me LAUGH!
Being to work at 9 sounds absolutely luxurious to me, since I arrive at 6 AM! Fortunately, I am a morning person. But even for me, waking up at 5 =

Still, while I loooove sleeping, I hate going to bed too. Mostly, this is because I get home late from work and don''t get much down time. Going to bed means starting the cycle over again the next day! Once in a while, I just end up staying up late and being extra tired the next day.
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