
Do you think this pad. has brown undertones?

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Sep 20, 2008
Date: 10/19/2009 2:00:39 PM
Author: TravelingGal
And let''s talk a moment about judging from pics...take a look at the one below. Would anyone be interested in it by the pic? It looks gray!! But since that is my pad, I can tell you it does not have gray or brown in it all to my novice eye (I''m sure Richard can chime in here). It is also more saturated than this pic, but still delicate. The photo below is on Richard Wise''s website. I would never make a decision on a pad based on a photo.
Hi TGal,
I don''t think the latest discussion in this thread is really making judgements on a photo, but instead, on the gem labs calling a padparadcha an orange/pink sapphire with low to medium saturation. As far as the term "delicate" - is it delicate because it''s light toned, or delicate because the orange and pink melt together so perfectly, or both?

As you stated, you believe you have a saturated stone, so that would not jive with what they are saying. You can have a saturated and light toned stone.

Of course, you shouldn''t judge the padparadscha by a picture, but the OP was originally asking us to. That is why it might be better for her to see the stone in person I think, and so do others.

This is a very interesting discussion and helping me, at the very least, to learn more about these elusive gems - padparadschas.


Apr 28, 2008
T-gal...I almost want to ask you if you''re sure that is your pad. Wow. It looks completely different from the the picture of your ring that Leon posted, and also very much different from your own pictures.


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 10/19/2009 2:14:59 PM
Author: tourmaline_lover

Date: 10/19/2009 2:00:39 PM
Author: TravelingGal
And let''s talk a moment about judging from pics...take a look at the one below. Would anyone be interested in it by the pic? It looks gray!! But since that is my pad, I can tell you it does not have gray or brown in it all to my novice eye (I''m sure Richard can chime in here). It is also more saturated than this pic, but still delicate. The photo below is on Richard Wise''s website. I would never make a decision on a pad based on a photo.
Hi TGal,
I don''t think the latest discussion in this thread is really making judgements on a photo, but instead, on the gem labs calling a padparadcha an orange/pink sapphire with low to medium saturation. As far as the term ''delicate'' - is it delicate because it''s light toned, or delicate because the orange and pink melt together so perfectly, or both?

As you stated, you believe you have a saturated stone, so that would not jive with what they are saying. You can have a saturated and light toned stone.

Of course, you shouldn''t judge the padparadscha by a picture, but the OP was originally asking us to. That is why it might be better for her to see the stone in person I think, and so do others.

This is a very interesting discussion and helping me, at the very least, to learn more about these elusive gems - padparadschas.
TL, just to clarify, I am not savvy on the terminology. I think my stone is "saturated" but I could be using the wrong word here!

As for the photo thing, I was just pointing it out because we are making judgments on the original photo when it comes to color, as you noted. I think we all do agree that she should look at it IRL before deciding, if indeed the stone is calling out to her.

szh07, neither the RWise photo nor Leon''s photo look anything like my stone. Honestly, the pics I took come closest. And even then, not quite right.


Apr 22, 2004
Date: 10/19/2009 1:57:27 PM
Author: tourmaline_lover
We should probably start a new thread on color, saturation and tone since this is a fascinating subject to me, and I don''t want to bog this thread down with it.
Ditto! TL, would you do the honour of starting it? I''m thoroughly enjoying the discussion.


Jun 8, 2009
Date: 10/19/2009 2:29:33 PM
Author: Chrono
Date: 10/19/2009 1:57:27 PM

Author: tourmaline_lover

We should probably start a new thread on color, saturation and tone since this is a fascinating subject to me, and I don''t want to bog this thread down with it.

Ditto! TL, would you do the honour of starting it? I''m thoroughly enjoying the discussion.

Enjoying this as well. Interesting discussion everyone!

szh07--thanks for providing the image and sparking the conversation. I hope you find a great stone.
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